如果说互联网创造的是无限的繁荣在线移动生活和虚拟的游戏世界,同样一件事物都有两面性,就像一枚硬币有正反一样,技术对于隐私的破坏达到了顶峰,人类历史上,从来没有一件新的技术让隐私暴露的这么彻底,尽管互联网技术已经处在生活的中心,但此时人们内心更多追求的是,彼此之间的尊重和权利,技术让人类之间互相伤害,让网络黑客有更多的几乎去做非法的事情。 互联网也让诈骗活动,无孔不入,网络窃取游戏资产、聊天诈骗已经成为平常的事情,更不用说垃圾信息的制造和传播,更高级的是网上进行钓鱼活动,入侵别人的计算机,敲诈勒索病毒等等,互联网的不良影响这么多,所以我们需要寻找可信的制造机器,早期科学家利用密码学去解决互联网隐私问题,由于第三方机构的存在,这个框架无论怎么设计,最后还是失败了,第三方钳制住了用户的所有数据,所以互信无从可谈。 If the Internet has created an endless boom in online mobile life and a virtual world of games, the same thing has two sides, like a coin has two sides, and the destruction of privacy by technology is at its peak, never before has a new technology revealed so much about privacy, and even though Internet technology is at the center of life, what people want in their hearts at this time is respect and rights, and technology is making people hurt each other, makes it almost impossible for hackers to do anything illegal. The Internet has also made scams, pervasive, and online theft of game assets and chat scams have become commonplace, not to mention the creation and dissemination of spam, and even more advanced are phishing activities on the Internet and hacking into other people's computers, extortion, viruses and so on, the Internet has so many bad effects, so we need to find a reliable manufacturing machine, early scientists used cryptography to solve the privacy problems of the Internet, because of the existence of third parties, no matter how the framework was designed, it failed, and the third party had all the user's data pinned down, so trust was a non starter. —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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