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2020-04-04 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



The code for the public chain is open source, and anyone in the blockchain can create their own kingdom, as in NEOWORLD, where consumer tokens can build stadiums, bank towers, exchanges, etc. , which is currently easy to use, that's why a governance chain like GOC's can build an empire with an EOSIO of one billion. The blockchain is currently divided into public, alliance, and private chains, with the birth of a series of super books, smart contracts for Ethereum, bitcoin's lightning network, and DPOS's super node Pomelo, among others, blockchain technology presents a fierce competition, which of the three chains is better, but also depends on the specific use of the scene.

At present, the biggest hotspot is that the central banks are trying to issue legal digital currency by using blockchain technology. This technology will certainly be applied to the legal currency sequence to build a super payment and clearing system, in addition to helping to address the global liquidity crunch, it could also alleviate the shortcomings of traditional currencies, such as the annual repetition of paper costs, operating costs and regulatory costs. The technology can be integrated with a series of expert institutions, and the so-called central problem, which is actually a weak central problem, is relatively decentralized.


