数字化转型的兴起、数据量的暴增,对数据的存储容量、处理速度、信息安全提出了新的挑战。无处不在的数据,也让数据存储市场爆发出巨量的时代机遇,华为、阿里、腾讯等巨头纷纷布局数据存储市场。 The rise of digital transformation and the explosion of data volume pose new challenges to the storage capacity, processing speed and information security of data. Ubiquitous data also brings huge opportunities to the data storage market. Huawei, Ali, Tencent and other giants have laid out the data storage market one after another. Swarm主要是由以太坊基金会开发,允许矿池存储、带宽和算力资源来支持基于以太坊网络的应用。作为迄今为止最主流的开源公共区块链平台,即便以太坊已经将智能合约的代码优化至极度精简,但依然存在因为数据过于冗余导致的效率低下等问题;而Swarm恰恰可以从源头上解决以太坊当前存在的这些问题。 Swarm is mainly developed by Ethereum Foundation, which allows mine pool storage, bandwidth and computing power resources to support applications based on Ethereum network. As the most mainstream open source public blockchain platform to date, even though Ethereum has optimized the code of smart contracts to be extremely streamlined, there are still problems such as inefficiency caused by excessive redundancy of data; Swarm can solve these problems in Ethereum from the source. Swarm是属于以太坊的分布式存储项目,完全可以认为是以太坊的IPFS。Swarm近期在矿圈热度空前,无论从团队背景、技术以及现有生态来看,项目本身是没问题的。此项目一旦落地,业内共识毋庸置疑。但同时,目前的经济模型没有确定,导致的矿机配置不确定,也是掣肘着此项目发展的重要因素。 Swarm is a distributed storage project belonging to Ethereum, which can be considered as IPFS of Ethereum. Swarm has gained unprecedented popularity in the mining circle recently, and the project itself is no problem in terms of team background, technology and existing ecology. Once this project has landed, the consensus in the industry is beyond doubt. But at the same time, the current economic model is not determined, which leads to the uncertainty of mining machine configuration, which is also an important factor hindering the development of this project. 七号矿场基于对分布式系统、区块链共识机制、数据存储等技术的深厚积累和对IPFS超过3年的研究、测试、改进,七号矿场具备了Swarm 节点设计、搭建、管理及集群化运作的全栈服务能力。凭借着在Swarm 测试网中保持名列前茅的运行成绩,七号矿场将为用户提供全球领先的Swarm 一揽子解决方案。 Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies and the research, testing and improvement of IPFS for more than 3 years, Mine No.7 has the full-stack service capability of Swarm node design, construction, management and cluster operation. With the best performance in the Swarm test network, No.7 Mine will provide users with the world's leading Swarm package solutions. BZZ币是一种点对点的分布式存储激励模式方式,每一个Swarm节点用户都是激励层的顶点执行者同时也是受益者,通过透明的Swarm网络,BZZ币可以进行合理的分配模式,通过点对点和合作所有权模式相结合,能够有效地降低数字金融中心化体系模式,促进数字金融体系的改善发展和优化配置。 BZZ coin is a point-to-point distributed storage incentive mode, and every Swarm node user is the top performer and beneficiary of the incentive layer. Through transparent Swarm network, BZZ coin can be distributed reasonably, and through the combination of point-to-point and cooperative ownership mode, it can effectively reduce the centralized system mode of digital finance and promote the improvement, development and optimal allocation of digital financial system. —- 编译者/作者:币赞财经 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2021-06-08 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络
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