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2020-05-06 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



At present, the financial services industry is a blow to small and micro enterprises, they can not borrow money, and then large listed companies, even if they have lost money, can easily raise funds, hundreds of millions of people are excluded from the mainstream economy, and financial institutions are reluctant to serve them because they are high-risk customers, this shows that these financial institutions form a huge castle wall, ordinary people simply can not subvert these obstacles, in fact, financial services, technological change is slow, and full of internal contradictions, for example, it is irresponsible for a customer to leave the cash register. If the bank makes a mistake, the customer will not dare to use a penny.

These contradictions within finance are maintained by the stakeholders, and distributed book keeping may be a breakthrough, for ordinary end users, who are not constrained and can be linked together, there's no turning away from them in the financial world, as if everyone is at a relatively fair starting point again, the benefits of distributed bookkeeping and the fact that transactions can be done in real time, and the underlying settlement of stock transactions can take days, so the blockchain world advocates an inclusive and fair financial system.


