原文 | ComputeCoin Network 编译| Elem CCN(ComputeCoin)是一个自我进化的算力网络,旨在赋能元宇宙——人们工作、社交、创作和不断探索的虚拟空间。 目前,元宇宙项目面临着发展瓶颈——算力困境,即使是Fortnite和Roblox等平台也是中心化和低保真度的。在同一个虚拟空间中,同时段可承载的用户数量受到极大限制,用户的个性化服务也难以满足。对此,我们建立了一个算力网络来克服这些障碍,并推动Metaverse进阶为一个更有活力的空间。 ComputeCoin正在搭建一个由平台底层支持的强大的元宇宙生态系统:元宇宙计算协议 (MCP)和Pekka。我们的系统将以迄今为止最简单、最实惠的方式把分布式计算服务置于用户的指尖。同时,我们还为开发人员和团队提供了充足的算力资源,使其跨越算力困境,顺利建造元宇宙应用程序。 cr.ComputeCoin Network 具体而言,我们的主网元宇宙计算协议(MCP)是一种新型的基于DAG的区块链,具有图灵完备的智能合约和与其他区块链网络的互操作性。它旨在轻松扩展以处理大规模元宇宙交易。与此同时,MCP支持跨链互操作性,可以将其他加密资产转移到元宇宙;同时,MCP拥有全面的dApp开发工具,具备高吞吐量、低延迟和完全去中心化的技术特性;它还与以太坊虚拟机和Solidity兼容。 而Pekka则是一个多合一的聚合器,可无缝集成去中心化云平台。它可以在几分钟内将 Metaverse 应用程序部署到去中心化网络中,并具有统一的API,轻松实现在任何去中心化云平台如 Filecoin 和Crust等中存储和检索数据。最后,我们的AI算法会为用户的每个计算和存储任务匹配最佳的去中心化云平台,为每个任务优化网络的配置。同时,我们系统还会收集各种数据来优化元宇宙体验,从而形成一个自我进化的系统。 我们将在2022年初推出 ComputeCoin 主网——元宇宙计算协议。大家可以关注我们 Twitter或加入我们的Telegram小组,以了解有关我们项目的更多信息。 原文链接: https://medium.com/@computecoinnet/what-is-computecoin-e46d8b30b3d7 原文链接:https://medium.com/@computecoinnet/what-is-computecoin-e46d8b30b3d7 ComputeCoin (including its native token CCN) is a self-evolving computer designed to power the metaverse?— the constantly evolving patchwork of virtual worlds in which people work, socialize, build and explore. Today, metaverse projects face significant limitations. Even world-famous platforms like Fortnite and Roblox are centralized and low-fidelity, with limits on the number of users who can be in the same virtual space at once, and precious little customizability for users. We’ve built a solution to overcome these obstacles and propel the metaverse into a brave new era. ComputeCoin?is building a robust metaverse ecosystem enabled by the platform’s underlying layers: the Metaverse Computing Protocol (MCP) and Pekka. Our system will put decentralized computing power at users’ fingertips in the easiest, most affordable way yet. We’re also giving developers and teams the computing resources they need to build metaverse applications that transcend today’s limits. Our mainnet, the Metaverse Computing Protocol (MCP) is a novel DAG-based blockchain featuring Turing-complete smart contracts and interoperability with other blockchain networks. It’s designed to be easily scaled to handle massive metaverse transactions. The MCP supports cross-chain interoperability that moves other crypto assets to the metaverse; boasts comprehensive dApp developer tools, high throughput, low latency and full decentralization; and is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine and Solidity. Pekka is an all-in-one aggregator that seamlessly integrates decentralized clouds, deploys metaverse applications to the decentralized cloud in a matter of minutes, and has a unified API for easy data storage and retrieval from any decentralized cloud, like Filecoin or Crust. Lastly, our AI algorithms find the best decentralized cloud for each of your compute and storage tasks, optimize the configuration of a mesh network for each task, and use data collected in our system to improve metaverse experiences, leading to a self-evolving system. We’ll be launching the ComputeCoin mainnet — the Metaverse Computing Protocol — in early 2022. Follow us on?Twitter, or join our?Telegram group?to learn more about our project and how you can get involved. 查看更多 —- 编译者/作者:区块炼金术 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2021-09-02 区块炼金术 来源:区块链网络
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