2019年11月12日晚8点,区块方舟邀请了明星项目Kadena的创始人Will Martino到区块方舟核心社群“区块方舟星际战舰”进行AMA(Ask Me Anything),从技术、市场、融资等多个方面对这个正在Coinlist上进行募资的顶尖项目进行了提问,以下为AMA实录(本次AMA为中英双语AMA,实录部分同时记录了中文和英文): Kadena AMA实录 Warren船长: 大家好,欢迎参加本次区块方舟的AMA,本次AMA的嘉宾为Kadena的CEO Will,大家掌声欢迎!@Will Martino 感谢区块方舟BlockArk社区伙伴们的支持,同时也感谢合作机构及媒体(Winkrypto, 链闻,区块链网络,CoinVoice,羊驼区块链,星球日报,真本聪,陀螺财经,快链头条)的大力支持。 Kadena 是一家智能合约解决方案提供商,专注于为用户提供私人区块链技术解决方案,允许用户实现ScalableBFT共识协议,同时提供了一种编程语言Pact,允许开发人员实现事务逻辑并执行业务操作。另外,Kadena也是目前市场上采用PoW共识机制结合链网模式来解决区块链公链的“不可能三角形”难题的解决方案。 Warren船长: 您好Will,先给我们区块方舟的社区伙伴们打个招呼,并用一句话简单地介绍下Kadena吧! Hello, Will, first of all say hello to the community members of BlockArk, and briefly introduce Kadena in one sentence!@Will Martino Will Martino: Hi Everyone! Thanks for having me! 大家好!感谢你们的热情邀请! Kadena’s public blockchain solves the scaling challenges of Bitcoin and the security issues of Ethereum, making the technology ready for production smart contracts across all types of global industries. Kadena公链解决了Bitcoin的可拓展性难题以及Ethereum的安全性问题,让区块链技术得以用在全球所有产业的相关智能合约中。 Warren船长: Q1:感谢Will,我们的第一个问题是,我们看到Kadena采用了ChainWeb这一并行PoW架构,这样的跨链解决方案跟我们熟知的Polkadot和Cosmos有哪些异同呢?? The first question is that we have seen Kadena adopt the parallel PoW architecture of ChainWeb. How does such a cross-chain solution differ from Polkadot and Cosmos? Will Martino: To start, Kadena is Proof of Work, whereas Polkadot and Cosmos are Proof of Stake. In contrast to other blockchains that use PoS, PoW is the only protocol that’s been validated in the market. Kadena guarantees that an equal amount of hashrate is allocated to every chain. Cosmos’ different hubs don’t really need to resemble each other, and there is a distinct role for their “main chain” that hosts the Atom token. Similarly, Polkadot differentiates between “para-chains” and the central relay chains. Kadena’s Chainweb protocol is an undifferentiated mesh of base-layer hashrate, which is in the interest of smart contract developers who don’t have to worry about which chain they deploy to because they will always have the same security. 首先,Kadena采用的是工作量证明(PoW),而Polkadot和Cosmos则采用的权益证明(PoS)。和其他采用PoS的区块链相比,PoW是目前唯一经过市场验证的协议形式。Kadena将确保每一条链都能分配到相同数量的哈希率(算力)。而在Cosmos中,形式各异的Hub相互之间安全性并不一致,且托管Atom通证的“主链”扮演着一个特殊的角色。Polkadot也类似,其区分了平行链和中继链。Kadena的Chainweb协议是一种专注于底层哈希率的无差别网状协议,对于开发者而言,他们不必再为将智能合约部署于哪个链而烦恼,因为在Kadena中每一条链都具备相同的安全性。 There is also a big difference with liquidity. With Cosmos and Polkadot, and all other hub-and-spoke models, there is a tradeoff between access and liquidity. A stake is required to trade on a spoke. This means that if you want to move funds to a new spoke, you need to divest from the first spoke, back to the hub, and then restake back to the new spoke. There is a base ledger that tracks all asset ownership so you have to settle with that ledger before you can move to a new spoke. Kadena’s Chainweb protocol is unique in that it has parallel ledgers that are in a single consistent network. There is no main chain to settle with because every chain in the network is a decentralized ledger that’s part of the greater decentralized whole. So, you can directly transfer funds from one chain to another in a single transaction without liquidity issues. Finally, all of the chains run on the Pact smart contract language so the tools needed to go chain-to-chain are available to everyone and require no central authority (like a “hub” or “foundation.”) 在流动性方面,Kadena也和其他项目大相径庭。对于Cosmos和Polkadot,以及所有的“中心(hub)-边缘(spoke)”发散型网络而言,都需要对网络的流动性与权限性进行权衡。在上述结构中,质押需要向边缘(spoke)节点发起交易,这也意味着如果你希望将资金从一个边缘转移至另一个边缘,首先你需要解除前一个边缘节点的质押,然后将资金返回中心(Hub),最后在新的边缘节点上重新质押。这种网络也会有一个基础账本,用于追踪所有资产的归属权,所以你在转移质押资金时,也需要向该账本发起交易请求。Kadena的Chainweb协议的独特之处在于,其在统一网络中提供了复数个平行账本。交易也不再需要主链参与进来,因为网络中的每一条链都是一个去中心化的账本,还是更大范围的去中心化整体的一部分。你只需要一次交易便可将资金直接从一条链转移至另一条链上,不需要担心资产流动性问题。最后,Kadena中所有的链都基于Pact智能合约语言运行,所有人都能使用链间交互工具而不需要中心(例如Hub或基金会)的授权。 With the different approaches that Cosmos and Polkadot take, Kadena sees them as valuable collaborators and contributors to the blockchain ecosystem. 尽管Cosmos和Polkadot各自采用了不同的方法,Kadena仍然认为他们都是区块链生态系统中的价值贡献者,也将同他们进行合作。 Warren船长: Q2:第二个问题,我们也看到Kadena加入了Cosmos生态的新闻,两者的跨链网络如何相互兼容? The second question. We also saw the news about Kadena joining the Cosmos ecosystem. How compatible are these two cross-link networks? Will Martino: Great question. Pact's focus on Formal Verification, a capabilities-based security model, upgradability and multisig aligns incredibly well with the developer-first design principles of IBC. The implementation of Pact on Tendermint, which we call Kadenamint, is a meaningful step towards a unified and secure standard for smart contract languages across blockchain platforms. Pact更专注于形式化验证方面,并且在基于可用性的安全模型、协议可升级性以及多重签名模型上,我们的设计原则与IBC开发者的首要设计原则惊人的相似。Pact在Tendermint上的实现我们称之为Kadenamint,这是迈向区块链平台中,智能合约语言拥有统一安全标准的一大步。 In addition, kadena and cosmos share the goal of creating a truly interoperable blockchain ecosystem 此外,Kadena和Cosmos的共同目标都是创建一个真正可互操作的区块链生态系统。 Warren船长: Q3:看得出来,Pact在Tendermint上有了更大的改进。第三个问题,PoW和PoS之争一直尚未停息,很多公链为了提高TPS,都采用了PoS,而Kadena选择PoW,是在不可能三角(安全性、拓展性、去中心化)中舍弃了哪一块呢? The third question is that the argument between PoW and PoS has not stopped. Many public chains have adopted PoS in order to improve TPS, however Kadena chose PoW, so could you tell us which part in the impossible triangle is not used in the Kadena (security, extensibility, decentralization)? Will Martino: Kadena covers all the bases in the blockchain trilemma. We’re able to do this in part because of the Proof of Work consensus mechanism. Kadena顾及了区块链不可能三角的所有部分,我们能做到这一点的部分原因是我们独特的工作量证明共识机制。 Kadena's public blockchain uses Proof of Work, which allows Kadena to build upon the success of Bitcoin and addresses the known challenges of speed and scalability by using parallel braided chains. Our approach verifies the legitimacy of transactions, prevents double-spending, and rewards miners for the computational effort associated with each block solved. Kadena公链使用了工作量证明,让Kadena能站在比特币的肩膀之上,用平行织链(parallel braided chains)来解决目前存在的处理速度和可拓展性的难题。我们也用独特的方法验证交易合理性,防止双花并根据每个区块的计算量来奖励矿工。www.explorer.chainweb.com Warren船长: Q4:刚刚你提到了工作量证明和矿工,能否为我们简单地介绍下Kadena的挖矿,用的什么算法,散户能否参与?如何防范矿霸垄断市场? You mentioned PoW and Miner just now. Can you give us a brief introduction to Kadena mining, what algorithm is used, and can retail investors participate? How to prevent the whale miners from monopolizing the market? Will Martino: We have one token sale with parallel structures running side-by-side on CoinList. https://www.coindesk.com/kadena-goes-live-announces-new-token-sale-aiming-for-20-million 我们将在Coinlist上同步进行通证销售,链接: https://www.coindesk.com/kadena-goes-live-announces-new-token-sale-aiming-for-20-million Kadena’s public blockchain can get mined by running a full node and using our dedicated mining client. Kadena's public blockchain uses a Proof of Work consensus mechanism. 而Kadena公链可以通过运行全节点并使用特定的挖矿客户端来进行挖矿,公链采用的是工作量证明共识机制。 To encourage steady growth of the network, Kadena’s public blockchain uses Blake2s as its primary hash function. We have opened up mining with CPU mining to start to allow for as much participation as possible. We will support GPU mining at a later date, at which point whales may join the network, but that is always a possibility. 为了激励网络稳定且持续的增长,Kadena公链将使用Blake2s作为主要哈希函数。我们已经开放了CPU挖矿以便更多的人能够参与进来。我们也会在晚些时候支持GPU挖矿,届时矿霸也许会加入到网络中,当然这毕竟只是“可能”。 GPUs actually came online yesterday, and there are now +20 nodes running in China. GPUs昨天已经上线,现在在中国运行的节点已经超过20个了 Warren船长: Q5:除了GPUs外,可以给我们讲讲测试网吗?目前测试网的数据是怎么样的?在多少平行链,多少节点的情况下达到了怎样的TPS? What is the current test network data? Like how many parallel chains and how many nodes do you have? With these infrastructures, how many TPS do you get? Will Martino: At the moment, our public chain is running 10 parallel chains with 10-12 foundation nodes that we host. But the community hosts the majority of the nodes. You can see a list of nodes here https://kadena.banteg.xyz/peers 目前,我们的公共链运行10个平行链,10-12个基础节点。社区承载了大多数节点。您可以在这里看到一个节点列表https://kadena.banteg.xyz/peer Our enterprise blockchain is a proprietary BFT-consensus protocol. It has been proven to achieve up to 8,000 TPS with latencies well below 100ms in real-world testing with 256 nodes. 我们独有的BFT共识协议在256个节点的真实测试中已证实可以达到8000TPS,并且网络延迟远低于100ms. Almost forgot, you can Visit the Kadena Block Explorer (https://explorer.chainweb.com/mainnet)?for a live view of mainnet mining. 对了,您可以访问Kadena 区块浏览器(https://Explorer.chainweb.com/mainnet)以实时查看主网的挖矿状态。 Warren船长: Q6:太厉害了,这个数据已经超过了市场上大多数的公链。第六个问题,Kadena应该也是市场上少有的同时具备公链和联盟链两套解决方案的项目,Will您认为联盟链相较于公链有怎样的优劣?如果没有代币的话,如何在联盟链中解决激励问题? Awesome! The Sixth question. Kadena could also be one of the few projects in the market that has both public chain and enterprise chain solutions. In Will's opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise (private?) chain compared with the public chain? What If there is no token, how do you solve the incentive problem in the enterprise chain? Will Martino: Great question! Let’s use Kadena’s public and private chains as examples. 好问题!我们以Kadena公有链和私有链作为例子 Kadena’s permissioned blockchain platform is one of the most reliable, fast, scalable enterprise blockchains in the market, enabling organizations to efficiently transact and share data in a decentralized manner. It’s also the first private blockchain that can scale to thousands of nodes. Kadena的许可链区块链平台是目前市场上最可靠、最快且最能拓展的企业级区块链之一,它允许相关组织能在去中心化环境下,高效的进行数据分享与交易,它也是第一个可以拓展至数千个网络节点的私有链。 Advantages of Private (https://medium.com/kadena-io/scalablebft-kadenas-private-blockchain-101-c99895c0fd50) 私有链的优势(https://medium.com/kadena-io/scalablebft-kadenas-private-blockchain-101-c99895c0fd50) 1) Scalability Our proprietary BFT-consensus protocol has been proven to achieve up to 8,000 TPS with latencies well below 100ms in real-world testing with 256 nodes. 1) 可拓展性: 我们独有的BFT共识协议在256个节点的真实测试中已证实可以达到8000TPS,并且网络延迟远低于100ms. 2) Privacy Leveraging symmetric encryption technology, and fully blinded addressing, transactions can be securely hidden from non-transacting participants. That means multiple signature confidentiality without sacrificing blockchain benefits. 2)隐私性 利用对称加密技术和全盲寻址技术(Fully Blinded Addressing),交易可以安全地向非交易参与者隐藏,这也意味着我们可以在不牺牲区块链优点的情况下实现多重签名的机密性。 Kadena's public blockchain platform is a braided, parallelized PoW consensus mechanism. In blockchain, a consensus mechanism becomes a set of foundational rules for how a network agrees upon and verifies valid transactions, preventing double-spending and fraud. In short, Kadena is a blockchain that is faster, more secure, and more scalable. Kadena的公有链平台具有交织结构(Braided)和平行结构(Parallelized)的工作量证明共识机制。在区块链中,共识机制作为基本规则,主要用于网络就信息达成一致并验证有效交易,防止双花交易和欺诈行为。简而言之,Kadena是一个更快,更安全,更能拓展的区块链. Then we get to the advantages of public (https://medium.com/kadena-io/gauntlet-study-finds-kadena-public-blockchain-is-secure-and-scalable-b3de45ed4657) 然后我们来看看公链的优势 https://medium.com/kadena-io/gauntlet-study-finds-kadena-public-blockchain-is-secure-and-scalable-b3de45ed4657)。 1) We're Proof of Work!!! Kadena’s public blockchain is a massively parallel protocol that brings efficiency to Proof of Work. Unlike Proof of Stake, PoW is the only protocol that’s been validated in the market. Mining pays for throughput and provisioning, not just hash difficulty. 1)工作量证明 Kadena公有链是一种大规模的平行协议区块链,协议让工作量证明更加高效。不同于权益证明,工作量证明是目前唯一经过市场验证的协议。挖矿行为不仅确保了网络哈希难度,还为吞吐量和通证供应保障 2) Tested security on a scalable blockchain We’ve been independently tested by the experts at Gauntlet Networks to show that our public chain can securely scale. 2)区块链可拓展方面已通过安全性测试 我们已经通过了Gauntlet Network专家的单独测试,证明了我们的公有链可以安全地进行网络拓展。 3) Faster throughput with lower latency Kadena’s powerful attack resistance means faster mining, greater decentralization, and confirmation times under a minute. 3)更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟 Kadena强大的抗攻击能力意味着它可以提供更快的挖矿速度,更好的去中心化程度,以及不到1分钟的交易确认时间。 Kadena’s hybrid blockchain also uses Pact, Kadena’s human readable smart contract language, which allows for true interoperability between public and private chains. Kadena的混合区块链结构也使用了Pact,一种人类可读的智能合约语言,Pact允许私有链和公有链之间实现真正的互操作性。 We designed Pact to be the smart contract language people can easily learn and use—to support a range of projects. It has automated bug detection, supports external code without giving up control and enables private as well as consensus-based management. 我们将Pact设计为人们可以轻松学习并使用的智能合约语言,以便支持更多的项目入驻。它具有自动查错功能,能在可控情况下支持外部代码,还支持私有化管理和基于共识机制的管理。 1) Safe by design Safe smart contracts need a safe language. Pact is immutable, deterministic and Turing-incomplete. It fights bugs and exploits while offering the power of a high-level language. Atomic transactions keep your data in order by guaranteeing that all instructions in a transaction are executed. 1)安全的设计 智能合约的安全由编写语言保证,Pact是一种不可变的,确定性的,图灵不完备的语言。在提供高级语言功能的同时,还能协助Bug和漏洞修复。原子交易将能确保交易中所有指令都已正确执行,以此保证数据能够妥当地处理。 2) Fast and legible code Pact balances low-level, directly executable expressions and high-level declarative code that go beyond just instructions and describing exact outcomes. It parses fast and executes faster. And since it’s stored unmodified on the ledger, you always know what code you’re running. 2) 快速且简练的代码 Pact除了提示和描述具体的输出结果之外,还平衡了低层次的,可直接执行的表达式同高层次的,声明式的代码之间的关系。Pact的解析速度和执行速度都很快,并且Pact编写的代码在账本上储存时不会被修改,所以你总是知道自己究竟在运行何种代码。 Our network — built on the proven stability of Proof of Work and the ease of the Pact smart contract language — delivers a hybrid public-and-private platform that stands out as the best. 我们建立在稳定的工作量证明和简单可用的Pact智能合约语言上的网络,为用户提供了最好用的公私链混合平台。 Warren船长: 这个回答太硬核了,一直不忍心打断 感谢感谢,Will给我们详细地介绍了私聊和公链的优缺点,以及Pact语言的优势 Q7:我们继续接下来的提问,第七个问题,Kadena参与了摩根大通区块链和美国证劵交易委员会的系统开发,Will您怎么看待JPMC和Libra,以及接下来中国央行即将发行的DCEP? Thank you for taking so long to answer this question. The next question is that Kadena participated in the development of the system of JPMorgan Chase blockchain and the US Securities and Exchange Commission. What does Will think of JPMC, Libra and the upcoming DCEP issued by the central bank of China? Will?Martino: You all ask the best questions, I'll try to keep this one short(ish) 你们问的问题都很好,我尽量长话短说 On JPMC -- When Kadena’s founders worked at JPMorgan Chase, they led an emerging technology group that researched and vetted blockchains for the bank’s potential use and strategic investment. This involved in-depth analysis of early versions of Hyperledger, Axoni, Symbiont, Ripple and Ethereum. It was clear back then that the blockchain options on the market were technologically inadequate for real enterprise use cases. 关于JPMC 当Kadena的创始人在摩根大通工作时,他们领导过一个新兴的技术团队,主要研究并审查区块链在银行方面的潜力并进行相关战略方面的投资。他们对早期版本的Hyperledger,Axoni,Symbiont,Ripple以及Ethereum都进行了深入研究。很明显,当时市面上可用的区块链对于企业而言,在技术层面是不够格的。 The concerns Will and Stuart’s team raised included: How does a blockchain’s smart contract language safely and simply express complex business rules? How are public-key signatures guaranteed to be valid? Can the system scale to additional participants (nodes) without drastically slowing down performance? And, for a future-thinking enterprise, can you interoperate with other public and private blockchains easily? Using these questions as a framework, we saw the solution in Kadena’s hybrid blockchain. Will和Stuart的团队提出了一系列的问题:区块链智能合约的语言该如何安全且简单的表达复杂的商业规则?如何确保公钥签名的有效性?系统可以在不显著降低性能的情况下拓展更多的参与者(节点)么?以及,对于有远见的企业而言,公有链和私有链可以简单的进行交互么?以上述问题作为设计框架,就有了目前Kadena的混合区块链解决方案。 On Libra: The end goal of any monopoly is to become ‘Too Big To Fail.’ Libra represents Facebook and Silicon Valley taking a major step towards becoming a sovereign state. Do we really want corporations becoming governments? 关于Libra 任何垄断企业的目标都是做到“大而不倒”。Libra代表着Facebook与硅谷向成为“主权国家”更进一步。我们真的希望企业成为政府么? From the corporation that has sold out user privacy, Facebook now offers you a bank account without interest rates, insurance, or oversight. There are no term limits on who runs Libra. You can’t vote out Mark Zuckerberg for screwing up monetary policy. How does it make sense for the CEO of a $500 billion company to control a new currency? The concept of Facebook, a large corporation accountable only to shareholders, running a currency is worse than a government doing it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2019/06/20/facebooks-libra-coin-is-both-vampire-project-and-regulatory-nightmare/#5716f1291067 对于出卖隐私的公司而言,Facebook目前只是给你提供一个没有利率,没有保险,还没有监管的银行账户。Libra的运作不受第三方限制,就像你不可能因为扎克伯格搞坏了货币政策而勒令他下台一样。对于他而言,作为一个市值5000亿美元公司的CEO,掌控一种全新的货币意味着什么?Facebook毕竟只是一个对股东负责的公司,在这种理念下运营一种“货币”,Facebook做的会比政府更糟。 https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2019/06/20/facebooks-libra-coin-is-both-vampire-project-and-regulatory-nightmare/#5716f1291067 On DCEP --- Providing a decentralized network for blockchain users has influenced Kadena’s roadmap since our founding in 2016. With DCEP, we are shown a future where cryptocurrency, along with how it’s built, distributed, and monitored, is in the hands of a government body. Because it’s just been announced, it’s difficult to predict where this could go, but it has to be understood that what has been proposed so far is not a truly trustless and decentralized token. 关于DCEP 自2016年以来,Kadena的目标一直是为区块链用户提供去中心化的网络。DCEP让我们见识到了一种由政府机构掌控加密数字货币的创造、分发以及监管的未来。由于DCEP才对外宣布没多久,我们很难预测它的未来发展情况究竟如何。但有一点必须知道,就目前为止提出的DCEP概念而言,并不代表着DCEP是一个缺乏信任和去中心化的通证(Token)。 Warren船长: Q8:哈哈哈,看来Will对Libra还是有些意见的。接下来我们希望问下融资相关的问题。2016年Kadena项目就已经公开,2018年拿到了众多顶尖投资机构的投资,诸如Fidelity、MetaStable、Multicoin Capital,但直到最近才决定在coinlist上面进行公开融资。这两年以来,Kadena有怎样的发展,有怎样的突破? Then we will ask something about financing. Kadena, which was established in 2016, received investments from a number of top investment houses in 2018, including Fidelity, MetaStable and Multicoin Capital, but only recently decided to raise public funds on the CoinList. How has Kadena developed and broken through in the past two years? Will?Martino: Through our work creating JP Morgan’s first blockchain (Juno), Kadena founders (Stuart Popejoy and Will Martino) recognized the vulnerabilities in blockchain that needed to be addressed. Moving forward, scalability and smart contract safety had to be the core of Kadena’s design, which directed the company’s vision following our founding in 2016. The fact that we have real enterprise use cases today helps to show that Kadena is a leader in the space. For example, we’re excited about working with Rymedi and USCF (a $3 billion fund). 自从创建了摩根大通的第一个区块链项目(Juno)以来,Kadena的创始人Stuart Popejoy和Will Martino清楚的认识到哪些问题是目前区块链亟需解决的。对未来而言,网络的可拓展性和智能合约的安全性是Kadena工作的重中之重,这种理念也是公司自2016年成立后的愿景。如今我们已拥有了真实的企业用例,这代表着Kadena已经在区块链实际应用领域成为了领头羊。举个例子,我们很高兴和Rymedi和USCF(一个30亿美元的基金)进行合作. The journey has had its challenges, but each step we’ve taken in providing a secure and scalable hybrid blockchain platform has brought us to today. We’re proud of all the progress which you can see on Kadena’s Roadmap to a Hybrid Blockchain Platform[1]. [1]: https://medium.com/kadena-io/kadenas-roadmap-to-a-hybrid-blockchain-platform-dc0ff7c178a6 区块链旅途中充满了挑战,但我们在为用户提供安全的、可拓展的混合区块链平台方面的努力,成就了眼前的我们。我们为您能见到Kadena混合区块链平台路线图[1]的进展而感到自豪。 [1]: https://medium.com/kadena-io/kadenas-roadmap-to-a-hybrid-blockchain-platform-dc0ff7c178a6 That about covers it, building momentum year over year has been amazing. 就这样,年复一年增长的势头是非常惊人的。 Warren船长: Q9:好的,第九个问题是,2019年陆续有很多顶尖科学家加持的高性能公链开始逐渐面世,比如同样在coinlist募资的Algorand, Nervos等,同时市场上的很多公链也在不断迭代,如以太坊也即将升级2.0。在这么多的公链中,Kadena如何脱颖而出,并且获得市场的认可? In 2019, a number of high-performance public chains with the support of top scientists are gradually coming to the market, such as Algorand and Nervos, which are also funded by CoinList. Meanwhile, many public chains in the market are also in continuous updates, such as Ethereum, which is about to upgrade to 2.0. How does Kadena stand out among so many public chains and gain market recognition? Will?Martino: The answer to this question lies in our ability to overcome well-known challenges within the blockchain industry. As you discussed, it’s not common for a public blockchain to address all issues within the blockchain trilemma. Those issues are security, scalability, and decentralization. Our public blockchain, paired with Pact, successfully addresses all of these challenges. Having a live solution now when other projects are still working on the problem is what allows Kadena to stand out in the market. 这个问题的答案在于,我们有能力克服区块链行业内已知的各种难题。如您所言,能完美解决公有链不可能三角问题的项目屈指可数(即安全性、可拓展性和去中心化的矛盾)。我们的公有链,配合Pact语言,成功解决了公有链的不可能三角问题。这也是Kadena能在市场上脱颖而出的原因——当其他项目还在纠结如何解决不可能三角时,我们已经提出了一个可行的解决方案。 In contrast to other public chains who present mostly theoretical use cases, Kadena is live today with enterprise partners including USCF (a $3 billion fund) and Rymedi (tracking the quality of medicinal products). 与其他主要在“理想用例”上做文章的公链不同,Kadena目前已经和USCF(一个30亿美元的基金)以及Rymedi(药品质量追踪)成为了合作伙伴,落地实体应用。 Warren船长: Q10:确实,相比于技术开发,区块链的应用落地更加重要。既然讲到这里,我们的最后一个问题是,目前中国开始对区块链大力推进,而且更多的是联盟链的发展,Kadena在中国市场有什么推进计划吗? Currently, China has started to push forward the blockchain, and it is more about the development of enterprise chain. Do you have any plans to promote Kadena in the Chinese market? Will?Martino: Yes, Kadena has translated many, if not all, of our whitepapers so that the Chinese blockchain community can better understand Kadena and the products we offer. 当然有,Kadena已经将许多(还不是全部)白皮书翻译为中文,以便中国的区块链社区能更好地理解Kadena以及它提供的产品情况。 We’ve also informed the community of our CoinList sale[1], providing the opportunity to take part in Kadena’s ecosystem. You can find a Kadena group in WeChat. We also look forward to speaking with more news outlets and community groupsin China. This AMA is one example of our efforts to raise awareness of Kadena in the Chinese market. [1]https://coinlist.co/kadena 我们还向社区通告了我们的Coinlist公开销售活动[1],为用户提供参与到Kadena生态的机会。您可以在微信中加入Kadena的微信群,我们也期待同更多中国的新闻媒体和社区团队进行交流。本次AMA也是我们希望提高Kadena在中国市场知名度的一个实例。 [1]https://coinlist.co/kadena Also, one of our investors is Youbi, who is helping us to find a chinese corporation to partner with for Kadena enterprise adoption. 此外,我们的投资者之一是Youbi,Youbi是帮助我们找到一个中国公司与Kadema成为企业采用合作伙伴的投资人 Warren船长: 感谢Will的回答,我们AMA的第一阶段先告一段落,Will的回答相当用心啊,接下来进入第二阶段——自由问答时间,大家可以自由地对Will进行提问,我们将从中挑选几个问题,让Will给大家解答。 自由问答环节: Warren船长: Q1:目前Coinlist上的项目上线后都破发了,比如Algorond和Blockstack,你们会不会也遇到同样的问题。问题来自@郑格 The first question is that, at present, all the projects on Coinlist have been dumpped a lot since their launch, such as Algorond and Blockstack. Will you have the same problem?@Will Martino Will?Martino: No, Kadena takes a very different approach to sales and launch. We believe launching with a low market cap is very important... who wants to get involved with a new blockchain when the VCs are already 30x!?! That's just crazy... and also why they get dumped an crash. 不,Kadena采取了一种非常不同的销售和发布方式。我们认为,以低市值上市非常重要……当VC已经获得30倍利润的时候,谁还想参与一个新的项目!?!这是疯狂的…以及为什么他们被疯狂的抛售。 A +1B USD market cap right a launch is crazy, and pushes away regular people from being involved. Our market cap at launch is ~80MM USD at the end of the first year 10亿美元的市值推出一个项目是非常疯狂的,会让普通人远离这个项目。我们推出时的市值在第一年年底约为8000万美金。 Warren船长: Q2:好的,第二个问题,来自@冰青@Cyan 由于目前工作量证明在理论上存在伪矿池攻击的情况(即:攻击者将自己伪装为矿池,吸引矿工加入直到算力超过33%进行自私挖矿攻击的情况),采用工作量证明的Kadena如何避免传统工作量证明的诸多问题(包括日蚀攻击等) The second question is that, Currently Proof of Work have a problem called "Fake-Pool Attack".(means that attacker pretend themself as a normal PoW pool so that attacker can attracted enough miners and hashrates to generate a Selfish Mining attack.). As we see, Kadena use the PoW consensus . How Kadena would solve problems in PoW algorithem? (Like Fake-Pool Attack, Selfish Mining and Eclipse Attack, etc. ) Will?Martino: It's a great question that I could teach a class on, for more details the gauntlet study is the place to go: https://medium.com/kadena-io/gauntlet-study-finds-kadena-public-blockchain-is-secure-and-scalable-b3de45ed4657 这是一个很好的问题,我可以作为一门课来阐述,更多的细节,可以去Medium看下: Https://medium.com/kadena-io/gauntlet-study-finds-kadena-public-blockchain-is-secure-and-scalable-b3de45ed4657 but the gist is that, because POW is probablistic, the more blocks that are mined the faster things become "safe" -or- the harder POW attacks become. Because chainweb can have many blocks at the same height, these attacks become exponentially harder. 但要点是,因为PoW是可被证明的,挖掘的区块越多,越快的东西变得“安全”——或者——Pow攻击就会变得更加困难。由于chainweb在同一高度可以有许多块,所以这些攻击就会变得更加困难。 see: law of large numbers for some intuition into why chainweb is vastly safer than traditional nakamoto consensus. 请看:大数定律直接的解释为什么chainweb比传统的中本共识更安全。 Warren船长: Q3:第三个问题,来自@大麦@真本聪 ,Chainweb 号称链接成百上千条pow 公链,但现在pow 公链的门槛越来越高,维护一条pow 的安全性需要大量的算力投入,你确定能够出现这么多条安全的pow 公链吗? The last question, @Will Martino . Chainweb claims to link hundreds of PoW public chains, but now the threshold of PoW public chains is getting higher and higher. Maintaining the security of a POW chain requires a lot of computing power investment. Are you sure there are so many safe POW public chains? Will?Martino: Again, see the gauntlet study for a full simulation. I'm still amazed that Chainweb really works at scaling POW... but the theory says it would as well as the security simulations. Think about how Ethereum uses uncles (orphan blocks that were mined but don't represent transactions on chain) to have a very low confirmation time despite being POW. Chainweb uses a similar idea, except that our "uncles" are actually "peer chains" that represent real throughput. So the statistical security comes from there. Then we get to the economics, which in mining is pretty simple: hashing is +90% of the overall cost and if rewards are spread through the network evenly most miners will replicate and mine most chains. Thus, we get decentralization. 请再次参考全面模拟的挑战研究。我仍然很惊讶,Chainweb真的可以扩展POW…但是理论认为它和安全模拟一样有效。考虑一下Ethereum如何使用uncle(已被挖掘的孤块,但不代表链上的事务)来获得非常低的确认时间(尽管是POW)。Chainweb使用了类似的思想,只不过我们的“uncle”实际上是代表实际吞吐量的“同级链”。统计安全性来自于此。然后我们谈到了经济,这在采矿业是非常简单的:哈希是90%+的总成本,如果奖励均匀地分布在网络中,大多数矿工将复制和开采大多数链。这样,我们就可以得到去中心化。 I could go on and on, but that's a good place to stop. 我还可以继续说下去,但是我现在要先停止了。 Thank you so much for having me on! 非常感谢你们让我有幸参加! Warren船长: 非常感谢Will参与本次AMA,由于时间关系,本次的AMA就到此结束了。目前Kadena正在Coinlist上进行募资,如果大家想了解更多关于Kadena的信息,欢迎访问官方网站https://www.kadena.io/ —- 编译者/作者:BlockArk 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
Kadena如何让私链和公链跨链互通?丨Kadena AMA实录
2019-11-13 BlockArk 来源:区块链网络
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