这是一次独特的采访,曾拥有超过 730 个 CryptoPunks 的 Mr.703 用签名的链上消息阐述对 CryptoPunks 和 NFT 的看法。
撰文:Loopify 编译:Perry Wang 这是 Loopify 在 2021 年 2 月对匿名的加密艺术收藏大咖「 Mr.703」所做 的采访。 Mr.703 是一位匿名收藏家,他在 2017 年曾拥有超过 730 个 CryptoPunks,他声称这些都是免费获得的(Gas 费用除外)。目前存世的只有 10,000 个 CryptoPunks。在今年 2 月该采访进行时, Mr.703 手中还剩下 549 个 CryptoPunks,占总供应量的 5% 以上。如果不算开发者钱包的话,他个人当时也是 CryptoPunks 的最大个人持有者。 链闻注:截止链闻在 2021 年 8 月发表该采访的中文版本时,Mr.703 的账户 中尚有 175 个 CryptoPunks,其中包含大量稀缺品种。据 Larva Labs 网站统计,这个账户先后出售过 344 个 CryptoPunks,买入过 34 个 CryptoPunks。
这是一次独特的采访,因为 703 先生要求验证区块链上的消息,因此请注意以下段落中附录了验证方式。 我们在这次采访中使用了 公钥密码学。在这样的系统中,任何人都可以使用预期接收者的公钥对消息进行签名,但这一加密消息只能使用接收者的私钥进行解密。您可以自己验证消息。 2021 年 2 月,LarvaLabs 上的 Mr.703 个人资料
1 | 当 LarvaLabs 在 2017 年创建 CryptoPunks 时,您出于什么动机而拥有那么多 CryptoPunks? Mr.703:我在 2017 年时曾读到比特币区块链上有一个名为 Rare Pepes 的项目,当时我第一次了解到现在被称为「 NFT」 的这一新生事物:一个社区驱动的类似纸牌交易游戏,有人将 4chan 论坛的一个笑话变为了现实。与 4chan 的许多东西一样,它非常具有创新性,但在社会上却完全不被接受。 当 LarvaLabs 推出 CryptoPunks 时,我看到了它的本质:创新、将 8 位元风格像素美学与一流技术相结合、且非常有趣。 当时 CryptoPunks 基本上是免费的,我拿到了一个又一个,尤其是关注稀有属性,只要市面上还有,我就不断收入囊中,最终获得了一个令人赞叹的收藏,不仅指规模,而且包括 CryptoPunks 的稀有性方面。 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "1 | When LarvaLabs created CryptoPunks, what made you claim so many Punks?\n\nI got introduced to - what is now called NFTs - when I read about a project on the Bitcoin blockchain called Rare Pepes in 2017: a community driven card trading game where someone took a 4chan joke to the next level. As so many things 4chan it was extremely innovative yet socially totally unacceptable. When LarvaLabs introduced CryptoPunks I saw it for what it was: innovative, combining 8 bit aesthetics with top notch technology, fun. The punks being essentially free at the time, I claimed one after another, making sure I focused on rare attributes as far as they where still available and ended up with a very respectable collection not only in size but in terms of rarity of punks. ", "sig": "0x1cc4741c543db7ff71db04c6d3c7d634462a204928ff212a052a127d50d0735a688cab0c23aae1c9cb7666ac3a8d318223a8d68f19339b5eeeec23b5ca3a6bdd1c", ??"version": "2" } 2 | 大家都发现您最近(链闻注:指 2021 年年初)回到了这个钱包。自从您购买 CryptoPunks 以来,是否一直在跟踪它们的价格? Mr.703:没有——我实际上没有追踪这些价格。 我收集了这些 CryptoPunks,欣赏它们,还把它们打印出来装裱起来,放在我拥有的其他艺术品旁边相互呼应。我完全是无意中发现,有人以看起来很高的价格求购我拥有的一些 CryptoPunks。 直到我以低于市场价值的价格出售了一些 CryptoPunks 之后,求购出价开始涌入我的账户时,我才意识到我所坐拥的宝藏的真正价值。 几个小时之内,出价就达到了 75 万美元。我谨慎地联系了社区,得知我的收藏价值数以百万美元。我完全震惊了! 我要为 LarvaLabs Discord 服务器点赞打 call:这是寻找同路人并了解估值的最佳场所。 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "1 | When LarvaLabs created CryptoPunks, what made you claim so many Punks?\n\n2 | You recently returned to this wallet, have you been keeping track of the price of CryptoPunks ever since you bought them?\n\nNo - I have not actually. I collected the punks, admired them, printed one out to have it framed and put it next to other artworks I own as a conversation piece. Being totally oblivious I found out by accident that I had some, what seemed high, bids on my punks. The true magnitude of what a treasure I have been sitting on dawned on me only when bids started to flood my account after selling some punks for what turned out to be way under market value. Bids hit $750’000 within a few hours. I discreetly reached out to the community and learned that my collection is worth millions. Imagine the shock! Shoutout to the LarvaLabs Discord server: best place to rub shoulders and get an understanding of valuations etc.", "sig": "0x1017f78428792f11114625908d2374147e9016307a81a58e690c6058344c732970ffe45984d5872e09c5b3b835f8f337f667bfdd6b2d0b15d82912e784a8dbcb1b", ??"version": "2" } 3 | 您现在因为什么原因不把 CryptoPunks 售出而换取数以百万计的美元? Mr.703:早在 2011 年,我以每个大约 16 美元的价格购买了价值 2000 美元的比特币,并在一年后将其出售,用这笔钱付了房租。而这些比特币今天价值 400 万美元,我再也不会犯这个错误了。 NFT 还处于早期阶段,当时区块链也处于早期阶段。我们认为机会巨大,因为现实世界的资产泡沫会向我们投资的领域流入,面对大势所趋,当前 1 万亿美元的总市值只是一小部分而已。仅世界上所有黄金的价值就是它的 10 倍。我们的这个游戏的名称是 「HODL (持币)」。 话虽如此,我们正在谈论的是足以改变我和家人生活的一笔财富。这意味着,将我的一部分 CryptoPunks 卖给比我实力更雄厚的大佬,是现实的选择,对生态系统有利,并且符合我的另一个区块链格言:当你坐享 100 倍收益时,至少卖掉一些。对于 CryptoPunks,没有人比我拥有更大的利益。也许除了三个外星人。但我的利益依赖于价格上涨、更广阔的市场和资金大佬的参与。在不久的将来,我们会在博物馆和拍卖行看到这些 CryptoPunks。此外,我有一份不错的工作,也没有债务。 为什么要贱卖掉这笔财富呢? 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "3 | Whats stopping you from dumping your Punks for millions now?\n\nBack in 2011 I bought $2000 worth of bitcoin at round $16 and sold a year later to use the money for rent. Those would have been worth $4 Million today and I will never make this mistake again. NFTs are early days, hell blockchain is early days. We think it is huge due to our bubbles that play back to us what we put into them, but $1 trillion combined market cap is a small percentage of where this will go. The value of all the gold in the world alone is 10x that. The name of the game is HODL. ", "sig": "0xc5b1360055c5ba55fcafec7b252150daf008d94b21f562d2ad5674917452eaf3589a67fbabe97ac893cb87d85b8ea1577fec6386e0e23ff39c2a564e14ccaa8c1c", ??"version": "2" } { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "That being said, we are talking life changing wealth for me and my family. This means, selling a portion of my punks to stronger hands than me will be the realistic option, good for the ecosystem and in line with another blockchain maxim of mine: when you are sitting on 100x gains sell at least some. No individual has a bigger stake in this than me. Except maybe the three alien guy. But my interest lies in rising prices, a broader market and strong hodl hands. We will see these in museums and auction houses in the not too distant future. In addition I have a good job and am debt free. Why dump this treasure?", "sig": "0xc3afc662badb8201a94ebcd9b02ea85434bc0426b579f0fa75afec9df0f614d63819290ffd925376c28888163f734299033331e35bfa8c69712d546207f1638f1c", ??"version": "2" } 4 | 您认为 NFT 未来五年将取得怎样的发展? Mr.703:届时看到重量级艺术家在区块链上发布作品,我不会感到惊讶。NFT 会在苏富比和佳士得拍卖。NFT 会进驻主要画廊和博物馆。这个预测显而易见。 在此之前,大多数机构可能会嘲笑它是一种时尚,而不是真正的艺术。类似于马蒂斯、毕加索和雷诺阿早年遭遇的说法。只有阿尔伯特·巴恩斯(Albert Barnes)这样独具慧眼的收藏家才能明白——不能指望每个人都有这样的慧眼。会经过 5 年还是 10 年? 短期预测几乎是不可能的——长期来看是非常明确的。 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "4 | In the next 5 years, where do you see NFTs going?\n\nIt would not surprise me to see major artists releasing work on the blockchain. NFTs in Sotheby’s and Christi’s. Major galleries and museums. That is a fairly easy prediction. Before that the majority of the establishment is probably going to deride it as a fad, not real art. Similar to what has been said about Matisse, Picasso and Renoir in their - early - time. You have to be an Albert Barnes to get it - cannot expect that from everybody. Will it be 5 or 10 years? Short term predictions are near impossible - long term the view is clear.", "sig": "0xe6d153ceda376a36a5e66d235670c4501b8bb08bede638df27bb78397565562a4c5263bf00cb14c3683088f9489c453f0661e8f3dabf0f40238901fbde573e4a1c", ??"version": "2" } ![](/uploads/autoimage10/2021083012-1ba2203f661e599f8080a3ed0e3497b5_Lgjq3fx.jpg)
5 | NFT 今年刚刚开始爆发,我们看到很多有影响力的人进入 NFT 领域,而因为 CryptoPunks 是原创,你认为人们会继续对其投资吗? Mr.703:在我自己了解的现实发展进度的很短时间内,似乎已经看到一些相对较大的资金投入到 CryptoPunks 和其他 NFT 项目中。 CryptoPunks 作为第一个 NFT 项目,其历史地位是独一无二的。我认为这就是 Flamingo DAO 所说的「溯源有价值」的意思。这是一个非常简单的概念:谁是第一个? 谁是第一个独自飞越大西洋的人? 就是这样——谁是第二个? 没人在乎。我敢肯定,当时第二个独自飞越大西洋的人和第一个独自飞跃大西洋的 Charles Lindberg 一样登上了几乎同样多的头条新闻,但时间侵蚀了这一点,最后人们记忆中剩下的就是第一个。 你可以去查查谁是第三个登上月球上或珠穆朗玛峰上的人,但这类东西头部极其重要,在艺术中,这反映在价格上,NFT 也是如此。 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "4 | In the next 5 years, where do you see NFTs going?\n\nIt would not surprise me to see major artists releasing work on the blockchain. NFTs in Sotheby’s and Christi’s. Major galleries and museums. That is a fairly easy prediction. Before that the majority of the establishment is probably going to deride it as a fad, not real art. Similar to what has been said about Matisse, Picasso and Renoir in their - early - time. You have to be an Albert Barnes to get it - cannot expect that from everybody. Will it be 5 or 10 years? Short term predictions are near impossible - long term the view is clear.", "sig": "0xe6d153ceda376a36a5e66d235670c4501b8bb08bede638df27bb78397565562a4c5263bf00cb14c3683088f9489c453f0661e8f3dabf0f40238901fbde573e4a1c", ??"version": "2" } 6 | 人们将 NFT 收藏品项目的热炒与 2017 年的 ICO 狂潮相提并论,您对此有何看法? Mr.703:2017 年,数以百万计的人涌进 ICO 抢购狂潮中,期待自己投资的项目成为下一个以太坊,很少有人幸运地免遭财富损失,更多人甚至可能血本无归。我不会贬低其他 NFT 项目(或就此而言),但是当你喜欢街头艺术,某位洗脑高手的作品,你确实买不起(英国涂鸦艺术家) Banksy 的作品,但您至少要了解 Banksy 与普通街头艺术两者之间的区别。 2017 年最睿智的投资不是寻找下一个以太坊,而是认识到波卡(Polkadot)的潜力,或者,在我们的案例中是认识到 CryptoPunks。2017 年的 Polkadot 相当于 2021 年的 NFT? 我不知道,但我相信如果还没有的话,未来肯定会有一个时间点兑现。 总的来说,我在这方面做得很好。应该只用能省出的钱来投资,投资于那些能激发你灵感的艺术、你打算保留的作品,或支持你喜欢的艺术家。 这样的话你就不会有什么损失。 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "6 | People are comparing the hype for NFT Collectible projects to 2017 ICOs, whats your outlook on this?\n\n2017 saw many millions go into ICOs aiming for the next Ethereum, few of these survived to this day or lost almost all their value. Look, I am not going to talk down other NFT projects (or up for that matter) but when you love street art, and by a Mr Brainwash because you can’t afford a Banksy at least understand the difference between the two. The key in 2017 was not to look for the next Ethereum but realise the potential of Polkadot or in our case CryptoPunks. What is the 2017 Polkadot equivalent of 2021 NFTs? I have no idea but I am sure there will be one out there if it isn’t already. Generally speaking - and I have done well with this approach - invest only what you can spare, do so in art that inspires you and that you intend to keep or to support an artist that you enjoy. This way you can’t loose.", "sig": "0x264b1ba20d75e01eca9ca671c2c7ed4e08c152d54b9b1854f813d987668e2da465b2f89d8a50f1b4281e8ef8bd66bf19ea04ba38959c60d4f4f7314578f4d5ff1b", ??"version": "2" } 7 | 很多人将 CryptoPunks 称为「价值存储」 ,您在多大程度上认同这一点? Mr.703:CryptoPunks 在某种程度上确实是一种价值储存手段。如果你没有一张 CryptoPunks 地板价格范围内的绘画或雕塑,要想想为什么不呢? 你是为了艺术还是为了所谓的疯狂收益? 另外:不要将 100% 的储蓄投入 CryptoPunks 或 NFT。也许买一两个,在你的墙上贴上它们的带框印刷品,以引起一些人的注意。 如果你把钱投给 CryptoPunks,当 NFT 市场停滞不前时,你可能需要支付房租怎么办?我曾经就是那个人——不要重蹈覆辙。如果你可以 hodl 5-10 年,请参见上文。 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "7 | Punks are called a 'store of value' for many, how far do you agree with this?\n\nAnother Ethereum winter not withstanding, CryptoPunks are a store of value in a way, sure. But if you do not own a single painting or sculpture that is in the price range of a floor punk, think about why not? Are you in it for the art or for the supposedly mad gains? Also: do not put 100% of your savings in punks or NFTs. Maybe get one or two and put a framed art print of them on your wall to raise some eyebrows. What if you put money into punks that you might need some day to pay rent when the NFT market is in a lull? I was that person - don’t be that person. If you can hodl 5-10 years then see above. ", "sig": "0xb13235d577096ef1bd6bce93bd0416107478000d808a6ef7589cef18b588cb4b1ac64fa4aec88e7bbae5383599a6f77b8ac3f96af3f4188289eeb8fc788c02091c", ??"version": "2" } 8 | NFT 整体格局中,您认为当前市场中最大的问题是什么? Mr.703:午睡了挺长时间,让我先醒醒神。 似乎有很多山寨项目除了让区块链变得拥堵之外,实际上并没有给生态系统添加任何有意义的东西。当然,任何艺术学生都可以创作毕加索风格的作品,但它并不能成为毕加索的作品。 如果这篇文章对你没什么启发,或者你看不到有那么一个项目不仅与所有其他项目表面上不同,而且在根本上是独一无二的,那么最好持有你的 ETH——但这正是炒作的本质。当炒作重归风平浪静且可能有一些延迟时,能够坚持下来的是就是引发炒作的内核,那就是 OG。 验证信息 — { ??"address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647", ??"msg": "8 | NFTs in general, whats the biggest issue you can see in the current market?\n\nAgain - still catching up from my extended nap. But it seems that there are plenty of copycat projects out there that really don’t add anything to the ecosystem except clogging up the blockchain. Sure - any art student can create a piece in the style of Picasso, but that does not make it a Picasso. If the piece does not inspire you or you can’t see how one project is not only superficially different from all the other projects but fundamentally unique, then better hodl your ETH. But that is the nature of hype. When the hype dies down and maybe with some delay, what endures is that which caused the hype and that is the OG.", "sig": "0xa9cb5eb0962504a04e34b908f902c1d41520b9a32c9145305cd9a0d8aad2bf1d0d084f8a192bb632287fdf75a82daf20778588a44a33c460c933688d365693891c", ??"version": "2" } 来源链接:www.loop-news.com