贝宝金融旗下以太坊矿池正式上线,并于北京时间下午16时3分在区块高度10327266正式挖出第一个以太坊区块,区块上留言为“BABELPOOL/HELLO_ETH”。 贝宝金融创始人兼CEO杨舟表示,“以太坊矿池上线只是贝宝金融在矿业探索的第一步,贝宝金融将与星火矿池和矿业伙伴紧密合作,通过更多金融创新共同服务好矿工。” 据悉,贝宝金融的以太坊矿池将由星火矿池提供技术保障和支持,星火矿池是技术领先的综合性矿池,也是全球第一大以太坊矿池。 星火矿池创始人兼CEO许昕表示,“非常高兴与贝宝金融合作,期待在矿业金融方面进行更多联合探索,与星火一起守护未来价值网络。 关于贝宝金融 贝宝金融是全球领先的综合性加密金融服务商,专业为全球高净值合格个人投资者和机构投资者提供加密资产金融服务,包括加密资产存贷、资产管理、经纪交易、衍生品策略等全面加密金融服务,目前加密资产管理规模超过5亿美元,位居全球前列。 Babel Finance is a global leading cryptocurrency financial institution dedicated to providing professional crypto-asset financial services for high-net-worth individual and institutional clients worldwide, including crypto deposit and credit facilities, structured asset management, prime brokerage, derivatives strategies, etc. The firm manages a total asset value in excess of USD 500 million in cryptocurrencies and is widely regarded by regional leaders in the industry. 联系方式: ·?客服支持:[email protected] ·?商务合作:[email protected] ·?媒体垂询:[email protected] 关于星火矿池 价值网络守护者(The Keeper of Blockchain Networks) 星火矿池致力于提供专业的矿池服务、维持公链网络的稳定运行。三年来,星火矿池潜心钻研技术、优化服务,先后推出了 PoW 矿池,PoS 权益池以及 FlintOS 等产品,凭借过硬的技术和对行业的精准洞察成为了全球第一大以太坊矿池,现已是全球最大的 GPU 通用算力平台。 SparkPool is dedicated to providing professional services to miners and maintaining a stable operation of public blockchain networks. Over the past three years, SparkPool has been striving to improve its architectural infrastructure and diversify its services, which include PoW mining pools, PoS staking pools, FlintOS, etc. Thanks to clients' trust and preference for its technical team, and the recognition of its accurate insight into the mining industry, SparkPool has grown into the largest Ethereum mining pool and the largest all-purpose GPU hashrate platform worldwide. 联系方式: —- 编译者/作者:BABEL贝宝 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-06-24 BABEL贝宝 来源:区块链网络
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