技术&产品月报 公链建设 WSAM VM API/ABI/CDT 实现 RegID 支持 (100%) 实现 WSAM native router (100%) WASM 合约规模排序验证(WaykiX技术可行性) (100%) 完成 WASM 资产喂价方案、债务总和方案(100%) 完成 WASM 资产压力测试和通用存储架构(100%) WASM WaykiX 抵押/赎回代码编写,调试(100%) WASM WaykiX 交易/延时交易/交易奖励的系统设计,调试以及交易奖励池编码(100%) WASM 访问者模式存储架构设计和验证(100%) WASM API 持久化状态库访问重构,16位高精度金融乘除实现 (100%) 完成LuaVM和WASM合约的统一部署实现 (100%) 完成DIA(Decentralized Issue Asset)治理功能开发和测试(100%) 优化默认资产存储,在创世块中生成原生资产,减少特化处理和数据错误(100%) 实现CDP定期结算利息交易(100%) 优化CDP强制清算优先级和在风险池资金不足时的策略(100%) 完成转账交易的目标账号支持公钥激活功能(100%) 修复交易提交人账号处理出错的问题(100%) 公链V3.0 CDP相关参数治理测试(90%) 公链V3.0 交易类型最小矿工费治理测试(40%) 公链V3.0 DEX 新需求设计用例测试(100%) 公链V3.0 兼容V2.0回归测试、UTXO 回归测试(100%) 改进DEX交易所订单的开放模式,增加开放交易所列表,订单矿工费阶梯限制的计算公式(100%) 在DEX结算交易中增加稳定币交易摩擦费(friction fee)的结算(100%) 完善挖矿模块对全局资源的访问锁的处理,避免多线程问题(100%) 优化PBFT数据结构, 提升性能 (100%) 改进交易账号的处理,解决操作相同账号时的错误(100%) 完成合约可更新和设置维护人的功能实现 (100%) 应用建设 对DEX V1.1版本中挂单进行中、取消进行中、K线图、推送、挂单数据需求进行开发,调试并修复BUG(100%) 移动端DEX Tradingview重构开发 (80%) BaaS V3.0/CDP后端/DEX后端添加支持公链V3.0的RPC接口(50%) 完成鹰眼项目的V1.0.0版本开发和测试 (100%) 维基时代完成ETH钱包创建/导入/转账功能(100%) 维基时代下载页埋点及无法识别设备问题修复 (100%) WaykiX 项目需求及竞品功能的分析(100%) CDP 重构升级需求讨论(100%) WaykiMax V2.2.2 修复签名小费相关问题, 提交上架审核(100%) 升级生态项目(区块链浏览器, 维基时代,插件钱包等)以支持公链V3.0(30%) 月度规划 公链建设 公链WASM系统压力测试 公链V3.0进行系统回归测试 优化公链V3.0的代码 上线公链V3.0 应用建设 上层应用兼容公链V3.0 DEX撮合支持多交易所 WaykiX项目需求分析和开发 市场&月报 市场进展(国内) 本月维基链在一直播平台共进行了四场【维基链DeFi你问我答】直播, 总观看人数达到近一年来最高观看量,共计4.7万人收看。维基链本月将在直播间推出更多精彩内容,欢迎广大用户关注维基链一直播帐号:维基链WICC,获取维基链更多信息; 本月初,维基链开启【DeFi挑战】活动,问题围绕维基链稳定币WUSD及DeFi应用场景等。累计500+用户参与,共派发出礼品200+份; 4月13日,维基链参与Gate.io七周年活动,并在Gate.io【酒儿xTina周年红包雨直播派对】中派发大量WICC,与众多用户互动、交流; 本月维基链受深大微众金融科技学院邀请,维基链联合创始人&CTO陈晓东出席为该学院学生作了一场区块链知识科普的分享及答疑解惑,收到该学院老师、学生们一致好评。维基链后期将不断普惠大众,向公众传播区块链技术知识,共同推动区块链行业发展; 本月维基链小甜甜上线首期【老玩家眼中的维基链DeFi】栏目,该栏目旨在用第三方视角让用户更真实、更客观、更全貌地了解维基链DeFi的世界。Bying钱包运营陈晓波作客首期栏目,并讲述了他对于维基链DeFi的理解和建议。此栏目长期接受投稿,有兴趣的用户可关注维基的小甜甜公众号投稿; 本月,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航亲自撰文《维基链到底在干嘛》并在其个人公众号“GORDON高航”上发表,文章对外公布了维基链的发展方向以及分享高航认为社区应该期待和值得关注的地方。文章受到业内外媒体高度关注并转载,圈外媒体转载达76家; 《维基链联合创始人&CTO陈晓东“带你进入区块链+数字化金融的世界”直播文字实录》文章被业内头部媒体转发,陈晓东先生在直播中用情景教学的方式解释了区块链中去中心化、加密隐私等概念,并答疑了区块链三角、区块链在金融领域应用等问题,具体文章内容可在今日头条平台维基链官方帐号:“维基链WICC”查看; 4月29日,维基链上线全球首创DeFi爆仓险。该保险为维基链推出的WICC币本位保险服务,旨在最大化保障参与抵押借贷的投资者利益,完善公链DeFi生态。 本月维基链开启官方抖音帐号:维基链WICC,抖音号:WICC1000,该抖音帐号将以视频的方式更全面向用户展现维基链团队的进展和面貌。欢迎广大用户关注维基链官方抖音号,与我们互动; 市场进展(海外) 维基之星DeFi论文视频大赛火热进行中,截止5月3日入围26份高质量参赛作品,其中8份视频参赛作品和17份论文参赛作品进入到决赛轮;参赛作品在Medium,Youtube,Twitter等平台发布,部分高质量作品在平台的观看数量达到2000+,互动数量为100+,引发海外用户热情讨论; 5月18-23日,维基链受邀将出席区块链亚洲峰会(Crypto Asia Summit)日本站。该线上峰会邀请宾客达到5000+,媒体100+,50%以上参与峰会者为货币爱好者及投资人,其余为区块链技术开发者及区块链创业者; 5月18-23日,维基链CEO, 受邀将于区块链亚洲峰会(Crypto Asia Summit)日本站上发表演讲。同期峰会受邀演讲嘉宾共有50+,皆为业内领尖人物如Binance CEO;Bitcoin.com CEO以及NEO 创始人等;维基链CEO将于峰会期间与业内顶尖领军者进行行业讨论圆桌会议。峰会期间,全球曝光,线上互动,与投资者,及各类媒体直接对话,敬请期待; 维基链海外社群持续扩张,相比4月新增电报社群成员10650,韩国大使,俄罗斯大使及日本大使积极招募中。大使招募配合bitcoin talk 论坛代签名活动。论坛共计 13高级账户参与; 维基链上线维基百科进行中75%,初审通过后将增加维基链团队风采及高层背景介绍。维基百科为海外用户建立公信背书,打造海外共识; 维基链项目介绍及白皮书韩文版将于5月9日推出,推出后将上传官网,社群同步传阅,维护后期更新; 维基链阿拉伯站维护;累计浏览量:776703; 维基链CEO问答直通车频道更新:《维基链到底在干啥》 海外版; 运营官方推特,Medium,Bitcointalk账号,同步更新项目进展;运营"WaykiChain Official Group"(维基链官方英语电报群), "WaykiChain Developers-Global"(维基链海外开发者群), "?????-WaykiChain(WICC) Korea(维基链韩国官方群)","维基链韩国Kakao群"“维基链韩国电报群” "WaykiChain Global Ambassador Recruitment全球大使群",“维基链伊朗群”“维基天使群”"维基链土耳其群","维基链印度尼西亚群" “维基链印度社群”“维基链日本社群”“维基链越南社群”“维基链越南2群”“维基链越南群3群”“维基链巴西群”“维基链VIP福利群”“维基链迪拜群”.“维基链英国群”,“维基链法国群”“维基链德国群”“维基链乌克兰群”“维基链西班牙群”“维基链孟加拉国群”“”“维基链孟加拉国2群”“维基链菲律宾群”“维基链菲律宾群2群”“维基链巴基斯坦群”“维基链美国群”“维基链尼泊尔群”“维基链马来西亚社群”“维基链斯里兰卡群”“维基链新西兰群”“维基链加拿大群”“维基链荷兰群”“维基链阿根廷群”“维基链阿拉伯群”“维基链意大利群”“维基链斯里兰卡群” “维基链加拿大群”等及该国家地区推特,论坛;同步项目最新动态,Defi数据,项目知识,社群传播,每日三波投放社群传播。 Technology & Product Monthly Report Public Chain Development WSAM VM API / ABI / CDT implements RegID support (100%) Achieving WSAM native router (100%) WASM contract size ranking verification (WaykiX technical feasibility) (100%) Completion of WASM asset feeding plan and total debt plan (100%) Completion of WASM asset stress test and general storage architecture (100%) WASM WaykiX collateralization / redemption code writing.(100%) WASM WaykiX trading / extended trading / trading reward system design. Design and verification of WASM visitor mode storage architecture.(100%) WASM API persistent state library access reconstruction and WASM API 16-bit high-precision financial multiplication and division implementation (100%) Unified deployment implementation of LuaVM and WASM contracts complet Completed DIA (Decentralized Issue Asset) governance function development and testing (100%) Optimize default asset storage, generate initiative assets in the genesis block, reduce specialization and data errors (100%) Achieving CDP regular settlement interest transactions (100%) Optimize CDP mandatory liquidation priority and strategies when the risk reverse pool is underfunded.(100%) Completing the target account of the transfer transaction supports the public key activation function (100%) Fix the issue of transaction submitter account processing error (100%) Public chain V3.0 CDP related parameter governance test (90%) Public chain V3.0 transaction type minimum miner fee governance test (40% Tested on new demand design case of public chain V3.0 DEX. The public chain V3.0 is compatible with V2.0 regression test and UTXO regression test. (100%) Improved the calculation formula of the ladder limit for miner fees in DEX orders. Optimized the open mode of DEX exchange orders. Added the list of open exchange (100%) Settlement of friction fee in DEX settlement increased (100%) Optimized mining module processing to access lock of overall resources, to avoid multi-threading issues.(100%) Optimize PBFT data structure to improve partial performance.(100%) Transaction account processing to solve the error when operating the same account improved (100%) The contract can be updated and set up the maintainer function realization completed (100%) Application development Develop, debug, and fix bugs for pending orders in DEX V1.1 version, in progress, cancellation, K chart, push, and pending order data requirements (100%) Mobile DEX Tradingview reconstruction and development (80%) Baas V3.0/CDP backend /DEX backend add RPC interface supporting public chain V3.0 (50%) Hawkeye project V1.0.0 test (100%) Completion of ETH wallet creation/import/transfer (100%) Fix download page buries and unrecognized device problems in wiki era (100%) Analysis of WaykiX project requirements and competing product functions (100%) CDP Reconstruction and Upgrade Requirements Discussion (100%) Fixed issues related to signature tips of WaykiMax V2.2.2, and submitted for review.(100%) Upgrade ecological projects (blockchain browser, WaykiTimes, plug-in wallet, etc.) to support public chain V3.0 (30%) Following Month plan Public chain Public chain WASM system stress test Doing system regression testing for Public chain V3.0 Optimize the code of public chain V3.0 Online public chain V3.0 Application development The upper layer application is compatible with public chain V3.0 DEX matching supports multiple exchanges Analysis and development for WaykiX project Marketing Monthly Report Marketing Report(Overseas) WaykiChain Super Champion DeFi contest is in progress. As of May 3, 26 high-quality entries have been selected, among which 8 video entries and 17 thesis entries have entered the final round.The entries were published on Medium, Youtube, Twitter and other platforms. Some high-quality entries were viewed more than 2,000 times and interacted more than 100 times on the platforms, triggering enthusiastic discussions among overseas users. From May 18 to 23, WaykiChain will be invited to attend the Crypto Asia Summit in Japan. Over 50% of the participants are digital currency enthusiasts and investors, and the rest are block chain technology developers and block chain entrepreneurs. From May 18 to 23, gao hang, WaykiChain CEO Gordan was invited to deliver a speech at the Crypto Asia Summit in Japan.During the same period, there were over 50 invited speakers at the summit, all of whom were leaders in the industry, such as the CEO of Binance.CEO of Bitcoin.com and founder of NEO;Takahashi, WaykiChain CEO Gordan will hold a roundtable discussion with industry leaders during the summit.Stay tuned for global exposure, online interaction and direct dialogue with investors and various media during the summit. The overseas community of WaykiChain continues to expand, with 10,650 new members of the telegram community compared to April. Ambassadors from South Korea, Russia and Japan are actively recruiting.Ambassador recruitment in conjunction with the bitcoin talk forum signing activity.A total of 13 VIP users participated in the forum. WaykiChain plan to launch into Wikipedia, and 75% of it has been completed. After the initial review, the profile of WaykiChain team and the introduction of high-level background will be enhanced.Wikipedia builds trust and endorsement for overseas users to build consensus overseas. The introduction of the WaykiChain project and the south Korean version of the white paper will be launched on May 9. After the launch, the official website will be uploaded, which will be shared by the community simultaneously and updated later. Daily maintenance of WaykiChain Arabic site. WaykiChain CEO Gordan Gao, q&a channel update: "What is WaykiChain Doing" overseas edition. Daily operations of WaykiChain Official Group and WaykiChain Developers-Global, ?????-WaykiChain(WICC) Korea, WaykiChain Korea Kakao group, WaykiChain Global Ambassador Recruitment group, WaykiChain Turkish Group, WaykiChain Indonesia group, WaykiChain Indian group, WaykiChain Vietnamese group, WaykiChain Vietnam Group IIWaykiChain Vietnam Group III, WaykiChain Brazilian group, WaykiChain Dubai group, WaykiChain UK group, WaykiChain France group, WaykiChain Germany group, WaykiChain Ukrainian group, WaykiChain Spanish Group, WaykiChain Bangladeshi Group, WaykiChain Filipino Group, WaykiChain VIP Welfare Group, WaykiChain VIP Angel Group, WaykiChain Pakistan Group, WaykiChain Nepal Group, WaykiChain US Group, and WaykiChain Iranian Agent Group, WaykiChain New Zealand Group, WaykiChain Canadian Group, WaykiChain Dutch Group, WaykiChain Italian Group, WaykiChain Arabian Group, WaykiChain Sri Lankan Group, WaykiChain Slovenian Group (communities in 27 countries in total), as well as the corresponding Twitter accounts, updating project news, high-quality articles, project knowledge, DeFi share into telegram groups 3 times a day. Marketing Report(China) This month, WaykiChain conducted a total of four Live stream on a live streaming platform [WaykiChain DeFi Q & A], and the total number of viewers reached the highest number of views in the past year, with a total of 47,000 people watching. WaykiChain will launch more exciting content in the live broadcast this month. Users are welcome to follow WaykiChain's livestream account: WaykiChain WICC to get more information about WaykiChain Earlier this month, WaykiChain launched the [DeFi Challenge] activity, questions are related to WaykiChain stablecoin WUSD and DeFi application scenarios. A total of 500+ users participated and 200+ gifts were distributed; WaykiChain airdrops a large number of WICC redpockets at the 7th anniversary of Gate.io. Redpockets will be sending out during Jiuer X Tina Livestream Anniversary Party at 20:00 on April 13th. Users are welcome to grab WICC redpockets. At the invitation of Shenzhen University Wezhong Financial Technology College, WaykiChain co-founder & CTO Richard Chen made a sharing session of blockchain knowledge, and answered questions for the student. WaykiChain will continue to benefit the public, spread the knowledge of blockchain technology to the public, and jointly promote the development of the blockchain industry; On April 14th, WaykiChain launched the first phase of "Old Players see WaykiChain-DeFi Ecology". The new column aims to understand the world of WaykiChain DeFi more realistically, objectively and comprehensively, with a third-party perspective. Bying Wallet operator Chen Xiaobo was invited, and talks about his understanding and suggestions for WaykiChain DeFi. The new column welcomes contributions. Interested users can follow WaykiSweetie Official to submit contributions. This month, WaykiChain co-founder & CEO Gordon Gao personally wrote "what is WaykiChain doing now?" and published it on his personal account "GORDON Gaohang" on Wechat platform.The article announced the development direction of WaykiChain and shared what Gordon believes the community should expect and deserve attention. The article has been highly concerned and reprinted by the media in the industry and outside, and 76 media have reprinted it unitil now. The article "Co-founder of WaykiChain & CTO Richard Chen--Take You into the World of Blockchain + Digital Finance "Livestream Text Record" was forwarded by the top tier medias in the industry. In the live broadcast, Richard explained the concepts of decentralization and encryption privacy in the blockchain by using scenario teaching, and answered questions about the blockchain triangle and the application of blockchain in the financial field. The content of the article can be viewed on the WaykiChain Sweetie account. On April 29, WaykiChain launched the world's first WICC Collateral Insurance. The insurance is the WICC currency standard insurance service launched by WaykiChain, which aims to maximize the protection of the interests of investors participating in mortgage lending and complete the public chain DeFi ecosystem. This month, WaykiChain created its official Tiktok account: WaykiChain WICC. Tiktok account: WICC1000. WaykiChain will show the progress and features of the WaykiChain team to users by using Tiktok. Welcome to follow our WaykiChain Tiktok account and interact with us. —- 编译者/作者:维基链WICC 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-05-05 维基链WICC 来源:区块链网络
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