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维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第67期(5.04~5.10)

2020-05-18 维基链WICC 来源:火星财经

技术 & 产品周报


解决结算交易处理订单开放模式的错误 100%改进CDP利息和罚金的收据处理 100%定位和解决公链V3.0的账户统计数据不一致的问题 100%WASM WaykiX 交易奖励池调试 100%WASM WaykiX 抵押/赎回/交易/延时交易/交易奖励领取完成单元测试 100%WASM API 金融精度幂运算 100%公链V3.0参数治理测试整体完成 65%DEX回归测试及bug修复 100%


完成4月锁仓分红发放 100%维基时代后端支持公链3.0 80%鹰眼项目内部地址监控、CDP 监控、交易所监控前端页面开发完成 100%WaykiX项目需求评审 100%DEX Tradingview 重构开发完成 100%WaykiX喂价服务开发 40%



公链V3.0 参数治理测试公链V3.0 bug修复WASM WaykiX 合约增发/ 增发领取WASM WaykiX 定制WASM API 优化


维基时代后端增加对WASM 合约交易类型的支持维基时代支持公链V3.0WaykiX需求确认及开发环境搭建DEX Tradingview测试WaykiX喂价服务开发



维基链上线维基百科,完成度90%,预计五月下旬成功上线维基百科。维基百科为海外用户建立公信背书,打造海外共识。维基之星DeFi论文视频大赛火热进行中,截止5月3日入围37份高质量参赛作品,其中13份视频参赛作品和24份论文参赛作品进入到决赛轮;参赛作品在Medium,Youtube,Twitter等平台发布,部分高质量作品在平台的观看数量达到2000+,互动数量为100+,引发海外用户热情讨论。5月18-23日,维基链受邀将出席区块链亚洲峰会(Crypto Asia Summit)日本站。该线上峰会邀请宾客达到5000+,媒体100+,50%以上参与峰会者为货币爱好者及投资人,其余为区块链技术开发者及区块链创业者。5月18-23日,维基链CEO 高航受邀将于区块链亚洲峰会(Crypto Asia Summit)日本站上发表演讲。同期峰会受邀演讲嘉宾共有50+,皆为业内领尖人物如Binance CEO ;Bitcoin.com CEO以及NEO 创始人等;维基链CEO高航将于峰会期间与业内顶尖领军者进行行业讨论圆桌会议。峰会期间、全球曝光、线上互动、与投资者及各类媒体直接对话,敬请期待。运营官方推特,Medium,Bitcointalk账号,同步更新项目进展;创建以及运营"WaykiChain VIP Investor Group"(维基链官方英语电报大户群)、运营"WaykiChain Official Group"(维基链官方英语电报群), "WaykiChain Developers-Global"(维基链海外开发者群), "?????-WaykiChain(WICC) Korea(维基链韩国官方群)","维基链韩国Kakao群"“维基链韩国电报群” "WaykiChain Global Ambassador Recruitment全球大使群",“维基链伊朗群”“维基天使群”"维基链土耳其群","维基链印度尼西亚群" “维基链印度社群”“维基链日本社群”“维基链越南社群”“维基链越南2群”“维基链越南群3群”“维基链巴西群”“维基链VIP福利群”“维基链迪拜群”.“维基链英国群”,“维基链法国群”“维基链德国群”“维基链乌克兰群”“维基链西班牙群”“维基链孟加拉国群”“”“维基链孟加拉国2群”“维基链菲律宾群”“维基链菲律宾群2群”“维基链巴基斯坦群”“维基链美国群”“维基链尼泊尔群”“维基链马来西亚社群”“维基链斯里兰卡群”“维基链新西兰群”“维基链加拿大群”“维基链荷兰群”“维基链阿根廷群”“维基链阿拉伯群”“维基链意大利群”“维基链斯里兰卡群” “维基链加拿大群”等及该国家地区推特,论坛;同步项目最新动态,Defi数据,项目知识,社群传播,每日三波投放社群传播。


本周上线维基宝宝创意拍摄大赛,并给参赛用户免费派送维基宝宝。本活动以维基宝宝为主题,参赛者对维基宝宝进行照片或视频的创意拍摄,赋予维基宝宝更丰富的精神世界。 截止至5月8日收集参赛用户地址表单134位,目前活动还在火热进行中,欢迎广大用户关注维基的小甜甜公众号并回复:维基宝宝,参与活动争夺大奖。维基链邀请并采访梦想社区创始人:梦想君,采访中梦想君谈到对维基链DeFi的看法,他认为维基链在DeFi发展前景有三大优势,一是公链性能高,二是团队可靠,三是维基链本身社区拥有大量用户。并且也对维基链DeFi的发展提出了建议。文章详情在今日头条账号——“维基链WICC”中阅读查看。维基链全球首创DeFi爆仓保险本周进行升级,此次主要针对保费进行了调整,遵循投保WICC价格越高,保费越低的准则。抵押人为债仓投保,可根据自身风险评估选择对应的投保档次。如果CDP被清算而产生币本位损失,维基链将补偿所有亏损部分,投保人享有永不爆仓的效果。本周维基链“飞吻”组合在一直播平台【维基链DeFi 你问我答】栏目中与用户互动并答疑,给用户详细解释了维基链DeFi爆仓险的优势和操作方法。Frena小仙女首次带用户以直博视频的角度展示了维基链的新办公环境,此次直播截止目前总计7123人观看。维基链稳定币WUSD动画课堂上线,动画展示了稳定币WUSD的运行机制、如何清算、市场前景等,有兴趣的朋友可在抖音账号:维基链WICC中查看相关视频。本周已将维基链内刊杂志派送给此前参与活动的中奖用户,望用户关注及时查收快递。

Technology & Product Development

Public Chain development

Fix the error of proccessing opening mode in processing settlement transaction. (100%)Improve the processing of CDP interest and penalty receipt. (100%)Locate and solve the problem of inconsistent statistical data of public chain V3.0 accounts. (100%)WASM WaykiX transaction reward pool debugging. (100%)Completed unit test of WASM WaykiX collateralization / redemption / transaction / delayed transaction / transaction reward collection. (100%)WASM API financial precision exponentiation. (100%)Completed the overall test of the public chain V3.0 parameter governance. (65%)DEX regression test and bug fix. (100%)

Application development

Completed the distribution of lock-up dividends of April. (100%)WaykiTimes backend supports public chain 3.0. (80%)Development of the front-end page of the internal address monitoring, CDP monitoring, and exchange monitoring of the HawkEye project. (100%)Review of WaykiX project requirements. (100%)Completed DEX Tradingview reconstruction development. (100%)Development of WaykiX price feeding service. (40%)

Following Work Plan

Public Chain development

The public chain V3.0 parameter governance test.The public chain V3.0 bug fix.WASM WaykiX contract additional issuance / additional issuance collection.WASM WaykiX customization.WASM API optimization.

Application development

Adds support for WASM contract transaction on WaykiTimes backend.WaykiTimes supports public chain 3.0.WaykiX demand confirmation and development environment construction.DEX Tradingview testDevelopment of WaykiX price feeding service.

Marketing Monthly Report


The launching of WaykiChain on Wikipedia is 90% in progress. It is expected to successfully launch on Wikipedia in late May. Wikipedia will become a credible endorsement to overseas users, which is beneficial to build overseas consensus.Wayki Super Champion Contest is in full swing. As of May 3rd, 37 high-quality entries were shortlisted, of which 13 video entries and 24 paper entries entered the final round. Entries were published on Medium, Youtube, Twitter and other platforms. Some high-quality works attracted 2000+ viewers on the platform, and received 100+ interactions, triggering enthusiastic discussions among overseas users.On May 18-23, WaykiChain was invited to attend the Japan station of the Crypto Asia Summit. The online summit has invited 5000+ guests and 100+ media. More than 50% of the summit attendants are crypto enthusiasts and investors, and the rest are blockchain technology developers and blockchain entrepreneurs.On May 18-23, the CEO HangGao of WaykiChain was invited to give a speech at the Japan station of the Crypto Asia Summit. 50+ guetss were invited to speaks at the summit, all of whom are industry leaders such as CEO of Binance, CEO of Bitcoin.com, and the founder of NEO. WaykiChain CEO HangGao will conduct industry discussion round table with top industry leaders during the summit. Stay tuned to the global exposure, online interaction, direct communication with investors and various media during the summit!Daily operations of WaykiChain Official Twitter, Medium, Bitcointalk, updating project progress. Operations of WaykiChain VIP Investor Group, WaykiChain Official Group and WaykiChain Developers-Global, ?????-WaykiChain(WICC) Korea, WaykiChain Korea Kakao group, WaykiChain Global Ambassador Recruitment group, WaykiChain Turkish Group, WaykiChain Indonesia group, WaykiChain Indian group, WaykiChain Vietnamese group, WaykiChain Vietnam Group IIWaykiChain Vietnam Group III, WaykiChain Brazilian group, WaykiChain Dubai group, WaykiChain UK group, WaykiChain France group, WaykiChain Germany group, WaykiChain Ukrainian group, WaykiChain Spanish Group, WaykiChain Bangladeshi Group, WaykiChain Filipino Group, WaykiChain VIP Welfare Group, WaykiChain VIP Angel Group, WaykiChain Pakistan Group, WaykiChain Nepal Group, WaykiChain US Group, and WaykiChain Iranian Agent Group, WaykiChain New Zealand Group, WaykiChain Canadian Group, WaykiChain Dutch Group, WaykiChain Italian Group, WaykiChain Arabian Group, WaykiChain Sri Lankan Group, WaykiChain Slovenian Group (communities in 27 countries in total), as well as the corresponding Twitter and forums, updating project news, high-quality articles and project knowledge in time.


The WaykiBaby with Your Life photography competition is launching this week. WaykiBaby can be distributed to participating users for free. This event is themed with users' moments of life with WaykiBaby. Participants should shoot creative photos or videos of moments with Waykibaby to instill spiritual values to it. As of May 8th, 134 participants' submission forms were collected. The event is still in progress. Users are welcome to follow WaykiSweetie Official and reply: WaykiBaby to participate in the event and win the prize!WaykiChain invited and interviewed the founder of Dream Community. He expressed his opinions to WaykiChain during the interview. He believes that WaykiChain has three major advantages in DeFi's development. The first is the high performance of the public chain. The second is the reliable team. And the third is the massive user base in the existing community of WaykiChain. He also put forward suggestions on the WaykiChain DeFi development. The article can be viewed in WaykiChain Toutiao account: WaykiChain WICC.WaykiChain's world ’s first DeFi bust account insurance was upgraded this week. Major adjustment is made onto the premiums, following the logic of lower premiums with higher WICC prices. The pledgor buys insurance for the loan and choose the insured level according to his/her own risk assessment. If CDP is liquidated and a loss in token value occurs, WaykiChain would compensate for all the loss. The The policyholder enjoys the right of never wiping out.Last week, Wendy&Frena has interacted with users and answered their quesions through WaykiChain DeFi Q&A livestream, explained the advantages and process of WaykiChain DeFi insurance in details. Frena also made a live office tour to show the new office of WaykiChain. The total viewers totalling 7123 by now.WaykiChain stablecoin WUSD animation class is online. The animation shows the operating mechanism, liquidation process and market outlook of the stablecoin WUSD. Interested users can view related videos on the TikTok account: WaykiChain WICC.WaykiChain internal magzines have been distributed to the winning users who participated in the event. Users can pay attention to check the delivery in time.

原文标题:维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第67期(5.04~5.10)


