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2021-04-13 DeFi七点钟社区 来源:区块链网络

4月12日晚七点,DeFi七点钟社区迎来第68期嘉宾Richard Parris,Co-Founder of Saito,分享主题:Saito怎样确保Web 3.0的开放性和独立性






Q1:Could you briefly introduce the Saito project anditsteam background?

Q1: 请您简单介绍下Saito项目和团队背景?

Saito provides?Web3 open network layer. DApp can run without closed plug-in, private API or closed infrastructure. Meanwhile, Saito can fund routines that provide routing and user infrastructure in Saito, ?Parachains and other public chains.


David Lancashire and I have been involved in the technology scene since the early 2000s?in Beijing. We knew each other and?became friends at a few bitcoin events in 2013-14.

自2000年代初以来,我和David Lancashire在北京就一直有参与技术。 我们通过这个相识,在2013-14年的北京比特币活动中成为了朋友。

David studied computer science, economics and Chinese in Torronto and Berkely. I studied mathematics and philosphy at the university of Melbourne.

David在Torronto和Berkely学习计算机科学,经济学和中文。 我在墨尔本大学学习数学和哲学。

We started working on Saito in 2017... and have had a running network since 2019.

我们从2017年开始研究Saito.. ,2019年,我们就有了一个运营网络

Right now saito.io is running on our 'kusama like' canary network.


Q2: How does Saito ensure the openness and independence of Web3.0, and what problems does Saito solve? Howare theysolved?

Q2:Saito怎样确保Web3.0的开放性和独立性,Saito 主要解决哪些问题?又是如何解决的呢?

Saito professionals believe?that the companies providing infrastructure to web 3 projects cannot use market tricks or monoplies to controll access to web 3.

Saito的权威人士认为,为web 3项目提供基础设施的公司不能使用市场伎俩或单点控制来访问web 3。

It does this by making sure that anyone can provide capacity, and will pay?in proportion to the value they provide. The trick for Saito is building a sytem that allows anyone’s participation?- but that does rely on politics (governance) or practices to make sure that people won't cheat.


This creates a truly open network.


Q3: There are also some projects currently on the Web3.0 track, such as MASK, Findora, Deeper, etc. Whatconsiderationdoes Saito have in terms of maintaining competitiveness? Can you introduce the highlights and advantages of the Saito project?


Saito is an infrastructure?layer - and will look to collaborate?with all these projects in the future. Our goal is to make sure that their users wouldn't get locked into systems and providers. We do this by making sure that the projects themselves, but also their users cannot be forced to give over their identity - and ownership of their data to services, that provide security, connectivity, storage or identity.


Q4: What is Web3.0 in your understanding? What is the value of Saito to users?

Q4: 在您的理解中什么是 Web3.0?Saito对用户的价值点是什么?

Web 3 is for communication on?BTC (and other cryptos). ??Bitcoin takes control of money away from big organizations?and lets users manage their own affairs.


If you think about web 2 - the first thing occurs?is that you give up who you are... and ask a company to manage that for you. You let them govern you and must pay based on their words. In return you get their service.


This meets changes in Web3 - users are equal with service providers and never have to give up control of their identity or data.


Q5: Can you tell us briefly about the economic model of Saito token and the recent development of Saito?

Q5: 能否跟我们简单说下Saito代币的经济模型,以及近期的Saito的发展情况?

The image is from our whitepaper.


Saito has a simple but powerful economic model. Unlike mining or staking, money does not flow out of the system. On the contrary, a very powerful circular economy develops, where providers earn in SAITO and users either need to buy SAITO directly or get them from advertisers etc to pay for services.

Saito有一个简单而强大的经济模型,不同于采矿或质押资金,钱不会流出系统。相反,一个非常强大的循环经济发展,供应商赚取的 SAITO 和用户需要购买 SAI TO 直接或从广告等支付服务。

The great thing is that with Saito you can have advertising with no tracking - and no middle-men taking most of the fees.


Q6: We know that Saito has won the 8th phase of the Web3 Foundation Grant Program. What value does Saito have to the Polkadot ecology and other projects in the ecology? Are there any plans to bid for parachains afterwards?

Q6: 我们知道Saito获得了 Web3 基金会 Grant 计划第 8 期资助项目名额,Saito对波卡生态和生态里的其他项目有哪些价值?之后有竞拍平行链的计划吗?

Saito can do what it does because it is a very different kind of blockchain - more like a network than a traditional 'data store' chain. We will not be bidding for a parachain slot.

Saito 可以做它能做的事情,因为它是非常与众不同的区块链:更像一个网络,而不是传统的“数据存储”链。我们也不会竞拍一个Parachain卡槽。

Our value to Polkadot projects, is providing a simple way to build large infrastructure to serve users without introducing old Web 2.0 models.

我们对 Polkadot 项目的价值,是提供一种简单的方法来构建大型基础设施去为用户服务,而无需引入旧的 Web 2.0模型。

Q7: Finally, can you talk about Saito's follow-up development plan and future goals?

Q7: 最后您能说下Saito的后续的发展计划以及未来目标吗?

We have a running network and the?growing transaction volume?every day. Our roadmap is all about partnership, developer acquisition and community building.


Saito is web 3 - 100%. As an open chain we need community to take on running nodes (and profiting from this. We need to find developers who want to build on Saito and build and extend Satio itself. We want partnerships because this is the best way to do our part to make web 3 a reality.

Saito是100%的Web3 网络,作为一个开放链,我们需要社区承担运行节点(并从中获利)。我们需要找到想建立在Saito和建立和扩展Saito本身d的开发者,希望建立伙伴关系,因为这是使web3成为现实的最好方式。

Keep watching for Saito?programs and announcements



Risk Warning: all articles of 7 O’Clock are not to be adopted as investment advice or reference. Investment has risks. So please be cautious.


