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2021-03-24 老苏-八卦区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注三元社区最新一期的AMA,本期我们邀请到了OpenOcean 的COO Cindy!

感谢:链闻ChainNews、Winkrypto、Odaily星球日报、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。

Thank you for your Following to our latest AMA. Tonight we have Cincy, COO of OpenOcean project.Welcome Cindy!

Thanks: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital for their strong support for this event.


OpenOcean 智能全合协议,应用了深度优化的智能路由算法、透明的价格机制,聚合以太坊、币安智能链、本体上 DEX 生态,以及中心化交易平台币安的现货交易。

用户将获得更低的滑点,更少的手续费。更清晰的用户交易界面,便于用户捕捉行情,对比中心化、去中心化交易平台的价格,以捕捉套利交易机会。针对基金和专业交易员,OpenOcean 还提供 API 接口及量身定制的交易界面服务,以辅助投资机构制定量化套利等交易策略。

另外,他们跟踪、分析 DeFi 交易资产,并基于生态大数据建立了 ODES 资产评估系统。


This AMA will have two parts, in the first part, our guest will answer the pre-collected question, and in the second part is free questioning, audience can ask their own questions. Please be a good listener in the first part and actively participate in the second part. The selected questions will receive OOE airdrop rewards, and we hope every-one will participate actively.


Welcome again Cindy, now let's start.

首先请您向我们介绍下您自己和 OpenOcean.这个项目把~~

Q1: First Cindy, could you tell us more about yourself and OpenOcean.?

Hello大家好,我是Cindy,来自OpenOcean。曾于RBS任职Strategy Manager以及在一家Global Private Equity担任Senior Investment Director,毕业于金融时报前十大商学院的金融专业硕士。我从2017年开始关注区块链领域的发展态势,并进行投资。


Hello everyone, this is Cindy from OpenOcean. Previously served as strategy manager at RBS and as Senior Investment Director at a global private equity. I graduated from finance master program in a Financial Times top 10 ranking business school. Since 2017, I have been paying attention to the dynamics of the blockchain field and have been investing in cryptos since then.

With the belief that aggregation protocol can provide great value to the ecological of crypto, we started to build OpenOcean as full aggregator. I’m now in charge of OpenOcean's global marketing and operations.

Let me also introduce our team. The OpenOcean team members are located in Singapore, China(Shanghai), the United States(Silicon Valley) and Shanghai. It is a global co-operating team. Our core team members were from leading traditional trading platforms, multinational IT companies such as IBM, HP and Intel, as well as international banks with more than 10 years related experience.


Q2: can you tell us the backgroud you create OpenOcean, and your goal?

团队的愿景是通过全聚合协议建立一个连接DeFi和CeF i交易孤岛的桥梁。我们的目标是打造一个对各类用户都有利的生态系统。


We envision to build a full aggregator in crypto trading serving as bridges connecting the isolated islands in Defi and Cefi. Our goal is to build an ecosystem that’s beneficial to all kinds of users in the current fragmented market by providing an entrance to one-stop trading with symmetric price information and all mainstream asset available while empowering all the individual users and investment institutions to trade on the best price and apply their own investment strategy.”

团队过去曾经向多家全球顶级交易所核心产品提供技术输出,并参与了全球前十的公链开发与设计,过去一直以来我们都扮演着只专注于技术输出的中间体角色。加密货币交易及聚合平台Uniswap,? YFI,1inch等的迅速崛起,DeFi 流动性的爆发都让团队深度思考聚合交易的价值。不可否认以太坊生态系统的繁荣的同时,以币安智能链(BSC)、波卡等为首的其他公链上的生态图景也在蓄势待发。

In the past, we have been engaged in the technology output of core products of leading crypto exchanges. We have also provide services to the development and design of top ten public chains. We have played an intermediate role by focusing on technology output. By witnessing the rapid rise of decentralized trading and aggregation platforms such as Uniswap, YFI, and 1inch and the exploding liquidity of DeFi , we witness how aggregators can bring value to the market It is undeniable that while the Ethereum ecosystem is booming, the ecological picture on other public chains, led by Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Polkadot, is also gaining momentum.

另外虽然 DeFi 在支持资产丰富性、资产自我保管、匿名以及透明度等方面具有明显优势,但? CeFi长期以来固有的流动性强、深度高、交易成本低等优势仍然存在。另外由于DEX和CEX定价机制的不一样,同一资产在 不同CEX 与 DEX 间的价格信息经常面临不对称的情况,用户只能被动接受某一平台的价格。

In addition, although DeFi has advantages in supporting a variety of asset classes, self-custody, anonymity and transparency, the advantages of CeFi such as liquidity advantage and low transaction costs and supporting fiat related transaction is still there. In addition, the price is different from assets between various CEXes and DEXes, users can only passively accept the price on a single trading platform due to price information asymmetric.

所以对于产品的规划依然巨大的空间可以探索,为此我们进行了诸多深入思考后,推出了全聚合协议OpenOcean.finance。第一步旨在通过聚合DEX和CEX为用户提供最优价格最低滑点成为一站式交易入口,为用户提供一个最大化其资产利用效率的交易入口, 聚合DeFi和CeFi生态、支持各大主流公链和跨链交易,支持交易类产品,聚合衍生品,推出组合保证金产品以实现一站式衍生品交易,同时聚合收益类产品,以及借贷、保险等产品,最后推出覆盖全品类的智能投顾服务。

Therefore, there is still a huge space to explore. After a lot of in-depth thinking, we launched the full aggregation protocol OpenOcean.finance that integrates DeFi and CeFi ecosystems, support mainstream public chains and cross-chain transactions, aggregate derivative products , yield products, lending and insurance products on both DeFi and CeFi and finally launch intelligent wealth management platform covering all categories.

3.目前市场上有很多的聚合器产品,能谈一下 OpenOcean与其他同类产品相比,它的优势所在吗?

Q3. There are many aggregators projects, can you tell us the difference between OpenOcean and others?

首先从聚合交易来看,OpenOcean是第一个真正意义上聚合DeFi和CeFi生态的聚合协议,并且是第一家聚合多链的跨链聚合协议。聚合交易仅仅是OpenOcean第一步,其愿景是聚合生态,包括衍生品、借贷、保险、组合保证金的聚合,提高用户收益和资金使用率,打造覆盖全品类的智能投顾平台。为用户提供更富交易生态,创造更高的价值。相比于1INCH, Matcha等聚合器聚焦于以太生态及侧链的DEX生态的聚合,OpenOcean支持的资产种类和交易品种更加全面。

First of all,? OpenOcean is the first aggregation protocol that aggregates DeFi and CeFi ecosystems and also the first cross-chain aggregation protocol that aggregates multiple chains.? We are targeting at aggregating trading ecosystem, including derivative, lending, insurance, and will launch combined margin products to increase the utilization rate of funds, and to create a robo-advisory platform covering all asset classes.

OpenOcean现已支持多条主流公链网络的去中心化交易所DEX交易生态系统和中心化交易所CEX生交易态系统。聚合了ETH,BSC ,ONT,TRON上的主流DEX生态,同时也是近期大火的币安智能链BSC上第一个和头部聚合协议。我们近期计划聚合Solona以及以太Layer2 DEX,同时与波卡生态Zenlink达成战略合作,探索更多跨链聚合的可能性。OpenOcean即将推出对中心化交易所币安的现货交易聚合。

OpenOcean has already aggregated the mainstream DEX ecosystems on ETH, BSC, ONT, and TRON. It is also the first and leading aggregation protocol on Binance Smart Chain BSC. In the near future, we are planing to aggregate Solona and Ethereum Layer2 DEXes. We have also have strategic cooperations with cross-chain projects on Polkadot Ecosystem such as Zenlink to explore more technical possibilities for cross-chain aggregation. OpenOcean will soon launch a spot transaction aggregation on the centralized exchange Binance.

另外从用户的费用角度来看,相比于1inch在链上实际成交价格朝着有利于用户的一方移动时,会自己赚取部分滑点差价,OpenOcean对DEX用户不收取任何协议费用。此外, 在OOE token发放之后,OpenOcean 还将不定期使用OOE Token用户对用户进行滑点补偿。

Secondly, different from 1inch that charges slippage surplus from users, OpenOcean does not charge any agreement fees to DEX users. OpenOcean will use OOE Token to partially subsidize users' slippage losses from time to time.


Besides, we offer tailor-made user interface to support institutional investors' trading strategies.


From above, we can see OpenOcean aims at becoming a trading portal for users, building an ecosystem that is beneficial to all kinds of users.


Q4: What can users do on OpenOcean?

从近期来看,普通交通用户可以在OpenOcean聚合的ETH、BSC、TRON、ONT等主流公链上以最优的价格进行Swap交易以及支持BSC和其它公链的跨链Swap交易。OpenOcean同时有网页版和移动端版以及经典(Classic)版和专业(Pro)版支持各类用户。同时在不同公链上也支持MetaMask, TrustWallet、Safepal等十几种主流钱包。即将要开通的中心化交易所币安的现货交易让用户可以在比较价格的同时,自由选择在去中心化交易所交易或通过OpenOcean在中心化交易所交易。

In the near term, users can do spot transactions on OpenOcean at the best price and lowest slippage on its aggregated public chains such as ETH, BSC, TRON, ONT, etc. OpenOcean also supports cross-chain swap transactions between BSC and other public chains. OpenOcean offers? Classic version and a Professional version to support various users. We support more than 10 mainstream wallets such as MetaMask, TrustWallet and Safepal on various public chains. Spot trading on Binance, a centralized exchange will be launched recently to allows users to freely choose to trade on a decentralized exchange or trade on a centralized exchange through OpenOcean based on price comparison.


Since DEX quotes the Oracle price feed mechanism and AMM mechanism, each trading pair naturally has a price difference between CEX and DEX and between DEX. In the professional version, we offer users with price comparison of various trading pairs on centralized exchanges and decentralized exchanges. Users can do arbitrage transactions based on the information we provide.



For professional traders, they can run their own investment strategies on OpenOcean by connecting to the API.

For institutional investors, OpenOcean will additionally provide limit orders, complete K-line tools, derivative trading tools and customizable trading interfaces to support them in formulating effective trading strategies.

5、 OpenOcean是通过什么来为用户实现最优报价呢?

Q5: How does OpenOcean offer the best price in the market for users?


OpenOcean uses the D-star optimization algorithm based on Dijkstra, supplemented by platform big data for machine learning, obtains the best price on DEX, and performs real-time dynamic optimization of each trading node, which can help investors find initial trading platforms when looking for a trading platform. Real-time adjustment and optimization of the optimal path to ensure that users get the real-time optimal price and achieve the lowest cost and efficient asset exchange.

简言之,OpenOcean 通过拆分订单并应用智能路径优化算法,确保用户以更低的费用和滑点在市场上获得最优价格。同时将DEX与CEX间资产的价格进行比较,帮助用户自主选择以最优价格进行交易。

In short, OpenOcean splits orders and applies intelligent path optimization algorithms to ensure that users get the best price in the market with lower fees and slippage. At the same time, the price of assets between DEX and CEX is compared to help users choose to trade at the best price.

6、 用户在OpenOcean上交易,平台会不会收取额外的交易费用? 为了激励用户交易,还会采取哪些措施?

Q6: Are there any additional fees charged by OpenOcean?What others are needed to encourage more users to trade?


For users' operations on OpenOcean, the services we provide are free, and the basic version is free for all users. When users conduct Swap transactions on OpenOcean, there are two fees incurred. One is the gas fee required for the transaction (charged by the public chain), and the other is the transaction fee (charged by the DEX for order execution). The OpenOcean platform does not charge any fees.

OpenOcean会提供一个滑点保护机制,当一笔交易滑点大于用户选择的时候,该交易是通不过的。另外,OpenOcean 还会利用协议代币OOE通过交易激励和滑点补贴等方式来补贴用户。值得一提的是,OpenOcean代币OOE上线前还会对用户进行第二轮空投 。

OpenOcean will provide a slippage protection mechanism. When a transaction slippage is greater than the chosen slippage, the transaction cannot be passed. In addition, OpenOcean will also use the protocol token OOE to subsidize users through transaction incentives and slippage subsidies. It is worth mentioning that before the launch of OpenOcean token OOE, there will be a second round of airdrops to users.


Q7: Can you briefly introduce the OpenOcean Token OOE and the utilities of OOE?

1. 协议治理:持有OOE用户拥有社区投票权

2. 补贴Gas费及滑点:OpenOcean DEX用户可以在未来活动中享受Gas费和滑点补贴(

3. 流动性挖矿:OOE发行后将上线流动性挖矿计划。将在OpenOcean上聚合的不同公链上开启流动性矿池,如ETH、BSC、ONT、TRON等,开启OOE相关的流动性挖矿。

4. CEX VIP会员: 大量持有OOE用户享有CEX的VIP服务,如:maker/taker手续费折扣、交易手续费补贴、提现手续费补贴。持有OOE量达到一定等级,VIP会员享有一定时间内免费使用机构级别PME产品(SAAS)套利工具。

5. 组合保证金和抵押品作为借贷的保证金。

1. Protocol governance: OOE users have the voting rights in community.

2. Gas fee and slippage subsidy: OpenOcean DEX users can enjoy gas fee and slippage subsidy in future events

3. Liquidity mining: After OOE is issued, the liquidity mining plan will be launched. Liquidity mining pools will be opened on different public chains aggregated on OpenOcean, such as ETH, BSC, ONT, TRON, etc., to open OOE-related liquidity mining.

4. CEX VIP members: A large number of OOE users enjoy CEX's VIP services, such as maker/taker fee discounts, transaction fee subsidies, and cash withdrawal fee subsidies. If the amount of OOE reaches a certain level, VIP members can enjoy free use of institutional-level PME products (SAAS) arbitrage tools for a certain period of time.

5. Combine margin and collateral as margin for loans.


Q8:? Can you share us the roadmap of OpenOcean and your next plan?

OpenOcean 将于近期发行平台代币OOE, 从2021年二季度开始将继续聚合更多的公链和中心化交易所,聚合中心化平台的月度反向合约(USD-M 期货)产品,正向合约(Coin-M 期货)以及聚合去中心化的衍生品产品。

OpenOcean will issue protocol token OOE in the near future. Starting from the 2nd quarter of 2021, it will continue to aggregate more public chains and centralized exchanges, aggregate USD-M futures products, and forward contract (Coin- M futures)? as well as aggregate decentralized derivative products.

另外,OpenOcean 将于2022年一、二季度聚合中心化衍生品单纯期权,并引入组合保证金产品。为满足用户的多样化需求,还将在明年后半年开始聚合收益,借贷和保险产品,并将于 2023 年实现智能投顾,以进一步完善 OpenOcean 生态系统。

In addition, OpenOcean will aggregate centralized derivatives pure options in the first and second quarters of 2022 and introduce combined margin products. In order to meet the diverse needs of users, we will start aggregate yield products, loans and insurance products in the second half of next year, and robo-advisory service will be implemented in 2023 to further improve the OpenOcean ecosystem.


We will also dynamically adjust the product roadmap according to market development and user needs to help users carry out their transaction strategies conveniently on OpenOcean and increase their profit and capital utilization efficiency.


问题1: 我们的项目目前的估价是多少? 未来可能的估值是多少?

Q1: What is the current valuation of our project? What is the possible future valuation?

答案1: 目前项目融资已结束,我们会在本周发布相关信息,敬请期待!

A1: we have finished the fund raisings. the news will be released within this week. stay tunned!

问题2: 如何去报用的的资产安全呢?另外ETH很高gas费用让很多用户也是望而却步,请问你们会给用户提供gas费用的补贴吗?

Q2: How to make sure the customs' token safe and the eth gas is so high that stops lots of users。 how many? percent gas fee will u feed back? subsidy to the users?

答案2:通过聚合DEX为用户提供 一站式交易入口,为用户提供最优的价格,最低的滑点。ETH的gas费用很高,接下来我们会聚合ETH layer2 来解决这个问题。同时我们会用OpenOcean 代币OOE作为滑点补贴给到用户。同时我计划启动OOE的gas功能,用户可以从价格波动中获取收益。

A2: we provide the routes to users to trade on the dexes where you can get the best price. ETH gas fee is a headache to all. we are working on the solution of aggregatin ETH layers dexes. We will subsidize users's gas fee with OOE tokens on campaigns. We are also planning to kick off the function of? OOE gas fee so that users can benefit from the price volatilities.

问题3: 在项目的未来规划中,如何使OOE获得更多的流动性呢?

Q3: in the future planning of the project, how can OOE get more liquidity?

A3: 我们会开启持续5年的流动性挖矿

we will have liquidity mining programs last for 5 years.

问题4: 如何能够使OpenOcean项目在众多同类项目中脱颖而出呢?我们有什么王牌或者武器吗?

Q4:How does OpenOcean get out of the tight encirclement among many currencies? Do it have any trump card or winning weapon?


A4: the market is very dynamic. we are always thinking from the users and how to bring values to users. we might need to adjust our roadmap according to the market from time to time. However, giving our competence in strong backgroud and kowhow in system building, financial instruments and risk control together with experience in both CeFi and DeFi, I have the confidence we can stand out and laugh till the end.


