第一篇章“区块链大众生产” 构建开放式的互联网式企业好处很多,其中有一点可能取代传统的中心化模式,上节谈到它是分布式运营的企业,衡量成功的指标是实现更好的创新,最关键的是用最少的兵力创造出更多的价值,同时所有的参与者都可以得到相应的通证激励。区块链技术致力于给目前的商业带到一个新的阶段,如何将支付系统的点对点模式、声誉系统的信任模式、智能合约的自动执行模式扩展到大众生产的领域空间呢?所谓的大众生产,是由无数的志愿者参与实现的,社区成员参与的动机都不尽相同,就像生活中,某些人参与工作是为了兴趣爱好,或者说是结识更多的好朋友,还有的人为了实现个人的价值。社区成员可以带来开源的软件、维基百科的信息等等,有一种更形象的阐述大众生产,通过社群成员的努力创造,产品并不是被群体所拥有,Linux操作系统不被任何人所拥有,不同于微软的Windows,但是不可否认Linux操作系统已经是世界上重要的操作系统之一。 大众通过协作,用群体的力量生产商品和服务,公司利用管理身份实现商业利益,在Linux完善的过程中,参与者收到了IBM这样IT巨头的资助经费,用来确保Linux操作系统的稳定性,Linux为很多社区贡献者提供社区激励的动力,当然这样的社区有多的瑕疵,害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无,社区的作恶者不在少数,多方势力参与的角斗也很明显,有人的地方江湖味道非常十足,区块链技术为社区参与者可以带来声誉度管理系统,这套声誉系统好比力场里面的荣誉值,荣誉值分为四个阶段,每个季度清零一次,比如你在社区里面违反社区规定言语不良,那么你的荣誉积分就会被罚分,同样你在社区里面积极的表现自己,那么你的荣誉值会得到相应的激励,不得不说,目前在这个方面力场走在了社区的最前沿,对于诽谤和侵犯他人隐私等行为,区块链上可以查阅不可更改的交易历史,实现正式的声誉管理,结合智能合约边缘化公司之间的合作,大众可以分享他们创造的价值得到相应的经济激励,相信区块链大众生产可以更多的物尽其用,人尽其才能,更好的管理和约束他们的行为规范。 There are many benefits to building an open Internet business, one of which is the potential to replace the traditional centralised model, as described in the previous section, of a distributed enterprise whose success is measured by achieving better innovation, the key is to create more value with the least number of troops, while all participants get a pass to motivate them accordingly. Blockchain technology is committed to the current business to a new stage, how to pay system peer-to-peer model, reputation system trust model, intelligent contract automatic implementation model to expand to the field of mass production space? Mass production, as it's called, is made possible by the participation of countless volunteers, and the motivations of community members are all different, just as in life, some people take part in work for a hobby or to meet more good friends, there are those who seek to fulfill their personal value. Community members can bring open source software, information from Wikipedia, and so on, and there is a more visual representation of mass production, where the product is not owned by the group through the efforts of the community members, the Linux operating system is owned by no one, unlike Microsoft's Windows, but there is no denying that the Linux operating system is already one of the most important operating systems in the world. Mass production of goods and services through collaboration, mass production of goods and services, corporate use of management identity to achieve business interests, and in the process of perfecting Linux, participants received grants from IT giants such as IBM, designed to ensure the stability of the Linux operating system, Linux provides community motivation to many community contributors, and of course such communities are flawed, harmful, and defensive, and there are plenty of villains in the community, many forces are involved in the fight is also obvious, some of the local rivers and lakes flavor is very full, blockchain technology for community participants can bring reputation management system, this reputation system is like a force field inside the honor value, the honor score is divided into four stages, each quarter clear zero, if you violate community rules in the community language is bad, then your honor score will be penalized points, the same you in the community to express themselves positively, then your reputation will be rewarded accordingly. I have to say, at the moment, the force field is at the forefront of the community in this regard. For Defamation and invasion of privacy, the blockchain has an unalterable trading history, achieving formal reputation management, combined with smart contracts to marginalize collaboration between companies, where the public can share the value they create with financial incentives, and believing that blockchain mass production can make more of the best use of people's talents, to better manage and regulate their behavior. 第二篇章“行情解读” 每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日6月19号07点35分为9410美元左右,近期走势微妙,变盘来临,从日曲线看9000-9400之间目前支撑点很少,庄家买入挂单持仓0.65万BTC 持续三个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻(目前仅是轻轻点水),分析师无法预测,需要自己判断方向,凡是给出接下来走势的都是骗子。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币小幅度回落9241美元,从低谷回升到9411美元左右,目前持续走直线,继续等待庄家的变盘,近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了7月4号的 VOICE,感觉可能会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。话题之外,快要到了腾讯游戏嘉年华,大家可以顺便关注6月20号左右的活动。 备注:以上中英文,中文部分为原创内容,英文为对应的翻译,为了更好的学习英语和服务于读者,所以陈述如上,随着区块链巡回内容不断的展示,后期内容会越来越精彩。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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