本期主题是《BTC、ETH强势突破新高,接下来NBU将如何布局DEFI市场?》,我是本次的主持人,Nimbus社区志愿者Linda 。 简单介绍一下今天的嘉宾: Alexandra Serebrennikova,Nimbus全球市场总监 主持人:现在开始我们今天的对话环节,如果大家有什么问题,可以在AMA结束后提问。 那我们先来开始今天的AMA活动咯! 主持人: 1.请问这个KOL招募计划,具体是招募哪些方面的合作资源呢? 1. What kind of cooperation resources does this KOL recruitment plan specifically recruit? Alexandra: We introduced our KOL program in order to find local well-connected crypto enthusiasts who could spread the word about Nimbus in China. In return, these people will not only have the opportunity to become the official Nimbus ambassadors, but also to receive a generous reward for their contribution to the Nimbus future. We know China has an endless amount of talents and we’re confident we will meet a lot of likeminded people who will be as inspired by the Nimbus vision as we are ourselves. We’re also confident that in turn, our joint efforts will grow our local community even further and eventually the entire community will benefit from this KOL campaign. Please contact our Wechat chat admins in order to receive more information about how you can participate and what rewards you may expect for it. 我们引入了KOL程序,以便找到可以在中国传播有关Nimbus的本地联系良好的加密爱好者。作为回报,这些人不仅将有机会成为Nimbus的官方大使,而且还将因其对Nimbus未来的贡献而获得丰厚的回报。 我们知道中国拥有无穷的人才,我们有信心会见到很多志同道合的人,他们将像我们自己一样受到Nimbus愿景的启发。我们也有信心,反过来,我们的共同努力将进一步扩大我们的当地社区,并最终使整个社区将从这次KOL运动中受益。 请与我们的微信聊天管理员联系,以获取有关如何参与以及可能期望得到的奖励的更多信息。 主持人: 2.2020年的区块链产业,DeFi是绕不过去的话题。DeFi的出现引起了一波热潮,但随着时间的推移DeFi热潮慢慢渐退,您认为阻碍DeFi发展壮大的原因是什么? 2. In 2020, DeFi has been a hot spot, but as time goes by, the popularity of DeFi has gradually receded. What do you think is the reason that hinders the development and growth of DeFi? Alexandra: I believe that the growth of DeFi is not hindered by anything in particular. The industry is simply following a classical cycle that any new technology undergoes. Just as any new development, it should pass a stage of explosive growth boosted by hype, then a stage of a decline as the expectations of the public were too inflated, and then finally a stage where it gains traction and achieves stable growth that would last over time. Currently, we’re somewhere in between the second and the third stage. So, what we see now, is simply the maturation of the industry and cleansing from all the projects that did not offer real value to users. Instead, soon, I believe, we shall see more companies like Nimbus that bring tangible use cases and that further boost the genuine adoption of DeFi. So, let’s prepare for a more stable growth and admit that DeFi is here to stay. 我认为,DeFi的增长不会受到任何特别的阻碍。该行业只是遵循任何新技术经历的经典周期。就像任何新的发展一样,它应该经历由炒作推动的爆炸性增长阶段,然后由于公众的期望过高而下降的阶段,然后是最终获得牵引力并实现持续稳定增长的阶段随着时间的推移。目前,我们处于第二阶段和第三阶段之间。 因此,我们现在所看到的仅仅是行业的成熟和对所有没有为用户提供真正价值的项目的洗礼。相反,我相信不久之后,我们将看到像Nimbus这样的更多公司带来切实的用例,并进一步推动DeFi的真正采用。因此,让我们为更稳定的增长做准备,并承认DeFi将继续存在。 主持人: 3.Nimbus的代币NBU目前可以在Uniswap交易吗?以后会上CEX吗? 3. Can the NBU token of Nimbus be traded on Uniswap? Will you be on CEX in the future? Alexandra: The NBU token shall be listed at Uniswap by February 2021. As per the centralized exchanges, we are already in negotiations with some of the major CEX and the listings there shall follow later this year. We are also in talks with major Chinese exchanges in a pursuit to provide our Chinese community with a superior user experience of interacting with Nimbus. As soon as our agreements are in place, we will be able to announce the exchange names. NBU代币应在2021年2月之前在Uniswap上列出。 我们已经在与一些主流的CEX进行沟通,并将在今年晚些时候上币。我们还在与主要的中国交易所进行对话,以期为我们的华人社区提供与Nimbus互动的卓越用户体验。 一旦达成协议,我们便可以宣布交易所名称。 主持人: 4.Nimbus近期有新的投资机构合作吗? 4. Does Nimbus have any new investment agency cooperation recently? Alexandra: Since we are determined to ensure the best market conditions for our tokens, we have been in contacts with some major liquidity providers for a while now. A few of them have now committed to support the NBU token as we launch. As more liquidity providers come on board, we will announce it and you will see them in the partnerships section at our website. 由于我们决心确保代币的最佳市场条件,因此我们已经与一些主要的流动性提供商进行了一段时间的联系。现在,其中一些人已承诺在我们启动时支持NBU代币。随着越来越多的流动性提供商加入,我们将予以公开宣布,您将在我们网站的“合作伙伴关系”板块中看到它们。 主持人: 5.最近有哪些最近进展?请详细说明。 5. What are the recent developments? Please explain in details. Alexandra: Our NBU smart contracts are ready. We have also integrated the Referral Program logic into the smart contracts and developed the staking functionality of the platform. Our main goal now is to improve the overall user experience and finalize the interface of the Nimbus platform. Once finished, we shall open up the platform to the public. Moreover, yesterday our developers said that they’re inches away from finalizing our Governance Token and DAO smart contracts. This is great results and it means we might be moving ahead of the schedule. However, we will not rush and release this functionality until the market is ready. In the end, our goal is to always maximize the market benefits for our stakeholders and we keep this in mind when picking the timing for our product launches, too. We will keep you posted on our updates so keep an eye on this chat! 我们的NBU智能合约已准备就绪。我们还将推荐计划逻辑集成到智能合约中,并开发了平台的持币功能。 现在,我们的主要目标是改善整体用户体验并最终确定Nimbus平台的界面。完成后,我们将向公众开放该平台。 此外,昨天,我们的开发人员说,他们距离最终确定我们的Governance Token和DAO智能合约还差得很远。今天将它们提交给我们的智能合约审核员Zokyo。这是很好的结果,这意味着我们可能会提前完成进度。但是,在市场准备就绪之前,我们不会急于发布此功能。最后,我们的目标是始终为利益相关者带来最大的市场利益,并且在选择产品发布时机时也要牢记这一点。 我们会及时通知您最新动态,因此请密切注意本次聊天! —- 编译者/作者:Cat说区块链 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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