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币圈百科 > BTB即将登陆,参与活动第一名独享20000枚BTB
2020-01-13 Kcoin国际 来源:区块链网络
尊敬的Kcoin用户: Kcoin将于2020年01月20日15:00(GMT+8)上线BTB/BTC、BTB/USDT交易对,为此平台将举行“净买入大赛,第一名独享20000枚BTB”活动,具体如下:
具体时间如下: 充币开放时间:2020/01/14 15:00(GMT+8) 提币开放时间:2020/01/20 15:00(GMT+8) 交易开放时间:2020/01/20 15:00(GMT+8)
BTB币种简介: 白皮书:https://www.bitball-btb.com/whitepaper- more-btrs/whitepaper 官网:https://www.bitball-btb.com/ 区块查询:https://etherscan.io/token/0x06e0feb0d74106c7ada8497754074d222ec6bcdf 合约地址:0x06e0feb0d74106c7ada8497754074d222ec6bcdf
项目简介: A unique Multipurpose Digital currency with Endless Possibilities and Rewards - Bitball (BTB) ecosystem aims to become a cryptocurrency that is accepted as a mode of payment in real-life scenarios. Bitball’s mission is to build an ecosystem to bridge the gap between digital currencies, exchanges, and customers. It seeks to facilitate cross-border transactions with a user-friendly interface. Phase 4 of the project involves building an online barter system for goods and services for international participants based on cryptocurrency and fiat. BitBall will be used as a means for users on its upcoming Ebarter platform to sell or buy any products or services around the world at low cost.
 【活动:净买入大赛,第一名独享20000枚BTB】 活动时间:2020/01/20 15:00(GMT+8) - 2020/01/27 15:00(GMT+8) [7天]
大赛规则: 1、净买入量=买入量-卖出量-提现。 2、活动奖励将于活动结束后7个工作日内发放。 3、活动期间,所有被认定为产生恶意操作的用户,严重者或被取消参赛资格。
Kcoin温馨提示: 数字资产属创新型投资产品,价格波动较大,请您理性判断自己的投资能力,审慎做出投资决策。 Kcoin会甄选优质币种,但不对投资行为承担担保、赔偿等责任。 感谢您对Kcoin的支持,祝您交易愉快。 Kcoin团队 2020年01月13日
官网:https://www.kcoinpro.com Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kcoinintl Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/kcoinglobalofficial/ 电报群:https://t.me/Coinseason 微信群:添加客服微信号 "Kcoin002" 进官方微信群