使用PAI区块链浏览器进行链上数据分析演示视频: https://v.qq.com/x/page/g307576319b.html In this video, we’ll show you how to perform a chain analysis of PAI Chain. 在这个视频中,我们将向您展示如何对PAI Chain进行链上数据分析。 Whenever you send or receive PAI Coin, you’ll see it recorded onhttps://paichain.info/, which is the Blockchain explorer for PAI Coin. 每当您发送或接收PAI币时,都可以在PAI币的区块链浏览器https://paichain.info/上看到相应的交易记录。 To find the specific transaction you’ve made, you can copy and paste the transaction ID. 您可以复制并粘贴交易ID来查找您进行的指定交易。 You can find the transaction ID by checking ‘More Details’ for a specific transaction. 您可以通过点击“更多详细信息”来寻找特定交易的对应ID。 The transaction will first go to the PAI Coin Mempool athttps://paichain.info/ui/mempool 交易会首先转到https://paichain.info/ui/mempool的PAI币内存池 The PAI Coin Mempool is a place in which the transaction needs to be confirmed in a block. PAI Coin Mempool是一个存放区块中需要的确认交易的地方。 For people who are receiving PAI Coin, you can also find the Transaction ID the same way: Copy the transaction ID under ‘More Details’ and paste it into the explorer. 对于使用PAI币的人,您也可以通过以下方式找到交易ID:将“更多详细信息”中的交易ID复制粘贴到资源管理器中。 Once the transaction is included in a block, you’ll be able to find it on the PAI Coin Explorer athttps://paichain.info. 一旦交易被记录在一个区块中,您就可以通过PAI币浏览器https://paichain.info找到它。 The information provided, such as the sender and recipient public addresses, and the amounts that were sent, should be consistent for both the sender and recipient looking up the transaction ID. 系统所提供的信息(例如发件人和收件人的公共地址和已发送的金额)对于发件人和收件人查找交易ID均保持一致。 Over time, by clicking on the last address to which coin was sent to, you can trace its transaction history on the PAI Coin Explorer. 任何时候,您都可以通过单击PAI币发送到的最后一个地址在PAI币浏览器上跟踪它的交易记录。 官网订阅并收取 Project PAI 最新报道: https://projectpai.com/zh/chn-home/#sign 您也可以加入Project PAI社区,关注最新消息:官方微信公众号:Project PAIPAI微博:ProjectPAI中文 PAIYO:https://www.paiyo.aiPAI Forum(中文版块):https://www.paiforum.com/?forum=665377Telegram(英文):https://t.me/projectpaiTelegram(中文):https://t.me/projectpaiCNTwitter:https://twitter.com/projectpaiFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/projectpaiMedium:https://medium.com/project-paiYoutube:https://www.youtube.com/c/projectpai 本文来源:ProjectPAI —- 编译者/作者:ProjectPAI 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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