Project PAI全球社区与PlayerIQ团队探讨了科技如何使体育训练变得更好,以及如何将Project PAI的区块链和人工智能技术应用于PlayerIQ的产品和服务. 北京时间8月8日上午9:00,Project PAI联合PlayerIQ成功举办首场全球社区直播。在直播中,全球著名NBA训练师Rob Mac先生讲述了他在NBA的工作经验,包括他在《网络:训练NBA的最佳人才和寻找成功的关键》一书中提到的理念,并分享了在新冠疫情期间球员是如何训练的。 Project PAI全球社区与PlayerIQ团队探讨了科技如何使体育训练变得更好,以及如何将Project PAI的区块链和人工智能技术应用于PlayerIQ的产品和服务,双方还将共同推动PAI币成为PlayerIQ所提供服务的支付方式,赋能PAI币的应用场景。 At 9:00 am on August 8, Beijing time, Project PAI and PlayerIQ successfully hosted their first global community live broadcast. In the live broadcast, Mr. Rob Mac, a world-renowned NBA trainer, talked about his work experience in the NBA, including his concepts in the book "Network: Training the NBA’s Best and Finding the Keys to Greatness.". He also sharedhow the players were trainingduring the COVID-19. The Project PAI global community and the PlayerIQ team discussed how technology can make sports better, and how to apply Project PAI’s blockchain and AI technologies to PlayerIQ’s products and services. They will also promote PAI coin as PlayerIQ'spayment methodand enrichthe application scenarios of PAI coin. Project PAI 官网: 全球Project PAI 论坛:https://www.paiforum.comPAI 官方微信公众号:Project PAIPAI 非官方粉丝公众号:PAIFans PAI Coin Pool:https://paicoinpool.comPAIYO: 您也可以加入Project PAI全球社区,关注最新消息:Telegram(英文):中文): 本文来源:ProjectPAI —- 编译者/作者:ProjectPAI 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
Project PAI联合PlayerIQ举办全球社区直播探索更多区块链应用场景
2020-08-11 ProjectPAI 来源:火星财经