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【第292期】#比特币秘事# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

2020-07-26 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




首个全面支持闪电网络的比特币钱包于5月31日成功登陆谷歌应用商店GooglePlay,也是闪电网络技术又一个值得铭记的里程碑。这款支持闪电网络的比特币钱包应用名称叫做“闪电钱包(Lighting Wallet)”,其中包括了一个可操作的闪电节点,支持链上比特币和链下闪电网络交易。用户可以利用闪电网络专用渠道发送和接受比特币,而且收费极低——不到1个聪(比特币最小单位,大约0.0000755141美元)。


According to CNBC, the United States currently has the largest number of bitcoin atms in the world, with 1,960 in total; 250 in West Coast Los Angeles. The world's first bitcoin automated teller machine will be installed at a coffee shop in Downtown Vancouver. The Canadian dollars that the user deposits on the automated teller machine will be converted into bitcoin and transferred to a bitcoin account on the network. You can exchange Canadian dollars directly from your bitcoin account. The entire exchange is anonymous, but during the transaction, users need to identify themselves by scanning their palm prints. On the machine, each person can withdraw up to 3,000 Canadian dollars, or about 17,000 yuan, per day. In addition to the ATM, there are four other automated teller machine that will be in use in Toronto, Montreal, Calgari and Ottawa in December. The automated teller machine started in 2014. In fact, the country's first BITCOIN ATM has already started trading in Zhangjiang, Pudong. Users have been stuffing money into their bank accounts, and personal bitcoin accounts will increase. Currently, the general voice in China is that bitcoin is not a currency, it is a virtual asset and no exchanges exist. Although the United States has expressed its aversion to the de-dollarization of Bitcoin, there are automatic bitcoin atms on various continents. We can see that cryptocurrencies are relatively unimpeded in the United States, in the United States, with the recent SEC and BB compromise, at least EOS is already in compliance. The launch of the first fully lightning enabled bitcoin wallet on Google play on May 31 was another memorable milestone for the technology. The lightning-enabled bitcoin Wallet APP, called "Lighting Wallet, " includes an operational lightning node that supports both on-and off-chain lightning network transactions. Users can send and receive bitcoins through a dedicated channel on the lightning network for as little as $0.0000755141. Bitcoin wallet on Google APP STORE? Bitcoin wallets can be: Jaxx, blockchain, and hardware wallets can be: Trezor, Ledger. The lightning wallet here supports online transactions up and down the bitcoin chain. The APP is said to have received positive five star reviews and has the advantage of making you the owner of a wallet. The same is true for passwords that rely on Mnemonics, a small step in the Armstrong, a giant leap in the blockchain world. Access to the Google APP store can be seen, more is inclusive, recognition and acceptance of Cryptocurrency, expect mykey to support the early recharge of Public Beta bitcoin.






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