当前位置: 玩币族首页 > 币圈百科 > 多宝生态打造全新的“平民化的数字货币投资”概念


2019-10-08 币圈新资讯 来源:区块链网络

多宝生态是一个以“让用户更便捷的投资数字货币”为第一目标的数字货币孵化平台,由新加坡Treasure BLOCK基金会投资孵化,顾问来自华尔街、高盛、摩根大通等顶级金融机构。平台历时18个月研发出首款数字货币孵化投资平台“多宝”,打造全新的“平民化的数字货币投资”概念,建立2019年后最具价值的生态平台。

Duobao Ecology is a digital currency Incubation Platform which first goal is "Making it easier for users to invest in digital currency". It is invested and incubated by the Treasure BLOCK Foundation in Singapore. Its consultants are from top financial institutions such as the Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase. 18 months have been spent to develop the first digital money incubation investment platform called "Duobao", which creates a new concept of "Civilian Digital Money Investment" and establishes the most valuable ecological platform after 2019.



