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重磅 | Wisdom Chain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力

2020-09-04 WisdomChain中文社区 来源:火星财经
在以太坊上,合约编程的语言是 Solidity,它是图灵完备且较为上层的语言,它虽然扩展了合约的能力范畴,降低了合约编写难度。


Wisdom Chain is about to integrate strongcontract scripting capabilities

This article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1301765540990590976?s=20


Contract programming

Since the time when Bitcoin opened block chain in 2009, with the development of technology and ecology, the distributed application based on block chain (dapp) has shown a blowout trend in nearly 10 years. The underlying technology that supports DAPP is "block chain + contract scripting ability".

SolidityThe combination of contract programming capabilities and block chains is generally considered a landmark upgrade in the block chain world.The first platform that combines block chains with contract scripting (smart contract) technology, the birth of ETH, was considered to have ushered in the era of Block Chain 2.0.


Ethereum & Solidity

In ETH, the language of contract programming is Solidity, which is Turing-complete and superior language, although it greatly expands the scope of contract capabilities and reduces the difficulty of contract writing.However, there are still technical defects in ETH's contract technology. Simply put, we can understand that ETH can only add a key-value database that cannot be modified. Deploying an intelligent contract is equivalent to adding a key-value pair to this database, the key is the contract address, and the value is the contract code.

Ethereum & SolidityBecause of the non-changeability described above, it means that you find problems with the previous contract code and you cannot modify it either. The only thing you can do is deploy a new contract, but the new contract corresponds to a new address. The code in the new address cannot operate on the ether and data in the old contract account.

At the same time, there is no standard library support at the level of ETH contract design: EVM lacks perfect standard library support, even the most basic string type support, such as string splicing, cutting, finding, and so on, all need to be implemented by the developers themselves.

The consequence is that developers need to focus on more fragmented details that are not part of their own business and not on their own business development.At the same time, self-implemented class libraries may consume a lot of unnecessary gas due to time, high spatial complexity, and developers can learn from related class library codes from open source projects, but also introduce more security issues, which will increase the complexity of contract code auditing.


Wisdom Chain & Contract Script

Of course, this is not an attack on the contract technology of ETH, because ETH is a product of early development and has limitations of the times. On the basis of ETH, contract technology developed by Wisdom Chain designed new solutions to prevent such problems as overflow of mathematical calculation and deduction of handling fees when virtual machine is interrupted.

With Wisdom Chain integrating contract scripting capabilities, there will be fewer restrictions on on-chain development and more space for developers. In addition, core developers have disclosed that enterprise-level Wisdom Chain was developed early in the year and has not been brought to the market because of the large environmental impact and extensive security testing.Most importantly, after Wisdom Chain integrates contract scripting capabilities, the more flexible Wisdom Chain and enterprise-level Wisdom Chainmust take WDC to a new height.


本文来自Wisdom Chain官方Twitter




自 2009 年比特币开启区块链时代以来,近 10 年里,随着技术与生态的发展,基于区块链的分布式应用(dapp)呈现出井喷的趋势,而支撑着 dapp 的底层技术就是“区块链 + 合约脚本编程能力”。

Solidity语言合约编程能力与区块链的结合,普遍被认为是区块链世界中一次里程碑式的升级。第一个结合了区块链与合约脚本编程(智能合约)技术的平台–以太坊的诞生,被认为是开启了"区块链 2.0"时代。



在以太坊上,合约编程的语言是 Solidity,它是图灵完备且较为上层的语言,它虽然扩展了合约的能力范畴,降低了合约编写难度。但是ETH的合约技术还是存在技术缺陷的,简单的说, 我们可以把以太坊理解成一个只能添加不能修改的键值数据库,部署智能合约相当于向这个数据库添加一个键值对,键就是合约地址,值就是合约代码。

Ethereum & Solidity由于前面所述的不可更改性,也就说你发现前面合约代码有问题,你也不能修改,唯一能做的是部署新合约,但是新合约对应新地址,新地址中的代码是不能操作老合约账户中的以太和数据的。




Wisdom Chain独立研发的合约技术

当然在这里并不是攻击以太坊的合约技术,因为以太坊是早期开发的产物,有时代的局限性,而Wisdom chain开发的合约技术,在以太坊的基础上,设计全新的解决方案,防止了比如:数学计算的溢出,虚拟机中断时手续费依然会被扣除等,这些以太坊中的问题。

Wisdom chain融合合约脚本编程能力后,链上开发的限制也会越来越少,开发者的开发空间越来越大,加之核心开发人员透露企业级Wisdom Chain早在年初开发完毕,一直没有推向市场,一是因为大环境影响,二是在进行大量的安全测试。而最重要的Wisdom Chain融合合约脚本编程能力后,更加灵活的Wisdom Chian与企业级Wisdom Chian联盟链一定将WDC带向新的高度。

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原文标题:重磅 | Wisdom Chain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力


