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2021-06-21 三元区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注我们最新一期的 AMA,本期 Sunny 邀请到了 Parsiq CEO Tom Tirman,Thank you for your Following to our latest AMA.In this AMA, Sunny has invited Tom Tirman, the founder of the Tom Tirman

感谢:链闻 ChainNews、Winkrypto、Odaily 星球日报、Tokenview、PANews、三元资本 TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。Thanks for the support: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Odaily, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital,special thanks for their strong support for this event.

1、请嘉宾简单的介绍下自己,以及 Parsiq 的团队背景吧~Please introduce yourself and parsiq's team background briefly

Hello! It is great to be here. My name is Tom and I’m the CEO of PARSIQ.你好!很高兴来到这里。我叫汤姆,是 PARSIQ. 的首席执行官。Myself and most of the PARSIQ team is based in Estonia, although the rest of the team is distributed all across the world.我和 PARSIQ 团队的大部分成员都在 Estonia,尽管团队的其他成员分布在世界各地。I have extensive background in law, traditional finance and fintech startups. I co-founded PARSIQ in 2018. One year later, we released the free beta version of our product and in May 2020 PARSIQ platform went fully live.我在法律、传统金融和金融科技初创公司方面拥有广泛的背景。 我于 2018 年共同创立了 PARSIQ。一年后,我们发布了我们产品的免费测试版,并于 2020 年 5 月全面上线了 PARSIQ 平台。PARSIQ is a blockchain-to-everything platform that turns data into actions. Our technology allows users to subscribe to any events happening across different blockchains in real time at scale.PARSIQ 是一个区块链到所有的平台,可将数据转化为行动。 我们的技术允许用户大规模实时订阅跨不同区块链发生的任何事件。

Furthermore, users are able to script programmable reactions to those events. If-This-Then-That conditional logic for automating processes and transforming valuable data streams. It provides a layer of interoperability between blockchains and the real world.此外,用户能够编写对这些事件的可编程反应脚本。如果是这样的话,那么就需要有条件的逻辑来自动化进程和转换有价值的数据流。它在区块链和现实世界之间提供了一层互操作性。The problem of the blockchain is that blockchains contain massive unstructured data, they are disconnected from centralized systems and it is difficult to extract actionable insight from them. PARSIQ technology solves these problems.区块链的问题在于,区块链包含大量非结构化数据,它们与中心化系统脱节,难以从中提取可操作的洞察力。 PARSIQ 技术解决了这些问题。


2. What do you think are the application scenarios of blockchain monitoring and analysis tool?

The list of various applications and use cases for blockchain monitoring grows every day. Even our team is discovering new interesting use cases all the time.区块链监控的各种应用程序列表每天都在增长。 我们的团队也一直在发现新的有趣案例。Traders use it to monitor whale movements, react to buy spikes, front-run others and arbitrage. Developers use it to run production tests for DAPPS or build back-ends for exchanges. Companies use it for compliance, risk monitoring, automated accounting etc.交易者用它来监控巨鲸的动向,对买入高峰做出反应,抢先交易和套利。 开发人员使用它来运行 DAPPS 的生产测试或为交易所构建后端。 公司将其用于合规性、风险监控、自动化会计等。And this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is critical for users and projects to be able to monitor blockchain events at the EARLIEST level and react to them timely for better decision-making. In the future it will be standard practice in the industry that any smart contract that holds any value MUST be monitored in real-time.而这只是冰山一角。 对于用户和项目而言,能够在最早的级别监控区块链事件并及时对其做出反应以做出更好的决策至关重要。 未来,任何持有任何价值的智能合约都必须被实时监控,这将成为行业的标准做法。PARSIQ is involved in developing an international security standard for blockchains that will complement the ISO standards and real-time monitoring of smart contracts is one of the primary requirements to implement within that standard.PARSIQ 参与了区块链国际安全标准的制定,该标准将补充 ISO 标准,智能合约的实时监控是在该标准内实施的主要要求之一。

*3、对于区块链生态系统中的异常活动,Parsiq 是通过怎样的机制和特性监控通知到用户的呢?*3. What mechanism and features does parsiq use to monitor and notify users of abnormal activities in the blockchain ecosystem?

Smart Triggers are at the core of the PARSIQ Platform. Smart Triggers are essentially Smart Contracts that extend beyond the blockchain world.智能触发器是 PARSIQ 平台的核心。 智能触发器本质上是扩展到区块链世界之外的智能合约。While Smart Contracts solve the problem of automation within the blockchain, they are static and isolated from the off-chain world.虽然智能合约解决了区块链内的自动化问题,但它们是静态的并且与链下世界隔离。Smart Triggers solve this problem. They are reactive and allow to users to program if-this-then-that logic between blockchains and the real world.智能触发器解决了这个问题。 它们是反应式的,允许用户在区块链和现实世界之间编程。

Essentially, you can script a Smart Trigger that reacts to any event happening on the blockchain and performs an action in an off-chain centralized app, device or web service.本质上,您可以编写一个智能触发器脚本,对区块链上发生的任何事件做出反应,并在链下集中式应用程序、设备或 Web 服务中执行操作。Some examples:

IF a whale transfers a large amount of token X to exchange Y, THEN execute my sell order of said token

IF a deposit is above 10?000 USD value, THEN activate additional KYC measures

IF a deposit comes from a high-risk blacklisted address, THEN alert my AML officer in Slack AND generate a report for authorities

IF business day ends and a certain transaction threshold is met, THEN calculate all turnovers for different assets, run through analytics layer AND send all this data to my accounting system

…and so on.一些例子:- 如果巨鲸将大量代币 X 转移到交易所 Y,我则执行对该代币的卖单-如果存款价值高于 10 000 美元,则激活额外的 KYC 措施如果存款来自一个高风险的黑名单地址,那么提醒我的反洗钱官员,并生成一份报告给当局-如果工作日结束并且达到某个交易阈值,则计算不同资产的所有营业额,运行分析层并将所有这些数据发送给我 会计系统……等等。The use cases are up to the imagination of the user.案例取决于用户的想象力。

4、Parsiq 可以监控交易所钱包的异常链上流动吗,目前和哪些交易所有合作呢?4. Can parsiq monitor the abnormal flow of the exchange's wallet on the chain\, and which transactions do it cooperate with at present?

PARSIQ is blockchain agnostic, so we support most active chains including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, Algorand, Dash among others.PARSIQ 与区块链无关,因此我们支持最活跃的链,包括 Ethereum、Bitcoin、Solana、Binance Smart Chain、Algorand、Dash 等。PARSIQ can be easily used to monitor significant amounts that are being transferred to or from exchange hot wallets.PARSIQ 可以很容易地用于监控转移到或从交换热钱包转移的大量金额。This allows traders and users to make trading decisions in real time because such abnormal transaction activity on exchange addresses can mean an impact on a certain asset’s price.这允许交易者和用户实时做出交易决策,因为交易所地址上的这种异常交易活动可能意味着对某种资产的价格产生影响。5、Parsiq 和 Graph、API3 之类的协议之间有什么区别?5. What's the difference between parsiq and protocols like graph and api3?**

API3 is an oracle that takes real-world data on-chain. PARSIQ is doing the reverse with a lot of value-adds.API3 是一个预言机,它在链上获取真实世界的数据。 PARSIQ 则相反,增加了很多附加值。PARSIQ takes real-time blockchain data at scale, transforms it on the fly, combines with off-chain datasets, both public and proprietary data, and delivers this data to an off-chain app or device of choice to trigger further actions in the real-world.PARSIQ 大规模获取实时区块链数据,对其进行动态转换,与链下数据集(公共数据和专有数据)相结合,并将这些数据交付给选择的链下应用程序或设备,以触发现实世界中的进一步行动。

In the case of the Graph, the comparison is more apt because PARSIQ and the Graph both deal with blockchain data, but the use cases and technological approaches are completely different. The Graph allows to query, via a pull-based approach, historical blockchain data has already happened, but PARSIQ processes live streams of events, using a push-based approach, at any level of confirmation, 1 block or even mempool. with programmable reactions to those events.在 k 线图形的比较下更贴切,因为 PARSIQ 和 k 线都处理区块链数据,但案例和技术方法完全不同。k 线允许通过基于拉取的方法查询已经发生的历史区块链数据,但 PARSIQ 使用基于推送的方法在任何确认级别、1 个区块甚至内存池处理实时事件流。 对这些事件的可编程反应。Another distinction is that solutions such as the Graph and API3 are strictly developer-oriented. PARSIQ caters to both developers, due to our programming language ParsiQL, and to non-developers as we have UI/UX layer complete with templates, wizards and drag-and-drop editors for those who do not code. In addition, PARSIQ is blockchain agnostic as it has support for all blockchain protocols.另一个区别是图表和 API3 等解决方案是严格面向开发人员的。 由于我们的编程语言 ParsiQL,PARSIQ 既可以满足开发人员的需求,又可以满足非开发人员的需求,因为我们的 UI/UX 层为那些不会编码的人提供了完整的模板、向导和拖放编辑器。 此外,PARSIQ 与区块链无关,因为它支持所有区块链协议。

6、PRQ 代币将如何利用生态系统?6. How will PRQ token use ecosystem?

PRQ token is an essential part of the PARSIQ ecosystem. It is directly tied to the demand for PARSIQ technology. Demand for the services increases demand for PRQ token.PRQ 代币是 PARSIQ 生态系统的重要组成部分。 它与对 PARSIQ 技术的需求直接相关。 对服务的需求增加了对 PRQ 代币的需求。We are using a model that is gaining increased popularity among protocols, projects and software projects – On-Chain Subscriptions.我们正在使用一种在协议、项目和软件项目中越来越受欢迎的模型——链上订阅。To gain access to PARSIQ services you need hold and lock a certain amount of tokens for a certain period of time. It could be a month, a year or however long the users and clients need to consume our services.要访问 PARSIQ 服务,您需要在一段时间内持有并锁定一定数量的代币。 用户和客户需要使用我们的服务可能是一个月、一年或多长时间。The amount of the tokens needed to be held depends on the usage and features of the services consumed. Heavier users and corporate clients need to hold a bigger amount.需要持有的代币数量取决于所消费服务的用途和功能。 经常使用的用户和企业客户需要持有更大的金额。The best part is that you only need to temporarily lock it, but not spend the token. Which means the users can withdraw the tokens at any time, when they don’t have the need to subscribe to PARSIQ software anymore.最好的部分是你只需要暂时锁定它,而不是花费 token。 这意味着当用户不再需要订阅 PARSIQ 软件时,他们可以随时提取代币。

Now here is where things get more interesting since this is a completely new approach and will be a new trendsetter in the industry. One option is to market buy the token and then lock it to use PARSIQ services.现在事情变得更有趣了,因为这是一种全新的方法,将成为行业的新潮流引领者。 一种选择是市场购买代币,然后将其锁定以使用 PARSIQ 服务。

But for some users market buying may not be an option. They can borrow said tokens for a time via our IQ Protocol. The tokens are provided into the lending pool by any holders. This is risk-free as there is no collateral needed and there is no way the borrower can spend the tokens. The borrowed tokens will be returned to the pool once the subscription is cancelled or ended.但对于某些用户来说,市场购买可能不是一种选择。 他们可以通过我们的 IQ 协议暂时借用上述代币。 代币由任何持有人提供到借贷池中。 这是无风险的,因为不需要抵押品,借款人也无法使用代币。 一旦订阅取消或结束,借用的代币将返回到池中。This means that demand for PARSIQ services creates demand for the token, decreases active circulating supply and allows holders to earn passive income from lending. A perfect combination for ecosystem growth.这意味着对 PARSIQ 服务的需求创造了对代币的需求,减少了活跃的流通供应,并允许持有者从借贷中获得被动收入。 生态系统增长的完美组合。

We believe that the On-Chain Subscriptions model along with the risk-free collateral-less lending via IQ Protocol is the future of all SaaS. IQ Protocol will be released at the end of June.我们相信链上订阅模型以及通过 IQ 协议提供的无风险无抵押贷款是所有 SaaS 的未来。 IQ 协议将于 6 月底发布。

7、可以为我们介绍下 Parsiq 独有的语言 ParsiQL 吗?7. Can you introduce the unique language of parsiql?

For developers we have ParsiQL which is PARSIQ’s own domain-specific programming language designed specifically to process live streams of blockchain events. It allows developers to easily script their blockchain monitoring solutions across different blockchains.对于开发人员,我们有 ParsiQL,它是 PARSIQ 自己的特定领域编程语言,专为处理区块链事件的实时而设计。 它允许开发人员轻松编写跨不同区块链的区块链监控解决方案。This type of approach is unique in the industry and allows for a layer of scriptability to be applied when creating automation workflows. Developers do not have to know the specifics of building on all these different blockchains. Using ParsiQL everything is standardized for them and easily accessible.这种类型的方法在行业中是独一无二的,并且允许在创建自动化工作流时应用一层脚本能力。 开发人员不必知道在所有这些不同的区块链上构建的细节。 使用 ParsiQL,一切都是标准化的,并且易于访问。Even when no-coders use PARSIQ’s UI, it is powered by ParsiQL under the hood. Additionally, developers do not have to host nodes or spend money on infrastructure costs, as PARSIQ platform already hosts full blockchain nodes which are instrumented with our own custom trackers and tracers.即使没有编码的人使用 PARSIQ 的 UI,它也由 ParsiQL 提供支持。 此外,开发人员不必托管节点或在基础设施成本上花钱,因为 PARSIQ 平台已经托管了完整的区块链节点,这些节点配备了我们自己的自定义跟踪器和跟踪器。

8、介绍一下 Parsiq 的发展路径以及对未来一个期待吗?8. Do you want to introduce the development path of parsiq and look forward to the future?

We have 44?000+ registered users, among them traders, developers, crypto companies, traditional companies and DeFi projects.我们拥有超过 44,000 名注册用户,其中包括交易者、开发者、加密公司、传统公司和 DeFi 项目。I believe we have solidified our position in the market as a provider of blockchain to off-chain connectivity, infrastructure and data automation.我相信我们已经巩固了我们作为链下连接、基础设施和数据自动化的区块链供应商的市场地位。

From hereon we have a lot of room to grow. We want to reach 1 million registered users by July 2022. We want to support dozens of blockchain protocols and DeFi protocols to let our users leverage the events happening on those protocols.从现在开始,我们有很大的成长空间。 我们希望到 2022 年 7 月达到 100 万注册用户。我们希望支持几十个区块链协议和 DeFi 协议,让我们的用户利用这些协议上发生的事件。

We want to improve our product, add integrations with apps and communication channels to solve even more pain points for our users and clients.我们希望改进我们的产品,添加与应用程序和通信渠道的集成,为我们的用户和客户解决更多的痛点。One of the most important milestones is the release of IQ Protocol and our new tokenomics model for PRQ this month.最重要的里程碑之一是本月 IQ 协议和我们新的 PRQ 代币经济学模型的发布。

We will see many traditional enterprises start adopting blockchain as the underlying tech and they all need middleware to connect blockchain to their legacy systems. PARSIQ will aim to be the industry standard for this as we look forward to many milestones to announce very soon.我们将看到许多传统企业开始采用区块链作为底层技术,他们都需要中间件来将区块链连接到他们的遗留系统。 PARSIQ 将致力于成为这方面的行业标准,因为我们期待很快宣布许多里程碑。


1、question:Black Swan incidents caused by hackers emerge in endlessly. Can Parsiq break through the current blockchain bottleneck in terms of security?答:We have been involved in helping multiple projects recover from hack events by helping them fork their smart contracts and restore the balances for all token holders as they were prior to the hack. Examples are how we helped projects from last year's Kucoin hack and the recent PAID Network hack.2、How can you take NFT assets as collaterals?答:LIkely future version of the IQ Protocol will support lending/borrowing of NFTs.

3、How can you deal with the high default rate?答:PRQ tokens in IQ Protocol will have 0 default rate as the protocol is designed to be collateral-less and risk-free since the borrowed tokens are expirable and unspendable.

4、Who are the institutional investors of PARSIQ?答:PARSIQ just finished its fundraising round with investors such as Solana Foundation, Axia8 Ventures, Krypital Group, Mindworks VC, Evan Cheng (director of Facebook's Novi FInancial) and others.

最后感谢大家一直以来对我们的支持和关注,我们将持续输出更多优质资产和项目,谢谢大家今天的陪伴。Finally, thank you for your support and attention. We will continue to export more high-quality assets and projects, and thank you for your company today.


