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2021-05-24 明煌研究院 来源:区块链网络




嘉宾:Aaron Bernhardt




Hi everyone, thank you for having me. My name is Aaron Bernhardt. I graduated from Florida State University in 2016 with a degree in Information Systems, since then I have worked on various enterprise-level software projects. I started seriously looking at cryptocurrency in 2017, and later met Imran in February of 2021. We launched SPE to use cryptocurrency to help fight climate change. Imran Ali, the founder of Save Planet Earth has 10+ years of experience in the Environmental sector, and many connections to NGOs.



Q1.What does SPE do? How do you fight climate change?


SavePlanetEarth is a global carbon sequestration project. What this means is, we want to take carbon out of the atmosphere and put it back in the ground, where it does not contribute to global warming through greenhouse-gas effects. We do this by funding and participating in all sorts of carbon sequestration projects. At the moment this includes tree-planting projects in especially threatened areas. We help negotiate these deals, help supply with logistics and materials, and provide a vehicle for the average investor to invest in the planet and fight climate change.


We fight climate change by participating in and funding carbon sequestration projects globally. While there are many types of carbon sequestration methods available, such as using algae in the ocean or modifying agricultural methods, planting trees is the most visible and accessible for the time being and has a direct impact on the local area. Our vision is already taking hold; this is evidenced by our current deals in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, resulting in over 101,000,000 trees being pledged, planted and monitored. We accomplished this while only being a little over a month old, not to mention Covid restrictions that are in place. As we grow as a company and project, we plan to add renewable energy projects to our portfolio and participate in policy-action wherever possible.


Q2.Why did you start this project?


Humans are impacting the environment. We often see news stories and articles about the next deleterious event happening to the environment. In the 70’s, it was the Ozone hole over Australia from CFCs. At the time, Australians in the affected area couldn’t even go outside for a few minutes without getting a sunburn. In our present day, we have multiple issues of similar severity. CO2 in the atmosphere is causing temperatures and ocean levels to rise, and industry is constantly destroying the environment. Impacts of these effects will be felt in the near future - for example, the wet bulb temperature in the Middle East will increase, making it completely inhospitable if action is not taken. Millions of people’s homes, jobs, and children are at risk from rising ocean levels. Places that are especially at risk are low-elevation countries and cities, such as Sri Lanka, many areas in Southeast Asia, The Maldives, and Miami, FL in the USA to name a few. If climate-induced displacement of these peoples happens, the effects will be catastrophic. We do not wish to live in a world at risk of destruction, and this prompted us to start this project.


Q3.Why blockchain? Doesn’t bitcoin mining use a lot of electricity?


Blockchain is an innovative solution to centralized banking. We chose blockchain technology because of its worldwide accessibility and the fact that it’s an innovative technology. While it’s not mature yet, there are many blockchains being developed and it’s an exciting new technology.


By using blockchain, we become instantly accessible to anyone around the globe; There’s immense growth potential once blockchains become more adopted. Also, the NFT system itself allows for innovative mechanisms for carbon credit binding. Planted trees can be monitored and bound to an NFT, which essentially is a form of carbon credit. The only thing lacking is the certification, but we are in progress with carbon credit certification.


We understand that certain blockchains use a large amount of energy, which translates into a sizable carbon footprint. Indeed, Bitcoin mining has recently become a hotly debated topic, garnering the attention from around the world because of Elon Musk’s tweets about the environmental impact. For example, the CBECI (Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index) reports that electricity consumption for Bitcoin operation is anywhere from 45 to 500 Terawatt-hours. It should be noted this is still less than the current commercial banking industry, although these numbers are difficult to estimate.


These are problems with Bitcoin though, and we want to make it very clear that we are on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC); not on the Bitcoin blockchain. How is this relevant to the question? It has to deal with how transactions are verified on the blockchain, otherwise known as consensus algorithms or consensus mechanisms. While a deep dive into the software aspects is outside the scope of this discussion, I will provide top-level explanation to the best of my ability.


There are many consensus mechanisms. Bitcoin uses Proof of Work (PoW). Essentially, different computers who have the blockchain software installed (a bitcoin “node”) use computing power electricity to solve complex algorithms (a “hash”). When the algorithm is solved, transaction blocks are validated on the blockchain, and new bitcoins are minted. This is the process that causes Bitcoin’s immense usage of power.


Proof of Stake is a different consensus mechanism. Instead of computing power, a node can stake a certain amount of an asset and be selected to help validate transactions on the blockchain. Validators are selected arbitrarily depending on the blockchain’s consensus algorithm, and the reliance on arbitrary election versus Proof of Work significantly reduces energy consumption.


The BSC uses a hybrid system called Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA). The specifics of how PoSA work are similar to PoS, with some changes. It is this mechanism that allows BSC to operate much more energy-efficiently than other blockchains, and one of the reasons we chose BSC. We also chose BSC because of its popularity and ease of access to the average investor. It is a worldwide ledger system, allowing access to anybody without sluggish overhead from centralised banking authorities. In the future, it will help us fund more and more projects.


Q4.Can you please elaborate on the carbon credit system?


A 'Cap and Trade' carbon market sets a limit on the amount of GHG emissions each polluter can emit.


In a regulated market these emitters can either purchase the offsets or reduce their total emissions . By growing trees as a beyond a ‘business as usual’ scenario that have a negative carbon footprint, these organisations can meet their obligations by purchasing the offset certificates from SPE.


SPE is working with Carbon Funds and verification bodies to trade these credits to the voluntary market. We are also in discussion with insurance companies to mitigate risks to the assets from ‘Acts of God’ as well as holding a buffer of certificates and other controls. There is still a lot to do such as creating a carbon baseline (currently underway), documentation, verification and carbon modelling before we can sell these offsets but we aim to make it a priority.


Q5.What is your current progress?


The trees are currently being planted/planned in the UNESCO Heritage Knuckles Mountain Range in Sri Lanka and in over 2000 islands in The Maldives. When we contract with the associated entities, we provide the saplings/plants, logistics, capital, and other resources necessary for monitoring, while the contracted organisations participate in the monitoring and upkeep of the saplings. For example, our first planting initiative with the UN affiliated Peoples Livelihood community were Kitul plants. Kitul plants sequester carbon and provide revenue to the community because these are trees that provide fruit and raw materials. We select these and other non-invasive species from collaboration with the local scientists and farmers. We also have signed a deal with the Sri Lankan government for 100,000,000 trees, with the initiation ceremony tentatively on June 5th.


Q6.How can tree progress and planting be monitored?


We are currently working on an app to allow users to monitor green canopy cover, which is a primary indicator for tree growth. We also protect the saplings and place wire meshes around them, so they are not eaten by the wildlife. This app will include GPS coordinates and location, satellite imagery, and predictive AI analytics to monitor canopy growth, cover, and health. This app will also include NFT functionality for carbon credit binding.


Q7.How can the average person get involved?


It is important to note now that the harm is done (large levels of emissions) the salvage operations are equally huge and look insurmountable.? SPE has realised that a new initiative is required since almost all the global initiatives seem to have failed humankind.? SPE wants to see the involvement of the PEOPLE.? Everyone can literally join our physical efforts or fund the effort. By buying SPE it raises the awareness of the predicament our future generations are facing with Climate Change and Global Warming.


Q8.What are your future plans?


Tree planting is only the beginning. Future goals include adding a carbon credit exchange to our platform, and becoming a carbon credit asset. We also are adding renewable energy projects to our portfolio as a way to reward holders, and help mitigate climate change. There are other methods of carbon sequestration available too - namely agricultural methods and algae sequestration in the ocean. We will be moving into these areas, as we want to use every resource available to us to help mitigate global warming.



