今天又看到有回答提到2010年的时候,有个程序员花了10000比特币买了两张匹萨的事情。这被认为是比特币的首笔现实交易。 看着现在比特币的行情,10000比特币就是一个亿美元。于是我便好奇这位程序员会是什么心情,于是去查了一下这位主人公Laszlo Hanyecz。 在2010年5月18日,Laszlo在比特币论坛Bitcoin Forum上发表了一个对后世影响深远的帖子 —— ”披萨换比特币?“ Pizza for bitcoins? ? bitcointalk.org May 18, 2010, 12:35:20 AM I'll pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas.. like maybe 2 large ones so I have some left over for the next day. I like having left over pizza to nibble on later. You can make the pizza yourself and bring it to my house or order it for me from a delivery place, but what I'm aiming for is getting food delivered in exchange for bitcoins where I don't have to order or prepare it myself, kind of like ordering a 'breakfast platter' at a hotel or something, they just bring you something to eat and you're happy! (省略...关于他喜欢的披萨食材) Thanks, Laszlo 大意是Laszlo希望用10000比特币去换一些披萨,最好是两块大的,让他可以留到第二天再吃一顿。愿意交易的人可以自己做两块披萨,也可以去披萨店买两块,然后让外卖小哥送到他家。 May 18, 2010, 06:42:11 PM bitcoin2paysafe:In which country do you live? 发帖六个小时后,有人问Laszlo住在哪个国家。 May 18, 2010, 06:46:48 PM laszlo: Jacksonville, Florida zip code 32224 United States Laszlo回答到,在美国佛罗里达州的Jacksonville(注:离我好近啊)。 May 18, 2010, 07:01:50 PM ender_x: 10,000... Thats quite a bit.. you could sell those on https://www.bitcoinmarket.com/ for $41USD right now.. good luck on getting your free pizza. 接着有人表示,如果Laszlo可以把这些比特币卖41刀,所以这笔交易并不划算。 May 21, 2010, 09:33:45 PM laszlo:I just think it would be interesting if I could say that I paid for a pizza in bitcoins 但这并没有改变Laszlo的决定,他解释道他觉得可以用比特币买披萨是一件很酷的事情。 May 22, 2010, 07:17:26 PM laszlo:I just want to report that I successfully traded 10,000 bitcoins for pizza. Pictures: http://heliacal.net/~solar/bitcoin/pizza/ Thanks jercos! 发帖后的两天,Laszlo兴奋的告诉大家,他与一位叫做Jercos的程序员达成了交易,用10000个比特币换到了想要的披萨。他还把披萨照片发到了网上,还表示自己一岁的女儿对这些披萨非常满意。 Laszlo发布的披萨照片,史上最贵披萨真容。在论坛上,Laszlo还搞怪的表示,只有披萨是比特币换的,小孩是他自己的。 May 22, 2010, 10:10:25 PM sirius:Congratulations laszlo, a great milestone reached 当时就有人非常精准的意识到,这次交易将会是是一个伟大的里程碑。 Laszlo购买披萨的交易记录 比特币的每一笔交易都是透明的。根据Laszlo提供的地址,我们可以查到这笔交易的具体发生时间是2010年5月22日的晚上18:16。 后来的剧情我们都知道了,比特币的价格一路疯涨。 August 04, 2010, 02:33:01 PM knightmb:$600 is a great deal for pizza I thought? 于是乎这个本来只有13个回复的坟贴开始陆续被人挖坟,比如过了两个多月就有人问到,600刀买的披萨怎么样? November 29, 2010, 10:58:22 AM bitcoinex:Greetings from November 2010! What's is it eat pizza for $2600? 又过了三个多月,又有人问2600刀的披萨好吃吗?还有人问道,这披萨会有一天价值百万吗? April 24, 2011, 02:33:19 AM Littleshop:Someone could write a story about the $18,000 pizza! 很快比特币的价格突破1刀,披萨总价高达18000刀。 这期间Laszlo本人除了跟大家讨论挖矿外,也回应过披萨的问题: August 04, 2010, 05:51:05 PM Well I didn't expect this to be so popular but I can't really afford to keep doing it since I can't generate thousands of coins a day anymore Smiley Thanks to everyone who bought me pizza already but I'm kind of holding off on doing any more of these for now. 大意是他自己也没想到搞了这么个大新闻,但他现在吃不起这种披萨了,因为现在挖矿变难了,他无法再每天挖出几千枚比特币了。 February 14, 2014, 02:17:19 PM I mean people can say I'm stupid, but it was a great deal at the time. I don't think anyone could have known it would take off like this. 大意是人们可能会说做了这笔交易的我是个笨蛋,但在当时谁也没意料到比特币会变得这么值钱。 February 14, 2014, 04:28:36 PM The people I traded with didn't know it was going to explode either, they just took a risk - spending their 'real' money to buy some guy pizza in exchange for some internet Monopoly money. Laszlo很赞赏第一批接受比特币交易的人,认为他们冒着风险,用”真金白银“去换这些虚拟货币。 February 14, 2014, 05:21:41 PM I heard from one person who bought a house with their pizza bitcoins, indirectly, by trading it for cash first. I wish I could say I did the same, but the pizza didn't appreciate the same way as the bitcoins Laszlo说他听说过有人用披萨换来的比特币购买了房子,他也希望自己能这么做。 February 14, 2014, 09:52:18 PM Other than a little bit of single digit change, I spent everything I mined. As you all know, the difficulty rises to adjust to hashing power, so eventually the mining wasn't worth it for me. Laszlo说他已经花光了所有挖到的比特币。现在比特币越来越难挖了,他觉得个人不值得再去挖矿了。 Laszlo在论坛的最后发言截至在2014年2月20日,不知道他现在怎么样了。根据他公开比特币钱包显示,他一共搞到过八万多枚比特币,但现在账面已经为零。但由于比特币的匿名性,所以无法得知Laszlo是否还有其他的比特币钱包。但根据他本人的说法,他已经没有多少比特币了。 可能有人会好奇,Laszlo是如何搞到这么多比特币的呢? I generated my share and I spent it, it was just at a time when the value was lower, but so was the generation difficulty, and the block reward was 50. As far as I know I was the first to release a GPU miner. 他自己也解释了,当时比特币不值钱,所以挖的人少,因此难度也低。而且他们那个时候挖到一个区块的奖励是50个比特币。此外,据他所知,他自己是第一个用GPU挖矿的人。 这里我补充一下,比特币会根据挖矿者的总算力调整挖矿难度,使得无论挖矿的人有多少,比特币区块生成的时间控制在十五分钟左右。Laszlo作为最早的一批挖矿者,他们那个时候很容易挖到矿。 记录比特币交易的单元叫做区块,最开始没挖到一个区块会奖励矿工50个比特币。每挖出21万个区块后奖励会衰减一半,目前已经挖出了51万个区块,所以奖励衰减到了50/2/2=12.5比特币。 总结下就是Laszlo入行早,那时候挖矿容易而且奖励多,所以如他所说他一天就能挖到几千枚比特币。而且他最早意识到了GPU挖矿的效率远高于CPU,他自己表示他所有的比特币都是通过一块 nvidia 9800 GTX+显卡在Mac OS环境下挖的。 看来Laszlo并没有因为比特币而暴富。到这里,大家可能还会好奇另一位主角Jercos现在怎么样了。 https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Jercos ? en.bitcoin.it 根据比特币维基百科的说法,Jercos在交易时才18岁,算下来现在也才26岁。 有记者在五年后采访到了Jercos本人,那个时候10000枚比特币已经超过了1000万美元。 Q. What do you primarily use bitcoins for? Do you still control millions of dollars worth? A. Bitcoin as a currency is meant to be spent. Those 10,000 BTC made it back into the economy fairly quickly, around the time they were worth some $400. Bitcoin Address Lookup Checker and Alerts ? bitcoinwhoswho.com Jercos表示他很快就把这些比特币花了,挣了400刀,回报率达到了10倍。 好魔幻的现实,跌宕起伏的剧情。本来我觉得这俩人应该早就成了超级富豪了,但也意外这两位心态都这么好。 —- 编译者/作者:道蓝币庭 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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