尊敬的 Project PAI社区: 我们很激动地宣布:PAI Coin Pool正式上线! PAI Coin Pool是一个支持PAI Coin链下挖矿、PAI Coin链下质押与存储的平台。它是一个矿池,使平台用户可以协作一起参与挖矿和质押工作,以获得PAI Coin奖励。您能以两种方式赚取PAI Coin:挖矿与质押。如果想参与挖矿,您只需下载适用于Windows,Mac或Linux的PAI Miner应用程序,然后在计算机的后台运行它。请参考下方的Windows与macOS系统安装指南。 如果想参与质押,您必须已经拥有或先通过挖矿获得一定数量的PAI Coin。然后,您需要选择一个承诺质押的时间(介于2周~1年之间的任何时间),接着便可以等待您的PAI Coin数量增长。质押时间到期后,您不仅可以收回您原来质押的PAI Coin,还可以得到一笔根据质押时间和质押的数量所计算出的额外PAI Coin奖励。 请注意PAI Coin Pool的官方网站地址是: https://paicoinpool.com 我们之前推出的网站是用于公众测试的,除此之外任何其他网站都是诈骗网站,请保护好您的数字资产。 感谢您的支持! 我们已发布了PAI Coin Pool的主要教程,详见PAI Coin Pool 中文使用教程、PAI Coin挖矿软件安装和使用教程(Windows客户端)、PAI Coin挖矿软件安装和使用教程(Mac OS客户端) 如您在使用中遇到问题,请到PAI论坛上与社区进行讨论(PAI Forum 教程:PAI 论坛新手教程),或者给我们发送电子邮件: support@paicoinpool.com. 感谢您的支持! Dear Project PAI community: Thanks for all the support of the PAI community. We are excited to announce the launch of PAI Coin Pool. PAI Coin Pool is a platform powered by PAI Coin for off-chain mining, staking, and storage of PAI Coin. It’s called a "pool" because users of the platform collaboratively stake and mine to earn PAI Coin rewards. You can earn PAI Coin in two ways Mining and Staking. To mine, you simply download the PAI Miner application for Windows, Mac, or Linux and run it in the background on your computer. To stake, you must already have PAI Coin or earn them through mining. Choose a time to commit to—anything between 2 weeks and 1 year—and watch your PAI Coin value grow. Once the commit time expires, you will earn back your original PAI Coin amount, plus additional PAI Coin based on the amount of time you committed to and the base amount you staked. Note that The official website for PAI Coin Pool is : https://paicoinpool.com The previous website we announced in January was for public testing. Any other address is a scam, please be careful when handling your digital assets. Thanks everyone for your support. 官网订阅并收取 Project PAI 最新报道: https://projectpai.com/zh/chn-home/#sign 您也可以加入Project PAI社区,关注最新消息: 官方微信公众号:Project PAI PAI Coin Pool:https://paicoinpool.com PAIYO:https://www.paiyo.ai PAI Forum(中文版块):https://www.paiforum.com/?forum=665377 Telegram(英文):https://t.me/projectpai Telegram(中文):https://t.me/projectpaiCN Twitter:https://twitter.com/projectpai Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/projectpai Medium:https://medium.com/project-pai Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/c/projectpai 本文来源:ProjectPAI —- 编译者/作者:ProjectPAI 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
PAI Coin Pool 正式上线!
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