自2020年5月20日,比特币挖矿难度下降了6%,至15.14 T,而一周前,一些业内人士估计本次难度调整会下降2%。4月,比特币挖矿难度从13.91 T增加到14.72 T,然后增加到15.96T。 这项指标最后一次出现下降是在3月26日,当时难度下降幅度16%排名历史第二,原因是3月12日市场崩盘后很多的矿工关闭了他们的矿机。 这次,BTC哈希率或网络的计算能力在第三个比特币减半导致矿工收入减少之后下降。但是,似乎在最初的难度下降之后,全网算力(哈希率)正在触底。无论发生哪种情况,根据网络的当前状态,根据比特币矿池的预计,挖矿难度将在15天内再次下降6%以上。 Since May 20, the difficulty of mining bitcoin has dropped 6% to 15.14t, compared with a week ago when some in the industry estimated the difficulty would drop 2%. In April, the difficulty of bitcoin mining increased from 13.91 T to 14.72 T, then to 15.96T. The last time the index fell was on March 26th, when it fell by the second-highest 16%, as many miners shut down their machines after the market crashed on March 12th. This time, the BTC hash rate, or the computing power of the network, fell after a third bitcoin halved, reducing miners' earnings. However, it seems that after an initial drop in difficulty, total computing power (hash rate) is bottoming out. In either case, depending on the current state of the network, mining is expected to get harder again by more than 6 per cent within 15 days, according to the pool. —- 编译者/作者:交易大师高歌 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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