大家好,欢迎来到由Web3基金会和万向区块链实验室共同举办的Web 3.0训练营! Hello, and welcome to the Wanxiang Bootcamp with Web3 Foundation! 这里要特别感谢我们的合作伙伴万向区块链,连续两年与我们合作举办这一活动。去年,Web 3.0训练营一期取得了巨大的成功,相信今年的Web 3.0训练营二期也将成就非凡。全球共有53支优秀团队报名本次训练营,与去年的报名数量相比翻了一番,预示着波卡生态正在飞速成长。 A special thank you to our partner Wanxiang Blockchain for the support and partnership for a second year running. Web 3.0 Bootcamp was a great success last year. And this year it can turn into a great success too. We received 53 high quality applicants global wise, which doubles the number of the applicants from last year, which is a strong indicator of the rapid growing Polkadot ecosystem. 我们很骄傲地看到,今天在场的团队经过3轮面试最终入选本次训练营。Web 3.0训练营的遴选流程是非常严格的,今天的开幕仪式为各入营团队提供了一个,分享经验、相互学习的好机会。本次训练营将为大家提供高品质的训练和孵化支持,在接下来的4个月中,我相信各入营团队将收获颇丰。 We're proud of the teams who've made it to the finals through three rounds of interviews. The bootcamp selection process is very strict. And it's a great opportunity for the participating teams to gather together, and share their experience, and learn from each other. This bootcamp is offering very high quality training and incubation. Teams I'm sure will benefit a lot from this four-month progression. 过去一年里,我埋头工作,确保波卡愿景能够顺利达成。进展最突出的毫无疑问是平行链系统。通过这一系统,团队将可以运行各自的平行链。同时,我们在转接桥方面也取得了巨大的进展。转接桥可以帮助链与外部的Substrate链、比特币及以太坊区块链进行沟通。Frame方面我们也取得了大量的进展,目前Frame里已经新增了许多实用的功能。特别值得一提是Frame API 2.0,我觉得它将为技术还不是很成熟的团队提供很多帮助,也会让新链的搭建变得更加简单,因为它就像是一个傻瓜版的Rust。 So since in the last 12 months, I've been busy beavering away, working on making sure that the Polkadot vision is delivered. The specific things that we've achieved a lot of progress on obviously is the parachains system Accumulus, the means by which teams going to be able to run their parachains. But just as important, I also made a real big progress on the bridges, which is going to facilitate, you know, chains talking to external substrate chains, as well as Bitcoin and Ethereum. So we've also made huge amounts of progress in Frame. There's an awful lot of extra really useful functionality in Frame now. In particular, the version two of the Frame API, which really I think it will be of great help to people whose skills are not so mature, and it will allow those who want to make, build new chains a much easier time, because it's so much more like idiomatic Rust. 另外,我还想跟大家分享的是,XCMP和XCM都取得了重大进展,已经超额完成了很多工作,有些是我们事先没有预见到的,但是这些工作同样非常重要,例如Queuing,例如确保链与链之间存在公开的沟通机制,从而保障经济安全。另外我们新增了许多工具和测试框架,很多人可能还没有发现我们新增了这些东西,我们新增这些东西是为了在上线时,确保系统稳定、可靠。 Not wanting to forget, we've also made you know substantial progress on XCMP and XCM the messaging format. There's a lot of extra work that has been done, that wasn't sort of initially foreseen. But there was very important, things like Queuing, things like making sure that there's a chat mechanism for opening channels between chains, so that we've got economic safety. And there's, yeah, I mean, a lot of additional tooling and test frameworks that you wouldn't maybe otherwise be aware of. There are there in order to make sure everything is robust and reliable. 说到上线进程,大家可能都看到了,我们围绕Rococo测试网做了大量工作。过去几个星期,我们在Rococo进行了拍卖测试,也在Rococo上上线了测试平行链,验证者数量增加到900个,达到了Kusama的水平。这也增强了我们的信心,我们相信即它很快就可以正式上线了。 When it does actually launch, in terms of timeline, we have, I think probably most of you have seen, but yeah, if not, we've been working a lot on the Rococo test net. The Rococo parachains test net over the last few weeks, and we've launched test auctions on Rococo. We've launched test parachains on Rococo with increased number of validators up to the level of Kusama 900 validators. So we're getting increasingly confident that this is ready for production. 就在不久前,我们发布了波卡客户端0.9版本,为关心1.0版本的团队提供平行链支持。在1.0版本中我们将最终提供全速XCMP服务,我们目前阶段使用的是0.9系列。平行链也将和这一系列一起上线。我们在敦促Kusama验证者进行更新,我们同时也敦促波卡验证者进行更新,因为我们将首先在Kusama上上线平行链。我们将省略审查流程,让验证者用更短的时间完成更新,将节点数据同步到0.9版本中去。我计划在接下来一周左右的时间里,验证者完成更新后,我们给验证者充裕的时间推进0.9版本,进行运行环境升级,做最后的检查,在Kusama上上线第一条平行链。 And in fact, we've now released only a couple of days ago, a version 0.9 of the Polkadot client which will bring in parachain support for those who are interested in 1.0 when we've got the final, full speed XCMP support. So 0.9 series, we'll be here for a little while, and it's the series that parachains will launch with. So that logic is in we're now pushing validators on Kusama to upgrade and in turn validators on Polkadot obviously. Since we're launching parachains on Kusama first, and we're not waiting for the audit for that. So, validators will be on a shorter time scale to actually get the nodes of data to 0.9. And I would expect once validators have updated probably in about a week to give them all ample time to get 0.9 rolled out, we will issue a runtime upgrade, do our last checks, and put our first parachain on Kusama live. 这第一条平行链将命名为?“Shell”,我们编写了新的运行环境。这只是一个临时的过渡环境,之后我们会将Shell平行链升级为真正活跃的平行链,Shell之后会被更新为正常的好用的平行链。接下来几周可能还会出现另一条正常的好用的平行链,另外,不久之后拍卖也将开始。我们至少会提前一周通知大家,让大家解除Kusama上的质押,也让Kusama上的团队有时间决定要不要进行集体借贷或是采取其他做法。 This will be a what's called a "Shell" parachain, this is a new runtime that we coded up. That basically is just staging ground, so that we can then upgrade the Shell parachain into a real, sort of live parachain. In this case, Shell will be upgraded to the statement, common, good parachain. There may be another common, good parachain in the weeks following. But beyond that auctions will, I think begin, very shortly afterwards. We'll give at least one week's notice, so that people on Kusama have chance to unstake, and so that teams on Kusama have chance to make it clear that they are doing a crowd loan or whatever else 平行链已是呼之欲出,感谢大家耐心等待,胜利就在前方。也感谢大家参加Web 3.0训练营,希望大家都能在这里获得所需的支持和激励,为波卡的发展做出更多贡献,下次再会! So yeah, we are very much on the Eve of getting parachains out there. So thanks for your patience, but I hope we won't have too much longer to wait. Thanks a lot guys for taking part in bootcamp. I hope you're getting the support and encouragement. That you need to really build some great stuff for Polkadot until next time. —- 编译者/作者:Polkadot 中文平台 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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