《神经记忆网络技术白皮书》 《White paper of neural memory network》 ——基于仿生学原理的分布式数据分类、传递和存储解决方案 ——Distributed data classification, transfer and storage solution based on Bionics V 1.0.1 form.2020/03/25 @NMN TEAM Kesen 神经记忆网络来源:origin 仿生学原理 仿生学(Bionics)是研究生物系统的结构、性状、原理、行为,为工程技术提供新的设计思想、工作原理和系统构成的技术科学,是一门生命科学、物质科学、数学与力学、信息科学、工程技术以及系统科学等学科的交叉学科 Bionics is a technical science that studies the structure, character, principle and behavior of biological system, provides new design idea, working principle and system composition for engineering technology, and is an interdisciplinary subject of life science, material science, mathematics and mechanics, information science, engineering technology and system science. 仿生学为科学技术创新提供了新思路,新原理和新理论。学会根据仿生学原理发明新的设备、工具和科技,是人类科技发展中重要的一环。科技产品中大量的创新来自于仿生学原理的新构想 Bionics provides new ideas, principles and theories for scientific and technological innovation. Learning to invent new equipment, tools and technology according to the principles of bionics is an important link in the development of human science and technology. A lot of innovation in science and technology products comes from the new conception of bionics 区块链世界的仿生学 区块链行业的创新发展,也需要仿生学的加持。DNA双链,通过模拟生物遗传物质双链螺旋结构,提出并开发DNA双链结构处理链加速方案 The innovation and development of blockchain industry also need the support of bionics. DNA double strand, through simulating the double strand helix structure of biological genetic material, the acceleration scheme of DNA double strand structure processing chain is proposed and developed 神经记忆网络(Neural memory network) 神经记忆网络是一个分布式数据分类、传递和存储解决方案。神经记忆网络(NMN),它是一个分布式数据分类、传递和存储解决方案。系统通过器官(organ)感知数据,通过神经系统(Neural memory network)分类、传递信息,通过海马体(Hippocampus)记录数据,产生神经系统确权。当器官再次感知同源数据时,海马体将反馈已通过神经元 Neural memory network is a distributed data classification, transfer and storage solution. Neural memory network (NMN) is a distributed data classification, transfer and storage solution. The system perceives data through organ, classifies and transmits information through nervous memory network, and records data through hippocampal body to generate nervous system weight confirmation. When the organ perceives the homologous data again, the hippocampus will feed back through the neurons 神经记忆网络旨在通过神经算法加速处理多链信息存储以及解决信息交互延迟、安全等问题。其技术本质是利用神经算法构建异于普通公链结构的复杂神经网络结构,使用边缘计算、人工智能等技术打通多链信息交互与存储单元之间的信息沟通壁垒 Neural memory network aims to accelerate the processing of multi chain information storage and solve the problems of information interaction delay and security through neural algorithm. Its technical essence is to use neural algorithm to build complex neural network structure different from common public chain structure, and use edge computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies to break through the information communication barrier between multi chain information interaction and storage unit 神经记忆网络结构:structure 区块链技术————结构名称————神经机制 1、拟海马体算法——数据层——神经末梢感知 将感知到的数据,通过拟海马体算法处理,转换成为系统通用的可分类传导储存的数据 2、神经记忆网络——网络层——神经元传递 将处理好的数据,通过神经记忆网络传递,转经多条神经元线路与突触传递至中枢神经 3、异链同频技术——共识层——神经&海马体 将传递来的数据,通过大脑皮层和海马体,进行同频标识和分类处理后进入海马体存储 4、突触冲动奖励——激励层——反射弧映射 参与神经传递的神经元,作为工作证明的奖励,可获得胶质神经的神经养料供给 5、神经确权合约——合约层——骨肌反应机制 数据收集、分类、传递和存储通过深度学习形成神经确权合约,快速反应 6、多链协同技术——应用层——人体感官功能 协调感官系统,多器官构建生态功能 1. Quasi hippocampal algorithm - (data layer) - nerve endings perception The perceptual data is processed by the quasi hippocampal algorithm and transformed into the data that can be classified and stored in the system 2. Neural memory network - (network layer) - neuron transfer The processed data is transmitted through neural memory network, and then transmitted to central nerve via multiple neuron lines and synapses 3. Heterochain homofrequency technology - (consensus layer) - nerve hippocampus The data will be transmitted to the hippocampus through the cortex and hippocampus for identification and classification at the same frequency 4. Synaptic impulse reward - (excitation layer) - Reflection Arc mapping Neurons involved in neurotransmission, as a reward for proof of work, can obtain the neuronutrient supply of glial nerve 5. Neural weight confirmation contract - (contract layer) - skeletal muscle reaction mechanism Data collection, classification, transmission and storage form neural weight confirmation contract through in-depth learning, fast response 6. Multi Chain Collaborative technology - (application layer) - human sensory function Coordinate sensory system and construct ecological function with multiple organs 神经记忆网络作用:Effect 实体世界生物神经工作量证明 proof of Capacity-Nerual memory (poc-nm) 数字世界数据分布式网络传递储存 Distributed delivery and classified storage 现状 1、目前神经记忆网络的衍生测试版本——海马体记忆网络正处于团队搭建阶段,现邀请全球的开发者对以上想法进行实现和升华 2、关于神经记忆网络的建设,仍需大量可行性验证和基础构架搭建,需要来自认同者的经济支持和共识支持 3、神经记忆网络——基于仿生学原理的分布式数据分类、传递和存储解决方案的创始人英文名为kesen,公链预选官网地址为 www.pocnm.com 1. At present, the derivative test version of neural memory network - hippocampal memory network is in the stage of team building. Now we invite developers from all over the world to realize and sublimate the above ideas 2. As for the construction of neural memory network, it still needs a lot of feasibility verification and infrastructure construction, as well as economic support and consensus support from the recognizers 3. Neural memory network -- the founder of distributed data classification, transmission and storage solution based on bionics principle, English name is Kesen, official website address of public chain pre selection is www.pocnm.com Recipient address: BTC地址 37yguSxATordABqLszp6C4MTt6L4oVYXh6 ETH地址 0x7d19593aD59888ce83E8ace0D3Ec24bBD5c90ADf —- 编译者/作者:BlockDisco 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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