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Ketuan“ Micree” Zhan必须“拯救船” Bitmain

2019-10-30 不详 来源:区块链网络

比特大陆刚刚在高层进行了改组,因为中国媒体报道了公司董事Ketuan“ Micree” Zhan的离职。据报道,该公司联合创始人兼前首席执行官吴继汉散发了一封电子邮件,宣布詹科腾不再负责比特大陆的决策。

Today, a postal mainland mail was circulated. The mail showed that the sender was "Wu Jihan" and the recipient was all employees of Bitland.
The content of the e-mail is: Wu Jihan, the founder of Bitcoin, the chairman of the Board of Directors of Bitian Continental,

— 李燕fighting (@fightin31448918) October 29, 2019

取消Ketuan Zhan神秘的加密货币社交媒体,因为Jihan Wu似乎没有这种决策的独特权力。该决定可能是由董事会或投资者做出的,仅由Jihan Wu执行。

比特币的拥护者Samson Mow对令人震惊的罢免发表了评测,这是不合逻辑的,因为Ketuan Zhan仍然是Bitmain Beijing的大股东。

I'm leaning towards the theory that the replacement of Micree as legal representative (法定代表人) was NOT done with investor/shareholder approval because the change was messy. See below for the corp update. Micree was still left on as 经理 (manager) which seems rushed. pic.twitter.com/50lHgvilQx

— Samson Mow (@Excellion) October 29, 2019

Bitmain上的事件仍在进行中,更改的确切原因尚不清楚。吴继汉(Ji Ji Wu)和詹科腾(Ketuan Zhan)担任公司中次要职位,在2018年秋季成为非执行董事。当时,比特大陆(Bitmain)公布令人失望的财务状况,但未能启动人们期待已久的IPO。

现在,随着S17系列矿机的即将出货,Bitmain似乎处于更好的状态。然而,据报道,吴继汉(Jihan Wu)散发的电子邮件使用了足够粗俗的语言,这表明需要采取此举才能“拯救这艘船”。 Primitive加密货币的联合创始人Dovey Wan评测了Jihan Wu电子邮件中的苛刻措辞。

the undertone (especially in Chinese) is that when Micree was leading Bitmain, it was a total mess and chaos, lost tracks and didn't focus…


Let's see if Micree will fight back ..

— Dovey 以德服人 Wan ???? ???? (@DoveyWan) October 29, 2019

比特大陆继续参与挖比特币以及比特币现金(BCH)。但是,Antpool发现的区块所占比例已从通常高于14%的水平降至约7%。其他矿池超越了,特别是在Slush Pool和Poolin上涨之后。同时,Bitmain宣布了在德克萨斯州开设大型挖矿设施的打算。

尽管Bitmain的状况相对较差,但行业正在回暖。比特币哈希率从峰值回落了一点,为86 EH / s。现在,Canaan挖矿计划以4亿美元的价格,而不是Bitmain的方式,进行首次公开??募股,并开放了在美国交易所上市的程序。


