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2020-05-23 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



In daily production and life, from trading between companies to paying for things on the street, we rely on the banks and alipay behind us, to build trust and verify identity, this is the core, it is the validation of value, the basis of trust is value verification, electronic payment must rely on a strong third party to carry out the operation, in a narrow sense, of course, except cash transactions. Then the second core is value transfer, value transfer, the most important thing is that there will be no double payment, the blockchain to value transfer is like the transportation of goods, there are standardized operating procedures, the aim is to reduce costs and improve efficiency, it can also cause unnecessary friction. The third core is the value store, we have enough money, in addition to investment management, especially the Chinese like to store, store investment, we expect risk-free return, blockchain helps to add effective mechanisms to manage financial assets. Value Lending is the fourth core, according to personal credit and collateral, we can borrow from banks, but this is very difficult, especially for small and micro enterprises, the difficulty of lending is unimaginable, on the blockchain, the ability for anyone to issue debt, settle transactions quickly, and even get loans from peers is an improvement. In financial activities, we can not do without the fifth core, value exchange.

The definition of commodity is the value exchange that condenses in the human labor without difference. Exchange means the links of transaction speed, liquidation, settlement, etc. , blockchain can save all transactions clearing and settlement time, time is profit, so efficiency can get rich. Financing and investment is the sixth core, the company's Labor payment, blockchain to do is, peer-to-peer financing, make all links safe and transparent. The seventh core of the blockchain is value insurance and risk management. The traditional model can not control the financial outstanding OTC derivatives. The blockchain makes the insurance model transparent, decentralization can make the insurance model more reasonable and the risk calculation more clear, in order to protect the individual and the company's uncertain loss as best as possible. The value accounting is the eighth core, the traditional accounting can not apply the financial operation speed and the complexity, the accounting is to the economic entity financial information processing, the distributed accounting book Technology Accounting Way, the audit and the financial affairs are more timely, openness and transparency about the relative nature of the books is more persuasive for scrutiny and regulation.


