This article was originally published by Bloomberg. 本文最初由彭博社发表。(中文翻译供参考) AAX, a Hong Kong-based startup, says its exchange is about to make Bitcoin trading at least 10 times faster than transactions taking place on some of the largest digital-asset exchanges. AAX公司宣称,其数字资产的交易速度,将达到某些头部数字资产交易平台的10倍。 The new platform will use technology from London Stock Exchange Group Plc and allow retail and institutional investors to trade cryptocurrencies with ultra-low delays, AAX said in a statement. It’s the first crypto exchange to deploy LSE’s core matching engine, which is already used by bourses in places like Oslo and Johannesburg, it said. AAX在声明中表示,新平台将采用伦敦证券交易所集团(以下简称LSEG)技术,允许个人和机构投资者以极低的延迟来交易数字资产。声明还指出,AAX是首个部署LSE核心撮合引擎的数字资产交易平台,在此之前,该引擎已经被许多传统交易所,如奥斯陆交易所和约翰内斯堡交易所等使用。 The platform is capable of handling large volumes of orders with an average latency of under 500 microseconds, or one-two thousandth of a second, according to AAX. That compares to the lowest latency of 5 milliseconds — one two-hundredth of a second — that Binance promises to a small pool of clients trading its futures products. AAX表示平台能够处理大容量订单,平均延迟不到500微秒,即两千分之一秒。相比之下,其他交易平台承诺为其部分用户提供最低延迟达5毫秒,即两百分之一秒的合约交易体验。 AAX, which struck the deal with LSE in January, is one of the latest examples of how crypto and traditional markets are increasingly integrated. The New York Stock Exchange’s parent company, Intercontinental Exchange Inc., recently launched its Bakkt unit for trading Bitcoin futures. Nasdaq Inc. offers its surveillance technology to crypto exchanges including Gemini. 1月份AAX与LSE达成了协议,这也是数字货币市场与传统市场日益融合的典范之一。作为纽约证券交易所的母公司,洲际交易所集团最近推出了Bakkt平台来进行比特币期货交易。纳斯达克公司为包括Gemini在内的数字资产交易所提供其监控技术。 “We’ve been looking for a good solution that will be suitable for a long-term cryptocurrency exchange that is adopted and welcomed by the institutional or mainstream finance industry,” said AAX Chief Executive Officer Thor Chan in a phone interview. “LSEG tech is one of the most recognized.” AAX首席执行官Thor Chan接受电话采访时说:“我们一直在寻找一种适合长期数字资产交易所的有效解决方案,这种交易所也将受到机构和主流金融业的欢迎。” “ LSEG技术是最被认可的技术之一。”Chan说,AAX正在与LSE讨论建立营销伙伴关系,使AAX平台对证券交易所的客户更具吸引力。 AAX is in discussions with LSE about a marketing partnership that lets AAX get the stock exchange’s clients on board its platform, Chan said. LSEG Technology的首席信息官Ann Neidenbach表示,LSEG希望将其软件引入广泛的交易平台,包括那些专注于“非传统”资产的交易平台。 For its part, LSEG is looking to bring its software to a broad range of trading platforms, including those dealing with “less traditional” assets, said Ann Neidenbach, Chief Information Officer of LSEG Technology. 2018年3月,Chan作为联合创始人参与创立了AAX的控股公司Atom Group。最近,他又从联合创始人Peter Lin手中接过了CEO的重任。公司由AAX自己注资,现在有大约100名员工。员工部分在伦敦工作。 Chan co-founded AAX’s holding company, Atom Group, in March 2018 and recently took over the CEO position from fellow co-founder Peter Lin. The firm, which they self-funded, now has around 100 staffers who are mostly based in Hong Kong with some in London. AAX will focus on Asia markets to start with, and expand anywhere — except the U.S., which requires strict licensing, Chan said. The goal is for AAX to be listed among the world’s top 10 crypto exchange by trading volumes in the coming year, he said. Chan说,AAX计划于亚洲市场首先发力,随后将业务扩展到世界各地,当然,需要严苛许可的美国除外。AAX明年的目标,是在交易量维度跻身全球十大数字资产交易所之列。 —- 编译者/作者:AAXExchange 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2019-11-26 AAXExchange 来源:区块链网络
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