本周以太坊价格上涨了 18%,因为它在上升通道的范围内攀升。 一度,ETH 甚至飙升至 2,700 美元,创下自 6 月第一周以来的新高。 不过,就目前而言,价格已经回到了 2500 美元的区域。 在另一项发展中,精明的商品交易员彼得布兰特表示,以太坊和特斯拉的图表之间存在相似之处。 以太坊价格图表和特斯拉之间的一些惊人相似之处 布兰特在推特上说,喜欢以太坊图表的人也必须喜欢电动汽车制造商特斯拉的图表,因为它们之间有一些惊人的相似之处。 Tesla’s chart | Source: Peter Brandt Ethereum’s chart | Source: Peter Brandt Both are similar charts, both have excellent fundamentals. Six months from now both will be much higher. And some agree that’s a bullish chart. Because ETH has plummeted ahead of the much-anticipated London hard fork slated for August 4. The bulls are unlikely to be swayed by the potential delay, with the altcoin leading the way hit a record in 12 days in green. Over the past three days, Ether has rallied 14% against Bitcoin, reviving conversations about slippage. The shares of Tesla are also on an impressive run, up more than 10% in the past three trading sessions and surpassing $700 for the first time in three months. The ongoing recovery was fueled by the company’s impressive second-quarter earnings announced last week. Furthermore, Ethereum miners have seen higher revenues than Bitcoin miners for three months in a row, the longest stretch in history. According to the chart, you can see that Ethereum miners brought in $1.03 billion in revenue during July, a slight decline from the previous month. In their turn, Bitcoin miners brought in $971.8 million in revenue last month – more than $100 million compared to June. However, the upcoming could be a tough time for ETH price. By Ethereum Fear and Greed Index is 66, Greed. 资料来源:以太坊恐惧与贪婪指数 加密货币市场运行在情绪上已经不是什么秘密了——这只是情绪的另一种说法。 当指数显示“极度恐惧”时,表示投资者感到担忧。 对于那些希望“逢低买入”的人来说,这可能是一个机会。 或者,当指数显示“极度贪婪”时,表明市场即将进行调整。 阅读更多: 以太坊价格上涨至 2,600 美元以抵消抛售风险,而 BTC 仍低于 40,000 美元 让我们通过以下 4 个图表来看看以太坊价格在过去六年中的“荒谬增长”在 Telegram 上关注我们 在推特上关注我们 在 Facebook 上关注我们 Peter Brandt 的帖子:以太坊价格图表类似于特斯拉,但恐惧和贪婪指数变成了贪婪,市场准备回调吗? 首次出现在 AZCoin 新闻上。 —- 原文链接:https://azcoinnews.com/peter-brandt-ethereum-price-chart-is-similar-to-tesla.html 原文作者:Selena 编译者/作者:wanbizu AI 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
Peter Brandt:以太坊价格走势图与特斯拉相似,但恐惧和贪婪指数变为贪婪,市场
2021-08-03 wanbizu AI 来源:区块链网络
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