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AMA回录 | Ocean海洋协议V3即将发布,老牌项目如何在风口乘风破浪

2020-07-30 BlockArk 来源:火星财经
Ocean Protocol AMA回录来啦~

2020年7月22日晚8点,Ocean Protocol海洋协议中文社区请到了Ocean Protocol海洋协议的创始人兼CEO——Bruce Pon,来为我们海洋协议的中文社区做一次AMA分享。

AMA全称为Ask MeAnything,本次活动持续了1个小时,前40分钟,社区管理者准备了一些社区参与者们常见的问题,来对Bruce进行提问,后面20分钟,社区进行自由问答,参与直播的社区用户可以直接提出自己的问题,Bruce选择其中的一些问题进行回答。

本次的嘉宾Bruce Pon是OceanProtocol海洋协议的创始人,他毕业于麻省理工学院,拥有丰富的区块链和数据库经验同时也是是BigChainDB的创始人兼CEO,BigChainDB是一家区块链数据公司,主要合作伙伴有微软、Polkadot、MongoDB、Toyota等知名公司。他曾共同创建了文塔伦国际咨询公司,为无银行账户的人服务。12年里在全球建立了18家银行和金融服务公司。曾在戴姆勒金融服务公司(MercedesBenz)和埃森哲公司工作过。同时也是ascribe GmbH的创始人兼CEO。

在这里,我先对Ocean Protocol海洋协议做一个介绍:Ocean Protocal于2017年推出,是基于区块链的去中心化数据交换协议,用于为人工智能解锁数据价值。通过区块链技术、智能合约和OCEAN通证,允许数据提供者通过去中心化的数据市场与数据消费者进行交互,同时保证所有参与者的控制、可审计性、透明度和合规性,为用户提供公平的结果。



主持人:Bruce你好,欢迎来到中文社区。尽管我们前面已经做过介绍,但我们还是希望你再次为我们用一句话介绍一下Ocean Protocol项目。作为一个搭建在以太坊上的数据交换协议,它最终的愿景是什么?能给我们的世界带来什么样的改变?

Hello, Bruce. Welcome to the Chinesecommunity. Although we have already introduced it before, we still hope you canintroduce Ocean Protocol in one sentence. As a data exchange protocol built onEthereum, what is its ultimate vision? What changes can it bring to our world?

Bruce Pon:

OceanProtocol allows people to buy and share data securely while preserving privacy.

Our goal is to be the protocol thatsupports the global Data Economy.

We envision a world where data is an assetthat is accessible to everyone. Individuals can share their data transparently,and receive compensation. Companies and researchers can connect to build AItools, driven by data.



主持人:大家都知道,Ocean Protocol从2017年发布至今已经4年,4年期间,达成了很多新的里程碑。最近Ocean即将发布V3,能否为大家简单地介绍一下,V3会实现哪些和以前不一样的目标呢?

As we all know, it has been four yearssince the Ocean Protocol was released in 2017. During the four years, many newmilestones have been reached. Ocean is about to release V3 recently. Can yougive us a brief introduction of the different goals V3 will achieve?

Bruce Pon:

OceanProtocol has a long history in the blockchain space. We have been active since2013. At that time, Vitalik Buterin worked for a short time on our projectbefore he wrote the Ethereum whitepaper. From then until now, we have learnt alot and we have always focused on helping to build a Data Economy.

海洋协议在区块链行业有着比较久的历史。我们从2013年开始就一直活跃在这个领域。Vitalik Buterin在撰写以太坊白皮书之前就曾为我们的项目工作了一段时间。直到现在,我们不仅仅学到了很多东西并且一直专注于建立数据经济。

Ocean V3 will provide the basis tokickstart a Data Economy.

As part of v3, people will be able to issue DataTokens that grant access to their data in exchange for Ocean and othercrypto-currencies. These data tokens are very powerful, because it allows anypiece of data, intellectual property or content stream to be monetized directlyby the provider, bypassing the large central internet platforms.

Ocean V3将提供启动数据经济的基础。作为v3的一部分,用户将能够发行授予访问其数据权限的数据代币,以换取Ocean和其他加密货币。这些数据代币非常强大,因为它允许供应商绕过大型中心化互联网平台直接从任何数据,知识产权或内容流中获利。

On top of v3 Data Tokens, the tools of#DeFi, decentralized finance,can be used to turn the data assets intocollateral, securities and loans. This opens up the possibility of the DataEconomy.




In the recently published Medium article,you have written about some thoughts on token economy. According to whetherproducts use tokens and whether they rely on tokens, blockchain projects can bedivided into four categories. Can you tell us what the governance mechanism ofOcean Token is at present and what category it will belong to in the future?

Bruce Pon:

Given ourlong history in blockchain, we observed the initial wave of token projects in2016/2017. Throughout, we asked how a token can help to improve adoption of thetechnology or governance of the protocol. It was only when we had a clearanswer, did we initiate Ocean Protocol.


TheOcean token has utility value for staking,

activating Ocean smart contracts,used in the network reward and for governance of the protocol. Over time, wewill activate each capability, in parallel with increasing adoption andfunctionality of the network.


Governance is an important topic forblockchain projects. Ideally, the project is decentralized and managed fully bythe global community. In reality, a project needs to go through stages ofdecentralization before a protocol can be truly community owned.



主持人:在V3的计划中我们看到, Ocean即将发布Staking机制和代币激励机制,请问现在有详尽的方案了吗?这是否意味着未来代币的价值将有更大地提升?

In the V3 plan, we see that Ocean is aboutto release the staking mechanism and token incentive mechanism. Do you have adetailed plan now? Does it mean that there will be greater value for tokens inthe future?

Bruce Pon:

For V3 ourobjective is clear, to make Ocean Protocol more accessible for people to adopt.V3 meets the needs of everyone, whether it is developers that are comfortableand familiar with Ethereum, #DeFi enthusiasts that want to get yield from theirtoken holdings or enterprises that want to share data.


V3 provides the technical basis for allthese groups to participate in Ocean Protocol, and create value that matters tothem. When the community thrives, we anticipate that the Ocean token will alsothrive. We will do everything we can to ensure that the global Ocean community isnurtured and grows.




Recently, the concept of DeFi is verypopular in the market. We all want to know whether Ocean Protocol willcooperate with some DeFi projects?

Bruce Pon:

OceanProtocol is highly compatible with #DeFi. It uses all the tools of #DeFi fordata, to allow data to become a new asset class. We’re excited for this becauseuntil now, only the largest internet platforms could use and sell their data,mostly the private data of their own customers. With Ocean Protocol, we combinethe advantages of #DeFi to allow anyone to monetize their data - governments,companies and individuals.



主持人:数据交换协议和去中心化存储密不可分,同样,Filecoin也是近期的热点之一。根据Ocean Protocol的路线图,我们知道2019年,在V1中,Ocean就已经和IPFS进行了整合。随着Filecoin即将上线,这将会给Ocean带来怎样的契机呢?

Data exchange protocol and decentralizedstorage are inseparable. Similarly, Filecoin is one of the hot spots in thenear future. According to the roadmap of Ocean Protocol, we know that Ocean hasbeen integrated with IPFS in V1 in 2019. With Filecoin coming online soon, whatopportunities will this bring to Ocean?

Bruce Pon:

For the DataEconomy, we need four building blocks - data, AI algorithms, storage andcomputing resources. For storage, Filecoin is a recognized leader. We have beenfriends with the project since 2014 and have shared many ideas with Juan Benet,the founder. So it’s natural that Ocean will have an integration with Filecoinas soon as Filecoin is launched. We are excited about this because it givesdevelopers more flexibility to have control over their applications and peopleto have control over their data, independent of the large internet platforms.

对于数据经济,我们需要四个构建块-数据,人工智能算法,存储和计算资源。对于存储方面,Filecoin是公认的领导者。自2014年以来,我们一直是跟Filecoin有着非常良好的关系,并且也与其创始人Juan Benet分享了许多想法。因此,一旦Filecoin启动,Ocean将与Filecoin集成。我们对与Filecoin集成感到非常开心,因为它为我们的开发人员提供了更多灵活性来控制其应用程序,使人们可以独立于大型中心化互联网平台来控制其数据。



Permissionless is one of Ocean's importantgoals. While becoming more open and inclusive, it may also bring certain risks.How can we face these problems, whether in terms of product technology orpolitics? In the past, Ocean has cooperated with many well-known enterprises inthe world, such as Daimler. Will the cooperation between these largeenterprises continue or decrease as Ocean turns to Permissionless?

Bruce Pon:

OceanProtocol needs to be permissionless and owned by the global community. At theheart, the core value should be openness to everyone so that opportunity can bespread. In reality, the journey may hit barriers and politics may happen. Thecore team at Ocean intends to support the community as it grows and matures,meeting the needs of developers, crypto-enthusiasts and enterprises.


For enterprises, they will be able todeploy private Ocean networks that they have more control over, likeenterprises do with Ethereum now.


For developers and the broader community,they will have a voice in the direction of the technology and where grants aregiven.

We hope that with the combination of thecore team, the community and enterprise, we can balance the needs of everyonefairly.



主持人:我们看到一篇文章写到,Ocean Protocol将在Polkadot上搭建桥梁,以更好地实现数据交换。可以详细地为我们讲讲吗?跨链基础设施的建设将给Ocean Protocol的未来发展带来哪些好处?

We saw an article that Ocean Protocol willbuild a bridge on Polkadot to better realize data exchange. Can you tell usmore about it? What benefits will the construction of Cross-chaininfrastructure bring to the future development of Ocean Protocol?

Bruce Pon:

We haveexplored working with Polkadot on multiple levels, with frequent contact totheir engineering teams. Since Ocean Protocol is agnostic to the L1 layer, itcan be deployed on Polkadot in the future. In the meantime, we have already usedParity Secret Store as part of the Ocean Protocol and have other ideas on howto integrate further.

我们已经探索了与Polkadot的多层次合作,并经常与他们的工程团队联系。由于Ocean Protocol与L1层无关,所以将来可我们可以在Polkadot上部署它。同时,我们已经将Parity Secret Store用作Ocean Protocol的一部分,并对如何进一步集成有更多的想法。


主持人:最后一个问题,也是大家很关心的一个问题,在V3发布后,Ocean Protocol还有哪些计划?在市场层面,是否会继续上线更多大型交易所,尤其是合规交易所,让全世界的数字货币投资者能够更便利地参与Ocean的建设?

Last but not least, what are the plans ofOcean Protocol after the release of V3? At the market level, will more largeexchanges, especially compliant ones,will continue tolaunch? We hope that digital currency investors all over the world couldparticipate in the construction of Ocean Protocol more conveniently.

Bruce Pon:

We have v4and v5 on our roadmap. These next phases allow for more decentralization andcommunity voice to decide where grants are given. From there, we will focus onadoption and support developers to build DApps. There are already several greatideas that are being worked on that we will be excited to share with thecommunity when they are ready.



问题一来自@KT :对于用户而言,个人数据是最私密和隐私的,Ocean是如何保障用户的数据安全?

For users, personal data is the mostprivate. How does Ocean protect users' data security?

Bruce Pon:

Data privacy is the most important criteriafor people to feel safe to share data. Ocean Protocol allows people to controlhow their data is shared and gives them the ability to define the conditionswhere others can access their data. It is a universal access control layer fordata.



If our users want to participate in ocean'secology, in addition to the secondary market to buy money, are there any otherways and means to participate?

Bruce Pon:

There are three ways that the community canparticipate.

1) If you are a developer, the Ocean technology is available foranyone to use and build DApps on. We would love to see some Chinese developersto build apps on Ocean

2) If you are part of a company that has data and wantsto share data - Ocean technology could be right for you. We have integrationpartners that can help you explore options

3) Stake tokens - if you hold Ocean,you are part of the #DeFi ecosystem - you can stake tokens for yield, earninterest and already collateralize your tokens.


1) 如果您是一名开发人员,海洋协议可供任何人使用和构建DApp。我们希望看到一些中国开发者在海洋上开发应用程序

2) 如果你是一家拥有数据并希望共享数据的公司的一员,那么海洋技术可能正适合你。我们有集成合作伙伴,可以帮助您探索各种选择

3) Stake代币-如果你持有Ocean,你就是#DeFi生态系统的一部分-你可以用代币来获得收益,赚取利息,并且已经为你的代币做抵押。


Hello,everyone knows that the Ocean Protocol and Mercedes Benz parent company haveestablished cooperation recently. What progress do you think these cooperationwill bring to the Ocean Protocol? And in what ways does an Ocean Protocol giveit an advantage?

Bruce Pon:

With Mercedes-Benz, we wish to showcase theOcean Protocol technology with a real-world use case that adds value. We arecontinuing work with them and are working closely on the next phase already.Mercedes Benz likes Ocean technology because it is open-source, globallyscalable and gives them full control. If they want to build more tools andsoftware on top of Ocean, they do not need to rely on the core Ocean team.



It is said that the Ocean Protocol is establishingthe world's first logistics data market? How will the data market cater toconsumers or investors? Can I buy ocean tokens in exchange for my personaldata? For example, my sports, medical and so on?

Bruce Pon:

Ocean Protocol is a protocol that allows datato be shared, safely and privately. It is like a new city focused on the DataEconomy where the roads, streets and utilities are all laid out. Now businessescan come to build data sharing applications - some will trade personal data,others will focus on providing AI algorithms. There will be #DeFi specialiststhat take the data assets and turn them into loans and collateral.

Some peoplemight even offer their data in an IDO - initial data offering. The role of thecore team is to ensure that the technology gets improved, that the ecosystem isnurtured and that there is governance on the resources of the Ocean community.We hope that the community values remain strong and develop in the rightdirection so that everyone feels that they can contribute.

海洋协议是一个协议,允许数据共享,安全和私人。它就像一个专注于数据经济的新城市,道路、街道和公用事业都在这里布局。现在,企业可以开始构建数据共享应用程序——一些企业将交易个人数据,其他企业将专注于提供人工智能算法。将有DeFi专家将数据资产转化为贷款和抵押品。有些人甚至可以在IDO——initial data offering中提供他们的数据。核心小组的作用是确保技术得到改进,生态系统得到培育,并对海洋协议社区的资源进行管理。我们希望社区的价值观保持强大,朝着正确的方向发展,让每个人都觉得自己可以做出贡献。


What are the details of the Stakingmechanism, which is crucial to the price of ocean tokens

Bruce Pon:

There are three ways to stake in Ocean.

1) People can recommend and promote datasets which they think the community will use. For this, they will stake Oceanand have the chance to earn a share of the revenue.

2) People can stake to launch a datamarketplace storefront - to ensure the quality of the data marketplace forusers

3) People can use their Ocean to stake on#DeFi protocols like Uniswap, Balancer, Kyber and others. We see more stakingoptions that will come in the future.


1) 人们可以推荐和推广他们认为社区将使用的数据集。为此,他们将Staking OCEAN代币,并有机会从中获得利润。














原文标题:AMA回录 | Ocean海洋协议V3即将发布,老牌项目如何在风口乘风破浪


