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2021-03-02 ZBG资讯 来源:区块链网络

3月1日20:00,ZBG热点对话栏目特邀Chester Bella为社区带来:《ETHA Lend | 波卡生态的可组合DeFi收益优化器》的深度对话。



ZBG小火星:由区块链与传统金融结合的DeFi在2020年迎来了的大爆发,但高昂的GAS费用以及单一性的问题,是需要急切解决的,今天我们将对话ETHA Lend,了解ETHA在DeFi领域中做出了怎样的优化,填补现存市场的空白。长话短说,让我们欢迎ETHA Lend联合创始人—Chester!

开场:ETHA Lend的简介和创始人介绍




??ETHA借贷收益率优化器的关键部分在于,它了解流动性提供者的供应事件的确切情况。发现算法会考虑最新的gas fee,资产当前和过去的收益(当前最多30天)的波动性以及所提供资产的预算,以确定最佳资产分配。


Q1: We know there are so many yield aggregators projects out there. Hence, what are the competitive advantages ETHA Lend has over your rivals?

There are indeed many yield aggregators, however there are few yield optimizers, which is what our focus is. While most yield aggregators solely focus on yield maximization at all cost, our yield optimizer uses multiple data points and optimization techniques to attain the optimum value and return on an investment. The key part of the ETHA Lend yield optimizer is that it understands the precise circumstances of a Liquidity provider’s supply event. The discovery algorithm factors in the latest gas cost, the volatility of the asset’s current and past yield (currently up to 30 days), and the budget of the asset supplied, to determine the optimal asset allocation.

问题2: $ETHA的总量是什么?产出机制是什么?

??ETHA Lend DeFi收益优化平台的代币是$ETHA,并由以太坊和Polkadot生态系统提供支持。



???$ETHA的最大供应量为30,000,000,同时为了保证项目的可持续发展,团队持有代币解锁时间为2年。团队所拥有的代币仅占总供应量的15%,这会非常利于ETHA Lend的社区用户。

??用户可以通过流动性池、平台治理和协议奖励从流通量中获取$ETHA代币。此外,25%的总供应量将用于激励用户在Uniswap池中提供流动性。$ETHA还会为代币持有者带来其他多项好处,例如减少平台费用、对项目决定进行投票的能力以及gas fee的优化。


Q2: Total amount of ETHA and what is the mining mechanism of the token?

The token has been designed meticulously, by factoring the inflation and volatility and keeping them to the bare minimum. The token has a maximum supply of 30.000.000. The team tokens are vested for over two years. It is key to note that only 15% of the total supply is reserved for the team, opening further gateways for the community.

The ETHA tokens can be withdrawn from the circulating supply through liquidity pools and protocol rewards. Moreover, 25% of the tokens' total supply are minable as users provide liquidity in the Uniswap pools.?It shall offer multiple benefits to the token holders overtime, such as reduced protocol fees and the ability to vote on protocol upgrades.

问题3: ETHA解决了现在市场上的哪些痛点?ETHA的优势是什么?

??从产品角度而言,ETHA Lend最主要的特点便是:简洁、收益优化并且减少成本。

??ETHA Lend DeFi收益优化器的诞生是为了向所有加密货币用户类别提供一种简单而优雅的方式来体验流动性挖矿或yield farming赏金。即使对币圈老人而言,去理解和应用这些资产背后所隐藏的风险也是十分耗费时间和成本的。所以对于新用户,可以想象他们在面临这些问题时的挫败感,而且,由于不透明的市场条件、高交易费用以及进入壁垒而遭受痛苦。

??在DeFi中,特别是yield farming,用户们通常很难熟练驾驭其中的各种功能,我们对这一点也深有体会。在这一点上,ETHA Lend收益优化器为这些困扰提供了明显的突破 -- 让用户能够通过创新但透明的机制获得最佳收益。换言之,我们的平台可以为希望投资DeFi的人们减轻繁重的工作,更安全、简单地让用户享受流动性挖掘和DeFi借贷的惊人回报。



Q3: What pain point did ETHA solve for the market? What are the advantages of ETHA?

The protocol was born to provide all crypto user-classes a simple and elegant way of experiencing liquidity mining or yield farming bounties. Even for crypto natives, the time, cost, efforts, and risk required to navigate and understand the underlying complexities inherent to their asset class can be overwhelming. Imagine the frustrations of new users, who suffer due to the opaque market conditions, high transaction rates, and even higher cost to entry barriers.

Yield farming in particular and DeFi in general often becomes hard to navigate, and we truly understand that. Our yield optimizer presents a clear breakthrough to these haunting problems of DeFi. The protocol allows users to access the most optimal yield through innovative but transparent mechanics. In other words, we allow our users to enjoy the incredible rewards of liquidity mining and DeFi lending in a simple manner with the protocol handling all the heavy lifting for those who wish to invest in DeFi.

The?token is an active competent of the protocol, allowing our users to provide liquidity and hold the protocol’s governance's joint authority while receiving incredible rewards. With more campaigns and further listings on the largest decentralized exchanges, the?ETHA token utility is bound to increase phenomenally. We shall be able to release more data about the detailed functionality of the token, soon.

问题4: ETHA近期的动态如何?上币的计划是什么?ETHA的生态系统是什么?它的价值是什么呢?币会在哪些交易所上市?

??我们最近完成了由AU21 Capital,DFG和Privcode Capital牵头的160万美元的初始融资,紧随其后的是知名投资者,包括Vector Capital、Chain Capital、PNYX Venture、Lancer Capital、Oasis Capital、Inclusion Capital、Origin Capital、ZB Capital、YBB Foundation、AC资本以及Hotbit。


??我们将在ETHA Lend官方频道上有效地向我们的社区宣布发展情况,请大家进我们的telegram社群和微信群进行关注。Telegram:https://t.me/ethalend

??目前,ETHA Lend由以太坊和Polkadot生态系统提供支持,但是,我们现在的代码和实用程序仅限于以太坊网络。从长远来看,ETHA Lend希望通过转变为最终的跨链DeFi收益优化器来克服DeFi互操作性的限制。作为该计划的一部分,我们计划在2021年第二季度进军Polkadot生态系统。作为此愿景的一部分,Moonbeam将成为我们选择实用程序并进一步进入Polkadot生态系统的渠道。


Q4: What is the listing plan and the ecosystem? Why is it valuable? Which lists will be chosen to list the token?

Our community keeps growing and giving us full support, which in turn will enhance the utility of the?ETHA token, in the interest of the user. We are currently in negotiations with some of the biggest exchanges. Once these negotiations are confirmed, we shall effectively announce the developments to our community on the official ETHA Lend channels


With ETHA listing on these exchanges, it shall incentivize the ETHA Lend community, while also enhancing the value of the token. The prospects are incredible, and we understand that time is of the essence. Hence, we are working tirelessly to bring all the good news to the community, shortly.

The protocol is currently powered by both Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems. However, our codes and utility are limited to the Ethereum network. We are actively working on changing that dynamic. In the long run, we hope to fight the present limitations of interoperability in DeFi by transforming into the ultimate cross-chain DeFi yield optimizer. As a part of this plan, we plan to march into the Polkadot ecosystem in Q2 2021. As a part of this vision, Moonbeam, a highly enterprising parachain, shall be our choice of channel to situate utilities and further enter the Polkadot ecosystem, in a seamless manner. With this, ETHA Lend shall be able to empower its community by improving its asset efficiency and prospects.

问题5: ETHA的愿景是什么?在未来6个月有什么计划?

??借助ETHA Lend,我们的愿景是通过提供全面的DeFi收益优化器来简化DeFi的缺点。我们的目标是使普通用户大体上能够简单且直接地进行yield farming和DeFi收益,以便他们能够获得之前只有加密货币精英才能拥有的相同收益和情报。同时也正因为产品本身所具有的特征,我们希望在未来ETHA Lend能够成为DeFi借贷的资金入口。

??我们正在积极致力于加快ETHA Lend平台在主网上的发布。合同正在由全球最著名的区块链智能合约审计师之一Certik进行审计。我们还将迈入Polkadot生态系统。第一步也是最基本的步骤,即与Moonbeam建立合作伙伴关系。我们还将启动更多协议。



Q5: What’s the vision of ETHA and what’s the plan for the next 6 months?

With ETHA Lend, our vision is to streamline the shortcomings of DeFi by bringing forth a comprehensive DeFi yield optimizer. We aim to make yield optimization and DeFi in general, simple and straightforward for common users so that they have access to the same crypto power and intelligence that is only accessible to crypto elites. Through ETHA Lend, we hope to introduce the highest standards of democratization, allowing users to experience and enjoy the most optimal yields and opportunities in the DeFi market.

We are actively working on accelerating the Mainnet launch. Our contracts are being audited by Certik, one of the most reputed blockchain smart contract auditors, globally. We shall also march into the Polkadot ecosystem. The first and most fundamental step, which is closing partnerships with established key players in the Polkadot ecosystem. Additionally, also launch more protocol additions and Pools. We are also currently working to increase community activity and interactions on all our channels.

There is a lot of coming on for the ETHA Lend community in the upcoming months. We hope everybody is geared up and ready to witness the true potential of ETHA Lend.




Q6: Can you give us a brief about your token ETHA? Especially the utility and use case of it in your ETHA Lend ECOsystem?

As of now the ETHA token serves as a utility token, with value accrual mechanisms, that will allow token holders to earn on protocol fees by staking their token. Once the token is enough distributed, we intend to allow token holders to be able to vote on parameter changes and upgrades related to the protocol. Furthermore, token holders can provide liquidity in the Uniswap pools, in order to mine additional tokens.











