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Beep币扑 Plan B 第二期对话 Team Just之 无人生还

2019-12-30 Beep币扑 来源:区块链网络



分享主题:Team Just之「无人生还」?


Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目

导语:自12月23日Just Game上线以来,风波不断。为何临近上线,频频延期?9000多万TRX已经进入项目方口袋?早期投资者回本遥遥无期?Team Just接下来还会有什么挽救措施吗?12月27日晚8点,Beep币扑创始人小喵对话DApp圈顶级IP——TeamJust核心开发者Mantso和Justo,深入聊聊这个被戏谑为“上线即维权,入场即亏损”的明星游戏Just.Game,让我们一起探索,这个游戏是否最终会「无人生还」。精彩内容请看AMA精简。

问题一:Just Game上线之时,投资者们都异常期待,但是出师未捷,连续延迟上线了两次,请问当时是出现了什么问题?为什么测试网运行完好但是正式网却有那么多问题?


The final testnet we had worked wonderfully well, as most people know. However, here is a big difference between testnet and mainnet. We had a launch procedure planned that was intended to be fair, but we couldn't test on the testnet. On launch day, tens of thousands of people showed up. This was more than we expected. And unfortunately, this caused some issues with our launch program. Fortunately, it took us no longer than 30 minutes to fix all of the issues. But at that point, people are started to spread FUD around. And this is for a reason, but we will explain that later.

问题二:Just Game这款游戏筹备时长超过一年,然而正式开始还是没有那么顺利,用户质疑现有打造Just Game的团队是否是Fomo3D原班人马?并有谣言称曾经的团队成员Inventor和Sumpunk已经离开团队,你们可以对此阐述一下Team JUST团队的现有构成吗?

答:JUST团队的两个核心成员是:Mantso(技术架构师)和Justo(设计架构师)。 我们是创始成员,也是核心。我们是每个创意(P3D,F3D,JG)背后的两个人,通过我们共同的努力才使这些游戏如此疯狂。我们用心理学知识使我们的游戏为大家提供最独特的体验,同时我们也有技术使这些想法落地。

The two core members of Team JUST are: Mantso (Technical Architect ), and Justo ( Design Architect). We are the founding members, and are the core. We are the two people behind every idea (P3D, F3D, JG) - our combined brainpower is what makes these games so crazy. Between Justo and mantso, we have the psychological knowledge that make our games such a unique experience, as well as the technical know-how to get it working for you to play with.

对于不同的游戏,我们可能与不同的人一起工作。 大多数项目会有不同的团队组成。

For different games, we may work with different people. It will be different for most projects


Sumpunk is part of the community staff and answers questions/helps out


答:实际上,我们确实尝试过并成功的阻止脚本和机器人了。 当JUST.GAME网站刚上线的时候,它是完全屏蔽了机器人的。智能合约成功屏蔽了机器人的20,000+笔交易。


This is an understandable question. We actually did try to stop the scripts and bots and it was successful. When JUST.GAME site was put online, it completely blocked bots at first. The idea behind our launch procedure was that people would all load the website, and once everyone had the website loaded, we would "activate" the game and people can buy in normally. This worked: the smart contract successfully rejected about 20.000 transactions from bots. However unfortunately, once we activated the game for people to play, some webbrowsers had issues and could not buy in, meanwhile the bot scripts started to play normally. This caused some frustration and we understand that. Fortunately all those issues were fixed within the first 30 minutes.

问题四:迄今为止,Just Game最为人诟病的是投资回报率问题。即使是早期玩家,回报率也并非令人满意。有用户质疑是由于团队拿走过高比例而导致的失衡:大概流水的23%(目前将近1亿trx),请问最初团队获取的比例是怎么计算的?你们有考虑到目前这种状况发生的可能性吗?你们认为目前种情况是比例失衡的结果吗?




What people have forgotten, is that the starting week of Fomo3D was almost the same for the week we have now with JUST.GAME. In the beginning of Fomo3D, a lot of people complained about not having ROI. This is normal, the game has just started and not everyone understands it yet. It takes a few weeks for people to learn the game and understand what the best strategies are, that's OK! We consider JUST.GAME an improvement on the Fomo3D formula in every way. So, once people start to realize the game, the Fomo will start...

作为经验丰富的开发人员,我们团队比任何人都更了解产品生命周期的样子。 现在JUST.GAME所处的这个阶段,我们已经发生过了两次。一次是P3D刚开始时只有几千美元,但在最高时涨到了100,000 ETH。 然后再是F3D,它刚开始时也只有300 ETH,但最高也超过过100,000 ETH。


I want to explain this more clearly. We as Team JUST as experienced developers and we know better than anyone what product lifecycles look like. The phase we are in right now in JUST.GAME, we have seen this happen twice already. Once with P3D - it was only a few thousands dollars at the beginning - but went up to 100.000 ETH at it's peak. And then again with F3D, which also only had 300 ETH in the beginning, and also processed more than 100.000 ETH in it's life. This is just a repeat, JUST.GAME is in the same place our previous projects were at launch, and it has all the same symptoms

人们是会操纵情绪的。现在有一群鲸鱼,试图让人们感到恐慌,以便他们打开盒子。 你可以问问自己,恐慌真的奏效了! 这些鲸鱼已经知道会有一个恐慌周期,因此它们试图吓人们进行抛售。但请记住,人们意识到“JUST.GAME的奖池只会越来越大这个事情”只是时间问题。

It's the FUD / FOMO cycle.

You must understand how the psychology of these games work. People manipulate emotions. There are groups of whales right now, trying to make people panic so that they open their boxes. And you can see it yourself, it is working. These whales already know that there's going to be a FOMO cycle, so they are trying to scare people into selling. Remember, the prize pool of JUST.GAME will only grow bigger and bigger.. it's only a matter of time before people realize.

至于抽水问题,实际上这远低于Fomo3D。Fomo3D有20%到了另一款游戏(p3d),10%可以到了下一轮游戏,10%去了联盟游戏,还有10%给到了其他。这就意味着给玩家的钱减少了。 Just.game给玩家的收益比任何以前的游戏都更多。 您可能没有意识到这一点,但是仔细研究fomo3d的原理,您会发现just.game非常慷慨,游戏中超过50%的钱会打赏忠诚度(royalties)。

This is much lower than Fomo3D. Fomo3D had 20% go to another game (p3d), 10% go to the next round, and 10% go to affiliates, as well as multiple other systems (10%) that went elsewhere. Meaning it had much less go to the players. Just.game gives more % to the players than any previous game. You might not have realized this, but look through how fomo3d works and you will see just.game is very generous. More than 50% of the money into just.game goes to royalties.

问题五:孙宇晨貌似在twitter上删除了之前关于Just Game的AMA,视频等,请问这是不是意味着你们和TRON之间的友好关系出现了问题?


尽管我们与TRON没有任何合作关系,但由于Justo和Justin(孙宇晨英文名)的相似之处,人们更愿意把Justo当作Justin的化名。 我们认为他对这个游戏非常兴奋。并且JUST GAME使TRON在技术上看起来非常出色,因为它展示了区块链的可能性。我们是第一个在区块链上展现AI的先驱者。

Justin Sun was obviously very excited to have us launch this software on his platform. He was a well known supporter of the Fomo3D.? We don't have any partnership or relationship with TRON organization although, people like to pretend the name Justo is secretly Justin because of the similarities. We think he was very excited to play the game, and the game makes TRON look very good with the technology, as it shows off what's possible on the blockchain. We're the first to showcase precursor A.I. on blockchain.

问题六:你们早前提到将会有100种方法来让Just Game火起来,而且也准备了一系列好消息,是否可以透露一下?



与我们之前的游戏一样,即使Team JUST没有计划新的推广计划,这个游戏还是会十分火爆。不过,JUST团队确实有一些特殊的推广计划。

JUST.GAME has more than 100 ways to earn. Based on the past experience we have with Fomo3D and P3D, we know that JUST.GAME is going to have a really big FOMO boom cycle because the financial prizes (like last 100, the glitch, loyalties and royalties) only GROW every single day! It's the same as our previous game. Even if Team JUST had no new boosts planned, the game will still explode in popularity. But Team JUST does have some special boosts planned. ;)


There's a group of smart people now intentionally spreading panic and bad emotions about the game due (like negative ROI), so that scared players open their boxes and exit the game. This is good for those smart people, because they gain more royalties when someone opens their boxes. When the next FOMO cycle starts, these smart people are going to earn the most because all the scared players have . They know the mechanics of the game well because as soon as the Glitch fires, all the boxes become cheaper to buy and that's enough to spark a new cycle.

但除此之外, 我们相信JUST.GAME会蓬勃发展。并且,我们也将做一些以前从未做过的事情。我们会把自己的TRX引入游戏中,并为目前处于观望状态的大玩家提供专门的激励。

But all that aside. We know that JUST.GAME is going to boom. _But we're going to do something we've never done before._ **We're going to put our own TRX into the game, and give specialized promotions to big new players who are on the sidelines right now.? Stay tuned for more info at the end of the AMA!**










3.如果您有兴趣,请在购买前先将以下信息通过邮件发送给我们:promo@ just.team`

3.1主题:“ FOMO Event signup”







在1月10日,在阶段1活动的基础上,我们将实现每1亿 TRX返还1000万TRX活动。这也就意味着,很有可能我们会把全部的9700万 TRX都返回到游戏中。

如果你想要在1000万 TRX以内买到盒子,那么就是现在了!接下来,巨鲸即将登场!



