1、中央对手方风险 上节我们一起学习A和B之间有轧差,A和B之间的交易被拆分成两笔交易A和中央对手方,中央对手方和B,A和B通过中央对手方建立彼此信任,于是设计了“中央对手方”,也就是中心化控制。结算分为两个部分,清算和交收,清算是算账,账簿整理完毕后,就是交收。整个结算过程按部就班,但是由于引入中央对手方,风险点一直存在: 1、中央对手方是一个高度集中点,所有分散的风险都在一起,看起来很安全,但是不等于风险真的没有,虽然中央对手方可以隔离风险的传递,但是所有的风险都指向这个中央对手方,例如08年的次贷危机中的银联机构,一旦发生风险,国家不得不进行救市行为。 2、交收时候,A卖出股票,证券机构登记给B,同时把B的资金划给A,由于划拨是通过银行体系,证券的转让通过中央登记机构实现,没有办法做到原子级的股票资金交换,交钱和交货存在顺序。这些问题都需要一个方案去解决。 A and B are split into two transactions a and central counterparties, central counterparties and B, and A and B build trust through central counterparties, hence the design of a "central counterparty" , that is, centralized control. Settlement is divided into two parts, liquidation and settlement, liquidation is the accounts, books finishing, is the settlement. The whole settlement process is on schedule, but with the introduction of a central Counterparty, the risk points are always there: 1. The central counterparty is a high concentration point, all the dispersed risks are together and appear to be safe, however, it does not mean that there is no risk at all. Although the central counterparty can isolate the transmission of risk, all the risks point to the central Counterparty, such as the unionpay institution in the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis, the country had to bail out the market. 2. At the time of settlement, a sells the shares and the Securities Agency registers the shares with B, and at the same time transfers the funds of B to a. since the transfer is made through the banking system, the transfer of the securities is made through the central registration agency, there is no way to achieve the atomic level of stock exchange, exchange of money and the existence of the order of delivery. All of these problems need a solution.
每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日09月29号20点47分10752美元左右,变盘已经到来,正在11000-12000美元的测试,目前处于回调阶段。从日曲线看10100-10800之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓0.6万BTC(买盘有的),上方阻力0.8BTC(阻力有的)。 持续6个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻,再次测试11000-12000美元高位压力点,冲破之后,大饼整体趋势上涨。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币从10593美元上升到10939美元一个相对高点,合约不玩牛市必来,合约理论上放大游戏的上下限,用户可以找到刺激,但是合约阻碍大饼的持续发力,继续震荡起来目前回调处于10638美元,相对指标USDT目前6.72,目前看涨,趋势线这么显示的,至于后市是否持续开启上涨趋势,看庄家心情。
以上内容仅供参考,不提供投资、时间定投导向。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
区块链大型巡回播放【第63期】#中央对手方风险# &“行情解读”
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