当前位置: 玩币族首页 > 区块链资讯 > 比特币基金会执行董事、福布斯专栏作者Jon Matonis将参加塔林区块链会议

比特币基金会执行董事、福布斯专栏作者Jon Matonis将参加塔林区块链会议

2017-01-11 玩币族barry 来源:玩币族


  2017年3月,区块链开发商和企业家将聚集在塔林的区块链和比特币会议,听取比特币基金会执行董事、福布斯杂志金融科技专栏作者Jon Matonis的报告。

  拥有独立的加密货币和区块链分析师的职业生涯包括在VISA国际和金融技术公司有影响力的职位,Jon Matoni将谈论区块链共同体的前景。

  他将专注于开放区块链,其优势超过私有系统。可靠性,安全性和灵活性是区块链与开放接入的真正优势。 Jon Matonis认为私有区块链的开发者应该协作以便有利于市场。

  他将在Forbes, American Banker和CoinDesk的表达想法。

  除了Jon Matonis,会议还将邀请服务于金融技术领域和政府技术领域的区块链开发人员以及欧洲加密货币专家。了解更多,请访问会议网站



  The founder of Bitcoin Foundation and Forbes columnist will visit Blockchain Conference in Tallinn

  In March of the coming year blockchain developers and entrepreneurs will get together at Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Tallinn to listen to the founding director of Bitcoin Foundation, fintech columnist with Forbes Magazine Jon Matonis.

  The independent cryptocurrency and blockchain analyst whose career has included influential posts at VISA International and fintech companies will speak about prospects of blockchain consortiums.

  He will focus on open blockchain with its advantages over private systems. Reliability, security and flexibility are real advantages of blockchain with open access. Jon Matonis believes that developers of private blockchain should coordinate in order to benefit the market.

  He will present ideas of his articles for Forbes, American Banker and CoinDesk.

  Except for Jon Matonis, the conference will be visited by developers of fintech and govtech blockchain services as well as European cryptocurrency experts. To find out more visit the website of the conference .

  Where and when: Tallinn, 9 March 2017



