北京时间10月31日21:30,由?Node Pacific(IOST Pacific)发起的IOST核心治理社区ICAC召开了第十八次会议。上周IOST基金会公布了2019年第三季度合伙人贡献奖励结果后,节点们反响热烈,ICAC收集社区意见,特邀请IOST基金会及获得贡献奖励的节点代表组织召开本次全球合伙人会议,对第三季度合伙人的贡献及奖励情况进行总结和分享,探讨如何进一步为IOST生态发展做出更大贡献。 会议主题:IOST社区第三届合伙人季度贡献分享会 会议概述:会议邀请了IOST基金会、获得Q2第一、二等级奖励的节点代表们,对第三季度合伙人的贡献及奖励情况进行总结和分享。 会议流程: 1、基金会代表发言 2、获奖节点代表进行分享 3、自由讨论 以下内容为会议精彩发言节选: 1、基金会代表发言 IOST基金会? 第三季度 IOST节点生态本季度发展较快,成果颇丰的一个季度,有75个新节点申请人加入这个大家庭,节点候选人总数达到近400。 在Staking经济中,第三季度新增9亿余质押投票,将质押投票的总数提升至42亿。 迎接了多家知名区块链媒体、Dapp团队以及企业作为节点合伙人加入IOST生态。 节点合伙人作为生态发展的主要推动力,在社区构建、DApp开发、IOST宣传以及主网进展等方面都作出很大的贡献。 在2019的最后一个季度以及之后,IOST将在技术方面集中更多的力量。很高兴地看到区块链技术又一次被中国政府以及世界各地的其它组织所认可,我们会顺应市场趋势,在中国市场进行更多开拓。 本季度 IOST正在积极探索密码学前沿进展带来的新的可能性。 IOST正在添加 Ripemd160 哈希算法,这会使得 IOST 和 BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC 的跨链原子互换变成现实。这进一步促进IOST生态圈和更大的区块链社区的交融,会带来更多的价值。 对于 Blake2B 哈希算法 和 schnorr 签名也在研究测试中。 前者是链上零知识证明的基础,后者会给多重签名,Layer2带来极大的便利。这两者都会使得IOST公链的性能,安全性,确认速度有进一步的提升。 希望各位节点在Q4及未来,和IOST一道共建立下一代更安全、去中心化、扩容性更高的区块链!
2、获奖节点代表发言 IOST Pacific 感谢IOST基金会和社区用户的支持,IOST Pacific连续三个季度被评选为最高贡献奖。 第三季度 主要通过以下几个方面来扩大共识: 会议组织 节点专访 文章输出 社区答疑 第四季度 我们会在扩大IOST社区人数和参与度继续为IOST做贡献,我们孵化的webounty社区已经有30多万注册用户,目前也在推IOST的活动,一周时间已经为IOST带来了5000多海外用户,而且用户参与度非常高,累积为IOST社区输出了上千个表情包、图片和视频等UGC内容。 其他节点如果有海外拉新需求,也可以联系我,谢谢大家。
Sutler Ventures 第三季度 SV主要专注于内容输出和IOST全球联盟(IGA)的启动。 尝试通过与Pixeos和Minglechain合作将dapps和更多用户引入IOST。 每周播出IOST播客内容,将原播客名“The IOST Podcast”?改成了“Layer One”, 以扩大听众群。?在过去的30天内,我们所有内容的听众数量已从1200个增加到8000个,播客欢迎度提升了10倍。 IGA:我们正在尝试将IOST的名声及其先进技术传播到西方世界-主要是北美和欧洲。 我们欢迎所有合作伙伴加入IGA-如果您有兴趣加入或有如何帮助项目的想法,请发邮件到[email protected]。 第四季度 我们很高兴将能与Coindesk和其他未与IOST合作过的大型加密行业媒体一起对IOST进行宣传。 我们相信结合美国交易所上市(即Binance US)时机来进行营销将能够非常有效地吸引新用户和投资者加入IOST。我们将继续每周进行一次IOST讨论,并将继续与较大的公司(例如Staked,Paxos和其他美国公司)建立紧密联系。 如果能够正确地实施激励和开展合作,它们将对IOST的成功产生重要影响。
库神 库神非常荣幸能与IOST进行战略合作,成为IOST的合作伙伴。 在过去的Q3季度,库神做了一些事情 在钱包集成方面,库神的硬件钱包Pro3系列,APP钱包已经支持IOST主网收发。 成为IOST的节点之一。 在媒体合作方面,一同举办了抽奖回馈社群用户活动。 赠送了4台定制版Pro3 硬件钱包。 计划 钱包集成方面, 硬件钱包Smart系列支持IOST的主网收发。 库神云端钱包支持IOST的主网收发,进一步支持IOST的Staking等业务。 库神APP全面支持IOST生态,包括IOST的DAPP以及其他工具等。 赠送新品Smart钱包。 库神希望与IOST共建区块链商业落地生态,提升用户的资产安全管理意识,携手为用户打造一个更安全、更高效的区块链社区生态环境。
IOST BEST NODE 在第3季度,我们主要致力于线下推广IOST项目活动。我们有着各种推广渠道。 前段时间,我们应邀参加了一场节目,并向观众介绍了IOST项目。 此外,我们也在加密货币电报频道上安排与Jade的AMA会议。 在线下建立了团队,团队成员有创始人,投资者,项目程序员以及其他与加密行业有直接或间接联系的人等等。 在俱乐部上为投资者介绍了IOST项目。 在国际马拉松比赛中邀请了一些马拉松运动员穿着带有IOST Logo的T恤,大力推广了IOST。 在第四季度,我们将继续推广IOST项目。 参加了在俄罗斯举办的两场大型活动,即Blockchain Life大会和Bitnance聚会。大会持续了两天,期间我们与许多公司讨论了IOST项目。他们中的一些人对IOST项目有极大的兴趣。我们将继续与这些公司积极合作。 我们目前在与俄罗斯的一个受欢迎的油管频道合作宣传IOST。我们将继续以线上和线下的形式推广IOST。未来我们将为IOST制作更多视频。
Unseen Magic 在Q3 我们是加密三国志的开发团队,在Q3我们的项目上线了iost主网,目前社区活跃,产品稳定在iost游戏类dapp第一名。 在Q4 我们希望进一步提升用户体验,开发新的玩法,把现有用户数量再增加2-10倍,进入全网dapp前5。 在这个过程中 我们获得了tp,dappbirds,dappcc等节点的支持和帮助。 欢迎其他节点和我们对接,大家共同努力,促进iost生态发展。我们即将进行融资,也欢迎有实力的节点来参与。
DappBirds 很荣幸DAppBirds获得了IOST所有成员的认可,评选为IOST Q3季度1级季度贡献,Q4季度我们还将继续努力为生态做相关贡献。 第三季度 关注了三件事 为了降低DApp开发者进入区块链游戏的门槛,根据DB发行及运营的经验,8月份我们专门开发并提供了IOST的链改解决方案,可以实现1天内接入1款新游戏进入IOST生态。 目前整个Q3季度已经完成了8款游戏的对接和发行,有IOST斗地主,糖果消消乐,忍者大冒险等优质的休闲类游戏,都在IOST社群上获得较好的用户反馈。 根据发行的DApp建立了超过5个200人以上的优质活跃用户社群,和玩家一起探讨DApp的建立与优化方案。 9月份DAppBirds上线了新产品Staking.games,一个月内得票数超过1.38亿,进入了IOST节点的得票榜的TOP10。 第四季度 10月份开始计划在DappBirds APP 内上线一键免费创建钱包的功能,免费获得一定数额的资源服务,大大降低用户进入IOST Dapp的门槛,同时也会优化更改SDK增加多语言版本,让更多海外的开发者也能快速进入IOST生态。
猎币 第三季度 我们节点主要从技术开发、社区活动、外部合作三个方面为 IOST 网络作出贡献,经过社区和团队的不懈努力,很荣幸争取到了 Q3 的一级贡献。 目前最值得一提的是,我们正在基于 Substrate 框架开发 IOST 的跨链转接桥,希望将 IOST 与其他平行链网络进行桥接,实现 IOST 主网上的智能合约可以与其他公链智能合约进行交互操作,使 IOST 良好的开发体验发挥更大价值。 第四季度 我们将继续围绕 IOST 跨链转接桥进行开发,攻克各种技术难关,在市场低迷时期储备好技术实力,给社区交付更多有用的产品,迎接下一轮牛市的到来。
TokenPoket? 季度主要贡献主要在于新增用户增长和DApp孵化2个方面 通过补贴,持续为海内外社区提供免费IOST激活码。 正式发布了iost DApp激励计划,枪手总动员产品还有加密三国志产品申请并获得了基金支持。 本季度 孵化基金将继续为优质内容服务。 将赞助XPET团队的宠斗牌第一次竞赛奖金。 目前我们桌面端当前已经支持EOS/ETH/TRON底层,我们将在这个季度推进IOST桌面端产品上线,同时计划为社区用户提供IOST理财产品。
GeekHash GeekHash是IOST合作伙伴节点之一。非常感谢能够在第三季度获得第二级别的奖励。我们非常荣幸能够为IOST生态系统做出贡献。 GeekHash是一家总部位于东京的区块链公司,从事营销代理业务和内部开发业务。 在第三季度 通过dapp.com与IOST日本团队联合举办的推特活动,我们实现了IOST日本推特帐户粉丝量的1.5倍增长。 Dapp.com是我们的客户之一,我们公司负责其日本市场。如果你想要把你IOST在日本的相关服务进行本地化或拓展日本市场,欢迎联系我们。 在开发领域,GeekHash积极参加了由IOST日本团队组织的活动和聚会。 为日本工程师举行了编程培训活动,并在三个活动中就IOST项目发表了演讲。 此外,我们正在开发一种称为IOST激励的产品,可以巩固IOST的整个投票系统和整个生态系统。 在第四季度 将继续积极参与编程培训活动并参加聚会,以增加日本的IOST开发人员和代币持有者的数量。 将在公司中进行IOST教育,为IOST项目在日本的推广做出了贡献。 我们希望加快我刚刚所介绍的IOST激励产品的开发,并尽快启动该服务的测试版。最后,我希望继续与大家一起发展IOST生态系统。感谢!
链茶馆 第三季度 结合我们自己的资源和特点来为iost生态做贡献,主要工作包括3个方面: 内容层面:采访报道iost生态上的链游开发者,第三季度累计原创了24篇稿件,都发布在我们的自媒体账号及我们在区块链网络,巴比特,火星财经和知乎等专栏 活动层面:在今年7月底,国内最大的游戏领域展会chinajoy期间,我们跟iost一起联办了一场沙龙活动,到场大概150人,都是传统游戏领域的从业者。 不定期举办线上AMA类活动 链游戏开发者拓展:一对一的推荐开发者在iost生态上做开发,有一些开发者已经在跟iost对接,有一些也成为了iost的节点。 第四季度 本季度我们还是会继续在这三个方面做工作,同时年底我们还有一个在游戏行业内比较有影响力的年底CEO年会和金茶奖的评选,今年会在广州办,大概千人规模。区块链游戏这个领域还是会继续跟iost合作。
Inside IOST 第三季度 Inside IOST是IOST全球联盟的创始成员之一。 为IOST创建了播客节目,主要是讨论IOST项目。 在我们的网站上发布了免费钱包生成工具,任何人都能够创建一个钱包。 在网站上创建了一些投票工具以及发布了一些有关如何存储iwallet的信息。 第四季度 我们将尝试将工具与iost帐户结合,在iwallet上线该功能。我们对未来的功能改进感到十分激动。
Metanyx 第三季度 IOSTPay for Oscommerce(首个电子商务购物车集成) IOST分析(GraphQL + MongDB) 与美国/欧洲的其他合作伙伴组成iost全球联盟 METX回购超过3500万 使用IGA在Onblock上设置EMOGI节点 上线出块节点 (Paradigm Fund) SwaggerHub更新API定义 Metanyx 的推特在七月1日到9月30日期间获得了超过100万的阅读量 第四季度 我们会持续更新相关的应用,为IOST提供更好更优质的产品。
IOST- Q.E.D 第三季度 1. IOST开发-Klaytn跨链: Klaytn用户可以在IOST区块链上远程调用合约功能。 Klaytn用户可以自由地将KLAY换成iKLAY,或者把iKLAY换成KLAY。 Klaytn用户可以自由使用IOST DApp,从而使IOST DApp可以接收Klaytn用户为使用该服务而支付的KLAY。 目前,KLAY仅在印度尼西亚Upbit上上线,但目前不允许提款。一旦允许提款,我们将对Herorats服务进行跨链。 2.为跨平台(IOST,Klaytn,以太坊)面谈开发新的Chrome扩展程序 3. Join D访谈:我们在与Join D.访谈的过程中介绍了我们的服务以及IOST区块链技术,Join D是韩国代表性媒体JoongAng Ilbo的子公司,是区块链相关媒体中的知名度很高的媒体。 IOST ICAC与IOST Watch访谈:我们从技术上解释了为什么我们在服务中使用了IOST区块链--新的chrome扩展程序,可轻松使用交叉链解决方案。
3、自由问答 Q1:?节点贡献评分是怎么评的,可以公布一下具体的细则吗? A1:?励分配总是要经过一定的程序。我们需要从节点合伙人那边收集信息,以制定有关如何将奖励分配给每个节点伙伴的计划。另外,我们还需要考虑释放奖励的负面影响,因为分配奖励后可能会造成价格的下降。我们正在努力将负面影响最小化。这就是为什么我们在奖励发放方面有点拖延。 Q2:?应用落地方面有没有新的消息? A2:在上一季度,我们一直有发布新应用落地的消息。应用落地可以分为两个方向,一个方向是企业对消费者的电子商务模式(B2C)市场。首先,我们将专注于去中心化应用,尤其是传统应用(例如游戏app)的区块化。我们正在努力改善用户体验,也不断在提高去中心化应用的质量。我们为这些链推出了新的开发工具和新的区块化解决方案。不过事情都得一步一步来。我们本季度后期将继续发布新的用户案例和新的去中心化应用。我们不仅会在游戏领域发力,也会在金融等其他领域耕作。 此外,我们也在努力开发企业对企业电子商务模式(B2B)市场。我希望你们中的大多数人都有关注到我们的联合创始人特里近期刚刚接受了中国最著名的电视节目-央视的采访。我们很幸运能够得到政府的关注。我们认为这是促进IOST与政府开展合作的机会。之前的大多数项目大多都采用PoC(prove of concept)。这些项目的实施规模很小。后期我们将专注于一些特定的方向,例如资产去中心化,供应链和数据等等。我们目前在寻找新的业务合作伙伴,并且还计划建立区块链学术机构。我们正在寻找可以帮助我们建立学术机构的政府机构。一旦建立,我们将继续就区块链开发领域发表自己的专业意见和学术成果。 Q3:?我们(IOST-Q.E.D) 已将“区块链平台之间的无缝链接桥梁”解决方案提交给新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局(IMDA)。请问评估阶段何时结束? A3:?我们在等新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局(IMDA)和毕马威(KPMG)整体评估的反馈结果。我们目前正在等他们双发统一后的评判结果。 Q4:?恭喜IOST上了央视节目的访谈,现在国家对区块链技术很支持,之后IOST会加大市场宣传吗? A4:?最近IOST有不少的利好消息,例如我们很幸运地被央视注意到并被采访。近期市场反应也不错。我们未来确实会有进一步的市场宣传。 市场宣传会被分为两个方向。区块链仍然处于非常早期阶段。首先,我们会不断地推进市场教育。我们不仅会链圈,币圈媒体合作,也会和传统媒体合作普及区块链技术,IOST项目技术和价值等等。同时,IOST也一直在关注C端和B端的应用。我们会通过商业拓展,营销来推广IOST。我们在线下和企业进行一对一洽谈,找到他们的商业痛点并结合我们的技术给出解决方案。针对B端和C端,我们会有不同的营销策略。总的来说就是我们未来会加大营销力度。 (English Version) 1.Sharing of IOST foundation IOST node ecosystem experienced great growth in Q3: 75 new node applicants joining IOST node ecosystem, together with our more than 300 old candidates. attracted a further 9 hundred million staking votes, bringing the total figure to 4.2 billion at the end of Q3. We welcomed several major blockchain media, DApp teams and businesses to join IOST as partner nodes this quarter. The nodes are also the major driving force in the ecosystem development. In Q3, they played a major role in community building, DApp development, IOST promotion, and mainnet advancement. We are glad to see that the blockchain technology is once again recognized by the Chinese government and organizations all around the world,?and IOST believes that we shoulder this great responsibility to contribute to this global revolution. In Q4 and beyond, IOST is gonna focus more energy and efforts on technology: IOST is actively exploring the new possibilities in cryptography. IOST is?working on integrating Ripemd160 hash function, which will enable the atomic cross-chain swaps between IOST and BTC, ETH, BCH and LTC. It will promote the integration of IOST ecosystem with a broader blockchain community, bringing more values to us. The Blake2B hash function and Schnorr signature is also being tested. Blake2B is the foundation of on-chain zero-knowledge?proof while Schnorr signature supports multi-signatures and can bring great convenience to our Layer 2 solution. Both of these two can improve performance, security and verification speed of IOST blockchain. IOST would like to invite all our nodes to join us in building the next generation blockchain with better security, decentralization and high scalability!
2.Sharing of Nodes IOST pacific Thanks to the support of the IOST Foundation and community users. IOST Pacific has been ranked as the tier 1 for the over consecutive three quarters. In the last quarter: We?managed to expand the IOST consensus by organizing various conference, interviewing different nodes, publishing community articles and setting community Q&A session. In the fourth quarte: we will continue to contribute to IOST ecosystem by attracting more community members and increase engagement among members. Currently, we are promoting IOST activity via our own product, namely webounty. There are more than 300,000 registered users in the webounty community and webounty has brought more than 5,000 overseas users for IOST within a week. These users are very active and have generate thousands of stickers, gif, videos and so?on for the IOST. If other nodes want to know more about webounty, please contact me. Thank you.
Sutler Ventures In Q3, Sutler Ventures (SV) focused on content and the launch of the IOST Global Alliance (IGA): Alongside smaller attempts to bring dapps and more users to IOST via a Pixeos and Minglechain partnership. We do content weekly>The IOST Podcast”?to the?“Layer One” podcast in order to try to expand our listener base. In the last 30 days we have grown from 1200 listens to over 8000 listens across all of our content. Our impressions online have increased 10x for the podcast in the same time frame as well. As for IGA, we are attempting to spread the word of IOST and its superior tech to the West - primarily North America and Europe. We welcome all partners to the IGA - if you're interested to join or have ideas how to help please email me at [email protected] In Q4 we are excited to execute on awareness for IOST with Coindesk and other major crypto media outlets where IOST has not been covered. We believe timing this marketing alongside a US based exchange listing (ie Binance US)can be very effective to attract new users and investors into IOST. We will continue to discuss IOST on a weekly basis. Will continue to build key relationships with bigger companies like Staked, Paxos and others who are based in the US and can make ?an impact on the success of IOST if incentivized and partnered with correctly.
ColdLar ColdLar is very honored to establish strategic cooperation and partnership with IOST. In the third quarter, ColdLar has done the following things for IOST: In terms of wallet integration: the hardware wallet Pro3 series and APP wallet of ColdLar have already supports IOST mainnet transceiver. In terms of node services: ColdLar has become> In terms of media cooperation: ColdLar and IOST have jointly hosted a lucky draw activity to reward community users. Plus, we have given away four customized Pros hardware wallets. In the Q4: In terms of wallet integration: first, our hardware wallet Smart series will support IOST mainnet transceiver; second, our cloud wallet will support IOST mainnet transceiver which will further support IOST Staking and other services. In terms of ecology: ColdLar apps will fully support the IOST ecosystem, including IOST dapps and other tools. In addition, we are going to send our new product, smart wallet, as a gift-giving. ColdLar hopes to build a blockchain commercial environment with IOST to enhance users' awareness of asset safety management, and works together with IOST to create a safer and more efficient blockchain community ecological environment for users.
IOST.BEST.NODE In Q3, we mainly focus on promoting IOST project offlines. We have various promotion channels. We were invited to a?show?and we introduced IOST project to the audience. We arrange AMA session with Jade on telegram cryptocurrency channel. We established the offline team which have founders, investors, project programmers and other people who have direct or indirect connect with crypto industry. We also presented IOST project to the investors in a club. Moreover, we strongly promoted IOST logo on an intenational marathons by inviting famous runners to wear T-shirt with IOST logo. In the Q4, we will keep promoting IOST: We managed to attend two major promotion events in Russia, ?the blockchain life conference and bitnance meetup. We have cooperated with a popular channel in Russia.?We continue to promote IOST online and offline. We will also consider to try the traditional promotion activities, for example, AMA session with IOST core team. We will shoot more video about office work.
Unseen Magic In Q3 Our project launched on the IOST mainnet. Currently, our community is active and our product?(Crypto Sanguo)?remains no.1 of the IOST Dapps in the category of game. In Q4 we hope to further enhance the user experience, develop new ways to play games, increase the number of existing users by 2-10 times, and enter the top 5 of the whole mainnet dapp. During this period, we have gained help and supports from nodes, such as Tokenpocket, Dappbirds, Dappcc and so on. Other nodes are very welcome to connect with us. Let's work together to promote the ecological development of IOST. Also, we are about to start our fundraise. Nodes with solid foundation are welcomed.
Liebi In Q3 We mainly contributed to the IOST network through technology development, community activities and other external cooperation. After the unremitting efforts of our community and our team, we are honored to be ranked as one of the first tier nodes in Q3. At present, we are developing IOST cross-chain bridge based on Substrate framework and we hope to bridge IOST with other parallel chain networks, so that the smart contracts on IOST main network can interact with other public chain smart contracts which can make IOST good development experience more valuable. In Q4 We will continue to develop the IOST cross-link transfer bridge, overcome various technical difficulties, reserve technical strength during the market downturn, and deliver more useful products to the community to welcome the next round of bull market.
TokenPocket In the last quarter: TokenPocket's contribution?is mainly in two aspects: new user growth and DApp incubation. We continued to provide free IOST activation codes for communities at home and abroad through subsidies. TP officially released the IOST DApp incentive plan. The 枪手总动员 (shooter) and 加密三国志 (Crypto Sanguo) have managed to gain the support of the funds. In Q4 The incubation fund will continue to offer services for permium content. We will sponsor the first competition of the XPET team's product. At present, our desktop end has already supported the EOS/ETH/TRON underlying technology. We will promote the launch of IOST desktop product in this Q4, and we plan to provide IOST wealth management products for community users.
GeekHash GeekHash is one of IOST partner nodes and was thankfully able to receive Tier 2 at this Q3. We are so honored to contribute to the IOST ecosystem. In Q3 We were able to grow the number of followers of IOST Japan Twitter account by 1.5 times, by a collaboration Twitter campaign between dapp.com and IOST Japan. If you are interested in localizing your IOST related service into Japanese or expanding into Japan, we are happy to help you. In the development field, GeekHash actively participates in events and meetups organized by IOST Japan. We hold a hands-on coding for Japanese engineers and had a speech about IOST project at three events. We are developing a product called IOST Incentives that can strengthen IOST's whole voting system and its entire ecosystem. In Q4 we will continue to actively engage in hands-on coding and participate in meetups in order to increase the number of IOST developers and token holders in Japan. The IOST education will also be conducted in our company, to?contribute to the spread of IOST project in Japan.
DAppBirds Honored that DAppBirds has been recognized by all IOST members and has been selected as the IOST ?first tier contribution rewards winner. In Q4, we will keep making efforts to contribute to the IOST ecology. In Q3 In order to reduce the difficulty for DApp developers to access to the blockchain game development, we specially developed and provided IOST chain modification solution which can access 1 new game into IOST ecosystem within 1 day base on our experience in DB distribution and operation. We have completed the connection and release of 8 games in Q3, all of these games have received good user feedbacks in the IOST community. We established more than 5 high-quality active user communities which have more than 200 members respectively ?according to the released DApp, and discussed the establishment and optimization of DApp with players. DAppBirds launched the new product, namely Staking.games, which had won more than 138 million votes in one month and had entered the top 10 of the IOST node's vote list. In Q4 In October, we plan to create a free IOST wallet in the DAppBirds APP. Users can get a certain amount of resources for free, greatly reducing the threshold for users to enter the IOST DApp. At the same time, we will optimize the chain to change the SDK, update the multi-language version and let more overseas developers can enter the IOST ecosystem more quickly.
链茶馆 (Chain Teahouse) In Q3, our main contribution includes 3 parts: Content: We have sent our own journalist team to interviewe IOST on-chain game developers and made 24 original reports which all have been posted on various channels. Activity: ?At the end of July this year, during the largest game exhibition in China, namely chinajoy, we co-organized a salon event with IOST. At the same time, we also hold several online AMA activities. Developers: We have organized monthly game developer activities and we have visited some developers and recommended them to develop games on IOST through one-to-one contact. In the fourth quarter We will continue to work on these three parts. At the end of this year, we are going to organize year-end CEO annual meeting and Golden Tea Award which are both quite influential in the game industry. Guangzhou will be the meeting venus this year. There will be around 1000 participants. Regarding to the blockchain games, we will continue to work with IOST.
Inside IOST Inside IOST has been one of the founding members of IOST Global Alliance. We also have did some podcast talking about IOST. We released on our website free wallet creation tool for anyone to be able to create a wallet. Besides, we also create some voting tool on the website and some information about how to store iwallet. We attempt to put it with IOST account. We will onboard it on iwallet. We are excited about the future improvement.
Metanyx IOSTPay for Oscommerce (First E-commerce shopping cart intergration) IOST Analytics (GraphQL + MongDB) Formed IOST Global Alliance with other partners in US/Europe METX buyback of over 35 million EMOGI node setup on Onblock with IGA Onboarded Servi Nodes (Paradigm Fund) SwaggerHub updates for API dedinition Provide answers to questions from other partners / community / developers Community support in Telegram / Slack >1million impressions Metanyx Twitter between July 1st - September 30th
IOST-Q.E.D Developing IOST - Klaytn crosschain https://medium.com/second-impact/introduction-of-klaytn-iost-crosschain-84efc919bf8 1) Klaytn users can remotely call contract functions on the IOST blockchain. 2) Klaytn users can freely exchange KLAY for iKLAY and iKLAY for KLAY. 3) Klaytn users can freely use the IOST DApp, thereby allowing the IOST DApp to receive KLAY paid by the Klaytn user for using the service. Currently, KLAY is only listed on Upbit Indonesia, but no withdrawals are allowed. Once the withdrawals are allowed, we will apply crosschain to our service, Herorats. Developing new chrome extension for multi-platform (IOST, Klaytn, Ethereum) Interview Interview Interview with?Join D: Our service was introduced in "Join D.", Join D is a subsidiary of JoongAng Ilbo, the representative media of Korea, and is a famous media among blockchain related media. Interview with IOST Watch,?ICAC: We explained technically why we used IOST blockchain in our service.-New chrome extension for using crosschain solution easily.
3.Free disccusion Q1: Can you tell us the details of the score rating of node partners? A1: There is always a process for us to decide the rewards distribution. We need to collect the information from your sides to make the plan about how to distribute the rewards to each node partner. Also, we need to consider the negative effect of releasing the rewards because there might be a downfall of the price after the distribution of rewards. We are trying to minimize the effect. That is why we are kind of delayed about the distribution rewards. Q2: Is there any new information about the application landing? A2:?We had kept releasing new applications during the previous quarter. The application landing can be divided into two directions. One direction can be seen as B2C market. First, we will focus on decentralization of the application, especially the blocklization of traditional application such as games. ?We are improving the user experience and we are increasing the quality of the decentralized application. We have launched a new development tool and new blocklization solution to these chains. There is a process. We will keep releasing new user cases and new decentralized applications. Not only in the field of games, but also in other domains such as finance later during this quarter. When it comes to B2B direction, we are also working on it. I hope most of you have noticed that our cofounder Terry has been interviewed by the most famous tv program in China, namely the CCTV. We are quite lucky that we have been noticed by the government. We see it as an opportunity to promote the cooperation between the government. Most of the previous projects are mostly on prove of concept level. Thess projects are implemented in a quite small scale. ?Later, we will focus on some specific directions like asset decentralization, ?supplychain and the data. We are trying to seek for new business partners and we are also going to establish blockchain acedemy. We are looking for government institutions which can help us to establish acedemy. Once we have established the acedemy, we will keep forwarding and releasing our own professional opinions and our academic results on blockchain development. Q3:?(IOST-Q.E.D) We've submitted the solution for "seamless bridge between blockchain platforms" to Singapore's IMDA. Could I know when the evaluation stage ends? A3:?We are waiting for IMDA and KPMG to get back on the overall evaluations as they are also evaluators. Currently, we are waiting on the consolidated results from them. Q4:?Congratulations to IOST for being interviewed by CCTV. With the support from Chinese government, will IOST arrange more promotion activities in the future? A4:?There have been a lot of good news of IOST project lately. ?For example, we were quite lucky to be noticed and interviewed by CCTV. The recent market reaction is also good. We do have further market promotion in the future. The future marketing campaigns will be divided into two directions. The blockchain is still at a very early stage. First, we will continue to do market education. We will not only cooperate with the blockchain media, but also cooperate with traditional media to popularize blockchain technology, IOST project technology and value, etc.. At the same time, IOST has been paying attention to the business application and customer application. We will promote IOST through business development and sales marketing. We have had one-on-one discussions with companies in order to find out their business pain points and give solutions using the blockchain technology. We have different marketing strategies for business ICAC是什么? ICAC是由Node Pacific(节点名IOST Padific)发起的IOST核心治理社区,全称IOST Core Arbitration Community,是公平公正公开的IOST第三方社区组织,不代表官方,不代表基金会以及任何节点. ICAC的愿景是推进搭建和完善IOST社区,吸引全球区块链技术以及治理爱好者了解和参与IOST,为IOST搭建一个丰富多样的治理交流社区,逐步将IOST向社区治理过渡,不断扩大IOST的凝聚力,形成强有力、不可替代的共识机制。