【Altcoin】EMRALS团队成员,EMRALS创世矿工,AXE团队成员 1.有请Altcoin介绍一下EMRALS 项目 What is EMRALS project? Emrals system rewards users with crypto for cleaning up sponsored zones and trash reports. The eCan autosorts waste and offers users rewards. Emrals系统通过加密货币奖励用户清理赞助的区域和垃圾报告。 eCan自动分类垃圾并为用户提供奖励。 2、你什么时候开始做这个项目的,发起的初心是什么呢? When did you started EMRALS and why? We started emrals in 2014 to improve quality of life in cities by creating a system to cleanup litter. 我们于2014年启动了emrals,通过创建清理垃圾的系统来改善城市的生活质量。 3、当初为什么基于达世开发,而不是以太和门罗? Why you choose to develop it on basis of Dash, not Ethereum or Monero? We liked the Dash based masternode setup for rewards and we wanted to have our own independent chain to customize. 我们喜欢基于Dash的masternode设置以获得奖励,并且我们希望拥有自己的独立链来进行自定义。 4、为什么称EMRALS为应用币,如何实现他的真正落地? Why EMRALS can be called a crypto coin with real usage, how do you plan to push for its real world applications? We plan to have guidelines for our supporters around the world to help grow the use of emrals organically from grassroots level. 我们计划为全球的支持者制定指导方针,以提高Emrals从基层的使用。 5、EMRALS 为什么会设置20%POW+80%MN的机制? Why you choose the current 20 80 allocation between mining and MN rewards? Because the community requested it and we also thought it was a good idea. 因为社区要求用这个机制,我们也认为这是一个好主意。 6、EMRALS 有Superblock超级块吗? Do you have a superblock? No 7、Ecan是如何工作的,在全球布置是如何规划的,中国有计划吗? How does ECAN work, how do you plan for its adoption in the world and in China in particular? We can customize the eCan to assist users with government requirements and trash goals. 我们可以定制eCan,以帮助用户满足政府要求和目标。 8、Ecan可以进行垃圾分类吗?符合中国的市场标准吗? Can ECAN sort garbage? Does it suit the requirement for Chinese adoption? We can customize the eCan for each cities requirements. 我们可以针对每个城市的需求定制eCan。 9、简要告诉我们如何利用APP赚取EMRALS? How to earn EMRALS coins with APP? Take a picture of trash and clean it up in a sponsored zone. 拍摄垃圾图片并在赞助区域将其清理干净。 10、EMRALS下一步的营销计划是什么? What is your next plan for marketing? Creating guidelines for supporters to implement across the globe. 为支持者创建指南以在全球范围内实施。 11、对于已经购买了EMRALS的投资者,如何保障他的收益? For people who have invested in EMRALS, how be might benefit from the project? Cleaner cities increase business and eCan owners make profit on transaction fees. Investors benefit from the global growth of the project. 清洁城市增加了业务量,eCan所有者从交易费中获利。 投资者从项目的全球增长中受益。 —- 编译者/作者:CITEX_大C网 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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