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2020-09-11 Beep币扑 来源:区块链网络

嘉宾:James Anderson RioDeFi CEO主持人:小喵 Beep币扑创始人/喵懂区块链发起人分享主题: 连接传统和去中心化金融,RioDeFi能否带来最优解?分享时间:9月10号(周四)15:30pm

导语:DeFi正面临着巨大的回调,但可能去中心化金融的革命才刚刚开始。如何连接传统与去中心化金融,加速数字资产的应用,如何让更多普通用户也能参与到这场新的风口中,在本期币扑Plan B中,“下一代科技金融尖端”RioDeFi CEO James Anderson将和我们分享RioDeFi的创新解决方案以及它所构建的繁荣生态。


问:首先先请嘉宾做一下自我介绍,简单介绍一下RioDeFi是什么,愿景以及团队目前已经取得的进展。(Pls give us a brief introduction of yourself and what’s RioDeFi? What’s the ambition of it and what’s the progress it has done so far ?)


在2008年金融危机之后,我对经济学的兴趣以及对黄金、白银和可替代货币的研究让我进入了区块链领域。我真正开始研究比特币是在2012年。2013年,在新罕布什尔州的一次名为Porcfest的会议上,我结识了Vitalik Buterin和Erik Voorhees,也是在那次会议上,我买了人生中第一枚比特币

我在2014年投资了以太坊,在2016年投资了DAO,之后陆续投资了40多种不同的加密货币。2017年,我创办了一家名为Blockchain Investor的公司,教人们如何安全地购买、存储和交易加密货币。2018年,我联合创立了一家名为Social Evolution的非营利组织,探索如何利用DAOs为人们提供福利和人道主义服务,以及分享有关加密货币和DeFi的知识


说回我们的项目,RioDeFi开始于2019年4月,随后我们开始搭建Rio Chain以帮助人们在传统金融和DeFi之间轻松移动。

Sure, I’m happy to! Thanks for having me in your group for this AMA. I’m the CEO of Rio DeFi. Rio DeFi is a Blockchain technology company. Our mission is to accelerate the mass adoption of digital assets by bridging traditional and decentralized finance. Our vision is a world in which everyone has access to decentralized financial (DeFi) services.

I got into blockchains through my interest in economics and my research of gold, silver, and alternative currencies after the financial crisis of 2008. It was 2012 that I really started looking into Bitcoin, and I met Vitalik Buterin and Erik Voorhees back in 2013 at a conference called Porcfest in New Hampshire, which is also when I bought my first Bitcoin.

I invested into Ether in 2014, into The DAO in 2016, and over 40+ different cryptocurrencies since then. In 2017 I started a business called Blockchain Investor where I taught people how to securely purchase, store, and trade cryptocurrencies. In 2018 I co-founded a non-profit called Social Evolution that explored ideas around how DAOs could be used to provide welfare and humanitarian services for people, as well as to share knowledge about cryptocurrencies and DeFi.

I believe there are so many different ways of creating value in this rapidly evolving digital economy. I really enjoy the passion and optimism that people in the cryptocurrency space tend to have.

In terms of our project, RioDeFi has been in development since April 2019, when we began the development of RioChain and mapping out the structure of our fiat to crypto gateway to help people easily move between traditional finance and DeFi.

问:DeFi规模与日俱增,在连接传统与去中心化金融上,RioDeFi提供了一个什么样的解决方案?为了降低用户使用门槛,团队目前已经开发了哪些工具?(With the boom of DeFi, What kind of solution does Rio DeFi provide to connect traditional and decentralized finance? In order to lower the threshold for users, what tools has the team developed so far?)


RioDeFi完全集成的技术生态系统和解决方案使法令和加密的无缝接口成为可能,这将帮助更多的人获得加密货币。通过我们的OAuth解决方案,Rio钱包非常容易访问,允许人们使用他们的电子邮件或社交媒体账户创建钱包。我们也对Dapp商店感到非常兴奋,因为它将提供令人惊叹的项目,比如MANTRA DAO,、Bitpool、KQJ等。RioChain上的跨链DeFi dApps,如MANTRA DAO,是区块链技术的前沿,将使许多新的金融服务成为可能。

目前,Rio Chain还处于测试网络阶段。我们也有Rio区块链浏览器和Rio钱包的beta版本。我们拥有超过20,000个在线交易,并且有超过1,400个用户钱包在测试转账功能。在RioChain上,还有3个Dapps正在测试中:MANTRA DAO(用于质押、借贷和管理的DeFi平台),Bitpool(基于区块链的预测平台),KQJ(电子商务游戏)。

Rio Chain的3个核心模块已经通过CertiK审计,CertiK是一家世界领先的区块链审计公司,并且他们已经渗透测试了Rio钱包的网页和移动端版本。您可以从以下链接中查询:https://certik.io/blog/clients-&-partners/riodefi-audit-and-pentest-riowallet/#home

RioDeFi is developing applications that connect people to digital assets, mobile payments, and DeFi services such as savings and lending. Our solutions enable lower transaction fees, faster confirmations, energy efficiency, secure storage, and global reach.

RioDeFi‘s fully integrated ecosystem of technologies and solutions enable a seamless Fiat/Crypto interface, which will help more people gain access to cryptocurrencies. RioWallet is very accessible through our OAuth solution, allowing people to create a wallet using their email or social media accounts. We are also very excited about our dApp store that will feature amazing projects like MANTRA DAO, Bitpool, KQJ, and others. RioChain’s CrossFi (cross-chain DeFi) dApps, such as MANTRA DAO, are on the cutting-edge of blockchain technology, and will enable many new financial services.

RioChain is currently in beta-net mode. We also have beta versions of RioBlockExplorer and RioWallet. We’ve tested over 20,000 on-chain transactions and had over 1,400 user wallets testing out transfer functionality. There are also 3 dApps built on RioChain currently in beta mode: MANTRA DAO (DeFi Platform for Staking, Lending, and Governance), Bitpool (Blockchain-based Predictions Platform), and KQJ (E-commerce Game).

RioChain’s 3 core modules have been audited by CertiK, one of the world’s leading blockchain auditing firms, and they’ve penetration tested both the web & mobile versions of RioWallet. You can find the report press release here: https://certik.io/blog/clients-&-partners/riodefi-audit-and-pentest-riowallet/#home

问:在您看来,DeFi在大爆的同时也暴露出了哪些问题?对此,RioDeFi会做哪些改进?除了现有的借贷/DEX/衍生品/稳定币等玩法,您认为还有哪些可挖掘的细分方向和玩法?(In your opinion, what problems has DeFi exposed so far with its extravagant growth ? In this regard, what improvements will Rio DeFi make? In addition to the existing lending/DEX/derivatives/stable currency and other gameplay, what other subdivision directions and gameplay do you think can be explored and complemented ?)


在DeFi领域,有许多令人兴奋的和创新的新模式,我们也正在积极开发相关功能。目前,我们正在创建模块和孵化Dapp,提供流动性挖矿、预测平台、社交电子商务等。在接下来的几个月里,你会看到许多新项目在Rio Chain上推出并提供独特的用户体验,我们认为这将帮助区块链技术更容易进入大众市场。

I think the biggest challenges for DeFi are in addressing scalability (transaction throughput is too low), high gas fees (which can ruin some dapps and business models), security risks (unaudited code), and poor user experience. We’re addressing each of these issues head-on, which I’ll explain in more detail throughout this AMA.

There are many exciting and innovative new models that we’re actively developing on-chain functionality for in DeFi and beyond. We’re creating modules and incubating dApps that provide liquidity mining, yield farming, prediction platforms, social E-commerce, and more. You’ll see many new projects launching on RioChain in the coming months that provide unique user experiences that we think will help blockchain technologies become more accessible to mass markets.

问:RioDeFi的核心是Rio Chain,Rio Chain选择基于Parity’s Substrate构建,原因有哪些?与其他底层平台相比,Rio Chain在哪些方面做了改进?核心竞争力是什么?(Why would Rio Chain choose to build on Parity’s Substrate? Compared with other underlying platforms, what improvements has Rio Chain made? What is the core competitiveness?)

答:在设计Rio Chain时,我们优先考虑安全性、速度、可伸缩性和互操作性。我们在不同链上运行以充分利用每个区块链的优势。使用Parity’s Substrate 框架,我们可以在Polkadot生态系统内操作,以实现真正的跨链互操作性和DeFi可组合性。

Rio Chain能够提供更好的可伸缩性( 3000 TPS),更低的gas费用(只需0.1 RFUEL,并且如果价格过高还可以调整),更快的速度,更好的升级能力,更加无缝和简单的用户体验。

When designing RioChain, we prioritized security, speed, scalability, and interoperability. We operate across blockchains to leverage the strengths of each. Using Parity’s Substrate framework, we can operate within the Polkadot ecosystem to achieve true cross-chain interoperability and DeFi composability.RioChain provides greater scalability (up to 3,000 TPS, and orders of magnitude more with parachains), lower gas fees (starting at 0.1 RFUEL and can be adjusted downward if prices ever get too high), faster speeds (with a 2s block time and finality within 5s), better upgradability, and a more seamless & simple user experience. We also provide an end-to-end fiat to crypto gateway.

问:区块链一直存在不可能三角问题,即效率、安全性与可拓展性无法兼备,请问Rio Chain在这方面是如何平衡的?您认为这个问题可以被完美解决吗?如果不能,会如何做出取舍? (Blockchain has always had the impossible triangle problem, that is, efficiency, security and scalability cannot be achieved at the same time. How is Rio Chain balanced in this regard? Do you think this problem can be solved perfectly? If not, how will the trade-off be made?)


对于Rio Chain而言,我们选择更关注安全性和可伸缩性。随着区块链技术的改进可以不断解决这三难困境,我们也将会变得越来越去中心化。

Rio Chain作为联邦区块链目前使用PoA一致模型运行。在发展早期阶段,Rio Chain网络只有少数几个节点是由Rio DeFi和我们的创始合伙人运营的。联邦区块链的好处包括更快的速度、可扩展性、低交易成本、低能耗、强大的安全性,以及能够更好的与监管机构靠拢。

在3-6个月内,我们将从PoA模型转换为NPoS共识模型,这与Polkadot (DOT)和Kusama (KSM)使用的模型相同。

You bring up a great point about one of the key issues with blockchains known – the triangle problem. Currently, every node maintaining either the Bitcoin or Ethereum network is working on the same public ledger. Every node has to process every single transaction. Adding more computers into the network improves security, but it can actually decrease efficiency. So far, none of the blockchains have managed to achieve scalability, security, and decentralization at the same time. You generally have to pick 2 out of 3 to focus on. With Rio Chain, we’ve chosen to focus on security and scalability. We will become increasingly more decentralized over time as blockchain technology improves to resolve this trilemma.

Rio Chain currently operates as a federated blockchain using a PoA (Proof of Authority) consensus model. In the early phases of its development, the RioChain network will only have a handful of nodes that are run by Rio DeFi and our founding partners. Benefits of Federated Blockchains include faster speeds, scalability, low transaction costs, low energy consumption, strong security, and increased ability to provide features that better connect with regulated financial institutions.

Within 3-6 months, we’ll be switching from a PoA consensus model to a Nominated Proof of Stake (NPoS) consensus model, which is the same model used by Polkadot (DOT) and Kusama (KSM).

问:请简单介绍一下Rio Chain的经济模型,它在设计上更加侧重和考虑的点是什么?开发者使用Rio Chain构建应用有哪些额外的好处吗?目前开发者社区建设如何?(Please briefly introduce the economic model of Rio Chain. What are the most emphasis and considerations in its design? Are there any additional benefits for developers to use Rio Chain to build applications? How is the current development of the developer community?)

答:Rio Chain的经济模式核心是奖励那些为生态系统贡献价值的人。Rio Chain由Rio Fuel (RFUEL)驱动,它是平台(gas) token,用于处理交易和执行智能合同。


70%给验证节点,20%给Dapps(以每个Dapp交易的回扣形式),10% 给Rio生态基金。我们认为这种独特的奖励模式将有助于Rio Chain网络的大规模发展,同时极大地激励开发者在Rio Chain上构建他们的Dapps。



RioChain has an economic model that rewards those contributing value to the ecosystem. RioChain is powered by RioFuel (RFUEL) which is the native platform (gas) token used to process transactions and execute smart contracts. RFUEL transaction fees are distributed as follows: 70% to the Validator nodes, 20% to the dApps (in the form of a rebate for transactions that happen on each dApp), and 10% to the Rio Ecosystem Fund. We think this unique rewards model will help massively grow the RioChain network while hugely incentivizing developers to build their dApps on RioChain.

RFUEL initial distribution is as follows:? 35% for staking & validation rewards? 5% for new user incentives? 5% for referrals, promotions, and bounties? 10% for Rio Ecosystem Fund (grants)? 10% for reserves? 15% for private sales? 5% for community crowdsales? 15% for team & advisors (vested over 24 months, with a 6 month cliff = no tokens for the first 6 months)

In terms of our developer community, we’ve just come out of stealth mode and haven’t yet released our code as open source, so it’s just our in-house developers at this point. We’re now focusing on rapidly expanding our developer community globally.

问:截至目前,Rio Chain上已经搭建了哪些应用?该平台对哪一类的应用场景最为友好?为了推动生态繁荣,接下来团队有制定哪些具体的激励措施?其中,中国社区会是主要发力点吗?(So far, what applications have been built on Rio Chain? What kind of application scenarios is the platform most friendly to? In order to promote ecological prosperity, what specific incentives will the team formulate next? Among them, will the Chinese community be the main focus?)

答:如前所述,Rio Chain已经有3个Dapps处于测试阶段:MANTRA DAO、Bitpool和KQJ。此外,还有3个应用程序目前正在搭建中。虽然Rio Chain是一个聚焦DeFi的平台,但是它可以被用于许多不同的应用,甚至超出了其他layer 1平台的应用范围。

目前,我们正专注于打造Rio Chain的DeFi功能,并孵化一系列Dapps,这些应用也专注于DeFi服务、流动性挖矿、预测平台、社交电子商务等等。

毫无疑问,我们完全认为中国社区对任何加密货币项目都非常有价值,但我们的关注点是全球的。我们是一个多元化的国际团队,核心成员来自美国、法国、马来西亚、中国、中国香港、俄罗斯、菲律宾、乌克兰和罗马尼亚。此外,我们还有来自许多其他国家的当地社区经理。Rio defi的生态将扩展到世界各地。

As previously mentioned, we have 3 dApps currently in beta-mode on RioChain: MANTRA DAO, Bitpool, and KQJ. Additionally, there are 3 more applications currently in stealth mode that we’ve been incubating. While RioChain is a DeFi-focused Substrate chain, it can be utilized for many different applications, even beyond what’s possible on other layer 1 blockchains.

We're currently focusing on building out RioChain's DeFi functionality and incubating a broad range of dApps focused on DeFi services, liquidity mining, yield farming, prediction platforms, social E-commerce, and more.

While we absolutely think that Chinese communities are immensely valuable for any cryptocurrency project, our focus is global. We are a diverse international team with core team members from the USA, France, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong(China), Russia, the Philippines, Ukraine, and Romania. Additionally, we have local community managers from many other countries. The RioDeFi ecosystem will extend to all parts of the world.

问:截至目前,Rio Chain在业内/外达成了哪些合作?能否透露一下本阶段/下一阶段的发展重心?(So far, what kind of cooperation has Rio Chain reached in the industry/outside? What’s the plan for Rio in the next stage?)

答:为了实现我们将法币和加密货币完全集成的愿景,Rio DeFi正在与各行各业的世界领先公司合作。


为了帮助我们设计和实施支付工具,在过去六个月中,我们一直与BCW Group等合作伙伴合作,这可以说是香港最好的支付服务咨询公司。此外,我们还与银行行业领先的数字资产托管平台Hex Trust合作,以确保用户资产的透明度和安全性。


In order to fulfill our vision of a fully integrated fiat to crypto, crypto to fiat cycle of financial services, RioDeFi is engaging with a variety of world leading companies in various industries.

On the technical level, our team works in close collaboration with cybersecurity company CertiK. Having our code audited by a leading blockchain security auditing firm puts us in a much stronger position to work with financial institutions and appeal to non-crypto people to entrust us with their money.

To help us devise and implement our payment rails, we have been working over the past six months with partners such as BCW Group, arguably the best Hong Kong based consulting firm for payment services. We also collaborate with Hex Trust, a leading digital asset custody platform for the banking sector, to ensure transparency and security over our users’ assets.

Finally we are working with various financial authorities around the world to ensure all our services are fully compliant with the latest regulations. This will allow us to scale our products and services globally and help DeFi reach mass adoption.

问:比特币在突破12000美元后随即暴跌,市场对于后市众说纷纭,您的看法是?DeFi被视为大户游戏,那么对于普通用户而言,您认为他们可以有哪些参与方式呢?(Bitcoin plummeted after breaking through $12,000. What is your opinion about this dump? Will it last long or not? DeFi is regared to be a game for whales, so for ordinary users, what do you think they can participate in?)




We need to look at the bigger picture.

DeFi has been gaining traction for the past couple of years. Dozens of banks across the world can now take custody of Bitcoin. Billions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies are being used as the backbone to lending and savings program, the pace of innovation in the space is simply mind blowing. The game for whales you are describing refers to one minor, yet exciting, portion of the spectrum of financial products that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are bringing to the market.

Of course many of these initiatives will fail, but projects that commit to providing secure infrastructures and sustainable economic models will give millions of “ordinary users” access to opportunities that the current financial system cannot even dream of offering.

问:中心化交易所明显感受到了去中心化交易所的威胁,CeFi开始如火如荼进行,你觉得CeFi和DeFi互相会如何发展?这种竞争会带来另一次行情吗?(Centralized exchanges are clearly feel threatened by Dex. Since CeFi is coming out, how do you think of CeFi and DeFi, how would you think they will go ? Will this competition bring another boom of crypto market?)





I definitely think that the current battle between Centralized exchanges (CEXs) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) is one that will be very beneficial for the overall cryptocurrency space. This sort of healthy rivalry can foster massive innovation and faster developments of the entire industry. Right now we’re seeing liquidity increase, slippage decrease, and lots of new, innovative token models being launched. I think this kind of rapid experimentation is really exciting.

The paradigm shift between traditional financial services and DeFi is profound in many respects. One is based upon trust placed in people while the latter relies almost exclusively on computer programs. CeFi options like Nexo and Crypto.com offer some sort of compromise between them. A business that gives access to blockchain based financial services should be able to provide a balanced suite of products with different levels of risk/return ratios. Ultimately the success of such businesses will lie in their ability to provide a seamless integration of those services within their offer.

From a user’s perspective the current landscape of DeFi and CeFi services provider is very complex and difficult to navigate. Once users get familiar with this diverse ecosystem and learn how to manage their risk exposure, DeFi and CeFi open a new world of investment opportunities.

The forces of security vs. experimentation, CEXs vs. DEXs, and CeFi vs. DeFi are all contributing to a frenzy of development activity that I think will help to really launch this new bull market to greater highs. With the Polkadot network leading the charge on cross-chain interoperability, and RioDeFi forming the bridges between CeFi and DeFi, as well as scalable business applications within the Polkadot ecosystem, we are ready to lead the future of cryptocurrency mass adoption!


