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Project PAI 技术路线全球社区直播要点回顾(2020年5月16日)

2020-05-16 ProjectPAI 来源:火星财经

尊敬的 Project PAI 社区:

非常感谢您支持并参加 Project PAI 全球社区技术路线直播,感谢全球PAIyos对于PAI的持续关注和支持。在PAI全球社区和核心团队的共同努力下,Project PAI技术路线全球社区直播成功举办!

在会上,Project PAI基金会主席Chuck Ng向全球Project PAI社区汇报了Project PAI在2020年以来的项目发展、研发团队和全球社区建设情况。ObEN联合创始人兼PAI核心贡献者Nikhil Jain介绍了PAI区块链的主要产品和技术规划,并发布了PAI全球开发者基金计划。PAI核心贡献者Mark Harvilla博士和PAI特别顾问Yongzheng Jia博士对PAI区块链的核心技术(PoUW、混合共识机制、PAI PASS等)进行了讲解和演示。

此次社区直播吸引了全球来自北美、中国、日本、韩国和东南亚等地区的PAIyos 参与直播。来自PAI全球社区的负责人分别作了自我介绍并总结各地区的社区建设情况,他们是中国内地社区负责人双润、PAI上久久、小星星,台湾和东南亚地区社区负责人David Liao,韩国/日本社区负责人Hyelee等。最后,Project PAI 中国社区负责人双润总结了全球PAIyos 关心的问题,并代表社区与Project PAI的核心研发团队进行了讨论。

Project PAI 再次感谢您的支持!

Dear Project PAI Community:

Thank you for your support and participation in the project PAI global community Tech Roadmap Livestream, and thank all PAIyos for your continued support for Project PAI. With the efforts of our PAI global community and the core team, the PAI Tech Roadmap Livestream was successfully held!

At the livestream, the president of Project PAI Foundation, Chuck Ng, introduced Project PAI's archivements, R&D team and global community since 2020. Nikhil Jain, the co-founder of ObEN and core contributor to PAI, introduced the products and technical plans for PAI chain, and released the PAI Global Developer Fund. PAI core contributor Dr. Mark Harvilla and PAI special advisor Dr. Yongzheng Jia introduced and demonstrated the core technologies of PAI chain (PoUW, hybrid consensus, PAI Pass, etc.).

The livestream attracted globalPAIyos from North America, China, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia to participate. The leaders from the PAI global community made their self-introductions and summarized the work of the community construction. They are the community leaders in China: Shuang Run, PAI 99, Little star, and David Liao, the community leader in Taiwan and Southeast Asia, as well as the Japanese / Korean community leader Hyelee. At the end of the livestream, Shuangrun, the head of the Chinese community, summarized the questions from global PAIyos and discuss with the core R&D team of Project PAI.

We thank you again for your support!


Project PAI 官网:


全球Project PAI 论坛https://www.paiforum.com

PAI 官方微信公众号Project PAIPAI 非官方粉丝公众号:PAIFans

PAI Coin Pool:https://paicoinpool.comPAIYO:https://www.paiyo.ai

您也可以加入Project PAI全球社区,关注最新消息:Telegram(英文):https://t.me/projectpaiTelegram(中文):https://t.me/projectpaiCNTwitter:https://twitter.com/projectpaiFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/projectpaiMedium:https://medium.com/project-paiYoutube:https://www.youtube.com/c/projectpai

原文标题:Project PAI 技术路线全球社区直播要点回顾(2020年5月16日)


