本周区块链相机专用硬件设计设计稿已经定稿...... 技术板块 LWS 业务应用: 智能门锁需求:大致敲定技术方案,进入接口开发阶段;区块链相机应用:专用硬件设计设计稿已经定稿。Smart door lock requirements: roughly finalize the technical plan and enter the interface development stage;Blockchain camera application: design draft of dedicated hardware has been finalized.LWC研发进展 : 安全模块实现curve25519的私钥转换;移植libsodium的curve25519的公钥转换到安全模块,功能正常可用,但是导致固件体积过大,需要进一步优化;加密模块元器件采购等;加密模块固件完善,增加测试脚本。The security module realized the private key conversion of curve25519;Transplanting libsodium's curve25519 public key to a security module, the function is normal and available, but the firmware is too large and needs further optimization;Encryption module components procurement, etc;Encryption module firmware is improved, adding test scripts.BBC公链 : BBC申请slip-0044编码,已经申请通过。BBC applied for slip-0044 code, which has been approved;超级节点: 超级节点持续测试并提交代码;测试过程发现一个有关listtransaction的问题并提了issue。During the test, a problem about listtransaction was found and an issue was raised;Super nodes continue to test and submit code.雾存储方面: 讨论NAS系统的技术方案,思考系统架构设计并开始撰写文档。Discussed the technical scheme of the NAS system and considered the system architecture design and started writing documents.PockMine 社群活动 PockMine“组队攒抽奖码,赢1000BBC”焕新来袭! 每邀请1名新用户注册PockMine并实名,即可2人组成1队,每组1个抽奖码(邀请人数越多,所得抽奖码越多,中奖几率越大)本期抽5组(10人),瓜分1000 BBC! PockMine's activity of "Team to earn a lottery code and win 1000BBC" is coming! Every time a new user is invited to register with PockMine and have real names, 2 people can form a team, each with 1 lottery code (the more invited, the more lottery codes you get, the greater the chance of winning) 5 groups (10 people) ) to share 1000 BBC! 海外活动 BBC推特奖励活动,第二期任务即将来袭! BBC在过去6个月内增长了941.54%,从0.2USDT飙升至2.3 USDT。为此,我们发起了BBC推特奖励活动。活动时间:9月3日-9月10日。加入我们获取丰富奖励吧! 对于当前关注者: 转发活动推文登录Google平台参与答题可以获得1 BBC奖励对于新用户: 关注BigBang Core官方Twitter转发活动推文登录Google平台参与答题可以获得1BBC奖励BigBang Core Twitter: https://twitter.com/BigBang_Core 本次活动奖励仅有1,000 BBC,不要犹豫,赶快参与吧!下载官方钱包获取奖励: https://pockmine.com/download The second profitable activity is coming! BBC value has increased by 941.54% in the past 6 months, from 0.2USDT up to 2.3 USDT. Time: 3,September -- 10, September.Join us to get immeasurable wealth ~ For current follower on Twitter: Retweet this postSign in the Google SitesYou can get 1 bbcFor new users: Please: Follow Official Twitter AccountRetweet this postSign in the Google SitesYou can get 1 bbcBigBang CoreTwitter https://twitter.com/BigBang_Core Only 1,000 bbc for avtivity, participating without hesitation!Download official wallet to get rewards:https://pockmine.com/download 官网:https://pockmine.com/ PockChains 官方公告 口袋云课堂已支持BBC云算力投资Stake额度,您的BBC云算力兑换成Stake额度,将持续获得Stake收益。Log in to PockChains every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and you will have the opportunity to get the BBC airdrop red bag!官网:https://www.pockchains.io 矿工关注 BigBang Core 挖矿数据 挖矿数据(9月4日 17:00统计): Miner data(By 4rd September, 17:00) BBC全网流通量增加到:320885217 EDPoS正式节点个数:6 全网出块:413943 持币地址数量:20936 挖矿算法:CryptoNight CPoW难度:34 官方CPoW矿池(Official mining pool): bbc01.bbcpool.io bbc02.bbcpool.io 本文来源:CoinBI_Media —- 编译者/作者:CoinBI_Media 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
BigBang Core | 生态周报-第三十九期
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