TheEthereum (ETH)network kept locking in value in decentralized finance (DeFi) in 2019. The biggest projects still carry the most ETH, locked with Maker and Compound. But the space has expanded with smaller startups. 以太坊(ETH)网络在2019年一直保持分散金融(DeFi)的价值。最大的项目仍然承载着最多的以太坊(ETH),并由Maker和Compound锁定。但是随着小型初创公司的发展,这种空间已经扩大。 The simplest DeFi organization is about payment systems. Even the Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) is counted in that group, with more than $6.15 million in value carried this year. 最简单的DeFi组织与付款系统有关。甚至连比特币闪电网络(LN)也算在该组中,今年的账面价值超过615万美元。 The other big trend is crypto derivatives, with Synthetix at the top. Crypto-based derivatives are rather difficult to launch within the standard financial system, but crypto-only organizations offer this type of risk exposure. 另一个大趋势是加密衍生工具,其中Synthetix居首位。基于加密的衍生产品很难在标准金融系统中启动,但是仅加密的组织提供这种类型的风险敞口。 Crypto lending is the other big scheme, where an ETH or other type of collateral is used to generate additional liquidity. The idea to lend out ETH arrived after the actual usage of coins decreased following the end of the ICO craze. 加密贷款是另一种大计划,其中使用ETH或其他类型的抵押品来产生额外的流动性。在ICO热潮结束后,硬币的实际使用量减少后,借出ETH的想法就出现了。 Decentralized exchanges became the third important factor in DeFi. An older project, Bancor, has lined up in the top 10 DeFi projects. But the dy/dx exchange, which arrived late in 2019, is even more active. Decentralized exchanges, however, become important in carrying tokens and products beyond the scope of centralized markets. 分散交换成为DeFi中的第三个重要因素。较早的项目Bancor已排在前10个DeFi项目中。但是dy / dx交易所于2019年末到达,更加活跃。但是,去中心化交易所对于携带令牌和产品超出集中市场范围而言变得很重要。 So far, DeFi schemes survive despite the warnings, Maker DAO has discovered a potentialexploitand has patched it in its latest vote. But crypto lending also carries the risk of liquidations and the collateral is open to ETH market price fluctuations. 到目前为止,尽管有警告,DeFi方案仍然存在,Maker DAO已发现潜在的漏洞,并在最新投票中对其进行了修补。但是加密货币借贷也存在清算的风险,抵押品容易受到ETH市场价格波动的影响。 The other risk for DeFi are the constant upgrades on the Ethereum network. During the past Istanbul hard fork, some of the smaller DeFi startups saw their smart contracts compromised. Compound is also discussed as a potential risk for the sector. DeFi的另一个风险是在以太坊网络上不断升级。在过去的伊斯坦布尔硬分叉中,一些较小的DeFi初创公司发现他们的智能合约遭到破坏。复合材料也被认为是该行业的潜在风险。 Fortunately, despite episodes of low liquidity, neither Maker or Compound have faced a true “bank run”. But this does not mean that the ETH collateral is available at all times for withdrawal. High volatility also means some of the collateral could be liquidated to keep the stability of the DAI dollar-pegged coin. 幸运的是,尽管流动性低下,但Maker或Compound均未面临真正的“挤兑”。但这并不意味着可以随时提取ETH抵押品。高波动性也意味着可以清算一些抵押品,以保持与DAI美元挂钩的硬币的稳定性。 ETH sank toward $141.37, sliding significantly from its stability levels around $180. But the growth of DeFi remained in the past months, and may continue into 2020. DeFi distributed apps are also expected to stay in the lead, as other Ethereum-based dApps shrink. ETH跌至141.37美元,从180美元左右的稳定水平大幅下跌。但是DeFi的增长在过去几个月中一直保持,并且可能会持续到2020年。随着其他基于以太坊的dApp的萎缩,DeFi分布式应用也有望保持领先地位。 原文地址: —- 编译者/作者:zachzorro 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2019-12-19 zachzorro 来源:区块链网络
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