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谁会想到?EOS创始人BM发声:和谷歌云合作的“目的”是为了减少 Chinese 矿工【

2020-10-09 NO抱怨姐学币 来源:区块链网络





BM的原话是:the quality of the block producers and if it works out well for Google, then other companies will want to get involved and then that has potential to really transform the image of EOS instead of being a perceived as a group of uh Chinese of questionable quality。

翻译:如果Google cloud合作好的话,其它公司也会想要参与。那样就有可能转变人们心中对EOS的观念,而不是作为有质量问题中-国的一个集团。


紧接着,这位Naomi主持人神补刀:I attended Tulip conference last year where there was sort of this fear that a lot of block producers were based in China。


啥?很多矿工在China需要上升到fear恐惧的角度吗?难道一家公司被被人认为是Chinese的, 就很low逼吗?Chinese就是questionable quality? 直接在Chinese前面加上questionable quality的形容词......实在无语(此处省略五千字)。Chinese矿工和节点做了多少事儿?您不知道吗?









Naomi: Today there was a big announcement from Block.one, Google cloud is taking steps to become an EOS block producer. I had one hour deep dive conversation today with Block.one CTO Dan Larimer and here is an excerpt from the interview about what this news means. If you like to watch the full interview, visit Naomi brockwell.com memberships. We dive deep into EOS Tech. it’s history starting with the bitshares days. We talk about democracy in society in general, the ability to succeed and why incentivizing voter turnout isn’t always a good idea. The audio only version of the full interview is also available on my podcast but here is Dan on the Google cloud announcement.

I wanted to talk about the exciting news that got announced today. So uh Block.one put out a press release that said that they are welcoming Google cloud to the EOS community. Talk to me about this what does this mean?

BM: Block.one has been working with Google for cloud services and the like and Google got interested in what we were doing and uh Google cloud got interested in what we were doing. Uh and so uh you know we’ve been educating them on how EOSio works, the EOS public networks and they decided they wanted to get involved. So we are very excited that they see the potential uh in being a member of the community.

Naomi: So this partnership is yet to sort of solidify. It says that they are taking steps to become a network block producer, what does that mean?

BM: that means that they’re going to be a candidate that the token holders on EOS will be able to vote for them. Uh and if they get elected then they will be one of the top 21 block producers on. Yes and that could represent a major shift in the decentralization of EOS and the quality of the block producers and if it works out well for Google, then other companies will want to get involved and then that has potential to really transform the image of EOS instead of being a perceived as a group of uh Chinese of questionable quality. You know if we get big tech companies to take slots of block producers. Now it’s decentralized among a lot of companies with a lot of reputation.

Naomi: I attended Tulip conference last year where there was sort of this fear that a lot of block producers were based in China and so are you seeing EOS is transitioning to uh having more geographically dispersed block producers with Google cloud being one of the first of these.

BM: Absolutely Block.one is using our stake acting as a community member to vote for the decentralization and the improvement of the quality of the governance of the US network. We are putting forth proposals on enhancing the resource model to make it more accessible. We’re also revising the whole governance structure uh and presenting that to the community to encourage people to stake longer to transfer power from um short-term holders to long-term holders uh and to create incentives to become a long-term holder to really grow the community and in the process to remove power from um exchanges where they’re holding other people’s money and voting with it. So we are doing a lot to enhance and to have it realize its true potential of being a high performance decentralized censorship-resistant platform designed for growth and design for accountability.

Naomi: having Google cloud as a potential block producer is really exciting but it also brings up um a point about EOS having a lot of information on chain. There is a lot of data there um do you see that you know it’s going to continue down this trend that you will need larger companies to be storing this information. Companies like Google cloud in order to operate a full node for example.

BM: well, certainly for blockchains like EOS that’s going to be the case there’s it’s the shopping mall of smart contracts uh the way that you have to scale is you have to have lots of small private chains and communities that have their own chains that then interoperate with the main chain for settling international trades. Right? Um and so that’s how things scale um and we absolutely there’s limits to the scalability not defined by Google it’s more defined by uh the limits of cpu. Architecture right the physical limits of the amount of ram and disk and interconnect speeds on the internet. Those define the limits of the scale of the technology and it’s always going to be the convenience factor being where everyone is. Uh which is going to one advantage of EOS but for to truly decentralize power we need to have uh many many different chains and then these chains need to form um chains of chains of chains. I guess a hierarchy of blockchains that are all communicating together is how you would scale this which means typical person would not need to run the full chain. They would just run their local community chain.

Naomi: before you go, don’t forget like share and subscribe and also consider becoming a member of nbtv where you get access to all kinds of exclusive content, including the members only full video of this interview. Thanks so much for watching.




