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2021-03-01 老苏-八卦区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注我们最新一期的AMA,本期Sunny邀请到了Kylin Network的创始人Dylan Dewdney,欢迎Dylan Dewdney!

Thank you for your Following to our latest AMA.

In this AMA, Sunny has invited Dylan Dewdney, the founder of the Kylin---Polkadot ecosystem project.

Welcome Dylan Dewdney!

感谢:链闻ChainNews、Winkrypto、Odaily星球日报、Tokenview、PANews、三元资本TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。

Thanks for the support: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Odaily, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital,special thanks for their strong support for this event.


Kylin 是由 Polkadot 支持的去中心化 Oracle 网络,提供多个实时数据源。其为链下数据提供了可靠、高效且无需信任的解决方案,以去中心化、可扩展的方式运行。

Kylin通过利用开放网络上Polkadot / Substrate 框架的强大功能,为任何应用程序和区块链提供即时、可靠、有效的链上/链下市场数据和社会数据源。

About Kylin:

Kylin Oracle is an advanced decentralized data feeding protocol powered by Polkadot/Substrate offering multiple, real-time data sources with the complementarity and synergy to off-chain workers.

Kylin Network offers any applications and blockchains (such as parachains and parathreads) instantaneous but reliable and valid on/off-chain market data and social data sources by leveraging the power of Polkadot/Substrate Framework on open networks.


1) 嘉宾回答预先收集好的问题;

2) 嘉宾在线实时回答社区的自由提问。


This AMA combines of two parts, in the first part, our guest will answer the pre-collected question, and in the second part is free questioning, audience can ask their own questions. Please be a good listener in the first part and actively participate in the second part.

被选中的提问将获得Kylin token空投奖励,希望大家踊跃参与。

The selected questions will receive Kylin token airdrop rewards, and we hope everyone will participate actively.

再次欢迎@Dylan Dewdney,我们正式开始吧~

Welcome again @Dylan Dewdney ,Okay, let's start.



Question 1:

Can you briefly tell us what is Kylin in 3-5 sentences?

In the most general terms, Kylin is a general data validation layer. In more specific terms, it’s probably best conceptualized as a cross between Chainlink (we can satisfy getting off-chain data on-chain), the Graph (through querying we can get on-chain data, off-chain for analytics), and then Ocean Protocol (where we are setting up the basis for a decentralized data market infrastructure).

一般来说,Kylin是一个通用的数据验证层。更具体地说,最好将其概念化为Chainlink(我们可以满足在链上获取链外数据),Graph(通过查询可以获取链上数据,链下进行分析)以及Ocean Protocol(我们正在为分散式数据市场基础设施奠定基础)。



Question 2:

At last,Can you tell us the background and story of your team? What are the visions for Kylin?

Have know about Bitcoin since late 2010 and have been progressively in the space since 2011. Took part in ethereum ico and then started angel investing and advising projects.


We felt that it was necessary to comprehensively solve The Oracle Problem, and we felt it was only through Polkado tthis could be solved in the way it needed to be: at relatively high throughput and low cost for data feeding models.




Question 3:

Why did you choose Polkadot?

As briefly touched on, Polkadot allowed us the context to solve the The Oracle Problem in a cost effective way, but it also offered a very interesting avenue, through off-chain workers within Substrate 2.0, to start conceptualizing a decentralized data marketplace as well.



目前市面上有哪些竞争对手?Kylin有哪些创新之处? 它的机制将解决什么?

Question 4:

What are the current competitors on the market? what are the changes and innovations of Kylin?What will your mechanism solve ?

I don’t see that we have direct competitors in the sense of any project attempting to build an infrastructural level data validation layer. Of course, we get compared to Chainlink a lot, and that’s ok. Most people who will employ data feeding services will use a variety of oracles to come to the best result, and it is only logical. Finding partners, so far, has proved pretty smooth, I think because they know we offer access to data feeding, but so much more with the potential of cross-chain DeData.

在任何试图构建基础设施级别的数据验证层的项目中,我都没有看到直接的竞争对手。 当然,我们可以与Chainlink进行很多比较。大多数使用数据馈送服务的人都会使用各种各样的预言来获得最佳结果,这是合乎逻辑的。事实证明,到目前为止寻找合作伙伴非常顺利,我想是因为他们知道我们提供了数据传输的途径,但更多的是跨链数据传输的潜力。



Question 5:

Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved and about your upcoming plans?

Our first major milestone was probably the Web3 Grant support. That was huge for us. The next was our funding rounds and then kickstarting and achieving all the partnerships we have to date. Very soon, our token launch phase will be complete and we move onto the next phase of the Substrate Builder’s program and getting POC testnet up.

我们的第一个重要里程碑可能是获得Web3 Grant的支持,这对我们非常重要,还有就是我们的融资,启动并实现了迄今为止必须建立的所有合作伙伴关系。很快,我们的令牌发布阶段将完成,我们将进入Substrate Builder计划的下一个阶段,并建立POC测试网。



Question 6:

How is Kylin token distributed, and how is the incentive distribution part designed?

The best way to describe this is probably visually. There are essentially two sides to Kylin: a NPOS concensus mechanism very similar to Polkadot’s, but then also a business module whereby access to validated data occurs through KYL. We expect that a large proportion of KYL will be locked as time goes on in the NPOS and then the business module will become a larger and large method of incentivization.

最好的描述方式可能是在视觉上。 Kylin基本上有两个方面:一个与Polkadot非常相似的NPOS consensus机制,但还有一个商业模块,通过KYL可以访问已验证的数据。 我们希望随着时间的推移,大部分KYL会在NPOS中被锁定,然后业务模块将成为越来越大的激励方法。



Question 7:

Can you tell us the benefits & motivation for user/investors to keep the Kylin token long-term?

I think everyone needs to make their own decisions and perform their own research, but from our POV, DeData will be the next wave of innovation through blockchain technology (similar to the DeFi wave) and we are building its basic infrastructure.



根据链闻消息,Kylin Network 将于 3 月 1 日通过「IDO 白名单+Balancer LBP」的方式进行 KYL 代币发行,用户该如何参与?

Question 8:

Report from ChainNews, Kylin will issue KYL tokens through the "IDO whitelist + Balancer LBP" method on March 1. How should users participate?

The IDO Whitelist is over and wnners have been chosen. We will have our next phase, Phase 2, starting March 3rd. We will release detailed info on how to take part in this very soon!

IDO白名单已经结束,并且已经选择了获得者。 我们将在3月3日开始下一个阶段,即第二阶段。 我们将很快发布有关如何参与此活动的详细信息!

感谢@Dylan 精彩的回答,接下来是社区提问环节,提问者将有机会获得Kylin Token奖励。


Thank you @Dylan for your wonderful answer. Next is the community questioning session, where the questioner will have the opportunity to receive Kylin Token rewards.

The question format is: Chinese question + English translation

再次感谢@Dylan的分享,在加密货币市场,比特币以太坊仍然占据市场关注度的主要地位,但波卡生态和 DOT 不断上升的市场热情和显而易见的技术生态建设也向我们指明了下一个浪潮的方向。我们很高兴看到 Kylin 正在朝着正确的大方向发展。一起加油吧,Kylians!

Thanks again to @Dylan for sharing.In the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin and Ethereum still have the main part of the market attention, but the Polkadot ecology and DOT's rising market enthusiasm and the technical ecological construction of interests have also pointed us to the direction of the next wave. Kylin is moving in the right general direction. let's work hard together, Kylians!


