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【第283期】#区块链治理# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

2020-07-17 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




The issue of governance has always been a hot topic in the blockchain world, because the quality of governance determines the height of the project. Eos Governance is now in constant dispute. From the common people to the CEO of the content blockchain platform, they are all talking about governance issues, each platform or project has its own governance challenges, such as the popularity and likes system of Coinhoo, the relatively weak centralization of Eos, the change of equity of Eth, the speed of bitcoin transfer, and so on. How To do this fairly? Whether it is the exchange, or content platform, many of the users of these projects are overlapping, if we are in a circle of the Earth, the force field got all the users of the Asian circle, coinalmost has users north of the Yangtze River and south of Africa, and the Fire Money Exchange has users in Europe and the United States. How to make the circle bigger, and the people in the circle have a sense of belonging. They are willing to contribute to the development of the project, it is the willingness to channel and communicate with those who would disrupt the development of the project that is important. The campaign for mykey is almost on a massive scale. It is unprecedented in its intensity, so there are some criticisms, some head writers think that some users don't value the activity pass, sell it at will, or the current activity is not good, because there are no real users, if the real users less than 50 people, how do you think? No motivation, no candy, no outsiders, no one wants to come in! The head writer has a lot of credentials, and of course he would say don't beat my overall market value. In reality, the bank carries on the new user through the network effect, through the customer, the branch net point, the product and other items and so on carries on the bank network value promotion, the establishment network cost certainly is indispensable, with the cost of turning into a profit customer rising step by step, if the expected profit can not sustain the cost of consumption, then the bank will not serve the bottom-line ants, we open an account in the bank is actually very simple, but for backward areas, perhaps in some areas there are less than two bank branches for every 100,000 people, and local people can not go all the way to find banks to open an account, to open an account in the United States, you need to meet certain conditions, such as having a social security card or an identity card. If you don't have any of these, you can either use the certificate of permanent residence or, if you are new to the country, you may not be able to apply for it, blockchain payment can effectively address these ignored pain points, this is also a new governance pull, it can be seen whether the blockchain industry or real industry, we need a large number of c-end users, set the rules of the game, with an order of magnitude of users, we will optimize the governance gradually, governance can not be achieved overnight, but need to gradually, so as to be more humane, users will be more and more, the platform will develop healthy.





近期波动剧烈,小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了 VOICE,可惜没有大中华区的事情,感觉以后会搞事情如果需要免费梯子,可以加小编VX1093628138,备注梯子。另GOC正在重新登录治理舞台,可以加微信进入GOC木星群。




