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Guower Finance STARTIME:Permission

2020-09-03 果味财经 来源:火星财经

Date:Sep 02 20:00 BJT

Host:Guower Finance


Charles Silver:permission.ioFounder and CEO

Omer Ozden : Chairman of Rocktree Capital

Liu Genghua: COO of Collinstar China



出品|须佐运营 | 晓羽Lily编辑 | Diana监制|Amani

出品| Guower Finance果味财经「ID:iguowerpro」

Jingjing:请Charles Silver Permission.io创始人 CEO,Omer Ozden Chairman of RockTree Capital RockTree LEX,刘耕华科银中国COO Collinstar China三位嘉宾做一个简单的自我介绍,以及如何进入数字资产行业的?

Please make an introduction of yourself and how did you join the crypto industry?


Q:WelcomeCharles Silver,permission.iofounder and CEO

A:My name is Charlie Silver, and I’m the CEO and founder of Permission.My career has been in finance and technology, and I’ve spent decades studying the problems of fiat currency and central banking.

我是Charlie Silver,Permission的首席执行官兼创始人。我的职业生涯是从事金融和技术领域,并且花了数十年的时间研究法定货币和中心化银行业的问题。

I was therefore deeply inspired by the early efforts of crypto entrepreneurs to create an alternative to fiat and centralized monetary systems.The principles of decentralization and individuals in control are very important ethical concepts that I believe in very strongly.


2)Q:Welcome OmerOzden,Chairman of RockTree Capital RockTree LEX

A:Hello everyone. I’m founder & CEO of RockTree Capital,a boutique merchant bank at the forefront of pioneering transactions between China and North America, with expertise in Technology, Blockchain and Ecommerce projects,and RockTree LEX,a blockchain professional services platform RockTree LEX specializing in providing international legal compliance, transaction execution, overseas financing solutions and global expansion for top tier blockchain projects.

大家好!我是石木资本及RockTree LEX的创始人及CEO欧阳默。石木资本是一家精品商人银行,在中国和北美处于创新性领先地位,拥有科技、区块链、电子商务方面的专业经验。我们还有一个区块链专业服务平台RockTree LEX,专门为顶级区块链项目提供国际法律合规、交易执行、海外融资解决方案和全球扩张。

I’m also International Partner of ZhenFund, and we specialize in investing into early stage high growth projects. I was on the team that invented the VIE Structure that opened China’s internet industry to foreign investment, and has worked at the early stages of such projects as Baidu, Alibaba, New Oriental, NetEase, and Facebook.


We are in Beijing and New York so we can have access to the top projects in US and China at their earliest stages, and we help Chinese projects access international markets.


Currently RockTree Capital is in strategic partnership with Permission.io to assist Permission.io’s growth plans into Asia.




Jingjing:2 能否介绍一下Permission.io,以及这个项目的初心是如何的?

could you please introducepermission.iobriefly, and why you build up this company?

—-to Charles

A: Permission.io’s mission is dedicated to helping individuals be compensated for their time and data while engagingin eCommerceWeb 2.0’s business model is driven by tech giants who harvest and profit from our data when we shop or search for products online.

Permission.io的使命是致力于帮助个人在电子商务活动中获得时间和数据方面的补偿。Web 2.0的商业模式由技术巨头驱动。这些科技巨头在我们在线购物、搜索或消费时获取我们的数据并从中获利。

Permission is about changing that model.We want to make sure that individuals receive value for their time and data in Web 3.0.That is why we are creating opportunities for people to earn our cryptocurrency, ASK, while engaging in e-commerce.


致力于改变这种方式。我们要确保个人在Web 3.0中能从自己的时间和数据中获得价值。这就是为什么我们为人们创造机会在电子商务活动中赚取我们的代币ASK。

Jingjing:3: Permission拥有一个强大的生态系统,在技术选择、共识机制、网络结构下了不少功夫,您能具体介绍一下嘛?

Permission.io has a very strong ecosystem, and must have spent a lot of efforts on technology, consensus, internet architecture etc. Could you please introduce more details?

—-to Charles

A:We have spent years inventing and proving in a variety of use cases our proprietarytechnology called Data Algebra, for which we have nine patents.Data Algebra allows all data to be represented mathematically, which allows the combination of various data forms, e.g., clickstream data, blockchain data, relational data and graph data, to be queried from a single source.


This has powerful applications for all aspects of our business model.By eliminating data silos, we enable individuals to build a comprehensive data store composed of all their interactions across the web that they can then monetize.


Right now, your data lives in silos and applications.Baidu has your search data and Alibaba has your shopping data.Our tech makes it possible for people to grant permission and monetize all of their personal data no matter where it is located.


This also provides enormous benefits to advertisers because it enables us to have visibility over data that is currently trapped in silos and applications.


The vast majority of shoppers have complex, non-linear shopping journey. If you’re an advertiser with siloed tracking, you aren’t getting the full picture.


Our ability to connect and integrate personal data allows us to influence and engage with users as they research, compare, and consider different options available to them.Retailers have access to a robust and permissioned data set that allows them to pick up on real-time signals of intent.


Advertiserscan thus target the richest data resource possible, leading to significantly better ad campaigns and increased return on advertising dollars.


In order to expand our ecosystem and provide more opportunities to earn ASK, we are building plugins for the major global ecommerce platforms, including Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, to allow any retailer on such these ecommerce platforms to offer and accept ASK.



What is permission.io's strength or advantages compared to other project?

—-to Charles

1.Our value proposition to both consumers and advertisers.


2.Our proprietary data algebra technology.


3.Our community, which is getting stronger every day.


4.Our branding


5.Our mature, well-seasoned, experienced executive team, many of whom have built companies for decades with multiple exits.



The token economy design and incentive will be really important, could you please share with us how you design Permission.io's token economy?

—-to Charles

It starts with individual members that are attracted to our mission and platform.As individuals come on board, advertisers will seek to reach them on a permission basis. Additionally, eCommerce vendors and others who transact online will want to use ASK to drive conversions. Working with payments companies and other retailers about expanding the acceptance of ASK will fuel the economy as well.



please tell us the roadmap for the second half year of 2020

—-to Charles

We have just launched Version 1.0 of an application that allows members to earn from their data while shopping, viewing videos, clicking on advertisements, and interacting with retailers.


By the end of Q4, we will release a browser extension and the plugins for e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Big Commerce, and Volusion. This enables the over 5M independent operators on these platforms to gain new customers and increase their sales by rewarding consumers for data and incentivizing behavior with ASK.

到第四季度末,我们将发布扩展浏览器和电子商务平台的插件,包括Shopify、Magento、WooCommerce、Big commerce和Volusion。这会让这些平台上超过500万的独立运营商能够通过使用ASK奖励消费者的数据、激励消费者的行为,从而获得新的客户并增加他们的销售额。


After questions for Mr. Silver, we would like to invite Dr. Omer Ozden to sharewhy RockTree take Permission as strategic partner and how do u think about the project?

—to Omer

For RockTree, we always think the team is the most important factor for our investments. Permission.io has a team that has produced a lot of successful companies in the past. And made a lot of money for their shareholders. This is a good indication of ability in the future. Charlie Silver knows how to build companies. He has built a similar company to Permission for the internet that he took to 60,000,000 users and then sold for a successful exit and he has also developed multiple ETFs and a cryptofund. Meanwhile Hunter Jensen the CTO has developed teams with hundreds of developers and also successfully exited companies. Together, they can scale up Permission’s users and technology, and get great returns for investors.

对于石木资本来说,我们一直认为团队是最重要的因素。Permission.io的团队成员,在过去创立了很多成功的公司,并为股东们创造了很多财富。这是代表他们未来能力的一个很好的指标。Charles Silver知道如何创建公司,他曾经创立过一个与Permission类似的公司,吸引了6000万用户,然后成功卖出。他也曾经成立过多只指数基金和加密货币基金。与此同时,首席技术官Hunter Jense曾经创建了拥有几百名开发人员的团队,并成功卖出。他们的合作可以将Permisison的用户和技术升级,提高投资者的收益。

We also think that for utility tokens, ASK is very simple to understand and use. Users get tokens for their data and time. It’s a real use case. We saw the main money behind the internet business of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is advertising dollars. Advertisers will pay money if you can deliver results. The ASK token allows advertisers and Ecommerce platforms to better target and convert their customers. For Web3.0, ASK is leading the way for advertising and ecommerce. There is a very large budget in the advertising world to drive the price of ASK tokens because it has real utility for users.


We really like BAT – and think this is a good model for blockchain. It is a real use case. But so far, it is very inflexible and limited how big it can get because BAT token is limited to ONE browser – Brave Browser. Meanwhile, ASK can be used across all platforms, all browsers, and ecosystems. Why? Because of Permission.io’s Big Data technology, called Data Algebra which allows Permission.io to collect and read and use data from different data bases – even when they are based on different computer languages and structures. This technology has 9 patents and has been used by major governments.


We see the ASK token growing very fast because the technology of Permission is so good and it can scale very fast to something Advertisers will pay for. Advertisers have a massive budget for this and are moving away from Web 2.0 Facebook and Amazon style marketing. And users are seeking to be compensated for their time and data. The trends are all in favor of Permission.io.


Jingjing:8:科银中国Collinstar China于近期投资了Permission。请问华总,能否谈谈科银中国为什么投资Permission,科银投资标的的考量标准是什么,以及科银对Permisison的预期?


Jingjing:9: Permission有没有清晰的上所计划?

DoesPermission have any listing plan?

—-to Omer

Yes, the project will list this month. Three exchanges. We are not permitted to say which exchanges, but you all have traded on them – there are two centralized exchanges and a DEX. The market maker is very strong for this project, which is also important. Our mainnet is already live and token works, so this will be the last time the token will be available prior to a public sale in conjunction with a listing. Get them now, before they moon.



DeFi is really hot currently, is there any connection between Permission and DeFi?

—-to Charles

A:Yes.Our plans are to have an ERC-20 wrapper so people can yield farm with ASK.


Asking questions freely:s there any cooperation between Permission and traditional e-commerce companies, and how is the category supply chain built?


A:我们正在为Shopyfiy 构建应用插件,我们也与coinpayment合作,这样零售商可以接受ASK付款,我们在仓储及配送方面与阿里巴巴速卖通密切合作。

Asking questions freely:Permission ecology is very innovative. So, who does permission look like when benchmarking the Internet?Permission生态很具备创新,那么,请问一下,对标互联网的话,Permission像谁呢?

A:You can think of permission as a decentralized Amazon. You can get ask rewards when shopping and watching videos. The tokens you earn can also be consumed on the platform.可以把Permission看作去中心化的亚马逊,在购物、看视频是都可以获得AsK奖励,你赚取的代币也可以在平台上消费。

原文标题:Guower Finance STARTIME:Permission


