前段时间我们了解到软件钱包和硬件钱包是如何保障比特币的安全的,很多新韭不懂什么是区块链的钱包,它又与我们平时常用的手机移动钱包有什么区别呢? Some time ago, we learned how software wallets and hardware wallets can ensure the security of bitcoin. Many new leeks don't know what blockchain wallets are. What's the difference between them and the mobile wallets we usually use?
数字钱包是存储和管理、使用数字货币的工具,在区块链领域有举足轻重的地位。它是一个存储加密货币的软件程序或者硬件设备,用微信支付钱包做类比,微信支付相当于你的币种,微信账户相当于钱包,微信好友或收款码则相当于钱包地址,支付密码相当于私钥。利用钱包地址来完成币的收发,任何一笔转账可以追溯收发地址(账单的信息)。数字钱包的密码就是“私人秘钥”,只有通过它,才能打开和操作钱包。数字钱包具备“收款“和“转账”功能,就像用银行卡存取钱一样,要有卡号和密码,才能正常进行存款和安全支取。数字钱包存的可不是钱,而是你的比特币、以太坊等数字货币或数字资产的信息。 Digital wallet is a tool for storing, managing and using digital currency, which plays an important role in the field of blockchain. It is a software program or hardware device for storing cryptocurrency. It uses wechat payment wallet as an analogy. Wechat payment is equivalent to your currency, wechat account is equivalent to wallet, wechat friend or collection code is equivalent to wallet address, and payment password is equivalent to private key. The wallet address is used to complete the sending and receiving of currency, and any transfer can be traced back to the address (bill information). The password of digital wallet is the "private key". Only through it can the wallet be opened and operated. Digital wallet has the functions of "collection" and "transfer". It is just like using a bank card to deposit and withdraw money. Only with the card number and password, can the deposit and safe withdrawal be carried out normally. Digital wallets don't store money, but information about your digital currency or assets such as bitcoin and Ethereum.
了解区块链数字钱包,需要先理解几个核心概念: To understand the blockchain digital wallet, we need to understand several core concepts first: 钱包地址:钱包地址类似于银行卡号,一个人可以拥有多张银行卡,所以也可以拥有多个钱包地址。一个钱包地址有且只能对应一个私钥。在一个钱包中,可以拥有多个钱包地址。 Wallet address: a wallet address is similar to a bank card number. A person can have multiple bank cards, so he can also have multiple wallet addresses. A wallet address has and can only correspond to one private key. In one wallet, you can have multiple wallet addresses. 钱包识别码:类似于银行卡的客户ID(姓名)。 Wallet ID: customer ID (name) similar to a bank card. 公钥:它是密码学上的概念,它由私钥推算出来。公开密钥的算法属于不对称加密算法,该算法拥有两个密钥:公钥和私钥。使用私钥加密的数据可以用公钥解密,反之亦可。通过公钥可以算出钱包地址。 Public key: it is a cryptography concept, which is deduced from the private key. Public key algorithm belongs to asymmetric encryption algorithm, which has two keys: public key and private key. Data encrypted with private key can be decrypted with public key, or vice versa. The wallet address can be calculated by the public key. 私钥:私钥可以计算出公钥,公钥可以经过一系列数字签名生成钱包地址。所以, 私钥的持有者才是数字货币的持有者。 Private key: the private key can calculate the public key, and the public key can generate the wallet address through a series of digital signatures. Therefore, the holder of the private key is the holder of the digital currency. Keystore:使用用户自定义的密码加密私钥后得到的字符串,用于交易转账等钱包操作。转账时要通过自定义的密码解密,从Keystore中把私钥解密出来,因此Keystore的密码非常重要。 Keystore: a string obtained by encrypting the private key with a user-defined password, which is used for transaction transfer and other wallet operations. When transferring money, the user-defined password should be used to decrypt the private key from keysore. Therefore, the password of keysore is very important. 助记词:由于私钥难以记忆,因此可通过某种算法,把私钥转换成一系列的单词,这些单词就是助记词。助记词是美颜过的私钥,实质上相当于私钥。谁拥有了助记词,谁就拥有了钱包的使用权。 Mnemonic words: since the private key is difficult to remember, the private key can be converted into a series of words by some algorithm. These words are mnemonics. Mnemonics are meiyanguo's private key, which is essentially equivalent to the private key. Whoever has the mnemonic words has the right to use the wallet. —- 编译者/作者:区块脉动 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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