当2017年1月1日终于找到日历时,不到1%的地球人口知道I.C.O表示,代表或代表。有人可能会说,在顽固的骗子和疯狂的加密货币社区之外,几乎没人知道它代表首次代币发行(显然类似于首次公开募股),并且会破坏风险投资资金并看到加密货币的市值。在ICO泡沫高峰时膨胀至8300亿美元。 现在,我们整理了以下两部分的系列文章,涵盖了ICO诈骗的各个方面: 1)ICO投资者评级系统,用于选择合适的项目进行支持和支持 2)下载所有已知的虚假初始硬币提供骗局,以使您了解到底有多少sh * tcoins死币正在堆积在加密资产墓地内当然,可以在这里找到最终的比特币骗局和加密黑客时间表。 ICO评级清单系统:寻找正确代币的最重要的初始代币发行排名因素是什么? 在我们开始大胆地寻求大胆制定的ICO评级系统之前,我们还组装了一份初始代币发行日历列表,在下面的列表中分享了所有主要,值得替代的加密货币代币和项目的新,有效和即将发行的代币销售。 现在,需要通过回顾最近的过去历史来将一些司法正义放在首位,以便将所有事情都纳入视野。 1月1日,coinmarketcap.com仅为1770万美元,而现在到2017年9月中旬,它已经发展到超过1.277亿美元。 在9个快速月中,到目前为止,这是7倍的增长(根据coinbase.com,BTC @ $ 1,000 USD则为$ 4,000 +,而ETH @ $ 8 USD则为$ 300 +),并且还有更多的进步和未来需要完成的议程。 现在,随着首次代币发行(从首次公开募股中剥离)加密货币项目的爆炸式增长,它可能是全年增长最快的搜索词之一,但真正的关键是确保您在获得大眼和灵活的获利希望之前确定自己的位置。 。 哪些ICO排名因素和功能最重要? 有7个主要的开放思维问题可以得到答案,从而开始投资ICO投机或获得更高的承诺。 无论如何丢下时髦的口号或引人注目的命题,这些都是七个投资参数,研究人员开始确保您遵循以下七个投资参数: 人员(团队,信誉,往绩,历史)白皮书(基本目的,愿景,任务和故事时间表)硬币供应(预定义,上限,限制,适当的投资者信心指标是什么)深思熟虑的现实时间表(通往承诺产品,提供最佳产出和增长机会的服务的途径)用例(该应用程序的实用性,可交易的价值和独特的成名声)沟通渠道(社交媒体,闲暇时间,论坛,电子邮件,电话,更新的博客,公共事件,贸易展览,广告) 规则,法律和法规(不要误会,迄今为止法律后果尚不明朗,因此在这些ICO众筹游戏中最有可能生存的人是运行最佳法律和合规操作的人)为什么要花时间审查ICO加密货币? 尽管这似乎是一项艰巨的艰巨任务,但可以将重点更多地放在关于将法定货币投资到某些人可能认为这些ICO代币销售中已预先设置好的产品和服务的明智且受过教育的决策上。 Hype可以出售,但最终会改变这些“便士股票”等效的加密货币代币,但增值改变游戏规则,改变生活的产品,程序和平台将获得最大的回报。 鉴于比特币区块链货币空间中的这一新现象,已经出现了许多新网站和服务,可获取您喜欢的所有加密新闻,更新和进步。 如何对最佳ICO代币进行排名和评分 上面我们为您提供了需要深入研究以进行正确的投资研究的前7个方面和要素。这些天,与初始代币发行有关的嗡嗡声很大,很容易陷入“次优”和“最新最大改进”之中,但是拥有这些基准和要点将有助于消除错误的选择,并且有关投资初始代币发行代币的决定。 这些事件是新成立的初创公司试图(通过比特币和以太坊等加密货币)筹集尽可能多的资金,以使他们的公司构想付诸实践的过程。这些初创公司中有许多都是科技公司,他们开发了用于加密货币的新平台,可用于使交易更轻松,更安全,而无需政府机构的繁琐监管。 不过,很容易看出这些初始代币发行在哪里会出现问题。如果参与公司工作的人声誉不好怎么办?如果他们的商业模式不可持续怎么办?如果只是炒作而没有实质内容怎么办?这些都是准投资者在进入新公司的首次代币发行之前必须牢记的非常真实的风险。 幸运的是,对于那些潜在的投资者,我在这里。我使用一种非常详尽的分析方法来仔细研究公司的每个角落和初始代币发行,以查看是否值得投资。没有任何困难,如果有迹象表明公司最终可能倒闭,您可以打赌您的最低价,我会指出。 现在,我确定您对我的“全面分析方法”的内容感兴趣。跟随我,因为我在审核过程中为您提供了一个高峰。 首先确定代币发行的投资风险 您会认为确定投资风险将是我分析的最后部分之一。不!这是第一个。这是因为这是最重要的指标,我知道投资者有多忙。 他们可能没有时间深入研究整个分析,因此我确保一开始就提供他们最需要的信息。 无论如何,我会通过考察公司的各个方面及其首次代币发行来确定投资风险: 参与业务及其ICO的一群人。最重要的是,任何创始人,联合创始人,CEO等。 ICO的白皮书–基本上是一份详细的使命声明,描述了公司应该做什么以及如何在平台上使用投资者的投资。这通常是通过将投资者的加密货币投资交换为只能在平台上使用的货币来完成的。 最低可行产品–这通常是成功的公司与失败之间的区别。生产最小可行产品的成本不高,这意味着最有可能的供应量将超过需求。如果一家公司未能对此做出调整,并且没有计划增加需求,那么该公司本身就会大吃一惊。 业务的合法性。看起来,没有投资者愿意将钱投入到一家因法律以外的经营而被政府关闭的企业中。我当然希望所有从事ICO的企业都有一支法律团队随时待命,以解决他们可能遇到的任何潜在法律问题。 与他们合作的企业和个人。如果一家公司隶属于声誉极差的企业或个人(无论该行业如何),那无疑会使投资更具风险。 他们从中获得建议的个人。我很好地了解了公司所说的谁是他们的顾问。合伙人的同样原则适用于顾问。如果顾问因不良的商业行为而臭名昭著,那肯定会反映出新业务,这无疑会使投资成为更大的风险。如果一家公司的所有六个方面及其ICO都没有问题地结帐,我将得出结论,为该公司的ICO贡献资金不会涉及很多风险。 当然,任何和所有投资都涉及风险,但是如果公司通过我的测试,那么涉及的任何风险都是基于市场的风险,这是无法避免或无法预测的。如果该企业没有通过我的测试,则表示该企业很可能是欺诈性的,您不应在其中投资一分钱。 聆听ICO Second周围的嗡嗡声 在确定与企业有关的投资风险之后,我将研究其ICO产生了多少嗡嗡声。如果他们引起了很大的反响,并且社交媒体上有很多人在谈论他们,则表明这是一次有效的营销活动。 除此之外,它表明他们有很多人会感兴趣的想法。当然,那些感兴趣的人很可能会包括一些非常富有的投资者,他们希望从中分一杯pie。 当您有更多的投资者对某个业务构想感兴趣时,它会使该构想看起来更好,更有利可图,从而促使更多的投资者对其进行投资。如果一个想法没有引起投资者或公众的注意,则表明该企业没有进行有效的营销活动,并且人们不会以他们试图推销的任何想法来出售人们。 当我确定企业获得多少嗡嗡声时,我会查看以下内容: 他们的社交媒体资料(Facebook,Twitter,Instagram等)上有多少关注者 他们的业务在媒体中被宣传过多少次(例如,在TechCrunch或Gizmodo之类的技术媒体网站上写的一家科技创业公司) 我可以搜索他们的业务并在Google上轻松找到它吗? 他们的主要网站收到多少点击对于企业而言,最理想的结果是他们是否能够选中上述所有四个框。他们将需要拥有大量的社交媒体,要获得相关媒体出版物的广泛关注,在Google等搜索引擎上容易看到它们,并在其网站上获得大量的每日点击量。 首先看经营理念,最后看潜力 在这里,我可以确定企业及其创意在很长一段时间内能否继续获利。辨别这是非常重要的事情,因为没有太多的人想要投资那些会迅速繁荣然后逐渐消失的事物。 值得庆幸的是,通过了解我如何确定企业的长期盈利能力及其构想,您可以避免陷入类似的陷阱。该确定基于以下几个条件: 企业是否具有正确的模型以能够随着时间的推移保持增长? 他们的财务策略有多深思熟虑? 该企业有竞争对手吗?如果是这样,他们如何在竞争中脱颖而出?他们是否也有计划适应未来的竞争对手?如果一家企业不能具有竞争力,它将不会持续很长时间。 再一次,我仔细研究了业务中涉及的个人,以了解他们带来了哪些经验。如果团队中充满了没有商业经验的人,那肯定会阻碍企业的长期业绩。成为一名优秀的软件工程师并不一定意味着成为一名优秀的商人。这是企业开展ICO之前应考虑的四个非常重要的方面。像我这样的初始代币发行评级者一定会在给予我们批准印章之前仔细检查这些。 投资者在决定向该项目认捐之前,还将仔细研究这些内容,尤其是现在我告诉他们这样做很重要。 初始代币发行日历列表排名站点 我们希望消除一些搜索猜测,并整理一份顶级ICO网站列表,以跟踪并保留选项卡,以备将来参考和添加书签。 截至目前,这些最初的代币发行网站尚无特殊顺序,但将在适当的时候进行重新审查,并根据及时性,外观和更新频率(在我们快速发展的空间中)进行相应排名。 最受欢迎的初始硬币发行清单服务: TokenMarket.net CoinSchedule.com ICOrating.com FoundICO.com ICOAlert.com ICODaily.net ICOTimeLine.com ICO.info那是一个可靠的清单,因此您永远不会错过下一个大型ICO或最新的最大初始硬币发行投资机会。 要记住的事情 我们只是一个团队,他们正对希望推出首次代币发行的企业进行深入分析。抛开偏见,我们想认为我们的流程非常彻底,不会给与业务不公平有关的辩论或投诉留下很多余地。 就是说,如果您不同意任何标准和经过研究的评论(我们现在有1,000篇评论),请在下面的评论中随意表达。对于那些认为我们在所提供的分析中不够彻底的投资者,我们总是欢迎提出建议。我们阅读并回复每封保证发送电子邮件的邮件,并对以下意见和声明进行评论。 我们今天在这里要采用的是建立信心和半结构化加密货币清单,以及稳固而合理的投资应具备的必要组件和功能/因素的课程。我们发现的所有内容都将整合在一起,以帮助加快搜索过程,并且无论尝试如何或选择购买新的初始代币发行,为潜在投资者提供的建议都应作为踏脚石,而不是最终结论,可能会在表面发出声音。 ICO评级系统结论 尽管规则,法规和近乎不可避免的第三者监督在不确定性的背景下迫在眉睫,但仍有一件事,初始代币发行正在与传统的众筹和筹资策略相抗衡,并且没有放缓的迹象,尤其是当它们应适应时任何新的法律和法律障碍最终都会传下来。 本指南还远远没有完成,因为我们将继续努力寻找最终的雕塑,以了解如何最佳地投资ICO机会以及哪些最初的代币发行代币实际上经过测试才能超越其他。 去年我们看到的7大初始代币发行趋势
某些事情根本不会改变,例如白皮书,原型甚至会议。但是,CoinDesk决定发布一些信息,以帮助消费者了解加密世界将如何变化。 趋势一: 即使世界上有很多关于使加密货币无缝化的最佳方法的讨论,但似乎全球政府都不会更加清楚。有许多法律问题需要解决,而加密社区的利益将取决于这些结果。新的ICO需要了解法院的裁决,利用这些信息创建一个更具凝聚力的平台。 趋势二: CoinDesk预计代币的实际销售额将下降。幸运的是,随着不同的投资和交易发生,每个代币的价值预计将上升。销售将变得更加私有化,为公众保留的代币将稳步下降。 趋势三: 如果以太坊想继续成为全球社区的一个令人印象深刻的资源,他们将需要提高速度。有一些公司正在尝试在其他平台上推出,但仍然有很多投资者认为以太坊将继续成为主要资源。幸运的是,这些创始人成功地制定了一项备份计划,以确保他们保护自己的ICO和投资。 趋势4: 加密货币的最大吸引力在于它的去中心化性质。 Boost VC的Brayton Williams专注于“人才和运输”。结果,金融家和独立企业可能开始感受到其投资者的冲动,要求其将代币用于其预期目的。但是,从理论上讲,令牌的发布速度如此之快,以至于它们可能无法兑现其所有承诺。 趋势5: 代币经济学还很新,并且尚未实现以任何能力使用它们的能力。这些代币的所有者会注意到,花钱的能力将在很大程度上决定投资的价值。花费投资者目前拥有的代币的能力将首先帮助国际社会判断加密货币的价值。 趋势6: 随着代币的老化,消费者通常会越来越了解加密货币,这使他们更易于投资。有了更老练的消费者和投资者,用户将对如何使用它们形成更清晰的想法。令牌在实用程序和安全性之间划分。随着越来越流行,消费者将以一种完全不需要十年前的方式来理解虚拟货币。 趋势7: 今年将为ICO带来的最终想法是,预计科技公司将其代币分散化,这将有助于他们筹集资金。尽管CoinBank指出那些相同的公司根本不需要分权,但这一步对于获得更多利润至关重要。 有了这些变化,消费者需要睁大眼睛才能在2018年做出最佳投资。 ICO的新手?遵循以下7条提示进行明智的加密代币投资
对于那些不知道的人来说,ICO是一种众筹形式,公司可以创建他人购买的代币以为其项目筹集资金。许多人将ICO称为Kickstarter项目与首次公开募股之间的结合,因为从长远来看,投资者既可以获得好处,也可以获得金钱回报。但是,ICO被认为是高风险和高回报的投资企业,因此,必须牢记一些方面,以确保您的资金不会浪费。 彻底阅读和评估白皮书 白皮书基本上是该公司向潜在投资者推荐的产品。因此,它们必须写得很好,并包括有关公司愿景,服务将如何工作,功能,开发人员等的所有相关信息。在大多数情况下,白皮书的质量可以决定一家公司的成败,并且可以清楚地表明团队对于项目的重视程度。 考虑到这一点,作为潜在的投资者,您必须仔细阅读白皮书,并且仅在了解白皮书要说的所有内容后才考虑进行投资。另外,请务必注意细节,因为一些公司会夸大有关当前市场状况的统计数据。因此,事实检查是ICO投资者的一项基本技能。 了解有关项目开发商的更多信息 在评估ICO时,必须进行尽可能多的研究。这项研究工作还包括阅读有关该项目背后的团队的信息。尽管大多数发行ICO的公司都是市场上的新公司,但该团队的成员过去很有可能参与了类似的项目。 建议您继续并分别搜索每个团队成员,作为背景调查的一种形式。要获得资格,团队成员需要展示其业务领域的专业知识。团队成员缺乏经验的项目无疑是一个危险信号。毕竟,如果您要启动一个项目并希望从公众那里筹集资金,则需要在开发商和投资者之间建立信任度。 此外,某些ICO可能由已经成立的公司持有,并希望进一步加快其资本收入,以便发布新产品和服务。在这种情况下,应该花费时间来更多地了解公司以及所提供的其他服务和产品。这样做可能会导致更明智的投资决策,并在以后获得更高的回报。 在某些情况下,初创企业甚至不愿意列出他们的团队成员,他们在公司中所担任的职务以及他们的经验。这是另一个危险信号。如果公司对谁为他们工作以及谁负责项目不诚实,那为什么要从他们那里购买代币呢?不仅如此,选择隐藏此类重要信息的初创公司也可能是骗局,因为没有人公开承担项目和ICO成果的责任。 考虑长期购买所购买的代币 仅出于筹集资金的目的而出售且没有为投资者提供任何除转售价值外的任何其他好处的代币可能不值得。行为良好的ICO通常允许投资者使用这些代币作为从公司购买服务的方式,而那些仅持有ICO筹集资金的人则不会。因此,建议您考虑将要购买的代币的长期价值和潜在用途。毕竟,如果价格没有上涨,并且您无法通过交易代币来获利,那么至少您希望能够访问公司提供的服务。 阅读别人的想法 ICO通常将自己推销给各种数字货币论坛,而且还会在Facebook,Instagram,Reddit等社交媒体平台上推销自己。利用他们的营销技巧为您带来优势!阅读所有发布在任何地方的ICO演示文稿,并确保密切关注他人的想法。他们可能比您有更多的经验,并且可能会更好地抓住危险信号并提供建议。不过,不要将整个投资决策都基于其他人的想法。 考虑路线图和未来计划 拥有切合实际和完善的路线图并共享其未来计划的公司始终是一个更好的选择。作为投资者,您想知道项目何时开始以及开发团队已经走了多远。此外,您还想了解ICO之后公司的未来计划。如果一家公司只想提供某种服务直到时间结束,而没有计划进一步的投资和构想,那么它们的成功机会将是短暂的。这对于潜在的投资者来说是一个不好的信号,因为代币增值的潜力仍然有限。 资金透明度 通过投资ICO,您基本上就是在花钱。明智的ICO投资由对资金使用方式透明的公司组成。这意味着他们需要共享要发行的代币总数,在预售和代币发行期间将售出多少代币,团队和品牌代言人将获得多少百分比以及如何使用募集资金使项目栩栩如生。认真的初创公司通常会共享所有这些细节,甚至说明将百分之几的资金用于营销,员工,项目开发,未来投资等等。 好的页面和图像设计 网站代表了公司在潜在客户和投资者面前的面孔。考虑到这一点,我们建议您仔细研究一下网站的设置,使用的图像类型以及用户界面是否易于浏览。虽然您不应该期望获得A +级的网站,但是公司需要花费时间和金钱来创建高质量的网站。从长远来看,他们网站的质量将对公司的成功发挥重要作用。因此,一个设计不佳的网站表明该公司无法投入足够的时间和金钱进行智能营销和页面开发。如果是这种情况,那么一旦筹集了ICO资金,它们就有可能遵循相同的趋势。 根据到目前为止已概述的所有内容,牢记这些技巧可能会导致投资者进行更明智的投资,因此选择值得相信的ICO。最后,如果您的直觉告诉您某些事情是不正确的,也许是最好的选择将是寻找其他公司进行投资。市场上有足够多的选择。从您的角度来看,哪些其他因素应该 成功启动提供ICO代币销售的初始代币需要什么? 初始代币发行或ICO是一种非常成功和流行的方法,它通过令牌化过程来产生启动资金。这种方法使创新型初创企业可以避免传统的风险投资方法,而将独特的,具有破坏性的产品和平台直接引入他们所针对的行业。 区块链行业正在经历的巨大增长正在创造大量的创新,使创新者能够设计出将区块链技术推向世界的新方法。但是,启动成功的ICO并不容易。开始标记化项目时需要考虑许多因素。 代币化效率 令牌化快速普及背后的主要推动力之一是,无论产品如何,它在量化资产和管理资产方面都提供了极大的便利。当资产在区块链上被标记化时,它们变得非常容易追踪。令牌化使新创公司和企业易于管理。 代币化极具破坏性的一个特定领域是众筹。代币销售或初始代币发行已成为最流行的代币化应用,使新创公司能够快速筹集大量资金。这种易用性主要是由于缺乏有关初始代币发行的法规,以及大多数ICO平台的国际性。 当前在区块链环境中活跃着成千上万种不同的初始代币产品,每天都有新的ICO发布。一些ICO在短短几分钟内就产生了数亿美元的资本,而其他ICO却在挣扎。成功的不成功代币销售之间的主要区别是初始代币本身的质量。 启动ICO时要考虑的最重要因素 任何初始代币发行中最重要的元素是一个有力的想法,最好是以工作产品的形式。但是,对于某些项目,概念证明就足够了,通常以白皮书的形式提出。 任何ICO的第二个最重要的要素是驱动它的团队。该团队应该是公开可见的,并由一支优秀的营销团队和慷慨的启动预算提供支持。这两个因素是不太成功的ICO失败的最主要原因之一。 除了上述两个因素外,许多ICO失败的可能还仅仅是因为其产品没有市场或需求。即使拥有完善的开发和营销团队,设计不佳,没有市场的产品也无法取得成功。 现有的区块链服务 区块链生态系统催生了许多专注于区块链技术和初始代币发行的公关和营销公司。其中一些平台(例如令牌市场,ICO Box和Waves)使这一概念更进一步,为初创企业提供了完整的启动包。 这些平台的发展为新创业公司创造了广泛的机会,消除了阻止许多破坏性概念进入市场的进入壁垒,从而在未来促进了更高水平的创新。 ICO前12名最不成功的行业 最初的代币发行或ICOs最近引起了极大的关注,因为这种不稳定的影响因素对加密货币行业的这种很大程度上不受监管的方面对比特币以及整个加密市场的价格产生了影响。 与传统的IPO相比,初始代币发行为企业家和组织提供了一种筹集风险资本和促进快速增长的新方法。但是,围绕ICO领域的宽松法规(基本上不存在)导致了人们对ICO的极大困惑。 结果,世界各地的许多监管机构都已采取措施,建立了一个用于管理ICO的框架,有关其立法地位的争论不断。某些国家(例如中国)甚至采取了行动,甚至完全停止了其管辖范围内的ICO行动,此举导致比特币总价格下降了7.5%,直到该行动被澄清为临时措施为止。 。 尽管围绕ICO歇斯底里,但它们仍然是一种强大的财务工具,并催生了成千上万的开发人员和投资者都成功的故事。尽管ICO极为流行,但是由于难以确定的原因,仍有许多项目未能引起任何关注。 在本文中,我们将介绍在首次代币发行方面十大最不成功的行业,并提供一些有关它们在ICO领域的总渗透率的关键指标。查看此图由ICOWatchlist.com提供,以类别表示的每个类别筹集的美元总额和每个类别的项目总数。 内容管理/所有权 令人惊讶的是,内容管理是2017年首次发行硬币的最不受欢迎的行业之一。尽管与区块链高度相关,但目前市场上与内容管理相关的ICO的采用率较低。 到目前为止,内容管理行业在2017年全年仅筹集了950万美元,仅占所有ICO筹集资金的0.4%,远低于预期。但是,随着针对ICO部门制定法规的制定,分析师预计这一数字将急剧上升。 房地产/土地资产 传统上,房地产是高价值行业,它不适合首次代币发行的基本性质。有少数项目尝试通过ICO平台筹集资金,总体而言仅筹集了9.085美元。 The disparity between the expensive real estate industry and the nature of ICOs makes it doubtful that real estate as whole will capture more attention in the ICO sector. Communications Incumbent industries that are heavily invested in infrastructure have been observed to yield lower than average response rates in the ICO sector. Decentralized communication has struggled to achieve a significant amount of penetration through ICOs to date, gathering just $8.815 million USD throughout 2017. The highly publicized Kik ICO, however, may have a positive impact on the presence of communications in the ICO industry depending on the response it receives. Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals There’s no doubt that the cumbersome healthcare can benefit greatly from decentralized blockchain technology. Very few ICOs, however, have focused on the healthcare industry at this point in time. To date, healthcare and pharmaceutical related ICOs have collected just $8.31 million USD. There’s certainly a significant amount of room for growth in the ICO space for healthcare solutions. Entertainment The events and entertainment sector doesn’t present many opportunities for developers to present innovative initial coin offerings. Despite this disadvantage, the entertainment industry has still somehow managed to gather roughly $8.07 million USD in funding through ICOs in 2017, which is an unexpected turn of events that may be worth tracking. Social Networks The social network industry is home to some very well established major players that are extremely resistant to change. Although there have been a number of aspirant ICOs that have attempted to shake up the social network industry, the total volume of capital collected by these ventures have not exceeded $5.625 million USD. Data Analytics At a glance, it’s easy to understand why data analytics ventures have failed to raise a significant amount of capital via ICOs in 2017, as the industry lacks any serious relevance to ICOs as a whole. Data analytics offerings have raised just $2.037 million USD in 2017, almost making it into the top three worst performing verticals in the ICO sector. Utilities & Energy The obvious link between ICOs and energy presents many opportunities that could leverage the need for a decentralized platform that could be used to trade excess renewable energy, but the ICO sector has seen no strong projects focusing on this line of reasoning. As a result, the energy and utilities industry has gathered just a little under $2 million USD in 2017. Logistics & Supply The majority of blockchain-related projects in the supply and logistics are unlikely to utilize ICOs as a method of raising capital, which has seen only a desultory effort exerted in the ICO space by the industry. 2017 has seen only $851,295 raised for logistics-related projects, which is not entirely unexpected. Betting & Gambling While it may not be the best industry out of the eleven we have covered, there is no denying the radical shift blockchain distributed ledger technology is having on the cryptocurrency casinos. With the internet enabling gambling, betting, poker and esports to name a few, blockchain’s shared accounting system for all records will prove to be much more transparent and efficient in the years to come. Funding & Venture Capital Let me introduce you to the newly found concept of I.C.O. aka modern-day crowdfunding campaigns aimed at direct access towards investing into new tokens, services, projects, platforms and programs. Governance One of the key axioms of blockchain technology is the intent to optimize and transform traditional rules of governance. Despite this, there have been very few ICOs that have attempted to focus on this particular sector in 2017- the total amount of funds raised for governance ICO projects in the year is just $258,645, a disappointing result that will hopefully change in the near future. ICO Red Flags – 6 Key Signs To Fraudulent Initial Coin Offering?
In the third quarter of 2017 alone ICOs have succeeded in raising more than $1.3 billion USD for a broad spectrum of different blockchain ventures. This astronomical figure is more than five times the amount of capital generated through venture capital investments in the blockchain space. 2017 has seen the launch of more than 200 different initial coin offerings. Assessing each individual offering and performing due diligence on every ICO would be extremely time consuming for even the most attentive and focused analyst, as there are many different factors to consider when determining the value of an ICO. What would be difficult for a professional analyst is virtually impossible for an amatuer investor. The highly complex nature of blockchain technology means that there is a sharp learning curve when attempting to gain a working understanding of distributed ledger platforms, with many different consensus methods and use cases to learn about in what is a rapidly developing field. The rapid rise in public interest in blockchain platforms, combined with the technical terminology and regulatory absence have created an environment in which fraudulent initial coin offerings have become extremely common. Throughout 2017 there have been many ICOs that have attempted to defraud investors and separate them from their crypto. While performing due diligence on each and every investment is essential, there are a number of obvious red flags that can be used to identify fraudulent initial coin offerings quickly and effectively. In this article, we’ll outline the six most obvious signs that an ICO may be fraudulent. 6 ICO Red Flags Many initial coin offerings propose an open-source platform that makes its code available to the public. If an ICO proposes an open source platform but doesn’t offer a repository link, such as GitHub- or the repository is empty- this is a key sign that it may be fraudulent in nature. Open source platforms upload their code to repositories such as GitHub to allow the public to audit their development process. Individuals that possess blockchain programming and development knowledge are able to assess the code published by these platforms and determine whether they are valid or not. One of the most clear-cut signs that an initial coin offering is a scam is a complete lack of detail on how the underlying technology that drives it operates. It’s not necessary to be a programming guru to assess the veracity of open-source blockchain projects- simply checking whether a project has uploaded files to a public repository is an effective method of determining whether it has a functioning product or not. If you’re not sure whether the code provided by a platform is legitimate or not, there are many forums- such as Reddit- that provide in-depth discussions on the specifics of open-source blockchain platforms that serve as an accessible entry point to the finer technical aspects of ICO assessment. 2. Use Cases That Don’t Need Blockchain Blockchain technology, while highly innovative and disruptive, is not ideal for every use case. There are many ventures that have no use for tokenization or distributed ledger technology. While this may seem like an obvious point, the massive hype surrounding blockchain tech can make it easy for unsuspecting investors to be led astray by slick marketing. Many initial coin offerings present compelling arguments in their white papers, outlining massive markets that could potentially be massively disrupted by blockchain tech. It’s important to assess whether there is a real use case for blockchain technology in any project- even successful platforms like Steemit, which pays users for contributing quality content- could likely function by using an existing cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. When assessing an initial coin offering it’s important to ask yourself whether you believe the project truly needs a blockchain or a native token. If the answer is no, then it’s highly likely that the ICO in question is a prime example of “solutionism”, or using crypto for the sake of using crypto, or potentially a scam. 3. Anonymous Teams One of the most important steps in performing your due diligence when assessing an initial coin offering is determining who is behind the project. Regardless of how attractive an investment opportunity is or how large the market it targets may be, the success of an initial coin offering hinges on the quality and composition of the team creating it. Anonymous developers and platform founders is a massive red flag. If an ICO has not named any full-time developers, or if the leaders behind the project have little to no experience in disruptive technology, then it’s likely that the platform will fail. If there is no information available regarding the team at all, avoid the ICO at all costs. When assessing the experience of an ICO development team, it’s important to take a look at the social links provided by the project, such as LinkedIn profiles. While it is possible to fake these profiles, most LinkedIn users provide details on their prior association with companies and universities that can be independently fact-checked with third party sources. Many initial coin offerings leverage the knowledge of an advisory board in addition to a development team. It’s essential to check the experience and veracity of these individuals as well to ensure they are legitimate. 4. Mining Structures That Favor the Development Team The mining structure of an initial coin offering is not a foolproof way to assess the legitimacy of a project by itself, but cross-referencing the data points provided by a project on the supply schedule of tokens can be a powerful method that illuminates the intent of the project leaders. Premining is a term that refers to tokens that are created and made available to a small group of individuals before a token sale goes live to the public. In some cases, this process is used to reward early investors and developers. If the total amount of tokens reserved for a pre-mine is disproportionately high, however, this is a cause for concern. Paycoin, for example, was an initial coin offering in which the founder was found guilty of operating a $9 million fraudulent scheme. The majority of tokens in the Paycoin ICO were reserved for the development team. If an initial coin offering heavily favors the development team, then it’s likely that the true intent of the project is to maximize the personal financial gain of team members from the appreciation of token value, as opposed to maintaining the proposed blockchain network over the long term. 5. No Roadmap Most initial coin offerings provide potential investors with a detailed chronological list of their development and funding goals. If a project doesn’t provide a clear road map, then it’s likely that the developers and project leaders have no solid plan for the future- which is a key red flag that the project is a scam. If a project delivers no comprehensive road map and reserves a significant amount of pre-mined tokens for the development team, then it’s almost certain that the project is driven by short-term financial gain. Many initial coin offerings also provide investors with a Telegram or Slack channel that can be used to communicate directly with the development team and ask questions or access periodic updates. It is possible, however, for scammers to create fictitious timelines or deliver fake updates via chat channels. Always assess multiple factors when attempting to determine whether an ICO is fraudulent to not. 6. No Whitepaper Or Detailed Information When assessing ICOs, Occam’s razor is a highly effective tool. In most cases, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Applied to ICOs, if something appears to be a scam, it probably is. If you feel as through a platform may be a scam, then it’s probably best to refrain from investing. In some cases, the website for an initial coin offering may appear under-developed or fail to deliver comprehensive information because it’s still in an early stage. In the earliest stages of an ICO it can be difficult to determine whether it is a scam or not. Often, these platforms can be both. If you’re unable to find detailed information regarding an ICO, then it’s best to wait until more information becomes available before investing. Often Russia or Asian-based initial coin offerings provide scant information until bounty projects can deliver an English translation, which is an understandable delay. The most critical source of information on any ICO is the white paper. A white paper should outline the mission of a project, its technical aspects, the details of the team behind the project, token generation and distribution, and any other details that are relevant to the project. While amateur investors may find white papers somewhat daunting, it’s not necessary to possess a technical background in order to understand every single line of a white paper to determine whether it is legitimate or not. If you’re investing in crypto, however, it’s important to possess at least a basic understanding of how distributed ledger systems work. Many high-level projects provide white papers that outline the details of a project in addition to a yellow paper that provides highly technical information. Good initial coin offerings often also deliver a “one pager” that delivers a succinct high-level summary of the project in relatively simple terminology. Top 6 ICO Fundraisers: EOS, Telegram, Dragon, Huobi, Hdac and Filecoin
This is not surprising seeing as it has proven to be one of the easiest and least scrutinized way to raise funds for projects, products and to a lesser extent, personally enrich some shady individuals. It’s very easy to launch an ICO, thanks to ethereum’s platform which makes it very easy to create ERC-20 tokens. And when you think that in 2017 alone, over $5 billion was raised from ICOs, you’ll understand how difficult it is to pass up the opportunity to get in on it. Some of the most funded ICOs in the world have attracted a ton of cash from investors. Whether they live/lived up to their hype is an entirely different discussion. Let’s examine them all. EOS The biggest ICO of them all, the token sales started in June 2017 and lasted a whole year ending in June this year. With a revenue of $4.1 billion, this is by far, the biggest blockchain based ICO in the world. Launched by Block.one and going head to head with ethereum, this project is poised to be one of the world’s biggest smart contracts platform. The project hopes to become a better version of ethereum by eliminating ethereum’s scalability issues. In fact, EOS is often referred to as the Ethereum of China. The bulk of the investment was from Chinese residents who figured that a project of that magnitude was sorely needed in the country. The EOS token, initially created and running on the ethereum platform, now runs on its own blockchain network. Telegram One of the world’s most popular encrypted messaging apps, this ICO raised $1.7 billion for the company. Unfortunately, the ICO was done privately, thus preventing the general public from participating like they did with EOS. Proceeds from the venture is to be deployed to the Telegram Open Network (TON) and powered by its GRAM token. This blockchain network is hoped to redefine transaction speeds by eliminating scalability problems that will help it process millions of transactions per second. This ICO was successful in part because Telegram is a well-known company, thus making it very easy for venture capitalists and hedge fund managers to get in on their blockchain project. However, because the project is a very ambitious one, many seasoned blockchain investment analysts and experts passed on the private sale of the token. Ultimately, this ICO did well because there a lot of big name VCs and hedge funds investing in it. We’ll see what the future holds for the project though. Dragon A gambling based token sale, this ICO raised a whopping $320 million to fund a floating casino in Macau. While the $320 million was short of the $500 million initial target, it was still a huge success considering the circumstances and the selling point. The token which is called the Dragon Coin token is used by high end gamblers in Macau and appreciates or depreciates based on the success of the gambling enterprise. It’s actually interesting that this project succeeded considering its rumored ties to gambling mafia and shady consulting firms. Clearly, the appeal of ease of fund transfer and very low transaction fees is irresistible to gamblers who often feel they are being shortchanged and fleeced by money transfer middlemen. Anyone looking to launch an ICO in gambling space might want to look into some of the key problems and inconvenience that gamblers face, and solve it through their own services. Huobi One of the most popular crypto exchanges in the world, Huobi’s ICO raked in a decent $300 million. This sale was for its own native HT token, and followed in the footsteps of other exchanges that had done the same. In keeping with similar tokens, its sole purpose is to help reduce transaction fees on the platform. Traders are more than willing to get discounts and save money on trading fees on all exchange platforms. This is why the HT token enjoyed massive adoption among existing and new users on the crypto exchange. HDAC Launched by Hdac, a South Korean based tech firm in 2017, this ICO generated $258 million. The company hopes to put the funds raised to developing what they call the world’s first blockchain based Internet of Things contract and payment platform. If this project succeeds, this would see Hdac as the first company in the world to help IoT devices truly connect, by integrating processes like ID authentication, communication, payment processing and data storage. The company hopes to do this by simply creating its blockchain platform that’s dedicated to smart contracts and improving scalability. Filecoin Combined with its initial $52 million cash injection from multiple VCs, Filecoin went on to raise another $257 million when it launched its ICO. The project’s goal is to build a decentralized, highly secure, p2p cloud storage platform. It was successful because of its initial backers followed by its compliance with SEC regulations on ICOs. In fact, it is the first ICO to comply with the SEC’s new ICO regulations in the US. This, combined by its real world application and solution to a huge problem that many people face, made it an automatic winner. It was able to raise the huge sum in just 30 days, which means if it had been allowed to go on for longer, it would have probably raised a lot more. 最后的想法 While there are so many more projects including honorable mentioned like Tezos, The DAO, Bancor and Sirin Labs, the aforementioned are really the most impressive. All of them had great backing, solved real world problems, had massive reach and attained decent adoption. The rest of the somewhat successful ICOs are lacking in one or more of those parameters. So, if you’re looking to launch your own ICO, make sure that it checks all the boxes. It’s the only way to succeed and raise decent funds. To-Do & Do-Not-Do ICO Investor Checklist for Traders Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are fast becoming the order of the day. Startups, VC firms and even regular companies are using it to generate extra revenue for their projects. For investors, ICOs can be a pretty great investment vehicle, often netting them significant returns on investment. However, because of the largely unregulated nature of initial coin offerings and the cryptocurrency market itself, investing in ICOs can be very risky. As of now, it’s still the wild west, where just about anything goes. Of course, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is doing its best to crack down on some of the scam ICOs available. But even that isn’t as effective as directly shutting them down. What they are doing is simply notifying the unsuspecting public of the scams and hoping that they pay attention. Unfortunately, people realize they’ve been duped a little too late, owing to the sheer number of coins the SEC has to vet. The best solution to not getting scammed is to understand what you should and shouldn’t do. As with all new technologies, cryptocurrency investing is still largely uncharted waters. You don’t know what you’re getting into, you just hope for the best. Sadly, this approach to investing is defeatist and risky at best. Even shrewd and intelligent people are getting scammed through this strategy. Why would you just give away your money without doing any due diligence? Yet, this happens every day, with people being scammed and shady ICO founders walking away with millions of dollars. This article hopes to show you what you should do andnotdo when it comes to investing in ICOs. You need to be smart about your investments, learn how to identify real projects, and more importantly, the profitable ones. Things You Should Do When Investing in ICOs The first thing you need to check for is the project backing the token sale. Does it have real world application? Is it practical? Can it truly solve a problem? Or is it just hot air? Is the project really viable? These are the first few questions to ask when you’re thinking of investing in an ICO. You should always verify its real world applicability. Most scam ICOs aren’t very detailed about the projects, so you won’t really find a lot of substance. The one thing you will find though, is claims that the project will “change the world”, “disrupt sectors”, “is a revolutionary technology” and so much more. Don’t fall for those claims if you cannot identify a tangible real world problem that it solves. Availability Of Competition Someone once said that the universe often gives the same ideas to multiple individuals at once in the hopes that at least one of those people gets it done eventually. The reality is that for every ICO backed project, there’s at least one competitor doing the same thing –or at least one that has attempted it before. So, do your due diligence and make sure there’s healthy competition geared towards solving the same problem. Competition inspires commitment, drive and completion. Solid Concept And Idea The reality is that some projects are just at the idea or beginning stages, and the ICO founders depend on the funds raised from the ICO to initiate and fund the project. The problem with this is, most newbie investors don’t know how to differentiate a concrete idea from a fluke. Here’s a tip on how to do that: look around and see if someone else is trying to do the same thing, and see how theirs is different from your intended ICO. As a rule, be extremely cautious about pioneering solutions or tech. While they can be quite profitable if you get in on the ground floor, they are also possible investment black holes. If you’ll be investing in any tech like that, make sure that you have all the information necessary to make a very informed decision. Transparency And Verifiability So many ICOs are lacking in this one characteristic. Little wonder almost all of them are scams and fraudulent schemes. Many of these have websites that tell you what they want to do, but little or nothing about the person(s) spearheading the initiative, their teams, how they intend to utilize your funds and so much more. There’s little or no transparency about them and they are also difficult to verify. So, do make sure to check for transparency indicators like the name(s) of the founders, team members, experience and so on. Also, go check their profile on ICO ratings sites, look for expert opinions, possible whitelisting status and KYC approval. Team Experience And Pedigree Who is running the ICO? Who are on the team? What’s their experience or pedigree? How many successful projects have they run? How much industry experience do they have? These are just some of the questions that should be answered on the ICO site. Please note that some scammers are now using the names and pictures of people with pedigree on their sites and claiming they’re on their team. So, endeavor to reach out to those “team members” successfully to verify the authenticity of the website’s claims. ICOs are likely to yield higher returns on investment if the teams running them are experienced and qualified. Legitimacy Of The ICO In Your Country Do check for the ICO’s legitimacy in your country of residence and familiarize yourself with your country’s regulations regarding ICOs. The SEC for instance, hasn’t really taken a stance on ICOs and cryptos as securities, and has warned Americans about the possible risks associated with crypto investing. China on the other hand, has placed a ban on ICOs, so their citizens who invest in them, do so at their own risk. While it hasn’t placed a ban on all ICOs, it has red flagged a few. Go check for SEC releases, reports or notices about your intended ICO. If there’s any negative report, it might be best to skip it. Detailed Roadmap And Whitepaper Roadmaps and whitepapers give you an idea of the project’s timeline and information. Whitepapers provide in-depth information about the project, often containing exhaustive details about the project. You should familiarize yourself with reading interpreting the information in the ICO’s whitepaper. This way, you’ll have a more solid grasp on the project and its potentials. Possibility Of A Tangible Product/Service Check to see if there’s already a working product or service. Many of these will probably be in the beta testing stage. An ICO with a working product is always a safe investment and will guarantee returns on your investment. This is usually the best ICO to invest in as you know the company is serious and the team is committed to seeing the project to completion. Don’ts Of ICO Investing These are essentially, the opposite of everything we listed above. But, if you want specifics, the following tips should help: Inadequate Information And Lack Of Substance This is the first red flag. Many scam ICOs tend to overhype their projects –that’s if they even exist in the first place- without telling you exactly what it is and what it hopes to achieve. So, take your time to read the website and see what solution they intend to provide. As a rule, avoid ICOs that sound like they want to do everything. This indicates a lack of direction or project priority. You want a project that clearly outlines its goals, solutions, projected growth, clear milestones and an indication of what they intend to achieve in the future. Their projects must be tangible and relatable. Any project that’s outlandish or containing so much fluff should be ignored completely. Those tend to be scams. Promise Of ROI In A Short Period ICOs are meant to fund projects, many of which are at best, in their infancy or beta testing phases. This means investing in them should be done with the intention that returns will be a medium to long term thing. So, if you find ICOs promising quick returns, chances are it is a fraudulent scheme designed to enrich the founders alone. Walk away and forget about it. Of course, this is not to say that it can’t make you money in a short while, but that should be more of a ripple effect –probably due to market factors or something- and should be a surprise when it happens, rather than it being a key part of the ICO founder(s) selling points. Investor Checklist For Traders Conclusion At the end of the day, there are just a handful of worthy ICOs in the market. And even then, they are risky investments at best. The best thing to do is up the odds in your favor so that you are placed in a position where even if the token depreciates in value, you’re not worried because you know its long term value. Just make sure that whatever ICO you invest in, meets the minimum established benchmarks. Good luck in your investing. List of All ICO Scams, Exit Schemes and Ponzi Tokens As one might imagine, we have compiled over 1,000 initial coin offering token scams and put them all in a list. Below you will find the title of each ICO we had a review up on, and due to the extreme length each of these crypto token overviews were, we decided to put them in a nice deliverable PDF format for you to download to reference and see a list of all the deadcoins, aka shitcoins as many in the cryptocurrency community and industry call them. ClearFoundation ICO: CLEAR Token Blockchain Security Project? Nafen ICO: NFN Token Alumina Nanofibers Backed Cryptocurrency? XBrick ICO: XBC Coin Secure Crypto To Crypto Exchange Services? BitSler: Mathematically Fair Bitcoin Gambling Games Platform? Realty Crypto Investment ICO: RCI Token Backed By Real Property? CodeCoin ICO: CODE Token Buy & Sell Coding Services Market? CoinAdvisor ICO: CADV Token Multi-Broker Trading Platform? ENERGON ICO: ENR Token Anonymous Cryptocurrency Payment System? Cryptron ICO: TRN Coin Secure Online Crypto Blockchain Banking? Konero ICO: XKO Coin Crypto Payment Processing & Sports Betting? Lotus Core ICO: LTS Token Digital Gaming & Trading Platform? MagmaCoin ICO: MGM Token Real Gold Backed Cryptocurrency? Ethoasis ICO: ETHO Token Global Ecommerce Billing Blockchain? Cointify ICO: CTF Token Exchange, Mining & Trading Platform? KachingCoins ICO (KAC Token): Blockchain Investment Coin? Endorsit ICO (EDS Token): Blockchain Content Platform EDC Coin? EVO ICO (ETL Token): Blockchain Personal Development Coin? Galleon Quest ICO (SEA Coin): Blockchain Treasure Recovery? LenusChain ICO (BPM Token): Blockchain Health Data Analytics? LIGO Token ICO: Real Time Cryptocurrency Tax Calculations? CryptoAds ICO (CFC Coin): Blockchain Advertising Marketplace? SOSR Coin ICO: Blockchain Organic Food Waste Recycling Token? Blocksquare ICO (BST Token): Tokenized Real Estate Blockchain? Insights Network ICO (INSTAR Token): Blockchain Data Exchange? Triwer ICO (TRW Token): Blockchain Parcel & Cargo Delivery? AgroCoin ICO (AGR Token) Review: Smart Agriculture Cryptocurrency? Iris.AI Project Aiur Token ICO: Blockchain Scientific Research Crypto? Solareum ICO (SLRM Token): Energy Paying Crypto Marketplace? PeerAtlas ICO (ATLAS Token): Blockchain Medical Encyclopedia? CoinANX ICO (ANX Token): Fiat-Friendly Crypto Exchange? Yumerium ICO (YUM Token): Blockchain VR Arcade Gaming? Crystal Reign ICO: CRS Token Strategy MMO Gaming On Ethereum? UUNIO ICO: UNIF Token Reward-Driven Social Media Platform? StasyQ ICO: SQOIN Token Erotic Adult Content On Blockchain? ArmPACK ICO: ARM Coin Counterfeit Goods Protection System? BitIt: Secure Instant Cryptocurrency Purchases With Low Fees? OKO VR Casino ICO: OKOIN Token Virtual Reality Gambling Project? Slync: Supply Chain Management & Blockchain Technology Platform? Bitsleo ICO: BTSL Token Hybrid PoS Trading Exchange & Wallet? Contract Vault ICO: VLT Token Legal Contracts Marketplace? CryptoForce: Proof of Stake Crypto Mining Crypton Coin (CRP)? Ingeniciel ICO: INGCL Token Medical Records Blockchain Platform? Graz ICO: GRZ Coins P2P Smart Contract Betting Platform? FriendsFingers ICO: Shaka HAK Token Crowdsale DApp Platform? OTI: IoT, Self Service & Wearables Cashless Payment Solutions? B21 ICO: Cryptoasset Investing & Wealth Management Platform? Bitrust ICO: BTF Token P2P Cryptocurrency Insurance Platform? BlockPix ICO: BPX Token Artistic Industry B2C Digital Solutions? VIPE ICO: Cryptocurrency Payment Platform, Wallet & Mobile App? TokenGo ICO: GPT Token Blockchain & Tokenization Platform? VanHealthing ICO: Stoker & Health Token Biotech Cryptofund? ClinicAll: Blockchain Healthcare – BitcoinExchangeGuide.com Bolt Global: World’s First Open Entertainment Economy – BitcoinExchangeGuide.com Sessia: New Generation Social Network – BitcoinExchangeGuide.com BlocNation dICO (BNTN Token): PouchNation & Komodo Blockchain? Universe Of Masters ICO: UMA Token Hand-Made Goods Marketplace? NnBU ICO: Neo Natal Birth Unit’s Postnatal Healthcare Device? AllSpark ICO (ASK Token): Blockchain Content Sharing & Social Media? GraphenTech ICO (77G Token): What’s a Graphene Cryptocurrency? OSA DC ICO (OSA Token): Optimal Shelf Availability Retail Blockchain? Codset ICO (CDS Token): Blockchain Coding Education Training Rewards? Valena SVCoin Token ICO: Blockchain For Lubricants Products? Babacoin ICO (BABA Token): Next Generation Blockchain Community? Dipitto ICO (DPC Token): Blockchain Gambling & Payments Exchange? ServAdvisor ICO (SRV Token): Decentralized AR/AI Services Blockchain? ShipIt ICO (SHPT Token): Blockchain Shipping To Earn From Traveling? KAPEX ICO (KPX Token): Crypto Trading Asset Exchange For Investors? Petal ICO (PTL Token): Blockchain Poverty Reduction Business Coin? UnbankedX ICO (UBX Token): Robo Cryptocurrency Banking? Authored Platform ICO (ATH Token): Blockchain Publishing System? VR MED ICO (VRMD Token): Blockchain Virtual Reality Medical Sciences? Alehub ICO (ALE Token): Blockchain IT Project Management Platform? MUXE Token ICO: Blockchain Real Estate Cryptocurrency? Observer ICO (OBSR Token): Blockchain Weather Data Station Coin? Inmediate ICO (DIT Token): Blockchain Smart Contract Insurance? SKYFchain ICO Token Plans to Launch ‘Business To Robots’ Blockchain Platform Xenchain ICO (XENC Token): Blockchain Facial Identity Verification? Bixtrim ICO (BXM Token): Cryptocurrency Coin Analysis & Blockchain Use? Cygnus ICO (CYG Token): Blockchain Web Browser Rewards? DenchMusic ICO (MIC Token): Blockchain Music Production Retail Platform? Registry Blocks ICO (REG Token): Blockchain Fraud Prevention Project? ODEEP Token ICO: Ocean Fresh Drinking Water Blockchain? Box2Table ICO (B2C Token): Blockchain Food/Drink Restaurant Management? CargoConX ICO (TICS Token): Blockchain Transport & Logistics Services? ICBCoin ICO (ICBT Token): Secure Crypto Banking Service Platform? RuffChain ICO (RUFF Token): Blockchain IoT Applications Development? Ethereum Pink ICO (EPINK Token): XcentrieX Exchange & Quient Data Storage? Envilope ICO (LOCK Token): Private Digital Blockchain Postal Service? IPS Token ICO: Secure Decentralized Bill Payment System? NePay ICO (NEP Token): Next Evolutionary Payment System Blockchain? IOTW Token ICO: Anapp Blockchain Technology For IoT Devices? Aenco ICO (AEN Token): Blockchain HealthTech Financial Solution? Coinyspace ICO (CNC Token): Cryptocurrency Community Project? DMRF ICO Token: Decentralized Mutual Rewards Foundation? Mbyz ICO Token: Decentralized Payment System With Shared Benefits? Qravity ICO (QCO Token): Blockchain Content Production Platform? Kryptoin ICO (KRP Token): Blockchain Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)? MasterNode Token: Cryptocurrency Coin For Staking Pools? NurseToken ICO (NUR Token): On-Demand Nursing Blockchain? MPCX Platform ICO (XDMC Token): Digital Wealth Management? Autorize ICO (ATR Token): Sharing Economy Goods Blockchain? Mumcoin (MUM Token): Cryptocurrency Coin For Mothers? CHLU Token ICO: Blockchain Ratings & Reviews Reputation? Elio Motors ElioCoin Token Cryptocurrency is Coming with Overstock Partnership HPQ ICO: High Purity Quartz Commodity-Backed Crypto Token? GrabAMeal ICO (GAM Token): Blockchain Meal Sharing Coin? GADCoin ICO (GAD Token): Legit Cryptocurrency Purpose? Expercoin ICO (EXPR Token): Experfy’s Republics AI Blockchain? EscobarCoin ICO (ESCO Token): Blockchain Medical Healthcare? Dylyver ICO (DYC Token): Blockchain Social Ride Sharing Coin? Bit-Point Token ICO (BTP Coin): Cryptocurrency Investor Rewards? U-Vid’ify ICO (UVD Token): Classified Ad Video Blockchain Coin? Miracle TELE Token ICO: Blockchain Mobile Telecom Coin? Hala Token ICO: Decentralized AI Knowledge Base Blockchain? VRBex Token ICO: Compliant Crypto Security Token Exchange? JustHive ICO (JHT Token): Blockchain Social Media Crypto Coin? BessCoin ICO (BESS Token): Kraftwerke High Performance Blockchain Mining? Developeo ICO (DEVX Token): Blockchain EdTech, FinTech & BankTech? STAY Token ICO: Blockchain Villa & Hotel Accommodations? MenuBuzz ICO (MENU Token): Food & Dining Payments Cryptocurrency? Modern Finance Chain ICO (MFX Token): Blockchain Smart Contracts? TipBot ICO (TIP Coin): Blockchain Crypto Payment Tipping App? EvoChain ICO: ECHO Token Exchange Crypto For Visa eGift Cards? PATH Network ICO: Web & App Performance Monitoring Blockchain? Goldiam ICO (GOL Token): Gold & Diamond Blockchain Mining? LabStart ICO (LAB Token): Invest & Fund Blockchain Investing? LivingOffSet ICO (LOFF Token): Offset Carbon Footprint Blockchain? WeevoCity ICO (WEE Token): Local Business Marketing Blockchain? Fairgrounds ICO (FGD & FGR Tokens): Fair Blockchain Games? SSOT Health ICO: SEHR Token Healthcare Data Solution? OFNOG ICO: AI Powered Cryptocurrency Auto Trading Algorithm? Subutai ICO: KHAN Token P2P Cloud Computing & IoT Marketplace? Pocketful Of Quarters ICO: George Weiksner’s Crypto Game Token? Swift Demand: Swifts Token Attempt At Basic Income Project? GlobelBit ICO (GBNK Token): 4G Banking Cryptocurrency Coin? BCharity ICO: International Blockchain Charity Exchange Coin? TripBit ICO (TBT Token): Decentralized Blockchain Travel Coin? Invest In Brokers ICO (INV Coin): Profitable Investment Trading Token? MillionCoin ICO (MON Coin): Cryptocurrency Token Transaction System? Praetorian Group ICO (PAX Token): Crypto Real Estate Coin? Ethbay ICO (EBAY Token): Ethereum Bidding Marketplace Coin? JustPay Coin ICO (JPC Token): Blockchain Token-as-a-Service? Bills ICO (BLS Token): Blockchain Billboard Ad Placement Project? BeautiQ ICO (BTQ Token): The BEAUTICOIN Cryptocurrency? IVM Token ICO: Decentralized Video Application Media Coin? Lamp Education ICO (LMP Coin): Worthy Cryptocurrency Token? FroshFeel ICO (FROIN Token): P2P Student Network Blockchain? RadioYo ICO (RAO Token): Blockchain Podcast & Broadcast Services? Talenthon ICO: TCOIN Token For Blockchain Work Recruitment? ABM Coin ICO: Decentralized Olympic Sports Betting Blockchain Token? Profyt Pro ICO (PFCT Token): Blockchain Equity Lending Coin? DarcMatter ICO (DMC Coin): Alternative Crypto Investment Token? Adara ICO (AAA Token): Trade, Exchange, Invest & Crypto Wallet? United Fans ICO (GOAL Token): Blockchain Team Manager Coin? HDCoin ICO: Legit HDC Token Crypto-Equity Opportunity? Arcadia ICO (Arcoin Token): Real Estate Investing Opportunity? Lelecoin ICO (LELE Token): Lite Ego Ledger Elements Blockchain? Sol Invictus AgroShare Token: Agricultural Farm Production Coin? SunMoney Token ICO (SMT Coin): Solar Power Plant Investment? Dentix ICO (DNTX Coin): Dental Electronic Health Record Token? R3Sec ICO (R3S Token): Blockchain Cybersecurity Solution Coin? VidGiv ICO (VGV Token): Decentralized Video Creators Platform? Fragments: Low Volatility Stablecoin Cryptocurrency Platform? UberPro ICO: How UBER Cryptocurrency Coin Token Works? CoinCrowd ICO (XCC Token): Blockchain, Exchange & Wallet? Eternal Trusts ICO (ETT Token): Coin Analysis & Blockchain Use? The Coffee Token ICO (TCT Coin): Direct Coffee Manufacturers? Koios ICO (KOI Token): Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Coin? Presale Ventures ICO (EVENT Token): Blockchain Startup Venture Fund? SBC Platform ICO: What Is The System Bit Consulting Token? Rados Saturn Network Token ICO: Radex Blockchain Protocol? CrowdToken ICO (CRTK Coin): iCrowdU Cryptocurrency Uses? Token Changer ICO (TOC Coin): Blockchain Financial Dapps? EtherSpin ICO (SPIN Token): Blockchain Crypto Gambling Network? Qompass ICO (QPS Token): Blockchain Financial Apps & Services? Midex ICO (MDX Token): Legally Licensed Crypto Exchange? Crypto Racing League ICO: Blockchain Racing Car Game Token? Game.Fund ICO (GF Token): Blockchain Gaming Community? Geekzcode ICO (GUT Token): Open Source Blockchain Downloads? Open Product Database ICO (OPDB Token): Crypto Coin Analysis? MEXC Token ICO: Emergency Medical Services Blockchain Coin? TrueGoldCoin ICO (TGC Token): Real Gold Backed Crypto Asset? Toplancer ICO (TLC Token): Decentralized Freelance Blockchain? Musk Project ICO (MSK Coin): Invest & Trade Cryptocurrency Project? SAVE Token ICO: Buy-Back Smart Contract Cryptocurrency? eWin Ethereum Lottery ICO: Smart Contract System Token? Ambit Mining ICO (AMBT Token): Georgia Crypto Mining Farms? APPICS ICO (XAP Token): Smart Social Crypto Rewards Coin? Token Draft ICO (DKD Token): Blockchain Fantasy Sports Coin? Apollo18 ICO (A18 Coin): Renewable Crypto Mining Energy Token? Ecex.Exchange ICO (ZIG Token): The Ziggurat Cryptocurrency? Golden Resources ICO (GDR Token): Gold Mining On ETH Blockchain? xDAC ICO (ZDAC Token): Decentralized Company Management? Okoin ICO (OKO Token): Blockchain Virtual Reality For Adults? DESTO Token ICO (DEO Coin): 2018 Cryptocurrency Analysis? iConsult ICO (Cosmecoin Token): Global Crypto Software & Consultancy? Space.Casino: Reputable Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Gambling? P2pay ICO: Cryptocurrency Payments, Lending & Banking App? Avantgarde Ratings ICO (AVG Token): Blockchain Ratings Agency? MEDIA Protocol ICO: Audience Rewards Cryptocurrency Token? Larecoin ICO: LARE Coin P2P Education Crypto Token & Exchange? Fop Coin ICO: New Future of Payment Cryptocurrency Token? AbacasXchange ICO: ABCS Token Secure Multi Asset Exchange? CRYX ICO: CCX Token Cryptocurrency Market Indexes & Data? ZeroState ICO: ZSC Token Emotional Intelligence Marketing Platform? ChainRepublik ICO: CRC Coin Decentralized Military Game Simulator? Market Space ICO (MASP Token): Blockchain Data Storage Coin? DANK Signals ICO: Automated Crypto Trading Tools Token? Coinseed ICO (CSD Token): Cryptocurrency Analysis Investment App? BitCheke ICO (BCK Token): Social Mining Crypto Coin Rewards? Global Open League ICO (GOL Token): eSports Blockchain Game Coin? Zohem ICO (ZDT Token): Blockchain Behaviour Data Exchange? ZXChange ICO (ZXC Coin): Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Exchange? PeatCoin ICO (PTN Token): Peat Processing Extraction Blockchain? Pool ICO Platform (TON Token): Buy Telegram Open Network’s GRAM Token? NoorCoin ICO (NCO Token): Sharia-Compliant Muslim Crypto? Crypterra ICO (CPTX Token): Decentralized Blockchain Islands? Quantm ICO: QuantmRE Real Estate Network Asset Tokens? XchangeRate ICO (XRR Token): Bitcoin Robot Trading Profits? CredibleToken ICO (CET): Trusted Device Identity Blockchain? BitaxCoin ICO: Blockchain Lending Cryptocurrency Token? Inspem ICO (INP Token): Blockchain AI Video Facial Recognition? FansCoins ICO (FANS Token): Decentralized Live Streaming App? Hodler ICO: HDL Coin Secure Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet? AssToken ICO: Adult Cryptocurrency Coin Analysis & Updates? Chek by One ICO: CHEKS Token Charity Global Loyalty Program? Dermavir ICO (DER Coin): Therapeutic Genetic Immunity Blockchain? GIG9 ICO (9Coin Token): Global Freelance Service Blockchain? Ethmoji: Collectible Ethereum Blockchain Emoji Game? Invacio ICO (INV Token): Tamius Blockchain Banking & AI FinTech Coin? VNDC ICO Review: Vietnamese Cryptocurrency USDT Asset Investing Coin? BinCoin ICO (BIN Token): Bank Independent Network for the Blockchain? Ahrvo (RVO Token): AI Powered Decentralized Equity Exchange (DEEX)? AgroDex Decentralized Exchange Platform: Bitagro’s AgroCoin Project? ThinkCoin ICO: TCO Token For Blockchain Crypto Asset Trading? AdSigma ICO: ADSi Token For Blockchain Digital Display Ads? JOLYY ICO: Decentralized Online Beauty Booking Service? Tracoin ICO: TCN Token For Land Transport Blockchain System? Smart AIM ICO: IZR Tokens & Sighting System Izubr Platform? GasToken: Tokenize Gas (GST1 & GST2) On Ethereum Blockchain? Eterna Coin ICO: Secure Crypto Business Investment Platform? Credify ICO: Blockchain Reputation Tracker Crypto Protocol? Stocks.Bet ICO : STBT Token & Stock Market Blockchain Betting? Faima ICO: Friendly Artificial Intelligence Medical Assistance Token? PacketMining ICO (PAKT Token): Smartphone Crypto Mining Coin? Gawooni ICO (GWON Token): Crypto Blockchain For Games? Neoterium ICO: Is NTM Coin A Legit Blockchain Crypto Token? Noxbox ICO: NBX Tokens For Blockchain Services Mobile App? Adsily ICO: ASDY Tokens For Blockchain Advertising Network? Bond ICO (BFP Coin): Blockchain Film & Video Platform Token? CoinTrade ICO (CTT Token): Secure Crypto Trading Exchange? Mingo ICO: Hashgraph Blockchain MingoChat Messenging Coin? LibidoCoin LBD ICO: The Adult Blockchain Marketplace Token? Automotive 65 ICO: Make Money Renting & Selling Cars Token? Wownero WOW ICO: Legit Monero Cryptocurrency Hard Fork? Yurix ICO: YRX Coin, Video Ads/Sharing Proof Of View Crypto? Browsers Lab ICO (BAL Token): Blockchain Software Automation? NebliDex ICO (NDEX Token): Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange? What Is KAICO: CryptoKami Initial Coin Offering Token Platform? REGA ICO: RST Token, Risk Sharing Crowdsurance Blockchain? Bitheum BTH ICO: Blockchain Cryptocurrency Payment Token? Bitcoin Empire BEM ICO: Blockchain Collectible Trading Cards? Triggmine ICO: TRG Coin For AI Smart Contract Email Marketing? Age of Rust RustBits Game Token: Blockchain Gaming Coin? BeonBox ICO: BOX Token For Shopping, Exchange & Cashback? Mobilum ICO: MBM Tokens & Cryptocurrency Payment Card? Parachute8 Token ICO: Blockchain Digital Identity Manager? FolleX ICO: SET Token & Regulated Social Crypto Exchange? SpotLight ICO: SLC Coin For Social Influence Marketing Rewards? Vice Industry Token ICO: VIT Coin For On-Demand Adult Video? FTV Coin ICO: Deluxe FashionTV Cryptocurrency Token Uses? B-Umbrella ICO: BUNT Coin Blockchain Security Sharing DApp? Tripago ICO: TPG Token & Decentralized Blockchain Traveling? Roburst Network ICO: ROC Token, Crypto Payments & Trading Bot? BroFistCoin BRO ICO: PewDiePie Blockchain Meme Network & Community? Welltrado ICO (WTL Coin): P2P Lending Aggregator Platform For Investors? Photochain PHT ICO: Photography Blockchain Marketplace DApp? Circle One ICO (C Token): IoT Data Insights & Research Marketplace? CryptoHawk HAWKS ICO: Financial Services & Trading Exchange? Ubonium UBO ICO: Exchange Traded Crypto Funds Marketplace? Hubtrex HUB ICO: P2P Cryptocurrency Exchange With Low Fees? Cryptoloans LCN ICO: Lending, Trading & Exchange Platform? TroopWork Marketplace: Hire Freelances & Pay With WorkCoin? Galaxy GALA: Zeepin Blockchain Planets In Virtual Universe dApp? Bankorus ICO (BKT Token): AI Blockchain Crypto Wealth Management? SoyCoin ICO (SYC Token): Blockchain Crowdsale Production Project? Sparta ICO Accelerator: Get Help Launching Tokens & Coins? Argo Tokens: Decentralized Augmented Reality Entertainment? London Crypto Currency Exchange ICO: The LCCX LXT Coin? BLOK ICO: BLK Token On-Demand Labor Network Blockchain? Woter.Trade ICO: WOT Token & Hybrid Decentralized Exchange? Likium ICO: Is LKM Cryptocurrency Coin A Legit Lending Token? Arxum ICO: Industrial Supply Blockchain Connection Box? Leons Coin: Blockchain Cryptocurrency Token Game For Adults? BusinessCoin ICO: BNC Token For Blockchain Applications? BitChord ICO: Get Paid BCD Tokens For Guitar Players Blockchain? Bytemine ICO: SITV Cryptocurrency Mining Funding Tokens? CaskCoin Review: Scottish Whisky Production Cryptocurrency Token? CoinZillow Review: Opul ICO Decentralized Crypto Mining & Investing? Enkidu ENK ICO: Decentralized Collaboration With Blockchain DLT? Deep Aero DRONE ICO: AI Powered Transportation System Economy? CDG ICO: Oxalor Group Waste Treatment Management Project? WiryCoin ICO: Smart WRC Token Lending & Crypto Mining? TradeNetCoin ICO: TNC Token For Cryptocurrency Lending? Group Project ICO: GRUP Supply Chain Authentication Blockchain? Coins of Change: Fake Bitcoin Crowdfunding MLM Scheme? VuzzBee ICO: VBEE Token For Blockchain Link Sharing Rewards? Parsec Frontiers PRSC ICO: Virtual Galaxy Blockchain Game? Assistive Reality ICO: Augmented & Virtual ARX Token Blockchain? Gluon ICO: Intelligent Connected Automotive Marketplace (GLU Token) Mobile Smart Coin ICO: MOS SmartX Crypto Mining Blockchain? Nucleus Vision ICO: nCASH Token & ION IoT ID Device System? DigiTelCoin ICO: DGTC Cryptocurrency Coin Benefits & Uses? Global SPY ICO: Cryptocurrency Investor Investigator Platform? Multi Level Token ICO: MLT Coin For MLM Marketing Revenue? myMincome ICO: INC Token, Crypto Investing Fund & Airdrops? BACE Exchange ICO: Bace Coin Simplifies Crypto Asset Trading? Intro ITR Token ICO: Construction Business Blockchain Services? Zonex ICO: ZNX Crypto Token For eSports Bets & Tournaments? Energy Premier ICO: EPC Coin For Blockchain Electricity Trading? Vibeo ICO: VBEO Token For Blockchain Messsaging & Social App? PentaCore ICO: PENT Tokens For Active Crypto Fund Investors? YooPing: YPNG ICO Token, Blockchain ID & Communication? JointEDU ICO: JOI Educational Cryptocurrency Investment Token? Octaneum ICO: High Energy Petroleum Supply Blockchain Token? OneToTwo ICO: OTT Token For One2Two Blockchain Gaming? Plenus Coin ICO: PLNS Token For Derisking Crypto Portfolios? Vacuum (f) Space Energy VfSE ICO: Clean Energy Blockchain Foundation? 2100news NWS Token ICO: Decentralized Blockchain News Network? Trademindx ICO: TMX Machine Learning Crypto Trading Token? Conn3x ICO Review: C3X Token & A Blockchain Job Marketplace? Decibels ICO: DCBL Coin & Secure Blockchain Media Exchange? Pumpkin Pay ICO: PPKC Token For Global PoS Crypto Payments? VTOS ICO: VCT Coin For Decentralized CDN & Social Network? Staking Coin ICO: Legit XTC Cryptocurrency Lending Token? BitStation: BSTN Token & Smart Cryptocurrency Trading System? Fitrova ICO: FRV Token Health & Fitness Blockchain Payments? Invox Finance ICO: Blockchain Invoice Lending Cryptocurrency? CNET Antigua & Barbuda: Promising ICO Development Coin? MrChain MRC ICO: Decentralized Mixed Reality Ethereum Token? myEdge ICO: MET Token Crypto Prediction Market Comparisons? MoviesChain ICO: TVzavr’s Blockchain ZVR Crypto Token Uses? Baltic Blockchain Fund ICO: BALT Token Investment Benefits? Cultural Places ICO: CC Coin For Blockchain Tickets, Events & Rewards? Assetereum ICO: ASET Token Asset-Backed Cryptocurrency? Genesis ICO: GES Token Blockchain Real Estate Investing Platform? Universal Labs ICO: YOU Token & Ulabs Ubbey Box & Network? Trastra: IBAN Bitcoin & Ethereum Blockchain Banking & Card? Eitcoin ETC ICO: Business & Labor Market’s Blockchain Network? TravelKoin TKT ICO: Travel Industry’s Crypto Loyalty Blockchain? Kakao Coin: South Korean Chat Messenger App Crypto Token? GXShares GXS ICO: Blockchain Credit Data Verification Service? U-Truck UTT ICO: Trucking & Cargo Service Logistics Blockchain? Profede PATO ICO: Decentralized Professional Data Protocol? BitFort BTF ICO: Secure Cryptocurrency Lending Investments? SafeCrypt SFC ICO: Secure Instant Cryptoexchange Platform? Kosher Factor Authentication (KFA): Biometric Authentication? Yoritex YRX ICO: Online Cryptocurrency Banking & Wallet Token? SilverBit SLV ICO: Digital Silver Cryptocurrency A Legit Token? MetaTip META ICO: Faster Transactions With Metaverse Blockchain? THOR Token: Blockchain-Based Contractor Gig & Task Economy? Lescovex LCX ICO: Digital Crypto Asset Token Trading Platform? Ping Chain PNG ICO: Developers Smart Contract Trigger Tools? Paynext PET ICO: E-Commerce Crypto Shopping Payments? Laya Lending Project: Is Project Laya Lending A Real Start Up? Driiven BAC ICO: HODL5 Crypto Index Fund Beta Access Token? Boocash BOO ICO: Book Hotels Worldwide Using Cryptocurrency? iCloudSec CLOUD ICO: Blockchain Cloud Security Token? QWIQQ QIQ ICO: Mobile, Social Commerce Blockchain Network? TradePlayz TPZ ICO: Fantasy Crypto Investment Trading App? Troy Payment Gateway TRY ICO Token: Blockchain For Merchants? Sexolete Xolo Coin: What To Make Of This Adult Crypto Token? CryptoLux CLX ICO: Legit Lending & Trading For Earning Crypto? Altumea MEA ITO: Buy High Performance GPU Computing Power? Robotix RBTX ICO: Reliable Blockchain Medical Solutions Token? DigitalBank DGBK ICO: Legit Offshore Cryptocurrency Banking? SprintX SPX ICO: ICO Startup Maker & Crypto Exchange Blockchain? RoleCoin ROLE ICO: STEAMRole Career Development Currency? CarVDB CAR ICO: Automotive Industry Blockchain Platform? Cubo Lodge Club GO ICO: Loft Accomodation IoT Blockchain? LamboX Club LOBX ICO: Cryptocurrency Trading Bot Exchange? Pycoin PYC ICO: Secure Decentralized Python Protocol Platform? UFAN8 ICO: Decentralized Live Streaming Entertainment Platform? WorldBit WBT ICO: Augmented Reality Economics Blockchain? Nocta ICO: Blockchain-Based Adult Leisure Entertainment Project? DiVinumCoin DVC ICO: Honest Cryptocurrency Lending Token? TimeBox TB ICO: Decentralized Digital Asset Custody Service? CryptoWolf: European Cryptocurrency Exchange For Trading? Irene Energy Tellus TLU ICO: Stellar Blockchain Electricity Supplier? My Crypto Reports: Coin Tracking Signals & Trading Manager? Galaxis XLS ICO: Private & Scalable Customized Blockchain Token? Businefy: Decentralized Business Management Enterprise Software? Zombi Coin: Real Zombie Cryptocurrency Game Tokens ICO? LiteConnect LCN ICO: Safe Cryptocurrency Lending Program? CloudBounce dBounce ICO: Decentralized AI Audio Blockchain? Orbeum OBM ICO: OrbStick Online Media Sharing Social Network? GPCC GPCCT ICO Review: The Global Protected Crypto Copyright Coin? LSD ICO Token: Love, Sex & Drugs Adult Entertainment Coin? ITOB ITEX ICO: Convenient Cryptocurrency Payment Platform? HitStake HITS ICO: Crypto Lending Automated Trading Program? Miroskii ICO: Fake Cryptocurrency Site Uses Ryan Gosling Image? Stellite STL: IPFS & ZeroNet Blockchain Cryptocurrency Cash? Dafzo DFZ ICO: Global P2P Blockchain Logistics Platform? YouRa YRC ICO: Social Network Communication Blockchain? IvyKoin: Know Your Transaction Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Samy SMY ICO: Social Media Ambassadors Marketing Token? Aurus AWG ICO: Tokenized Gold Coin Certificate Blockchain? ReceiptCoin RC ICO: Identity Of Things Blockchain Organization? PICOPS Parity ICO Passport Service: Ethereum Network Support? Halykcoin HLC ICO: Republic Of Kazakhstan Cryptocurrency? StealthCrypto QMN ICO: Stealth Grid Blockchain, Pay & Wallet? Blind Croupier WIN ICO: Casino Gambling Software Blockchain? Rate Date RDT ICO: Online Blockchain Dating Network Token? DracarysCoin DRX ICO: Game Of Thrones Fantasy TV Project? TokenLend TLN ICO: Real Estate Secured Loan Investments? Coinzai CZI ICO: Where Did This MyGoldBlocks POST Wallet Go? SmartO STO ICO: Super Boost Your Personal & Business Life? BREM Token ICO: TheHome.Today Blockchain Real Estate Market? Qwasder QWS ICO: Ethereum Blockchain Internet Connectivity? MarineCoin MTC ICO: AI Machine To Machine Crypto Payments? CirrusCoin: Green Energy Compute Capacity Blockchain Token? XAOS Cryptocurrency: Fast Performance For Instant Payments? CoreCoin CRN ICO: Worthy Loyalty Rewards Cryptocurrency? BaapPay BAAP ICO: Fiat & Cryptocurrency Merchant Payments? Fiduxa FDU ICO: Recruitment Process Transactions Blockchain? Reference Line Coin: Germany Crypto Software Development? ESCoin: What Kind Of Cryptocurrency Token Program Is This? Crypto.Porn: Smart Contract Pornstar Cards Adult Marketplace? StarLight Coin SLC ICO: BitGo Cryptocurrency Payment Partner? Lendium Tech LEM ICO: Corporate Crypto Lending & Banking? SmartGold SGT ICO: Blockchain-Based Real Gold Mining Assets? Valid Coin VAC ICO: Instant Arbirtrage Cryptocurrency Platform? WATERCoin WAT ICO: Cryptocurrency For Clean Drinking Water? FreeZone FRZ ICO: Blockchain Business & Crypto FinTech Heaven? Invesmtent Platform Of Nigeria: Diamond Backed IPN Fund Token? Staps STB ICO: Steps Converted In Earning Cryptocurrency? Saxo Coin: Special Cryptocurrency Token Or Just Another ICO? Coinnec COI ICO: Useful Blockchain Business Platform Token? Fachain FAC ICO: Non-Profit Blockchain Education Foundation? Privelege Coin XPV ICO: Secure Blockchain Transaction Ledger? Zeew ZEW ICO: Fast Drone Courier Delivery Services Blockchain? Excash EXH ICO: Another Crypto Fraud Website Disappears? RAR Tokens ICO: How RAX, AVY & RAZ Coins Work Together? BlockBits BBX ICO: Crowdfunding Project Investment Platform? Mercedez Coin MDC ICO: Is This A Legit Cryptocurrency Token? BitSchool BSCH ICO: Personal Educational Learning Blockchain? PrimeLend PML ICO: Transparent Crypto Lending Investment? Yield Coin YLD ICO: Multi-Purpose Backed Diverse Project Token? SpeedUp Coin: What We Know About This New Cryptocurrency? CryoCloud ICO: Safe Cloud Based Blockchain Data Storage? Safein SFN ICO: Single Sign-On Digital ID & Payment Wallet? SILO ICO: Algorithm-Based Crypto Index Token Trading Network? Florafic FIC ICO: Smart Commercial Artificial Intelligence Token? Nimbus Token NIM ICO: NIMx Blockchain Product Exchange? eCoinomic CNC ICO: Honest Cryptocurrency Loans & Hedging? LanceChain LANC ICO: 0% Commission Freelance Marketplace? IIoT I2 ICO: Industrial Internet Of Things Telecom Blockchain? LiveContracts LTO ICO: LegalThings One For Justice & Security? Smart Realty RLTY ICO Review: Rent, Buy & Sell Real Estate Blockchain? Boolean BOOL ICO: Accurate News With AI & Blockchain Platform? Global Mining Token GMT ICO: OR-RealBit Hash Rate Marketplace? RIPP Token ICO: Poker & Sports Betting Blockchain Platform? Quifas QFS ICO: Secure Cryptocurrency Exchange Built For Users? Social Media Income SMI ICO: Real-Time Work From Home Platform? Goodwill Protocol ICO: Crowdsourced Funding For Causes & Ideas? Wealth Initiative WIT ICO: Non-Bankable Assets Blockchain? Yoo-Mi UME ICO: Virtual Personal Health Assistant & Marketplace? CharitySPACE CHT ICO: Decentralized Donation & Fundraising? Cubaaz CC ICO: Tourist Search Engine For Travel Experiences? UltraYOLO YOLO ICO: Crypto Lottery Using Proof-of-Randomness? Bitnexa BNX ICO: AI DApps, Exchange & Wallet Ecosystem? MediumPlatform Coin: Crypto Business Innovative Payback Project? Crypto Angel ICO: Virtual Life AI Assistant Blockchain System? RuneCoin RUNE ICO: Crypto Lending Capital Trading System? Bitron BTN ICO: Crypto Network Marketing Lending Coin Token? AusCoin ICO Scam: Another Fake Cryptocurrency Token Project? Lightcash LCSH ICO: Gold Backed Cryptocurrency Blockchain? Ethereum Funding Token: Collectible EFT Cryptocurrency Coin? Trial Token: Trial Funds Society Plaintiffs Litigation Financing? MaxData MXD ICO: Matchmaking Service Economy Blockchain? Crestonium CXS ICO: Legit Decentralized Cryptocurrency Bank? MoBee MBE ICO: Mobile Virtual Cryptocurrency Operator Token? TokenHome TH ICO: Promising Real Estate Cryptocurrency Coin? World Coin Network WCN ICO: Middle Eastern Cryptocurrency? CellBlocks CLBK ICO: Correctional Institution Inmate Prison Crypto? ArchiCoin ARCHI ICO: Decentralized Distributed Storage Token? Swarm Fund SWN ICO: Security Token Blockchain Investments? Digitize Coin DTZ ICO: Token Rewards, Payments & Exchange? TrustedHealth TDH ICO: Patient & Doctor Medicine Blockchain? Fillit FILL ICO Coin: Multi-Currecy Fiat Wallet, App & Debit Card? Original Crypto Coin: Special OCC Cryptocurrency Features? UnicornGO CandyCoin: Online CryptoCollection Asset Game? WeatherBlock WXB Token: IoT AI Weather Data Exchange? Digrate: Professional Crypto Market ICO Rating Provider? Ceyron CEY ICO Token: Cryptocurrency Fund Manager Coin? Fractal Token FTO ICO: MC Fractal Fund Technical Analysis Trading? BullPay: Crypto Crowdfunding Tool, ICO Consulting & Blockchain Solutions? Pingvalue PCO ICO: Smart City Advertising Services Blockchain? MedicorumCoin MCC ICO: Multi-Sig Health Platform As A Service? Quantocoin QTC ICO Token: Crypto Exchange For Fiat Currency? UnA Project ICO: Blockchain Based Cryptocurrency For Africa? AxTrust TRU ICO: Smart Cryptocurrency Buys Goods & Services? BeeCash BEH ICO: Cryptocurrency Lending MLM Ponzi Scheme? QatarCoin QTC ICO: Multi-Level Marketing Crypto Lending Deal? Ufoodo UFT ICO: On-Demand Food Delivery Service Blockchain? CoinDemo.io: Simple How Bitcoin Transactions Work Guide? MUNCoin: GPU Mining Coin & Blockchain Masternode Network? ShopCorn: Encrypted Consumption-Based Mining Blockchain? PutinCoin PUT: Russia’s Cryptocurrency Development Token? CryptoBite CBC ICO: Smart Earning Gold Asset Trading Platform? ICO Plex: Private Initial Coin Offering Token Sale Marketplace? Global ICO Fund GLIF Token: Crypto Asset Initial Coin Offering? GramGold GGT ICO: Gold, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain & Trading? Traceto.io T2T ICO: Decentralized Know Your Customer App? Fysical FYS ICO Review: Decentralized Location Data Market Exchange? Cold Coin GOLD: Best Physical Cold Storage Bitcoin Wallet? Dubailancers DXBC ICO: On-Demand Freelance UAE Help? UKEY ICO: Honest Crypto Lending, Staking, Trading Profits? L-Pesa LPK ICO: Kripton Microfinance Loan FinTech Blockchain? Pincoin PIN ICO: AI Blockchain Investment Opportunity Coin? Sintez SINT ICO: Global Digital Economy Blockchain Platform? BLAQ BLQ ICO: Premium Blockchain Chauffeur Service Token? PharmaBit PMBT ICO: Pharmaceutical Healthcare Blockchain? PornX ICO: Adult Lightning Network Cryptocurrency Payments? TLC Secure NVIS ICO: SafeConnect VPN Invisible Internet Network? Etherniton ENN ICO: Cryptocurrency Communication Monetizing? Paymium: Bitcoin Payments App To Buy, Sell, Trade & Bank? BASIS BSS ICO: Construction Building Material Technology Token? Cascadia Block: Reliable Complete ICO Launch Advisory Service? eKash EKH ICO: Cryptocurrency Email Wallet Address Blockchain? MOG ICO ICO: Massive Online Gambling Blockchain Project? ECOS ICO: Food Industry Quality Control Inspection Blockchain? Kelta KLT ICO: Computing Cryptocurrency Farm & Data Center? MJCoin MJC ICO: Marijuana Market Payment Blockchain Token? Realista Token RET ICO: Global Real Estate Blockchain Platform? Volans VOL ICO: Decentralized Financial Credit Payment System? Bloomatch BLM ICO: Decentralized Matchmaking Blockchain? Rocketlend RCKT ICO: Crypto Coin To Lend, Trade & Invest With? Xentavo XEN ICO: Nation, Country or State Blockchain Framework? Akaiito AIC ICO: Crypto For Rent, Map Location, Jobs & Market? CoinPoint: ICO Token, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Agency? Honor HONR ICO: Decentralized On-Demand Work Crypto Coin? Red Lanterns REDL ICO: Anti-Sexual Harassment App Project? NynjaCoin NYN ICO: Blockchain Messenger App & Crypto Wallet? PetCoin PCN ICO: Decentralized Pet Care Blockchain Solution? BlockFood BFT ICO: Blockhain Food Ordering & Delivery Coin? DeepWater Treasure Recovery & Exploration DWT ICO Token Bronix BRNX ICO: Cryptocurrency Investment Trading Exchange? DEVNetwork DEV ICO: Decentralized HR Job Board Network? House Coupon Token HCT ICO: Real Estate Property Investing? DRIVR Network DVR ICO: Advanced AI Car Rideshare Blockchain? HPlus H+ ICO Review: Blockchain Health Record Management System? DeedCoin DEED ICO: Blockchain Real Estate Sector Benefits? SmartGenie SMAG ICO: Decentralized Network Sharing Blockchain? AB-Chain: Online Digital Advertising Blockchain Network Token? BDXCoin BDX ICO: BDSwiss Financial Market Cryptocurrency? Myriads MRDS ICO: GPU AI Machine Learning Blockchain Coin? Canabio CNB ICO: Europe’s Healthy Cannabinoid Oil Producing? Krypton Capital Crypto TV: Bitcoin, FinTech & Blockchain News? EthicHub ETHIX ICO: Capital & Credit Blockchain Crowdlending? HashToken ICO: Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining Investment Token? ICO Marketing?Playbook: Proven Ways How to Attract Investors? CryptoTrust Network CTN ICO: Fraud-Free Wallet Payments? Bitsale BSL ICO: E-Commerce Drawing Lottery Blockchain Token? Lode Network LDG ICO: Gold Spot Trading Cryptocurrency? ZeroSum Platform ZFX Token ICO Review: Fantasy Trading Exchange? CoinCasino CAS ICO: Blockchain Casino Cryptocurrency Token? Kleos KLS ICO: Website Q&A Blockchain Rewards Monetization? Blockchain Technology Research Innovations Corporation BTRIC BFD ICO Scam ICO Killer SIK ICO: Coin Investment Refunds Protection? CryptoXpress XPT ICO: Mobile Crypto Trading Exchange App? Attention Network ATTN ICO: Online Advertising Auction System? EOZ: Artificial Neural Network Cryptocurrency Lending ICO? MOSCoin MOS ICO: Stock Market Lottery Blockchain Tokens? NuHelp NHT ICO: EOS Blockchain Home Services Marketplace? HighCastle AIM ICO: Blockchain Asset Investment Marketplace? PentaXCoin PTX ICO: Legit Cryptocurrency Coin Worth Buying? WindMiner ecoToken XPS ICO: Green Energy Wind Crypto Mining? Accord ARD Token ICO: Minimal Risk Cryptocurrency Trading? GivaCoin GVC ICO: Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Contributions? Tipper TIPR ICO: Blockchain Content Investing Network Economy? Mining Now MNW ICO: Smart Cryptocurrency Mining Token? EtherLend ELEND Tokens: Ethereum Cryptocurrency Lending? Raison RSN ICO: Artificial Intelligence Cryptocurrency Investing? Sphinx SPX ICO: Cryptocurrency Lending Exchange Platform? Atari Token & Pong Token ICO: Game Maker’s Cryptocurrency? RentyCoin RTC ICO: Decentralized Online Renting Platform? CottageCoin CTG ICO: Another Failed Initial Coin Offering? Ethereum Sweepstakes SWEEP ICO: Blockchain Jackpot Token? GlobeTrotter GTT ICO Review: Vacation & Travel Cryptocurrency Token? Hyde & Co HYD ICO: Collective Hedge Fund AI Trading System? Lytictail LYT ICO: Tax-Deductible Cryptocurrency Charity Token? MyOddz ODDZ ICO: Legit Crypto Casino & Betting Game Tokens? ThunderCoin TUC ICO: Unique Cryptocurrency Token Or Bust? VOXXO ICO: Music Player, Concert Investing & Licensing App Coin? CorexCoin ICO: Cryptocurrency Lending & Forex Trading Token? Mavatar mCart Token ICO: Shopping Cart Blockchain Payments? Asseta AST ICO Review: JSC Crypto Bankas Online Banking System Token? Stubba STUB ICO Review: Commission-Free Blockchain Event Ticketing? Agrivita AGR ICO: Ecological Agricultural Organic Farm Project? Corl CRL ICO: Revenue-Sharing Equity Owner Investing Token? CCA Composite Cylinders Advanced ICO: Unique Crypto Token? CoinSpark ICO Review: Digital Crypto Asset Token Trading Exchange? ASSPACE ASP ICO: Adult Social Space Cryptocurrency Network? Citicoin CTI ICO: Citify Shopping Marketplace Cryptocurrency? LucisDollar LUCD ICO: Crypto Lending & Exchange Blockchain? OpenAssets OPA ICO: Open Investment Blockchain Trading? Velper VLP ICO: Instant Help To Earn & Exchange Crypto Coins? RealCasino CHIP ICO: Ethereum-Based Casino Gambling Games? ENET Network Review: ETH & IPFS Smart Decentralized Marketplace? AFSecurity AFS ICO: Reliable AI Cyber Security Service Platform? PinkDate PDP ICO: Blockchain Matchmaking Escort Service Coin? Trevi Token TT ICO: Decentralized Micro-Transactions Saving App? Rutheneum RTH ICO: E-Payment Cryptocurrency Blockchain? ZilBerCoin ZBC ICO: Cryptocurrency Wallet, Exchange & Explorer? Cryptobontix: Unity Ingot UNY & Dignity DIG Cryptocurrency? SeigneurCoin SEI ICO: Legit Cryptocurrency MLM Coin Token? VendiCoins VENDI ICO: VIP Cryptocurrency Advertising Token? iP2PGlobal TWQ ICO: Tawarruq Cryptocurrency Financing Coin? Styras STY Token Qwasder ICO: Mobile Global Internet App? Kora Network Token KNT ICO: FinTech Community Systems? Open Collectors Network ECTO ICO: One Of A Kind Token Exchange? Mossland MOC ICO: Augmented Reality Real Estate Game? CorusBlock CBC ICO: Another Cryptocurrency Lending Scheme? ERPCOIN ERP ICO: ERPBlock Ecommerce Business Blockchain? KeepPet PET ICO: International Pet Passport & Data Storage? Zaaica ZIC ICO: Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Crypto Wallet? Atrox Coin ATR ICO: Lending, Mining, Staking & Trading Platform? Discoveroo DCO ICO: Trusted Global Travel Reviews Blockchain? Crystals Coin CTC: What To Think Of This Cryptocurrency Token? Noke Coin XNK: Legit Cryptocurrency Lending Token Or Bust? CareX CARE ICO Token: Blockchain Healthcare Ecosystem? Kahnchat KCH: Crypto Payments & Social Networking Blockchain? GB Systems GBCN ICO: GBCoin Cryptocurrency For Banking? Property Coin PCX ICO: Aperture’s Real Estate Backed Token? Tubig TUB ICO: Blockchain Water Infrastructure Service Tokens? Crowd-Up CDU ICO: Crowdfunding Cryptocurrency For Business? Fiancia FIN ICO Reivew: Copy Trading Cryptocurrency & Investor News? Ricona RCA ICO: Multi-Cryptocurrency Switch & Lend Token? Thought Network THT ICO: Live Actionable AI Data Network Tokens? BuzzShow GLDY ICO: Social Media Video Network Rewards? KALI Coin ICO Review: Unique Fiat-To-Crypto Exchange Business Token? Pumped MulTra Token MTT ICO Review: Crypto Content Economy? Epocum EPM ICO: dLink Incentivized Website Connectivity Coin? Odyssey OCOIN ICO: Decentralized Sharing Economy Rewards? PerksCoin PCT ICO: CannaSOS Cannabis Transaction Platform Resources? Coinsurance COS ICO: Insured Lending Contact Investments? Symatri: Core, Reach & Kala Cryptocurrency Rewards Token? Bigbom BBO ICO: Decentralized Advertising & Marketing Token? Escroco ESC ICO: Escrow & Insurance For Online Investments? CryptoKami KAMI ICO: Decentralized Financial Reserve System? NiQBiX NQBX ICO: Optimizing Smart Grid City Software Tokens? Brickspool BRICK ICO: Real Estate-Backed Cryptocurrency Token? MindLink ML ICO: E-Learning Knowledge Exchange Blockchain? EthPyramid EPY ICO: Ethereum Network Pyramid Scheme Coin? Hush USH ICO: Regulated, Tokenized Crypto Compatible Bank? MaxBull Coin MBULL ICO: Crypto Investing & Trading Exchange? Iticoin ITI ICO: Ideology Technology Individual Crypto System? QYKbar QYK ICO: Personal Alcohol Bar Cloud Trade Blockchain? AdBlurb ADBL ICO: Blockchain Advertising & Marketing Coin? DiamondHandsClub Token: Worthwhile Cryptocurrency Coin? HODL Coin: Secure Cryptocurrency Pyramid Scheme Token? Helium HLM ICO: Private Global Payment Network & Mobile Wallet? SnapCity SNPT ICO: Geo-Location Tourism Adventure Game? Bitcoin Parallel BCP ICO: BCPC Clearing Blockchain Token? DextronCoin DTC ICO: Real Utility Token Or Potential Scam? CoinFabric: Promising Full-Service ICO & ITO Launchpad Group? ECoinmerce ECN ICO: Secure Marketplace & Tokenized Rewards? Supreme Power Coin: Legit Cryptocurrency You Should Buy? Neurogress NRG ICO: AI Neurocontrol Brain Waves Software? Erotix ERX ICO: P2P Adult Entertainment Industry Token Project? Lipcoin LIPC ICO: Surfing Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Coin? Dagaz DAGZ ICO: Global Blockchain Internet Payment System? RibbonCoin RBC ICO: Social Fundraising Rewards With A Cause? Keen Platform ICO: Autonomous Ride Hailing Blockchain App? New Level Coin NLC ICO: Legit Crypto MLM Lending Platform? Mokenex MONKS ICO: Cryptocurrency Payments & Swapping? Sun Fund: Stable Renewable Energy Blockchain Investing ICO? Renta City REC ICO: Rent & Keep Goods And Equipment Token? SHIFT.cash SCASH ICO: Smart Car Title Lending Contract Tokens? Hicky HKY ICO: Online Blockchain Dating Relationships Coin? Plentix PTN ICO: Blockchain Based Referral & Reward Network? Crymix CRX ICO: Creamics Cryptocurrency Exchange Token? VARcrypt VAR ICO: Virtual Reality Hardware & Content Platform? Proxy Card PRXY ICO: Cryptocurrency Wallet & Blockchain App? Bioritmai RITM ICO: Personal Biorhythm Monitoring Device? Binkd BDEX ICO: New Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange? Dinero One DIN ICO: All-In-One Cryptocurrency Payment System? HACK ICO: Accelerated Liquidity Venture Fund For Investors? Cool Cousin CUZ ICO: Decentralized Blockchain Travel Agency? EPOS: ??Initial Coin Offering Shut Down By Legal Regulations? BitProperty BTP ICO: Tokenized Real Estate Cryptocurrency? Kryptonite1 KR1 ICO: Blockchain CryptoAsset Investing Company? Concierge CGE ICO: Decentralized Travel Booking Marketplace? Cryptonod CNOD ICO: Neural Networks Cryptocurrency Trading? DIG Coin DIG ICO: Earn Tokens From Cryptocurrency Mining? Blend BLE ICO: Cryptocurrency Lending Investments Platform? CartelCoin CC ICO: E-Commerce Exchange Blockchain Service? BitazaPay BTX ICO: Secure Mobile Financial System Wallet? Menuva MENU ICO: Secure Escrow Cryptocurrency Payment Platform? TOSS ICO: Smart Betting, Gambling & Proof Of Toss Blockchain? GectaCoin GCT ICO: Big Data High-Performance Computing? FarmaTrust FTC: Tracking Blockchain Removes Counterfeit Drugs? Garlicoin: Reddit Shitpost Cryptocurrency Coin & Token Spoof? Handelion HION ICO: Crowdfunding Ecosystem For SME Businesses? VICoin VIC ICO: Virtonomics Virtual Economic Strategy Game? Majato MJT Coin: Cannabis Tokenization For Related Projects? AchieveCoin ACH ICO: Radial Code Blockchain QR Code Alternative? Garnet GNC ICO: Blockchain Venture Fund Startup Cryptocurrency? Recereum RCR ICO: Recycling Waste Cryptocurrency Rewards? Checqit CQT ICO: Honest Cryptocurrency Lending Coin Token? LoopX LPX ICO: Advanced Loop Auto Trading Bot Software? Incremint MNTS ICO: Smart DAICO Decentralized Escrow Platform? Denaro DNO ICO: Cryptocurrency Liquidity Payments Token? Take Profit XTP ICO: Crypto Expert Trading Signals Platform? Gelios GLS ICO: P2P Lending Marketplace Helps Reduce Risk? Monaco Estate MEST ICO: Cryptocurrency Real Estate Investing? BeEasy ETKN ICO: Cryptocurrency Mining, Trading & Investing? Grain Blockchain ICO: Work Order Agreement Payment Tokens? BlockMaker BMIO: EOSIO Blockchain Tokens & DAC Producer? XRPC ICO: Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Trading & Investing Token? STARCRO XCS ICO: New PoX Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Coin? Genevieve GXVC ICO: Venture Capital Blockchain & Exchange? LIX Platform: Decentralized Gaming Economy Blockchain? CloudMoolah MOO ICO: Cryptocurrency Gaming Payments? Tatti Coin: Worthy Cryptocurrency Token & Blockchain Project? Finamatrix FIX ICO: AI Risk Cybernetics Reduces Uncertainty? EyGex ICO: 3 vs 3 Multiplayer Online Battle Game & Marketplace? Qonexa QNX: Trusted Cryptocurrency With Real Purpose? Chain ID CID ICO: Credentials & Diplomas On Blockchain? BitRootZ BRZ ICO: Legit Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Platform Buron BURC ICO: Mining Software Monitors GPU & ASIC Hardware? LIKE ICO: Crowd-Investing, Booking Real Estate Marketplace? Kruptocoin KPX: Cryptocurrency Trading, Staking & Lending? Winnercoin WNR ICO: No BS Parity Cryptocurrency Worth Trading? FutureWorks FTW: Movie Cryptocurrency Donation Blockchain? Foodimus FDM ICO: AI Food Inspiration & Recipe Tagging App? Acquaint QAT ICO: P2P Real Estate Asset Exchange Platform? PORN-X ICO: X-Q Payment System & X-Wallet On Lightning Network? Crafty CFTY ICO: AI Crypto Platform For Self Employed Workers? Zonto ICO: Social Network & Digital Payment Ecosystem? Smart Node SMT ICO: Masternode Cryptocurrency Investment Fund? Cryptoverse CVS: Crypto Version Of Million Dollar Homepage? KaratCoin KTC ICO: Karatbars ETH Gold-Traded Certificates? NEX ICO: High Volume Crypto Payment & Trading Platform? CrowdCoinage CCOS ICO: Token Sale Crowdfunding Platform? CVProof INK ICO: Blockchain Notarized Credential Validation Data? Magnus MGS ICO: AI Automation, Robotics & Sensors Network? BitHub BHT Coin: Nasdaq of Cryptocurrency Blockchain Assets? AffiliateCoin AFL ICO: Affiliate Marketing 3.0 On Smart Contacts? Bitpark BPC: Mutual Aid & Crypto Insurance Services Platform? eCharge ECH ICO: Electric Car Recharging Station Crypto Network? mCoin MCN ICO: ONEm’s Unconnected Mobile Cryptocurrency? Bitrace BRF ICO: Tunisia Racing F1 City Center Project? TRU Reputation Network ICO: Digital Transaction Feedback? Fox Trading FXT Token: Legit Cryptocurrency Trading Service? BlockSims SIM ICO: Decentralized Telecommunication Industry? Mavro MVR ICO Coin: Trusted Cryptocurrency Affiliate Program? Jizzcoins JCN: Adult Entertainment Cryptocurrency Token? AMSYS AMCHART AMC ICO: Electronic Health Record Blockchain? ZeroEdge Casino ZERO ICO: No House Edge Gambling/Betting? Democracy Earth Vote ICO: Online Voting Blockchain Token? GN Compass GNCT ICO: Cryptocurrency Backed Loans Lending System? Cryder CDT ICO: Freelance Driver & Rider Matching Taxi Platform? Gas Files ICO: Blockchain File Storage For Secure Digital Data? HERO ICO: Personal Cryptocurrency Tokenization Platform? Zubicoin ZBC ICO: Anonymous Gaming & Adult Content Network? MyDFS ICO: Daily Fantasy Sports Betting Platform & Mobile App? Pujada PJD ICO: Global Blockchain Smart Island Development? Netwex NXE ICO: Waste-to-Energy Crypto Mining & AI Trading Bot? Forge Network FRG ICO: All-Inclusive Cryptocurrency Ecosystem? Vesa VSA ICO: Crypto Copy Trading Blockchain Investor Service? The World News TWN: Anti-Fake Blockchain News Network? Ugandan Knuckles UKN: What Kind Of Ethereum Token Is This? FTB Bank: FinTech Bank Coin Cryptocurrency Token Project? Wikibits WIKI ICO: Community Knowledge Cryptocurrency Coin? Realty Coin RTC ICO: Global Real State Crowdfunding Investing? Bittoch BTH ICO: Gambling, Lending, Mining & Trading Platform? ArbitraCoin ATC ICO: Arbitrage Cryptocurrency Investing Coin? Xmoneta XMN ICO: Social Network Encrypted Messenger App? Whitestone WHS Coin ICO: Art Gallery Trading Blockchain? Dorado DOR ICO: On-Demand AI Robots & Drones Delivery? Miner One MIO ICO: Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Mining Crowdfund? POCAGA PCG ICO: Online Casino Gambling Coin Blockchain? Luxcess Group: LXC Initial Coin Offering Tokens For Exchange? BchConnect Coin: Bitcoin Cash Model of Bitconnect Scam? Arsenal Signs Gaming Deal Partnership With CashBet Cryptocurrency Vertcoin VTC: Decentralized Currency Built By Its Community? Monyx MYX: Trustworthy Crypto Lending MLM Affiliate Deal? Eroiy ICO: Anonymous Adult Entertainment Industry Payment Token? Tux Exchange: Low Fee Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Expread EXC Token: Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange ICO? Bidda BDC ICO: Cryptocurrency Auction Lending Marketplace? Internet Of People IoP ICO: Blockchain Cryptocurrency App? BGC Token Review: Waves Blockchain Birmingham Gold & Silver Tokens? BITLUXE BTL ICO: Flexible Fee Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? DeepRadiology: Medical Imaging/Radiology Health Token? PeerDax PEDX ICO: Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange Platform? Havven HAV ICO: Decentralized Stable Coin Payment Network? RevizoR: How The RR Coin ICO Cryptocurrency Token Works? Brick & Mortar BMT Tokens: Real State-Backed Assets Project? OILSC ICO: Decentraized Oil & Gas Waste Management Token? WinFlow WIN ICO: Non-Profit ETH Sports Betting Blockchain? xBOUNTY ICO: Decentralized Anonymous Tipster Informant? Etcetera ERA ICO: Physical Cryptocurrency Wallet Card & App? MDCM Coin ICO: Real My Daily Cash Machine Cryptocurrency? Keyrpto KYT Coin: Blockchain Ecommerce Income Platform? Tech Trade Coin: E-commerce Services Decentralized Platform? Velocity Token VTN ICO: Clean Cryptocurrency Lending Platform? Lendex Coin LDX ICO: Fake Lending Cryptocurrency Token MLM? Cryptoneum Coin CRP: Cryptocurrency Lending Trader Bot ICO? PonziCoin Review: Legitimate SEC Cryptocurrency Ponzi Scheme Token? GymCoins GYM ICO: Decentralized Fitness Payment Blockchain? Cointopia: Cryptocurrency ICO Token Community Marketplace? HeliCoin HLC ICO: Cryptocurrency Lending Payment Network? Teno Coin TNC ICO: Smart Cryptocurrency Lending Network? Otho Network OTH ICO: Exchange, Wallet & SmartPay System? CryptoStarter CST ICO: Tokenizable Crowfunding Blockchain? eHealth First EHF ICO: AI Decentralized Health Management? BCASH Games ICO: Decentralized Gambling Casino Coin Token? Moria Token ICO: Precious Metal Extraction Investment Platform? Bizcazh Coin BZZ ICO: Cryptocurrency Lending Profits Token? Vestopia VTP ICO: Wealth Management Investment Platform? Datocoin DTCN: Social Network & Sports Betting Datosphere? Captivate ICO: Neil Patel’s Cryptocurrency Advertising Coin Token? SnagRide MILE ICO: Long Distance AI Ride Sharing Application? Cyber Credit CYB ICO: Reliable Credit Rating Lending Agency? Quasar Coin QSR: Dynamic Cryptocurrency Lending Assurance? AIDA AID ICO: Decentralized Automated Sales Market Service? Current CRNC ICO: Incentivized Blockchain Streaming Media? Flying Money FML ICO: Digital Fiat-Backed Blockchain Assets? ThornCoin THRN ICO: Self-Managing Lending Platform With Low Fees? E-ticket4 ET4 ICO: Decentralized Blockchain Ticket Marketplace? EZPOS EZT ICO: Cryptocurrency Marketing & Loyalty Program? Stockchain Global STOK ICO: Asset Trading & Management Platform? NKOR NKR ICO: Secure Digital Data Verification & Distribution? Falcon: Real Bitcoin Blockchain Backbone Nodes Network? MultiGames MLT ICO: White Label Online Gaming Casino Service? Shopin ICO: Personal Online Retail Shopping Cryptocurrency? UFO Coin: Uniform Fiscal Object NeoScrypt Hard Fork Crypto? OrionCoin ORC ICO: Decentralized Loyalty Marketing Coin? Kerberos KRC ICO: Africa’s Industrial Cryptocurrency Mining Coin? NODE ICO: Powerful Decentralized Wireless Energy Technology? Tipity ICO: Ethereum Blockchain Decentralized Digital Currency? clickableTV CTV ICO: Decentralized Interactive TV Ad Network? VectorZilla VZT ICO: Decentralized Stock Graphics Marketplace? Otcrit OTC ICO: Selective Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Corvus Coin CRVS ICO: Decentralized Digital Assets & Identities? Cibus World CBT ICO: Trusted Fresh Food Blockchain Tokens? Dolos ICO: Decentralized Automated Cryptocurrency Trading? Dole Coin DOLC ICO: Heart Of Gold Philanthropic Charity Token? Luven ICO: Accurate Cancer Diagnostic Technology Project? Bitcoinj: Bitcoin Blockchain Network Protocol Java Tools Library? Robinhood Crypto: Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Super Cool Awesome Money (SCAM): Better Than Bitcoin? Falcon: Real Bitcoin Blockchain Backbone Nodes Network? MultiGames MLT ICO: White Label Online Gaming Casino Service? Shopin ICO: Personal Online Retail Shopping Cryptocurrency? UFO Coin: Uniform Fiscal Object NeoScrypt Hard Fork Crypto? DocCoin DOC ICO: Medical Health & Telemedicine Blockchain? XTRADE XTRD ICO: Professional Cryptocurrency Exchange? Spacesuit X: Accurate Open Source Crypto Assets Analysis? Radar Relay: Trustless ERC20 Token Trading On 0x Protocol? Elementh EEE ICO: Smart eCommerce Blockchain App System? LINA ICO: Credible Review Ecosystem On Blockchain Platform? ICOO Initial Coin Offering OpenLedger: Crowdfunding Tokens? Acorn Collective OAK Token: Free Crowdfunding Worldwide? Sintec PBB ICO: Industrial Polymer Bituminous Binders? Synthium Health SHP ICO: Healthcare Supply Chain Manager? Elpis ELP ICO: Decentralized AI Crypto-Assets Investment Fund? Setcoins SEG ICO: Zero Commissions Service Exchange Token? Hadron ICO: AI In-Browser Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining? Krops KRO ICO: Blockchain Crypto Equity Agriculture Marketplace? NovaLend NLC ICO: Cryptocurrency Lending MLM Platform? Zapit ICO: Blockchain Verified Product Review Token Platform? Docademic MTC ICO: Medical Token For Telemedicine Platform? Evitan EVN: Global Money Transaction Cryptocurrency Token? BitLendCoin BTL: Trusted Cryptocurrency Lending MLM Deal? Velix ID VXD ICO: Easy Blockchain Identity Verification Token? Optonium Coin OPO ICO: Enterprise Energy Efficiency Token? PegToken PEG ICO: Digital Cryptocurrency Asset Creation? Cointed CTD ICO: Trade Fiat Into Cryptocurrency Exchange? Betex ICO: Cryptocurrency Binary Options Trading Options? KryptoBonds KBS ICO: Decentralized Blockchain Bonds Market? GoNetwork GOT ICO: Off-Chain Ethereum Transaction Infrastructure? Pinnacle Brilliance BRIL ICO: Stellar-Based Cryptocurrency? Unilot UNIT ICO: Honest Decentralized Betting Gambling Platform? A-ADS Bitcoin Advertising Network: Create Ads To Earn Crypto? CCG Mining: Professional Cryptocurrency Mining Services? Bitpays: Legit Profitable Cryptocurrecy Investment Program? PagareX PGX: Cryptocurrency Lending, Mining, Trading & Affiliate? Finix Coin FNX: Decentralized Autonomous Cryptocurrency? TopiaCoin SDFS ICO: Decentralized File Sharing Infrastructure? Crypto N Kafe CNK ICO: African Coffee Trading Cryptocurrency? Bittrado Coin: Wise Cryptocurrency Lending & Trading MLM? HunCoin HNC: What Is The Hoon Cryptocurrency Coin? Coinformer: ERC20 山寨币 Creation & ICO Launch Service? CinemaWell APLC ICO: Online Cinema Social Network Platform? 3D Token 3DT: Blockchain Powered 3D Printer Network Workforce? ZoneCoin ZNE: Here Today Gone Tomorrow Cryptocurrency? BridgeCoin: High Liquidity Decentralized Digital Currency? Swiscoin SCN: Honest Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Project? BUY&SELL BAS ICO: Secure Classified Platform For Trading Goods? FundFantasy FUNDZ: Financial Fantasy Trading Platform? Ethearnal ERT ICO: Smart Contract Freelancers & Employers? PlanCoin PLAN ICO: Staking, Lending, Mining & Trading Crypto? Bitcoin Faith BTF: Hopeful BTC Hard Fork Coin Worth Keeping? AstorGame: eSports Betting & Online Gaming Casino Token? BlockFood BFT: Decentralized Food Ordering & Delivery Token? TriStar Coin TSTR: Accept Cryptocurrency Payments & Wallet? PlayerCoin PLACO: Cryptocurrency Reward Tokens For Gamers? FinaCoin FNC: Cryptocurrency Coin To Reduce Airline Fraud? ETHMS Ethereum Shares ICO: Smart Contract Trading Platform? Monetize Coin MNZ ICO: Smart Cryptocurrency Lending MLM? ENS.BID ESB ICO: Ethereum Domain Name Service Trading? Monetize Coin MNZ: Cryptocurrency Network Marketing Coin? 300 Token Sparta ICO: Hodlers Cryptocurrency Destroys FUD? ValueCash XVL ICO: E-Commerce Cryptocurrency Investment? Acomobase ACO ICO: Blockchain Hospitality Accommodations? Start Trust STC: Network Marketing Cryptocurrency Lending? BitGlare BGC: Safe Network Marketing Cryptocurrency Lending? BitcoinStake: Proof Of Stake Cryptocurrency Coin With PoW? Baikalika BKL Coin: Baikal Water Mining Cryptocurrency Tokens? Patriot Crypto Mall PPMY ICO: Mall Construction Project Token? Kinetic Union KNTU ICO: 401K Cryptocurrency Lender Investing? Xaurum XAUR ICO: Gold-Backed Digital Asset Cryptocurrency? Atlas WORK ICO: Decentralized Freelancing Cryptocurrency? Benja Coin ICO: Ambisafe Online Display Ad Cryptocurrency? WELL ICO Token: Quality Decentralized Healthcare Platform? InvaCoin IVA ICO: Cryptocurrency Gaming Lending Program? Eristica ERT ICO: Win Decentralized Challenges For Crypto? Sooloox CAK ICO: Cash Account Key Earns From Personal Data? Reporter Community NEWS ICO: Blockchain Fake News Killer? RKOI ICO: Rich Kids Of Instagram Cryptocurrency Token Sale? Kill Yourself Network KYS Coin: Decentralized Suicide Requests? Adverx AVX ICO: Real Time Bidding Digital Ads Crypto Coin? Secular Coin SECU ICO: Legit Cryptocurrency Lending MLM? AlphaCoin ALP ICO: Trusted Cryptocurrency Trading Platform? Areszcoin ARC ICO: Honest Peer 2 Peer Cryptocurrency Token? DubTokens: Interactive Video & Experience Protocol DApp Store? R2B Coins: Asian Cryptocurrency Token For Affiliate Marketing? Blockbank BBRT: Licensed Blockchain Bank For Cryptocurrency? BitPlus Network BPNT ICO: Smart Point Of Sale Crypto System? Oalend Coin OAC ICO: Safe Cryptocurrency Trading & Lending? Superbloom SEED Token ICO: Crypto Asset Coin Sale Manager? Janus JNS ICO Token: JNSHash Mining & Business Blockchain? Cryptectum TECTUM ICO: Blockchain Real Estate Company? CryptoHunt CH ICO: Earn Cryptocurrency Augmented Reality Game? OnPlace OPL ICO: Private Asset Tokenization Protocol Investing? Bitcomo BM ICO: Performance Marketing Digital Advertising? CryoGen CRYO ICO: Buy Cryonics Medicine Company Tokens? Fynance FYG ICO: Digital Crypto Insurance Brokerage Company? Bitcoin Candy CDY ICO: Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork Blockchain? Bitt X Coin: Worthwhile Decentralized Cryptocurrency ICO? ALMBank AALM ICO: Cryptocurrency Job Market & Labor Pool? Cederis Ceder ISP ICO: Wireless Internet Service Provider WISP? DiamondReward DMR ICO: New Type Of P2P Blockchain Or…? Bitcoin Latina BCL: Blockchain Driven Latin America Community? BitCoin Rhodium BTR: Limited Cryptocommodity Community? EMCoin EMC: Emerging Market Coin For Smart Crypto Lending? KitKatt KKT Coin: What Kind Of Cryptocurrency Token Is This? GTurbo GTR ICO: Invest In Gas Turbine Production Business? Mango Startups: Latin America Decentralized Seed Capital Fund? CriptoReal CRS: Decentralized Brazilian Coin Transfer Platform? ZoukCoin ZUK ICO: Smart Cryptocurrency Lending Exchange? VibeHub VIBE: Virtual & Augmented Reality Marketplace? STREAM STC: Decentralized Online Video Streaming Token? BitconnectX BCCX ICO: Legit MLM Cryptocurrency Deal Or Scam? Capital Expanse CPX ICO: CapX Mining, Lending & Investing? MoxyOne SPEND ICO: Secure Company Payment Infrastructure? XRPconnect XRPC ICO: Fake Crypto Trading & Lending Token? Relicoin BID – Trading & Bidding Cryptocurrency Token Network? What Is EthereumBitcoin eBitcoin BTCE – Bitcoin On Ethereum? Taurus Coin – TRC ICO Bitcoin Trading & Cryptocurrency Lending? PhosCoin – PSC ICO Low-Fee Fast Cryptocurrency Mobile Payments? EthAce – ETA ICO Ethereum Casino, Wagering & Card Gambling Bets? Mobilink – MOBI Coins ICO Mobile Service Telecom Company? Healthureum HTH ICO – Healthcare Blockchain Cryptocurrency? LuxuryCoin – LXC ICO Smart Cryptocurrency MLM Program To Join? IbisCoin – IIC ICO Legit Cryptocurrency Lending, Trading & Mining? Bitbound – Peer-To-Peer Profitable Global Small Bitcoin Loans? Bitcoin-Realestate.com – Worldwide Bitcoin Real Estate Listings? Amor – Ethereum Based Credible Decentralized Dating Platform? Carcoin CAR ICO – Smart Car Sharing Community Built On Blockchain? Joy Token ICO – Casino Gaming Industry Infrastructure Protocol? Tradingene TNG ICO – Investors & Traders Algorithm Marketplace? Pincoin Community – PIN ICO Global Blockchain Sharing Economy 2.0? BeConnect – BCT ICO Lending Platform On Ethereum Ecosystem? MoneyTrade Coin MTC – Secure Real Estate Backed Cryptocurrency? WERAISE – Maketing & Advertising Solution For ICO Promotions? Meridian ICO – Digital Collateral Bitcoin Loans & Meridian Tokens? Escape Token ICO – Virtual Reality Game Booking Service Blockchain? Fan-Controlled Football League – MicroVentures Sports Blockchain? BCash – BCS ICO BeCash.org Is Not Bitcoin Cash BCH Token Launch? BitConnect BCC Cash – BCCH ICO Cryptocurrency Lending MLM? Regen Coin – RGN ICO Powerball & Lottery Gambling Blockchain? Retainly – RETN ICO Cash Back Loyalty Marketing Blockchain? NileCoin – NIL ICO Legit Cryptocurrency Blockchain Network? MyMEDIS – MDC ICO MediCoin Medical Health Data Blockchain? Bitocrypt – Trusted & Secure Bitcoin Exchange With Small Fees? Karma KIT ICO – Decentralized Smart Community Membership Network? Vega AI – Automated Intelligent Cryptocurrency Trading ICO Token? Stamps – STAMP ICO Cryptocurrency Equity Tokens Platform? BCX BitcoinX – Upgraded Bitcoin Blockchain Network ICO Tokens? Broad Financial Ethereum Self-Directed IRA – Compliant Investing? Accelerator Network – Renewable Cryptocurrency Mining Energy? AgreCoin – UpStart1K Trading Crypto Assets Management ICO? CryptoPets – Trading Cryptocurrency Collectibles For Digital Pets? Tutor Ninja – NTOK ICO Peer To Peer Online Learning Platform? Cryptopus Review – CPP ICO Blockchain Investing Brokerage Marketplace? DemiCoin – DEC ICO Worthy Digital Shopping Cryptocurrency Token? DVLP Coin ICO – Decentralized Real Estate Investment Fund? Fair Trade Cab – FTC ICO On-Demand Car Sharing Rides Blockchain? GiftCoin – GIFT ICO Charitable Cryptocurrency Giving Donations? Currensee – Gold Backed Remittance & Lending Cryptocurrency ICO? RxEAL – RXL ICO Profitable Rental Real Estate Blockchain Investing? SQUAREX – SQEX ICO Square Exchange Real Estate Blockchain? Neuron Platform – Why Is Neuron Network ICO Website Down? Viola.AI ICO – A.I. Love Advisor Dating & Relationship Marketplace? Bezop – BEZ ICO Blockchain E-Commerce Website Store Business? IndieGoGo Cryptocurrency Initial Coin Offerings & Blockchain Investments MCPay – MCP ICO Multi Crypto Pay Tokens For Tech Investments? United Emirate Coin – UEC ICO Safe Arab Lending Cryptocurrency? CryptoBnB ICO – CryptoDNA Vacation Rental Blockchain CBnB Tokens? Exacoin – EXA ICO Reliable AI Cryptocurrency Lending & Trading? BaseCoin – Algorithmic Central Bank Project For Cryptocurrency? ENET ICO – User-Friendly Open Sourced Decentralized Network? SALPay – SAL ICO Cryptocurrency Remittance Payroll Blockchain Bank? Gold Mine Coin – GMC ICO Real Cryptocurrency Secured By Gold? AltCoin Trends – Legit Alternative Cryptocurrency Trading Software? Ititanium Coin – ITC ICO Safe Decentralized Cryptocurrency Tokens? CopyTrack – Decentralized Global Copyright Register CPY ICO? OjuT – Travel Coin Hospitality Intelligence System ICO Coin Tokens? RepuX – Decentralized Data & Reputation Blockchain Protocol ICO? BitCaptera – BITCAP Cryptocurrency Lending & Trading Platform? SciCom ICO – Scientific Research & Development Crypto Exchange? Benebit – BNE ICO Customer Loyalty Cashback Currency Blockchain? BarCoin – BRC ICO Lend & Trade Cryptocurrency Blockchain MLM? Paygine – PGC ICO Best2Pay Financial Payment Engine Platform? Unix Coin – Safe Cryptocurrency Lending MLM Affiliate Program? Zerocoin Project – Real Bitcoin Payment Protocol Privacy Extension? StockBet – Free Gambling On Real Stocks, IPOs & Cryptocurrencies? CryptoCopy – COPY ICO Top 100 Cryptocurrency Investors Analysis? LendEra Lending Coin ICO – Legit Cryptocurrency MLM Token Sale? Dogezer – DGZ ITO Software Development Collaboration Platform? Evopass – Secure Digital Ticketing Platform TicketChain ICO? Hybrid Betting – HYB ICO Ethereum Betting & Gambling Games? VR OKO Virtual Reality Helmet – OKOIN ICO Real Adult Show Tokens? IronBlock – IRB ICO Construction, Mining & Machinery Blockchain? FiCoin – FIC ICO Fibo Trading Bot & Crypto Investing Network? SonoCoin – SNC ICO Audible Cryptocurrency Blockchain Enabled? OKOIN – VR OKO Adult Virtual Reality Content, Media & Films? Sintec – SINT ICO Polymer Bituminous Binders Blockchain Investing? Herdius – HER ICO Financial Cryptocurrency Blockchain Platform? International MultiModal Logistic Application – How IMMLA Works? Shagle Coin – Peer To Peer Video Chat Blockchain Technology ICO? ARC Reserve Currency – Dr. Garrick Hillman’s Stablecoin ARC ICO? Arbi – Expert Initial Coin Offering Legal Services For ICO Tokens? MASS Cryp – Blockchain Advertising & ICO Cryptocurrency Token? Weekend Millionaires Club WMC: Cryptocurrency Membership? The Coin Bull – Legit Gold, Silver, Bitcoin & Litecoin Trading Platform? Synthium Health – SHP ICO Healthcare Supply Chain Management? PM7 ICO Booster – Decentralized MLM Affiliate Marketing Platform? HotCrypto – HCR ICO Safe Crypto Lending & Trading MLM Business? EigenCoin – EIGC ICO Cryptocurrency Lending MLM Earns Bitcoin? Cypherium – CPH ICO Smart Contract Blockchain Cypher Tokens? ClickAuto – AutoCash ICO Car History Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Potentiam – PTM ICO Social Media Music Rewards Blockchain Network? Triple Alpha – TRIA ICO Cryptocurrency Asset Algorithm Manager? EtherFlyer – TCASH ICO Decentralized Ethereum Exchange Tokens? VRT World ICO – Virtual Reality Tokens Entertainment Technology? Anti-Bureaucracy Coin – ABC ICO OriginalMy Blockchain Cases? Digital Currency Index – XEX ICO Exchange Coin Investing & Trading? Private City – PCT ICO Anonymous Investment Blockchain Tokens? VCXCoin – VCX ICO Cryptocurrency Lending Exchange & MLM Biz? Martcoin – MART ICO Global Blockchain Betting Platform System? 1Protocol – CRED ICO Ethereum Staking Protocols For Workers? CrowdPainting – Decentralized Art Collaboration Project INK ICO? BeefCoin – Organic Beef Production From Farm To Table BEEF ICO? Sorbase – SOR ICO Europe Crypto Liquidity Aggregator Exchange? Epsilon – EPS ICO Target Search & Task Solution Blockchain Platform? Cypherium – CPH ICO Smart Contract Blockchain Cypher Tokens? ClickAuto – AutoCash ICO Car History Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Potentiam – PTM ICO Social Media Music Rewards Blockchain Network? Triple Alpha – TRIA ICO Cryptocurrency Asset Algorithm Manager? EtherFlyer – TCASH ICO Decentralized Ethereum Exchange Tokens? VRT World ICO – Virtual Reality Tokens Entertainment Technology? Anti-Bureaucracy Coin – ABC ICO OriginalMy Blockchain Cases? Digital Currency Index – XEX ICO Exchange Coin Investing & Trading? Private City – PCT ICO Anonymous Investment Blockchain Tokens? VCXCoin – VCX ICO Cryptocurrency Lending Exchange & MLM Biz? Martcoin – MART ICO Global Blockchain Betting Platform System? 1Protocol – CRED ICO Ethereum Staking Protocols For Workers? CrowdPainting – Decentralized Art Collaboration Project INK ICO? BeefCoin – Organic Beef Production From Farm To Table BEEF ICO? Sorbase – SOR ICO Europe Crypto Liquidity Aggregator Exchange? Epsilon – EPS ICO Target Search & Task Solution Blockchain Platform? AlchemyByte – ALB ICO All In One Cryptocurrency Asset & Wallet? PureAir Coin – AiRC ICO Clean Air Pollution Investment Tokens? BergmannOS – BERG ICO Linux-Based Cryptocurrency Mining OS? Deco Currency Another Failed Cryptocurrency Initial Coin Offering Token Tether Gold – GLDT ICO Limited 1-to-1 Gold Bullion Reserve Token? KR80S – MAT ICO Marketing Analytics Tokens & AdTech Data System? Blunner – BLUN ICO AI Website Design Blockchain & Marketplace? NEDVIGA – NDV ICO Real Estate Cryptocurrency Crowdinvesting? Fortitude Ranch ICO – Initial MemberCoin Offering FR Tokens? DIMPAY – Decentralized Cryptocurrency Payments Blockchain? PopulTrade – PCP ICO Circul, Mercato, Linum & Denario Tools? GODcoin – GodCoin.Gold Gold On Demand Cryptocurrency ICO? Infinity Crypto – Legit Investing In Bitcoin, Blockchain & ICO Tokens? Bitfinite – BFC ICO Safe Cryptocurrency Coin Lending MLM Deal? Bitcoin Bubble Burst – Blockchain Apocalypse Crash Checking App? Wiser ICO – Top Initial Coin Offering Token Sale Data & Dates List? Arker – ARKER ICO Online Roll Playing Game With Crypto Rewards? Multibot – MBT ICO Cryptocurrency Trading Cloud Platform Tokens? FIC Network – FIC ICO Fixed Income For Blockchain Crypto Assets? Bitugene – TBP ICO Decentralized Petroleum Blockchain Tokens? Descrow – DES ICO Decentralized Escrow Platform Blockchain? The Deep Virtual World – How Deep.Gold Crypto Token Works? Deluge Network – DBTC ICO Bitcoin Token Investing Contribution? BiafraCoin ICO – BFC ICO Bitcoin Lending Cryptocurrency MLM? AriseBank – Decentralized Cryptocurrency Banking Platform? Follow Coin – App To Follow Top Performing Investors & Trades? Billpoker – Decentralized Blockchian Based Poker Room BPT ICO? AssetBase – PDT ICO Redeemable Ethereum Blockchain Assets? BICO – Ultimate Comprehensive ICO Funded Guidebook? Atompay – Decentralized Land Transport Service Provider ATM ICO? Block Bank – Decentralized Blockchain Bank BBRT ICO? Tetarise – Blockchain For Booking Hotels & Apartments TTR ICO? EDU Crowdsale – Open Source University Platform EDU ICO Tokens? Darenta ICO – PROD ICO Decentral P2P Car Sharing ProducToken? Budbo – Blockchain Based Global Cannabis Bubo Token ICO Oracol Xor: Legit Cryptocurrency Platform Worth Looking Into? MyMazzu – MZC ICO Promising Cryptocurrency Initial Coin Offering? AdMine – MCN ICO MediaCoin Social Brand Network Blockchain? TEKY – TKC ICO Kids Toys Ecommerce & Education Cryptocurrency? Giga Giving – Blockchain-Based Charity Fundraise Project GC ICO? TRP Token – TRP ICO Travel Related Purchase Tourism Cryptocurrency? CryptF – CPTFP ICO Stock & Bond Backed Cryptocurrency Tokens? Jobeum – JBT ICO Professional Blockchain-Based Jobs & Work Network? Casagram – Personalized Social Network CAC ICO? ZoZo Coin – ZZC ICO Cryptocurrency Exchange, Wallet & Trading App? BEST1COIN – B1C ICO Blockchain Asset Crypto Trading Platform? MeetnGreetMe – Travel Concierge Service WelcomeCoin WEL ICO? Liveshow – LST ICO Live Show WebCam Video Blockchain System? Immortal Coin – BIotechnology Immortality ICO Project IMO? The Holy Coin – Humanitarian Fundraising Amazon Based ICO? Mold Coin – MLD ICO Decentralized Gaming Rewards Blockchain? EMU – Multi-language Menu Service Sector App EMU ICO? UniGame – Blockchain Based Betting Game Platform UniCoin ICO? Sudan Gold Coin – Blockchain Based Gold Mining Business SGC ICO? Swisstok – Decentralized Blockchain Based E-mail System SWS ICO? ReB Rinascimento Project – Secure Artwork Restoring ReB ICO? SpaceICO – Just Another Failed Initial Coin Offering Token Project? Digital Funds Services – DFS ICO Legit Cryptocurrency Mutual Fund? Crowd Genie – CGCOIN ICO Cryptocurrency Asset Lending Exchange? TeamHODL – THODL ICO A Hold On For Dear Life Token Sale? CNT Future – Centurion Lab Green Cryptocurrency Mining Tokens? FUELDApp – Global Automated Service For Car Refuel FUELD ICO? Vice – Get Paid To Watch Adult Entertainment Cryptocurrency? GoldCoin – GLD ICO Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency Asset Standard? ZenSports ICO (SPORT Token): Blockchain Sports Betting Cryptocurrency? Crypto Work Place (CWT Token): Built-In Bitcoin Storage Micro-PC Powered By Linux Cryptics – CRP ICO A.I. Cryptocurrency Analytics Assistant Tech? Vionex – Smart Home System Blockchain Technology Apps VOIX ICO? ExcambioRex – Secure Multiple Cryptocurrency Token Exchange? Wealthium – WTH ICO Decentral Investor Intelligence WealthStore? Aenigma Capital – Cryptocurrency Economics Investing Leverage? HullCoin – Decentralized Community Loyalty Point HC Token ICO? Truckcoin – Decentralized Multi-Modal Global Market GH ICO? Brisk Pass – BSK ICO Decentralizing Transporation Blockchain Token? GetGame REALITY Tokens REA ICO – Gaming Developer Platform? BeeSocials ICO – BEE ICO Social Meetups Blockchain Platform? YObank – YOB ICO Cryptocurrency Card, Wallet & Banking App? Morphx – MX ICO Social eCommerce & e-Shopping Blockchain? DutyCoin – DTC ICO Duty Free Travel Zone Cryptocurrency Tokens? Pokereum – SUP ICO SuperDAO Decentralized P2P Poker Games? Etheroji – Buy & Sell Ethereum Emojis To Share & Profit? Rexpax – REXX ICO Lend, Borrow & Share Home Items With Neighbors? ICO List King – Initial Coin Offering Token Sales, News, Results & Stats? Betstreak – Live Bitcoin Betting Casino & Cryptocurrency Gambling? Dome Platform – DME ICO Private WiFi Sharing Network Site Down? AsapCoin – ASAP ICO As Soon As Possible Blockchain Explorer? Trender Foundation – TDC ICO Trendercoin Blockchain Tokens? BitLending – BLD ICO Crypto Trading, Mining, Lending Earns Bitcoin? AGT Token – Taxi, Drivers & Gov Security Agencies Blockchain ICO? Obizcoin – OBZ ICO Smart Process BOT For Organized Business? Apollo Capital – Australia’s Cryptocurrency Asset Fund Investing? Family Points – FPT ICO Value Driven Ecommerce Parenting Token? DigitCoin – DIGIT ICO Digital Marketing & Advertising Blockchain? Izibits – IZI ICO Chat-Bots Services For Daily Cryptonomy Usage? Votem – VAST ICO Mobile Voting Blockchain Tokens For E-Voting? Synapse AI – SYN ICO Decentralized Content Data AI Marketplace? Kala Token – People-Powered Inherent Value Cryptocurrency ICO? Angel Token ICO – Cryptocurrency Investing & Trading In AltCoins? Visacoin – VCX ICO Crypto Blockchain Exchange & Lending System? SFIcoin – Legit Cryptocurrency Lending & Exchanger Affiliate MLM? Goldea – GEA ICO Decentralized Gold Mining Charity Project Token? TravelChain – TT ICO Smart Travel Tourism Blockchain Exchange? CryptoTenge – Kazakhstan’s State-Issued Cryptocurrency Tokens? TEX – TEXcoin ICO Crypto Lending & Trading Exchange Platform? Steneum – STN ICO Cryptocurrency Wallet, Mining & Lending MLM? Eshal Coin – EHL ICO Eco System Hassle-Free Logistics Vehicle Blockchain? Legacy Network – LEG ICO Wills, Memories & Data Token Platform? iPronto ICO – Blockchain Technology Investors Incubator Coin ICO? Rockz ICO (APZ Token): Safe & Secure Bulletproof Cryptocurrency? Diamco ICO (DIAM Token): Tokenized Diamond Blockchain Market? Files.fm Library: Peer To Peer Blockchain File Storage Community? MyTVchain ICO (MyTV Token): Web TV Blockchain For Sports Clubs? Silvertoken – SLVT ICO Cryptocurrency + Physical Silver Investing? IdeaCoin – IDEA ICO Crypto Mining, Trading, Lending & Staking MLM? AvatarCoin – AVC ICO MLM Cryptocurrency Payment System? Crypto Newsletter – Legit Cryptocurrency News & ICO Tips Emails? GoldGate – BGG ICO Network Marketing Investment Opportunity? ICO Token Fund – ICOT Cryptocurrency Initial Coin Offering Investing? Legend Coin – LGC ICO Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Lending Exchange? Moms Avenue – Reward-Based Social Entrepreneurship MOM ICO? Tigereum – Instant Messaging Crypto Token Swap AI Chatbot ICO? Crypto Credit Card – CCCR ICO C3 Cryptocurrency Aggregator App? TrueDonate – TDN ICO Blockchain Fundraising Donation Platform? Global Crypto Bank – Financial Cryptocurrency Card Blockchain ICO? Foreground – Decentralized Advertising Affiliate Marketing DEAL ICO? Vyral – First Incentivized Viral Marketing Sharing Advertising Token? UpTick Trading Review – Intuitive Cryptocurrency Exchanging Application? Kochava – Digital Advertising Mobile Audience Analytics Blockchain? Realisto – REA ICO Asset-Backed Real Estate Blockchain Investing? Tokenza – TKZ ICO Decentralized Crowdfunding & Freelancing? Athena Coin – ATN ICO Neural Cryptocurrency Trading Network? Goatse – GTC ICO Incentivized Meme Creation Crypto Blockchain? BitChamps – BCS ICO Reliable Bitcoin Cryptocurrency MLM Business? SpaCoin – SPA ICO Beauty Care Cryptocurrency Blockchain Token? Whizz Coin – Practical CryptoInvestments & Payments ICO Token? Atrix – Unique Safe Crypto Project Buyback Guarantee ATRIX ICO? Smart Trade Coin ICO: Blockchain Crypto Asset Software Manager? Aevolve ICO (AVEX Token): Blockchain Medical Science Financing Platform? Vocean ICO (VAN Token): Blockchain Finance And Crypto Bond Ecosystem? Cycoin ICO (CCY Token): Cryptocurrency Investing Basket Manager? Honest Mining ICO (HNST Token): Instant Crypto Mining Masternodes? AMOS ICO: Promising Blockchain Cryptocurrency Project? XMaterials ICO (XMAT Token): Blockchain Project To Replace Concrete, Ceramics, Marble And Granite LindaX ICO (LX Token): Blockchain Token Creation Platform For Crypto Businesses? WHIRL ICO (WRL Token): Blockchain Social Crowdfunding Platform? iCumulate ICO (ICU Token): Crypto Trading And Investing Platform? CyBet ICO (CYBT Token): Decentralized Blockchain Betting Platform? CyberTrust – CABS ICO Cryptocurrency Financial Security Blockchain? Geostellar – Zydeco ICO Cryptocurrency Solar-Powered Energy System? BCShop – BCS/BCB ICO Buy & Sell Digital Goods Marketplace App? DigiToken – DIGI Initial Coin Offering Failed To Raise Enough Funds? Dimnd – Diamond Carats For Ethereum Cryptocurrency Blockchain ICO? Bit4G – B4G ICO Legit Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Trading & Lending? ICO Governance Foundation – IGF Initial Coin Offering Protocols? MAVO – Entertainment MVT ICO Token For Filmmaker & Advertising? UbiquiCoin – Asset-Backed Cryptocurrency Rev Share Blockchain? Token Lab – Initial Coin Offering Rating Agency For ICO Token Sales? Magnum Link – Buy & Trade Precious Metals Tokens Company? Tokenator – Initial Coin Offering Token Sales & ICO Discount Deals? Behaviour Exchange – BEX ICO Website, Visitors & Ad Blockchain? Knowledge – KFI Social Sharing For Players & Users To Earn Tokens? DeHedge – DHT ICO Risk Hedging Crypto Trading For Investors? Safinus – SAF ICO Cryptocurrency Initial Coin Offering Investing? Hearthy – Universal Digital Health Care Personal Health Records? Razoom – RZM ICO Smart Contract Project Management System? HoldMe Review – HME ICO Social AI Live Chat Bot Blockchain Platform? Envion Cryptocurrency Mobile Mining Unit For Blockchain Energy Spot Me Coin – Hidden USB Thumb Drive Crypto Treasure Hunt? Zabercoin – ZAB ICO Real Estate Cryptocurrency Blockchain Assets? Ad Pump Review – ADP ICO Affiliate Marketing & CPA Network Blockchain? Karma – KRM ICO Trusted Borderless Crypto Lending Platform? Gilgamesh Review – GIL ICO Social Knowledge-Sharing Network Platform? Game Protocol – GPT ICO Game Building & Playing Community? Kela – KELA ICO IDEX Composite Index Blockchain Financial Exchange? eHarvestHub – EHH ICO Global Food Supply Economy Blockchain? Zangll – ZNGL ICO Real Estate Vacation Rentals e-Travel Market? SISA – Strategic Investments in Significant Areas & DPF Pool Fund? VVTokens – VVChain, Smart Invest Protocol & CyberBank Cards ICO? xCHAINge – XCH ICO Bitcoin Banking App & Crypto Token Storage? Loomia – Tile Electronic Layer Blockchain Technology Products? Ankorus – ANK ICO Cryptocurrency Bitcoin Futures Trade Securities? Bitcoin Silver – BTCS Ethereum Blockchain Crypto To Fiat Tokens? Balehu Bucks – BUX ICO Local Commerce Rewards Blockchain? Forzacoin – FRZ ICO Secure Cryptocurrency Safebox Blockchain? Pressco – PRO ICO Personal Clothing & Merchandise E-Commerce? SUGAR Social Network – LGBiT ICO For The LGBT Community? Signals – SGN ICO Cryptocurrency Trading Signals Strategy Network? Pryze – PRYZ ICO Automated Sweepstakes Blockchain Protocol? CamX – Adult LiveCAM Cryptocurrency ICO Token Sale Website? Picax – PIC ICO Sell Instagram Photos For Photographers & Users? DavorCoin – DAV ICO Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Lending Project? Styras – STY ICO Global SmartPhone Internet Access WiFi Router? Satan Coin – What Kind Of Initial Coin Offering Token Sale Is This? Falcon Coin – FFC ICO Cryptocurrency Fund Lending For Profits? Moirai – MOI ICO Decentralised Future Prediction Market Bets? Coinchase ICO (CCH Token): Blockchain Crowdfunding Crypto Platform? Varius World Tech ICO (VWT Token): Legit Blockchain Crypto Project? ShipNext ICO (SHPC Token): Blockchain Air & Sea Shipping Marketplace? Fructus ICO (FRUCTUS COIN): Decentralized Blockchain For Organic Food? CurveBlock ICO (CBUK Token): Blockchain Real Estate Investment Exchange? WolfpackBot ICO (WOLF Token): Cryptocurrency Trading Bot System? Volavia ICO (VOL Token): Blockchain For Private Airline Travel Payments? Lendoit – LOAN ICO Smart Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Lending Platform? CareerXon – CRN ICO Career Skills Business Training Blockchain? PressCoin – PRC ICO HigherOrderVC Independent Media Relations? TokenBnk – TBK ICO Ethereum CryptoAsset Savings Bank Account? Carblox – CRX ICO Decentralized Vehicle Blockchain Platform? MoneyTree – TREE ICO User-Paid Social Media Blockchain Network? ExsulCoin – XUL ICO Refugee Nanowork Blockchain Technology? HetaChain ICO (HETA Token): Quality Blockchain And Crypto Platform? Bincentive ICO (BCNT Token): Smart Blockchain Investment Incentives? Wellmee ITO (WLME Token): Healthy Blockchain And Crypto Project Rewards? Volentix (VTX Token): How VENUE, VERTO, VESPUCCI And VDEX Work? TechBench – Social Ethereum Network For Developers & Investors? PodOne – Qubicle ICO One Demand Call Center Service & Staffing? Global Jobcoin – GJC ICO JobsToday Employement Services Coin? Bytether – BTH ICO Bitcoin To Ethereum Blockchain Network? Pungo ICO (PGT Token): Trustworthy Blockchain Crypto Project? Namek ICO (NMK Token): Cryptocurrency Airdrop And Bounty Program? Colibra Token ICO: Blockchain Democratic Insurance Company? Omnilytics ICO (OMN Token): AI Blockchain Aggregated Data Network? GYM LGR ICO: Health Rewards App and Fitnesss Band Crypto Hardware Wallet? Discoperi ICO (DISC Token): Blockchain System ‘Eye’ For Driver Data? Binkabi ICO (BKBI Token): Blockchain Commodity Tokenization Protocol? Jincor – JCR ICO Smart Business Cryptocurrency Payment Contracts? ARena Space – ARE ICO Augmented Virtual Reality Amusement Parks? Hamster Marketplace – HMT ICO Decentralized Trading Blockchain? KYC Legal – Know Your Customer Blockchain Identity Verification ICO? Astrcoin – ASTR ICO Asteroid BlockClaim Mineral Mining Blockchain? Mainasset – MAS ICO Earn Cryptocurrency Playing Mobile Games? Satoshi Brewery – SBL ICO Russia’s Craft Beer Network Tokens? XMAS Token – Santa Claus Cryptocurrency Christmas Gift ICO? BitCloud – BTDX ICO Anything Special About This Cryptocurrency? Resto Token ICO: Blockchain Foodservice Loyalty Rewards Platform? Remco Remittance Token: Blockchain Money Transfer System? Esports Ecosystem (ESE Token): Legit Gaming Cryptocurrency For Gamers? NeuronX ICO (NXBT Token): AI And Machine Algorithm Crypto Analysis? Swinca Coin ICO (SWI Token): Blockchain Crypto Real Estate Platform? Stoby ICO (STB Token): Cryptocurrency Paying Student Job Platform? Stips FinTech ICO (STIPS Token): Blockchain Crypto-Finance Investing? Fort Financial Crypto ICO (FFCT Token): Crypto Liquidity Aggregator? Stars Group – Sports Franchise-Backed Football Marketplace ICO? ConnectJob Review – CJT ICO Geolocation Jobbers For Jobs & Services? Cooonet CoooCoin – COOO ICO CoooSession Service Marketplace? Freedom Streaming – FDM ICO Safe Secure Online Video Platform? ScriptDrop Review – AHC ICO Healthcare Adherence Blockchain Tokens? Perfect Coin Review – Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Lending Program ICO Token? Almora – Legit Initial Coin Offering Business & ICO Token Services? Demeter – DMT ICO Rent & Farm Agriculture Blockchain Community? ecoNAN – Clean-Tech Minerals Processing Blockchain Technology? Vimarket – VIT ICO ViTokens For Real-Life Like Virtual Shopping? Sharpe Capital Review – SHP ICO Financial Markets Investment Platform? HashHive Review – CELL ICO Buy Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining Hash Power? Numiv Review – NUM ICO Trade, Mine, Stake, Lend & Affiliate Crypto MLM? Vetro Exchange Token – VXT ICO Money Transfer Platform? Swapy Network Review – Universal Access to Credit Exchange Blockchain? Airfio – ARF ICO Crypto Banking, Card & FinTech Neural Networks? Habibi Coin – Cryptifi’s Middle East Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Token? BitBoost – BBT ICO The Block Decentral E-Commerce Marketplace? StopTheFakes – STF ICO Anti-Counterfeit & Copyright Blockchain? RightMesh – Wireless P2P Mesh Apps Blockchain Network ICO? ConsultEth ConsulTX – CTX ICO Ethereum Blockchain Consultancy? Remechain – iRMC ICO Buyer-Supplier Precious Metals Marketplace? Naked Technology – NKD ICO Asset-Backed Cryptocurrency Dollars? MindSports – MIND ICO Decentralized Social Gaming Network? Arbitrage Crypto Trader – ACT ICO Multi-Exchange Terminal? Algo.Land – PLM ICO Autonomous Algorithmic Trading Blockchain? Florio – FLR ICO Gamified Healthy Lifestyle Wearable Tracking App? Mavin – MVN ICO Influencer Marketing Rewards Blockchain? UcoinCash – UCH ICO Digital Cash As Global Money & MLM Affiliate Lending Token? Brainy – Artificial Intelligence Cryptocurrency Trading System ICO? Finom – FIN ICO A.I. Trading & Mining Financial Banking Blockchain? NAU – Social, Local, Mobile Digital Business Coupons ICO Tokens? Render Payment – RPM ICO High-Risk Merchant Payment System? CamX – Adult LiveCAM Cryptocurrency ICO Token Sale Website? NaPoleonX – NPX ICO Algorithmic Cryptocurrency Asset Manager? Crypto20 – C20 ICO Tokenized Cryptocurrency Index Fund? POW Token – ETH-Blockchain Social Media Airdrop Cryptocurrency? HomeBlockCoin – HBC ICO Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Lending MLM? Mark.Space – 3D Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality MRK ICO? RHOVIT – Rbit ICO Hybrid Cloud Blockchain For Users Content? Etherecash – Peer Lending Cryptocurrency Money Transfers ICO? Xred – London Real Estate Cryptocurrency Funding & Investing ICO? Secure Crypto Payments ICO (SEC Token): Ecommerce And Cashback? Cannabium ICO (CNAB Token): Blockchain Cannabis Extract Exchange? Platin (PTNX Token): Blockchain Proof Of Location (PoL) Protocol? NOVAM ICO (MNVM Token): Blockchain IoT Device Cybersecurity? LH Crypto – LHCoin ICO Larson&Holz Cryptocurrency Forex Tokens? Telegraf Money – Blockchain Mobile App, Messenger & Cards? HCash – Decentralized Cryptocurrency Hyper ash Blockchain DAG? RxSmartCoffee – RXSC ICO Coffee Company Blockchain Tokens? EtherSport – ESC ICO Ethereum Online Sports Lottery Platform? Human Discovery Platform – HD ICO Personality Analysis Tokens? Kudos – Trusted Ratings & Performance Rewards Blockchain ICO? Rafl- RFL ICO Smart Ethereum Raffle Token Blockchain Network? Heardbeats – HBT ICO Virtual Reality Live Concert Headsets? Terciv – ICO Fake News Fighting Public Anonimity Blockchain? Lynx Network – LNT ICO Business Social Networking Organization? Monaize – MNZ ICO Mobile Finance Accounting Bank Blockchain? Priority Token – Initial Coin Offering ICO Cryptocurrency Investing? Moya Networks – MTK ICO Africa Broadband Internet Access Tokens? KidBizo ICO: Blockchain Crypto Initial Coin Options Token Project? Twilight ICO (TWC Token): Japan Anime Blockchain For Creators And Fans? BitCanna ICO (BCNA Token): Cannabis Blockchain Payments Platform? Aerum ICO (XRM Token): Legit Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Finance Project? Energi Mine – ETK ICO Energi Token For Global Energy Rewards? WishFinance – WISH ICO Small Business Lending Loans Blockchain? WaBi – Anti-Counterfeit Safe Consumer Products In China ICO? Blockchain Board of Derivatives – BBD ICO Crypto Derivatives Trading? BinaryCoin – BRC ICO Cryptocurrency & Binary Options Investing? CopiCo – Private Cryptocurrency Proof Of Stake Masternode Coin? Digi India Coin – DGI ICO Cryptocurrency Wallet & Marketplace? Oyster Web Storage – PRL ICO Computer Power Revenue Profits? ICO Unlimited – Profit Bitcoin Daily From Initial Coin Offerings? Udiar – IAR ICO Intellectual Property & Copyright Blockchain? HostCoin – HOSTC ICO Blockchain Website Hosting Service? Global Digital Payment ICO (BYTUS Token): Mobile Crypto Wallet Exchanging? HYGH ICO: Real Time Display Advertising Blockchain Network? Investx ICO (INX Token): Quality Blockchain Investment Business? EndChain ICO (ENCN Token): Blockchain Logistical Supply Chain Solution? JBOX Coin – Crytpocurrency Video Streaming Blockchain ICO? SportyFi – SPF ICO Sports Investing & Funding Cryptocurrency? EtherCash – Ethereum Lending Cryptocurrency Money Transfer ICO? EtherDoge – EDOGE DOGETH Ethereum & Dogecoin Wowpaper? iComply ICO – Launch Legally Compliant Initial Coin Offerings? Appian – APP ICO Ethereum Dapp Store For Users & Developers? Off Exchange – OTC ICO Private BTC Cryptocurrency Marketplace? Yetta – Global Cryptocurrency Money Transfer Blockchain ICO? Injii Access Coin – IAC ICO Content Creators & Charities Collaboration? BitComo – BM ICO CPA Performance Marketing Blockchain? Genesis WATER Token – Quality Drinking Water Tracking System ICO? Golden Gate Investments One Coin ICO – GGI OFC Initial Coin Offering? Ethconnect – ECH ICO Trusted Ethereum Blockchain Bank Lending? Lendex – Central & Southeast Asia Lending Finance Blockchain ICO? Flipz – FLZ ICO Decentralized Smart Contract E-Commerce Platform? Inspeer – INSP ICO Peer To Peer Cryptocurrency Finance Lending? Token Report – EDGE ICO Cryptocurrency Coin Investing Analysis? CryptoRuble – Russia’s Vladimir Putin On New Blockchain Cryptocurrency? CoinLaunch – Initial Coin Offering Assets, Tokens & Funding Market? Pave Loan – GCAT ICO Affordable Global Credit Profile Bureau? Handelion – HDLT ICO International Trading Speed & Transparency? GoMineWorld – GMW & GMW PRO ICO Crypto-Earning Bracelet? Secure Identity Ledger – SILC Digital Identity Blockchain ICO? Mirocana – MIRO ICO Artificial Intelligence Investing Products? Fairloris Review – LORI ICO Online User Comment Blockchain Browser Plugin? Rilcoin – RIL ICO Crypto Investment Asset Management System? ICO Backers – Initial Coin Offering Launch Software & Marketing? Feeed – FXX ICO Cryptocurrency Fundraising Debit Card & App? Apollo DAE ICO – Cryptocurrency Trading Digital Asset Exchange? Positive ICO – Initial Coin Offering Token Cyber Security Protection? Mithril Ore Review – MORE ICO Ethereum-Based Cryptocurrency Tokens? Earth Token – Natural Asset Exchange Marketplace Business ICO? Guardium – Guardian Circle Intelligent Emergency Response App ICO? Crush Crypto Challenge – Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Research? Jury.Online – JOT ICO Blockchain Dispute Resolution Applications? Excolony ICO (EXC Token): Crypto Exchange For High Volume Trading? TravelVee ICO (TRAVEL Token): Blockchain For Hotel Room Occupancy? Victorieum ICO (VTM Token): Safe Cryptocurrency Project Investment? DONOCLE ICO (DDL Token): Blockchain Lottery Cryptocurrency Coin? M20Project ICO (M20 Token): MTO Blockchain Air Mileage To Opportunity? Fidelity House ICO (FIH Token): Social Content Rewards On The Blockchain? PlatinumDEX ICO (PTX Token): Crypto Exchange And PHW Hardware Wallet? Release Project ICO (REL Token): Blockchain Social Media News Platform? Crypto Circle Exchange ICO (CCX Token): High Performance Trading? TrustVerse ICO (TVS Token): Blockchain AI Wealth Management Planning? Cryptocoin Insurance ICO (CCIN Token): Insured Crypto Options Exchange? Dala Wala Financial Platform – Financial Banking Utility Token d ICO? GoldReward.io – GRX ICO Crypto Trading CATA-E Gold Reward System? Horyzon – ZON ICO Decentralized Crowd Mapping Blockchain? StartMining – STMG ICO Russia & Europe Cryptocurrency Mining? EZYcount ICO (EZY TaaL Token): Automated Blockchain Accounting? Lucre ICO (LCR Token): Crypto Coin Backed By Algorithmic Performance To Trade Or Hodl Truwho ICO (WHO Token): Customizable TruID Blockchain Identity For Everywhere Online? PrideCoin – XPR ICO LGBTQ Social Network Community Members? Xronos – XPO ICO Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Aggregator System? EtherBTC – Hybrid Bitcoin & Ethereum Cryptocurrency ETHB ICO? AcademyCoin – ACAD ICO Online Education & Currency Blockchain? Ammeris ICO (AMRS Token): New Blockchain Project For The Business World? Influbook ICO (BOOK Token): Influencer Marketing Blockchain Network? Lucre-Global ICO (LCRX Token): Blockchain Gambling And Casinos Project? MNode ICO (MASTER Token): Earn Cryptocurrency Income Passively? Rebglo ICO (REB Token): Blockchain Crypto Project For Energy Circulation? BEXAM ICO (MXA Token): First Hybrid Blockchain-Based Exchange? Tmrrw – Time Token ICO Los Angeles Housing & Living Blockchain? Crypto Apartments – CAA ICO Residential Crowdfunding Buildings? Peerity Review – PEER ICO Social Media Network Community Rewards? ICO Detective Campaign: Crypto Potential’s CP Token To Earn Income Being Analyst? Ivy Project ICO (IVY Token): KYC & KYT Blockchain Payment System? dClinic ICO (DHC Token): Electronic Health Record Blockchain Project? Festy ICO: Festivals Blockchain Crypto Payment And Loyalty System? InvestoLand ICO (INVE Token): Legit Cryptocurrency Investment Network? Melior ICO (MEL Token): Blockchain Artificial Intelligence For Ecommerce? XResearch ICO (XRES Token): Legit Blockchain, Crypto And ICO Investing? RIPA Exchange: ARK Blockchain Crypto Asset Trading Marketplace? AltExch ICO (AEX Token): Secure Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Winnest ICO (WNC Token): Real Blockchain Crypto Innovation Marketplace? HAB Token ICO: Smart And Secure Blockchain IoT Devices For Cities? Koilop ICO (KLP Token): Blockchain Marketplace For Freelancers? Offerzone ICO (OFZ Token): Peer To Peer Blockchain Bidding Platform? S4FE Token ICO: Blockchain For Stolen, Lost And Found Items Platform? What’s On Pic ICO (AWT Token): Blockchain Store For Every Photo? What is the Audrey Blockchain Harvester ICO (AUDREY Token) All About VAEON ICO (VAEO Token): Blockchain Personal Data Monetization Protocol? Strim Review – STR ICO On-Demand P2P Video Streaming Sensor Mining? Moneynet ICO (MNC Token): Blockchain Social Network Service Rewards? Moneynet ICO (MNC Token): Blockchain Social Network Service Rewards? Coinoor – CNR ICO Luxury Diamonds, Watches, Cars & Products? DeepOnion – Protection Anonymity Guard For Initial Coin Offerings? CoinLancer – CL ICO Cryptocurrency Freelance Jobs Blockchain? VaultBank – VB ICO Global Investment Blockchain Bank & Card? ThreeEmu 3EMU ICO – TLC Secure Network Blockchain Community? Artex – ART ICO Buy/Invest Global Art Provenance Blockchain? Cryptex Network – XET ICO 2BA Two-Biometric Authentication? Salt Coin – SCOIN ICO Europe’s Salt Commodity Cryptocurrency? Wu-Tang Clan’s Ghostface Killah Launches C.R.E.A.M. ICO Cryptocurrency IndiCoin Review – INDI ICO India’s Social Services Blockchain App? Clout Review – CLC ICO Decentralized Social Media Crypto Blockchain? TriForce Tokens Review – TFT ICO Gaming Cryptocurrency Blockchain? First Crypto ETF Review – FCTF ICO Tokens Black Card Cryptocurrency? HomeToken Review – HOME ICO Asia Real Estate Investment Profits? AAA Coin Review – Profitable CPU Mining PoW/PoS Blockchain ICO? Qvolta Review – QVT ICO Peer To Peer Cryptocurrency Fiat Exchange? SPRY ONE ICO (SPRY Token): Blockchain Loyalty Rewards By Kevin Harrington? EZMarket Review – EZM ICO Trade Digital Assets Marketplace Blockchain? The Tulip Auction – TLP ICO Token Artwork Ownership Blockchain? DealHub Network – DEAL ICO Passive Renting Income Mining Coins? SmartBillions – PLAY ICO Blockchain Lottery Smart Contracts? Munchee – MUN ICO Social Food Blockchain Review Platform App? ExHasta – EXH ICO Catalyst & Meridian Moonshot Blockchain Projects? CopPay – COP ICO Multi-Cryptocurrency Payment For Business? düber Coin – DBR ICO Cannabis Business Blockchain SAFT Tokens? WesternCoin – WNC ICO Crypto Lending, Trading & Staking MLM? MonexCrypt Review: Is Monex Crypt Capital (MCC) Crypto Trading Legit? Qobit ICO (QOBI Token): Social Crypto Trading And Bitcoin Investments? Fiinu – FNU ICO FinTech British Bank of England BIO Blockchain? PallyCoin PAL ICO Decentralized Social Travel Blockchain Network? TronWatch Market ICO (TWM Token): Safe Tron Decentralized Exchange? IZIChain ICO (IZI Token): Safe Blockchain Cryptocurrency Investing Platform? EthereumWhite ICO (ETHW Token): Legit Blockchain Crypto Project? Bitozz ICO (BOZZ Token): Crypto Trading Exchange For Futures & Options? HextraCoin – HXT ICO Cryptocurrency Trading & Profit Sharing MLM? Wyrify – WYR ICO Points Of Sale Mobile Payments Blockchain? Ushba Technologies – Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange Platform? Darex Travel ICO (DART Token): Waves Blockchain Ecommerce Platform? Bookira – BKT ICO Online Booking Services Blockchain Tokens? Snip – SNP ICO Snip Coins Blockchain News Snippets Network? Bodhi – BOT ICO Decentral Prediction Market Tokens Network? MamboCoin ICO (MBC Token): Mambo24 Blockchain Crypto Project? BlooCYS ICO (CYS Token): Choose Your Service Hiring Blockchain? Magnify Wallet (MGF Token): Safe Cryptocurrency Storage And Card? ORET Token ICO: Gold Mining And Blockchain Crypto Project? FreeCash ICO (PRIZE Token): Crypto Mining Casino Powered By Players’ Device? Rpay – RTK ICO Retail Shopping Cryptocurrency Payment Tokens? ListICO – LIP ICO Initial Coin Offering Listing Service Tokens? SaharaChain ICO – AI Cryptocurrency Exchange Payment Gateway? Pantercon ICO (PANX Token): Blockchain Business Startup Network? ICOMG – 100% Anonymous Initial Coin Offering Token Investing? AmberPort – AMBR ICO Duty-Free Zone Jewelry Chain Stores? BioCoin – BIO ICO Local Farmers & Natural Producers Loyalty? J-Coin ICO – Japan Bank To Issue Own Cryptocurrency Tokens? Titus Community – Is Titus Coin Blockchain Cryptocurrency Legit? SqPay – SQP ICO Cryptocurrency Real Estate Investment Blockchain? Hagglin – RNT ICO Ribbits Blockchain Peer 2 Peer Marketplace? Fizcal – FIZ ICO Fizcal Accounting Blockchain Software & App? BitAir – BTCA ICO Travel & Tourism Blockchain Payment App? Proteania – PRN ICO Cryptocurrency Exchange & Wallet Tokens? DLS Academy – DLT ICO Decentralized Learning System Academy? OREN Platform – OREN ICO Gaming Cryptocurrency Blockchain? AirCraft ICO (AIRT Token): Blockchain Travel Rewards For Flights, Hotels, Cars And Events GameCoin – GMC ICO Gaming Cryptocurrency For All Games? Digmus – DGM ICO Anti-Counterfeit Goods Tracking Blockchain? Circles – CRC ICO Social Media Content Appreciation Project? Sunlight Coin – SUN ICO Charitable Cryptocurrency Donations? TingoCoin – TCN ICO Africa’s Agricultural Blockchain System? Mingo Coin – MGT ICO Cryptocurrency Messenger Tutor Tokens? VirtuTV – VRTU ICO Video Consumption Monetization Virtucoins? Open Money – OPEN ICO Blockchain Software Application Stacks? ICOBox ICOS Token – Initial Coin Offering Blockchain Growth Aid? Hackspace Capital – HAC ICO Cryptocurrency Blockchain Crowdfunding? Oryx Cash Investment Platform Plans to Benefit Crypto Blockchain Startups Aimwise AIM ICO – Initial Coin Offering Token Hosting System? Galactikka – GALA ICO Paid Content Social Network Ad Platform? Little Phil ICO (LPC Token): Philanthropist Charitable Giving Cryptocurrency? CryptoChat App Review: New Crypto Community For Bitcoin and 山寨币 FaceCoin – FC ICO Friendly Social Networking Blockchain Tokens? CitiCash ICO (CCH Token): Easy To Use Cryptocurrency And Coin Analysis? Cryptonomos – Top Initial Coin Offering Market Platform? Sand Coin – SND ICO High Quality Real Sand Blockchain Option? All In One Coins – AIO ICO Cryptocurrency Investment Tokens? Commodity Ad Network – CDX ICO Content Creators/Advertisers? WalletRecovery.info: Revolutionary Bitcoin Wallet Recovery Service? BeFirst Review: Legit Initial Coin Offering Business Services To Use? GONT ICO Token: Blockchain Virtual Machine Sharding And Service? 433 Token ICO: Soccer Sports Fan Blockchain Smart Contract Platform? Argyle Coin ICO (RGL Token): Natural Fancy Colored Diamonds Cryptocurrency? Carmel ICO Token: EOS Blockchain Website And dApps Education Platform Artpro ICO (APT Token): Art Blockchain To Buy, Sell And Trust Marketplace? Metamo – MTM ICO Encrypted Workers Platform Cryptocurrency? Rent Token – Landlord/Tenant Real Estate Renting Blockchain ICO? nTitle ICO (NTL Token): Blockchain Commerce For Game Developers? Crypto Reports – Bitcoin & 山寨币 Cryptocurrency Evolution Guide? Commerce Coin – COM ICO Cryptocurrency Payment Blockchain? V-Coins – Global Hybrid Cryptocurrency With Real Value Deposit? Giftz – Waulit & ItCoin ICO BTC Gifting Network Loyalty Rewards? BlockLoan ICO (BLL Token): Blockchain Loan Lending Banking Platform? Thrill Platform ICO (TNX Token): Blockchain Travel, View & Adventure? XTOCK Token ICO: Blockchain Tokenizing OTC Stock Market Platform? Catena Token ICO: Decentralized Exchange & COMAI Order Matching AI? OiCOiN Token ICO: Crystallized Osmium Precious Metal Investment Coin? SportsFix ICO (SFT Token): Blockchain Sports Live Streaming Events? Fieldcoin Token ICO: Blockchain Agricultural Farm Land Marketplace? BrokerNeko ICO (BNN Token): Blockchain Smart Contracts Network? Tocean ICO (TCEN Token): Blockchain Ocean Protection Foundation? MiMiner ICO (MIT Token): Profitable Crypto Mining Equipment Hosting? μNEST ICO (NEST Token): Trusted Blockchain + IoT Data Security Project? Chainconnect ICO (COT Token): Core AI Crypto Trader, Exchange & Marketplace? Paket ICO (BUL Token): Global Blockchain Delivery Network On Stellar? Madana ICO (PAX Token): Lisk Blockchain MArket For DAta ANAlysis? Stem Cell Coin ICO (SCC Token): Blockchain Healthcare Medical Project? Cybercube ICO (СYBE Token): Blockchain eSports Betting & Events? Kratos ICO (TOS Token): Blockchain Physical Commodities Trading? KartBlock ICO (KART Token): 27avenue Blockchain Ecom Marketplace? CafeCoin: Columbia University’s Blockchain Payments System? Jullar ICO (JUL Token): Blockchain Platform For Companies & Investors? Sansox ICO (AQUA Token): Blockchain Clean Water Treatment Project? Stacktical ICO (DSLA Token): Blockchain Service Level Management? Aora ICO: Blockchain Crypto Shopping And Buying Platform? CareParrot ICO (CPX Token): Blockchain Patient & Doctor Healthcare? Geeba Token ICO: Blockchain Delivery Service Using AI & Robots? Tokeneo ICO (TEO Token): Community-Based Cryptocurrency Exchange? Excalibur ICO (XOS Token): Blockchain Computer Operating System? Gemstra ICO (GMS Token): Blockchain Social Selling Astra Platform? Deliverers Power Token ICO: Blockchain Delivery & DPT Cryptocurrency? Inflr Coin ICO: Connect Influencers And Advertisers Blockchain Network? GoodGameCenter ICO (GGC Token): Blockchain Gamers Rewards Coin? IGT-Crypto ICO (IGTT Token): In Good Traders Cryptocurrency Exchange? Buddy ICO (BUD Token): Blockchain Development Automation Platform? Swing ICO (SWG Token): Blockchain Golf Game Business Platform? JoorsChain Coin ICO (JIC Token): Blockchain Digital Advertising System? LayerProtocol ICO (LRX Token): Blockchain Reputation Sharing System? MyCryptoBank ICO (MCB Token): Community Cryptocurrency Bank? StartWaves ICO (SWC Token): Blockchain Crowd Impacting Platform? Limitlex ICO (LMX Token): Smart Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Incodium ICO (INCO Token): Crypto Exchange Hacking Risk Management? ClinTex ICO (CLX Token): Blockchain Clinical Trials Intelligence (CTi) Platform? PlexCoin – Bitcoin Ethereum Cryptocurrency Investment Scam? Cartesi ICO (ERG Token): Blockchain For Real World Computations? Republia ICO (RPB Token): Decentralized Blockchain Community Platform? Builderium ICO (BUILD Token): Construction Workers & Contractors Clients Platform? CryptovationX ICO (CXA Token): Blockchain AI Robo-Advisory Investor? MaraChain ICO (MARA Token): Blockchain Digital Document Exchange? Snapparazzi ICO (SnapCoin Token): Blockchain Media Sharing Rewards? TalentSnap ICO (TSC Token): Blockchain AI Hiring Process Automation? Americanbit ICO (AMERI Token): Crypto Social Network On Waves Blockchain? RubyX ICO (RBY Token): Crytpo Exchange, Marketplace And Secure Wallet? HiP Token ICO: Digital Asset Exchange For Real Estate Market? Luxico – Rich & Famous Luxury Cryptocurrency LUX Coin Token ICO? Latium – Ethereum Blockchain Microtasking LAT ICO Token Sale? Nomad.Space ICO (NSP Token): Blockchain Hotel Room Booking Platform? Reipex ICO (RXT Token): Legit Blockchain Cryptocurrency Project? Securix ICO (SRXIO Token): Crowdfunded Crypto Mining For Bitcoin Profits? Conventment ICO (CNVT Token): Blockchain Cannabis IoT Logistics Platform? August927 ICO (AUG Token): Blockchain Crypto Venture Capitalist System? EarthCycle ICO (EC Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency Funding Pool? FReeStart ICO (FRS Token): Free Society Blockchain Cryptocurrency? GastroAdvisor ICO (FORK Token): Blockchain Restaurants & Customers Platform? Libellum ICO (LIB Token): Blockchain Supply Chain Verification Platform? Masternode Invest ICO (MS Token): Real Cryptocurrency Mining Profits? Buying ICO (BUY Token): Blockchain E-Commerce Crypto Platform? CheckCar ICO (CCR Token): Blockchain Car Diagnostics And Selection Platform? Vidion ICO (VIDI Token): Blockchain Freelance Video Journalism Platform? 8-Circuit Studios ICO (8BT Token): Blockchain Video Game Network? Backpack Travel ICO (BP Token): Blockchain Travel Credit Platform? Qovar Coin ICO (QC Token): Decentralized Blockchain Cryptocurrency? BdaQ ICO (BDAQ Token): Trade Cryptocurrencies Before Exchange Listings? Bucky Coin ICO (BCC Token): Blockchain Content Services Network? Food Nation ICO (FOOD Token) : Blockchain Meal Delivery Marketplace? Out Of The Cloud ICO (OUT Token): Blockchain Data File Sharing App? Bitwoex ICO (BWX Token): Semi-Decentralized Exchange And BCH Marketplace? Make Token ICO: Blockchain Social Media Rewards Crypto Coin? IOU ICO (IOUX Token): Ecommerce Blockchain Loyalty System Platform? Topex ICO (TPX Token): Cryptocurrency Exchange Trading Platform? Golden Fleece – Profitable 山寨币 Cryptocurrency Mining GFL ICO? PayperEx – Alternative Share Blockchain Network PAX Token ICO? Coopet Blockchain Digital Dragon Video Game to Launch COO Token ICO Enzym ICO (ZYM Token): Local In Real Life Social Blockchain Game Network? Cuprum ICO Token: Copper Metal Mining Company Exchange? Everest ICO: EverID Token, EverChain, EverWallet And CRDT Cryptocurrency Ledgity ICO (LTY Token): Blockchain Security Token Investment Platform? VogoV ICO (OGO Coin): Interactive Hollywood Adult Studio Blockchain? Hubii Network – HBT Hubiits ICO For Blockchain Content Marketplace? Angenium ICO (ANG Token): Blockchain For Transforming Waste Into Jewel? Phenomenal Network ICO (PN Token): Blockchain Ad & Affiliate Network? ImpalaCoin ICO (ICN Token): Crypto Trade And Banking In Africa Markets? Beverage Cash ICO (BC Token): Wine And Craft Alcohol Market Coin? Filotech ICO (FILO Token): Singapore And Asia Real Time Services Network? SprinkleCoin ICO (SCOI Token): Blockchain Social Network Investing? Neironix ICO (NRX Token): Analytical Blockchain Project Rating Agency? DataChoice ICO (DCT Token): Controlling Personal Data On Blockchain? Trufield ICO (TRUF Token): Blockchain Electronic Medical Records Coin? UbeCoin ICO (UBE Token): Smart Cryptocurrency Trade And Business? TwoGap ICO (TGT Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency Bonds Platform? Roar Token ICO: Angry Panda Coin For Boosting Cryptocurrency Use? Rubius ICO (RUBY Token): Blockchain And Cryptocurrency Finance Coin? WeBuy ICO (WBY Token): Virtual Blockchain Commerce Marketplace? AI Zeus Blockchain ICO (AZS Token): High Capacity Blockchain Network? Turkey Energy Token ICO (XTRL Token): Solar Blockchain-Based Exchange? Yanu Token ICO: Blockchain-Based Service Robot, A Bartending Unit? Labtorum ICO (LTR Token): ETH ERC20 Wallet For Profit On Trading? Capverto ICO (CAP Token): Blockchain Prepaid Card & Lending Platform? ICOSHIP – New Initial Coin Offering List & Cryptocurrency Projects? Biger ICO (BIGER Token): Blockchain Crypto Asset Management Project? Diana ICO (DIA Token): Cosmic Cryptocurrency Blockchain Project? Internacional Coin ICO (Inter Token): Crypto Trading & Financing Platform? LoveBlock ICO (DDD Token): Blockchain For Online Dating Security? Centive ICO (XTV Token): Blockchain Business Incentive Network? Smart City Coin Test Network ICO (SCTTN Token): Blockchain Smart Home? AlpenCoin – ML Invest German E-Commerce ALP ICO Tokens? Rocket ICO – ROCK Token Initial Coin Offering Start-up dApp Service? 1000BTCEZY – Legit Way To Make Bitcoin Virtual Currency Program? SGAT Token ICO: Custom Blockchain & Smart Contrat Solution? SleeCoin ICO (SLEE Token): Short-Term Blockchain Real State Rental Project? TAChain ICO (TCHN Token): Targeted Advertising Blockchain System? Mediex ICO (MDX Token): Blockchain Medical Device Development? Cindx ICO (CINX Token): Blockchain Crypto Asset Investment Manager? SyntheticsAI ICO (SYNT Token): Blockchain AI Market Business Reports? MozoCoin ICO (MOZO Token): Indoor Positioning Sysem For Offline Traffic? Museums Chain ICO (MSM Token): Blockchain Virtual Museum Platform? CryptoLink Network ICO (CLN Token): Blockchain Financial Oracle Network? DexisChain ICO (DCPT Token): Blockchain Real Estate Investment Platform? ExBitrade ICO (XBT Token): Blockchain Authenticity & Ownership Platform? COINadmin: Advanced ICO Launch Software Solution Platform? Humbyl Coin ICO (HBL Token): Blockchain Fantasy Sports Crypto Platform? Egypt CryptoCoin ICO (EGY Token): Legit Cryptocurrency Project? Helixhills ICO (HILL Token): Blockchain Freelancing Service Market? EverLife.AI ICO (EVER Token): Immutable Blockchain AI Avatar Network? ACESO ICO (ASO Token): Decentralized Internet Cybersecurity Project? Coopex ICO (COOP Token): Cooperative Decentralized Crypto Exchange? How ApolloX Can Change E-Commerce with Blockchain Technology Clash & GO ICO (CGO Token): Real Time AR Blockchain Game? MatchDiary ITO (Mediar Token): Social Betting Football Platform? TOPL: Blockchain Supporting High-Yield Crypto Investment Protocol Investre Network Token: Blockchain CryptoFinance Collateral Management? Philanthor ICO (PTH Token): Crowdsourced Positive Social Impact? H Education World ICO (HCoin): Blockchain Student Learning Platform? AliveCasino ICO (AL Token): Virtual Reality Gambling Experience? Cremit ICO (CRMT Token): Crypto Volatility Insurance & Exchange? Custom Deal ICO (CDL Token): All In One Travel Solution? Hashbon ICO (HASH Token): Universal Blockchain Framework? SAFCoin ICO: Exclusive South African Cryptocurrency And Wallet? Virtual Rehab ICO (VRH Token): AI & VR Therapy Treatment Platform? Serve Token: Blockchain Logistics Platform For Last Mile Delivery Service? ICO: Gruut Network, A Fully Decentralized P2P Public Ledger Harbour – Ethereum-Based DAO HRB Token Asset Management? OmniBazaar (OmniCoin): Blockchain Ecommerce CrytpoBazaar Network? Exceed IO ICO (EXC Token): Blockchain-Based Data Management? MySmartProperty ICO (MSPT Token): Real State Smart Contracts? Marqyt ICO (MRQ Token): Brand Protection And Authentication? Teledactyl ICO (TDCL Token): Healthcare Records On Blockchain? Lendelta ICO (DLTA Token): AI Powered Crypto Trading Platform? GreenEMiner ICO (GECO Token): Eco-Friendly HydroElectric Miner? Web Innovation PH ICO (WEBN Token): Website Design & App Service? Stealth Project ICO (STELZ Token): Coin Mixing Crypto Wallet? Electrominer ICO (ELM Token): Solar-Powered Blockchain Crypto Mining? CustomCoin ICO (CC Token): Construction Financing Platform? Rateonium ICO (RTC Token): Anonymous Blockchain Rating Service? TradeTex ICO (TDX Token): Legit Commission Free Crypto Exchange? UNCHAINET ICO (UNET Token): Blockchain Cloud Computing Network? ADAB Token ICO: Shariah Compliant Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? eTolar ICO (ETL Token): Digital Currency, Asset And Utility Platform? Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT Coin): Gold & Silver Crypto Monetary System? ClearCost ICO (CCWT Token): Blockchain Travel Agency Membership? Scorpio Protocol ICO (SPC Coin): Blockchain Protocol & App Layer? CD Currency ICO: Universal Coin International ‘s Cryptocurrency? IDGO ICO (KINWA Token): Blockchain Tourism Community Project? Real Estate Doc ICO (RED Token): Blockchain Real Estate Leasing Platform? X-Block ICO (XCC Token): Blockchain Fog Computing System? AllCare ICO (ALCR Token): Blockchain Freelancer Healthcare Benefits? Green Energy Company ICO (GEC Token): Treat Waste To Power Mining? DateMe ICO (DMX Token): Real Blockchain Matchmaking Dating System? ZapCash ICO (ZPC Token): Decentralized Blockchain Lending Program? Chanjinn ICO: Cryptocurrency And Fiat Payment Wallet System? Dinngo ICO (DGO Token): Mobile Crypto Exchange & Cold Wallet? kheper ICO (KHP Token): Blockchain Gambling Software Tokenization? SharkGate ICO (SHKG Token): Incentivized Hacker Website Protection? eMusic (eMU Token): Blockchain Music Distribution And Royalty Rewards? Cryptoleaf ICO (CLF Token): Eco-Friendly Green Blockchain Crypto Project? KryptoPal ICO (KPX Token): Blockchain App Development Platform? Sidera ICO (eQUOS Token): Blockchain Wearable Crypto Wallet Device? Tombola ICO (TBL Token): Fair Blockchain Lottery Gambling Service? Yezcoin ICO (YEZ Token): Secure Decentralized Crypto Exchange? ATLANTICO Network ICO (ATL Token): Blockchain Medical Health Services? BlockLicense ICO (LCN Token): Decentralized Licensing And Funding? REMIIT ICO (REMI Token): Blockchain Remittance Payment Platform? IMDEX ICO (IMDX Token): Decentralized Exchange & Crypto Banking Platform? Arizn ICO (AALT Token): Decentralized Social Community Investments? Supload ICO (SUP Token): Blockchain Image And GIF Profit Sharing Model? Woonkly ICO (WNK Token): Blockchain For Brands, Ads & Audience? PropPush ICO (PSH Token): Blockchain Real Estate Property Service? Biser ICO (BRC Token): Blockchain Chat & Business Payment System? Galion ICO (GLN Token): Blockchain Personal Finance Marketplace? UTile Network ICO (UTL Token): Crypto Asset Investment Management? BlackBox Foundation ICO (BBOS Token): Blockchain AI Business Network? VICTORTOKEN ICO (VIC Token): Blockchain Sports Prediction Games? Emanate ICO (MN8 Token): Blockchain Music Audio Exchange Protocol? INLOCK ICO (ILK Token): Cryptocurrency Lending Liquidity Network? LiMiNALiTY ICO (LMN Token): Blockchain Limin Cryptocurrency Network? Tempow ICO (TEMP Token): Blockchain Crypto Exchange Marketplace Club? ConferenceCoin ICO: Blockchain CoinCo Conference Market Platform? GAPro ICO (GPC Token): Blockchain Verification as a Service System? Mine Invest ICO (MIV Token): Blockchain Crypto Mining Mobile App? ReMoneta ICO (RET Token): Blockchain Land-Backed Real Estate System? MarbCoin Token ICO: Blockchain Real Estate Property Financing Project? MarketSpace ICO (GMC Token): Smart Gem4me Buy & Sell Platform? SciDex ICO (SDX Token): Blockchain Scientific Data Exchange & Business Protocol Block Sports ICO (BSX Token): Blockchain Sports Betting Exchange? DressCode ICO (DRESS Token): Blockchain Fashion Project Platform? Trade Pharma Network ICO (TXP Token): Medical Brokerage Platform? ioeX Token ICO: Blockchain Internet of Everything & IoT P2P Network? MediLOT ICO (LOT Token): Blockchain AI Healthcare Data Record Platform? TokenBacon ICO (BAK Token): Blockchain Cloud Service & Wallet Project? FORESTING: Blockchain Social Media Rating Rewards Network? HighVibe Network: Blockchain Personal Development Learning Protocol? TokenAire ICO (AIRE Token): Blockchain Personalized Social Network? Pixie Coin ICO (PXE Token): Local Business Payment Rewards Blockchain? Natmin ICO (NAT Token): Decentralized Blockchain Escrow Service? LinkEye ICO (LET Token): Blockchain Credit Alliance Finance Services? KiMex ICO (KMX Token): Blockchain Binary Options App Platform? GNY Token ICO: Decentralized Machine Learning Blockchain? Arevalor ICO (ORB Token): Blockchain Real Estate Land Property Platform? Universal Recognition Token ICO (URT Coin): Employee Rewards Program? CoinAnalyst ICO (COY Token): Cryptocurrency Trading AI Software App? Quio ICO (QUIO Token): Another Cryptocurrency Scam Project Gone? Bitsive Exchange ICO (SIV Token): Crypto Trading Bots, Tools & Charts? ReBornBloc ICO (RBE Token): Renewable Energy Cryptocurrency Coin? Ultra Travel Pay ICO (UTP Token): Blockchain Tourism Platform Coin? iLink2Music ICO (ELINK Token): Blockchain Social Media Music Entertainment? HEdpAY ICO (HDP Token): Blockchain Banking Cryptocurrency Project? Qubit Protocol ICO (QPT Token): Blockchain Quantum Computing Platform? XAYA Coin ICO (CHI Token): Blockchain Gaming, Wallet & Asset Manager? TITA Project Token ICO: Africa’s Blockchain Global Trade Network? Alfa Enzo ICO (NZO Token): Blockchain Social Networking Marketplace? Covalent ICO (COVA Token): Smart Blockchain Data Policy Platform? BodyOne ICO (BODY Token): Blockchain Fitness, Sports & Spinning Bike Network? VegaWallet ICO (VGW Token): Cryptocurrency Exchange & Wallet App? AXNET ICO (AXN Token): Licensed Crypto Asset Exchange Network? Zillios (ZLST Token): Blockchain Smart Contracts For Real Estate Properties? Re:factor ICO (REFT Token): Blockchain Trade Receivables Platform? Gramarye Media Lumiere Token ICO: Legit Crypto Asset Security System? HubCoin – Ethereum Startup Cryptocurrency HUB ICO Blockchain? DT Coin – Diamond Temple Cryptocurrency Business Opportunity? Soarcoin – Ethereum Blockchain Instant Payment Money System? TycoonCoin ICO (TTC Token): Blockchain Loan Lending Crypto Profits? NONECoin ICO (NCO Token): Blockchain Trust Contracts Network? Monarch ICO (MT & MTS Token): Online Stores Crypto Payment Exchange? DxChain: Big Data And Machine Learning Blockchain Network? AI Opinion ICO (AIOP Token): Blockchain Medicine & Healthcare Advice? Word of Mouth Pro ICO (WMPRO Token): Blockchain Authenticator System? Svper ICO (SVP Token): Blockchain Instant Meeting Socializing Online? UCoin Token ICO: Useful Asset-Backed Cryptocurrency For Payments? PocketCon ICO (POC Token): Blockchain Digital Marketplace Community? P2PEP ICO (PEP Token): Blockchain Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platform? OpenBrix ICO (BRIX Token): Blockchain Real State Property Network? Klabrate Green Dollar Token ICO: Legit Cryptocurrency Project? Gagapay ICO (GTA Token): Blockchain Smart Marketing Network? Koynce ICO (KOYN Token): Safe Smart Exchange Bot For Auto Trading? The Fortune Fund ICO (FUN Token): Tokenized Crypto Index FUNd? Swipe Token ICO: Blockchain Mobile App Crypto Network Monetizing? BridgeX Network (BXN Token): Blockchain Crypto Collateralized Lending? Treechain Network ICO (TNC Token): Blockchain IoT Tree Planting Project? Bravo ICO (BVO Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency Payments App? Ethereum Plus – ETHP ICO Token For Decentralized Blockchain Apps? Teambrella ICO (TMB Token): Social Blockchain Insurance Coverage App? Blinked ICO (BLKD Token): Blockchain Recommendation Rewards Network? BitDepositary ICO (BTD Token): ICO Funding Crypto Investor Community? Deneum ICO (DNM Token): Power Station For Low-Cost Energy Generation? ShareMe Music ICO (SMM Token): Artists And Fans Blockchain Platform? Contents Protocol ICO (CPT Token): Blockchain Content Exchange? bZx ICO (BZRX Token): Decentralized Margin Trading Exchange Network? Subaj Global Network ICO (SBJ Token): Blockchain Rewards Marketplace? A2B Direct – Online Cargo Logistics Delivery ICO Token Sale Blockchain? Impak (MPK Token): Blockchain For Responsible Consumption Rewards? CoinCooper ICO (CCX Token): Cryptoc Exchange For Blockchain Assets? ByTheWay ICO (BTWAY Token): Blockchain Entertainment Rewards? Freldo ICO (FRENC Token): Blockchain Business Social Service Network? Blue One Coin ICO (BLU Token): Blockchain Advertising Terminal Platform? Tootyr ICO (TRT Token): Global Blockchain Tutor Education System? Tokenize Xchange ICO (TKX Token): Quality Crypto Trading Platform? Jupiter Chain ICO (JUPT Token): Smart Consentable Blockchain Data Exchange? Callibeaz Mining Company Token: CMC Crypto Mining Business? Starta ICO – Cryptocurrency Asset Accelerator Portfolio Investment? UEToken – Useless Ethereum Token Initial Coin Offering UET Tokens? Yamzu ICO (YMZ Token): Blockchain eSports Gaming Tournament Platform? VARANIDA ICO (VAR Token): Blockchain Verified Advertising Protocol? Mit-Ra ICO (MTA Token): Blockchain Water Crisis Ai-Mit Health Project? Elyqd ICO (LYQD Token): Decentralized Blockchain Vaping Marketplace? VTUUR Token ICO: Blockchain Virtual Reality Mobile Streaming Platform? Humanscape ICO (HUM Token): Patient-Generated Health Data Hub? Instoken ICO (INSTA Token): Blockchain Integrated Services Network? BeCoin ICO (BEC Token): Legit Blockchain Cryptocurrency Coin Project? Bitcademy ICO (BTMG Token): Blockchain Football Player Investment Coin? Caloriecoin ICO (CAL Token): Rewarding Calorie Control & Exercise Platform? RIKNKT ICO (RIK Token): Blockchain Powered Cancer Treatment Method? TruePlay ICO (TPLAY Token): Blockchain Gambling Industry Platform? WeBloc ICO (WEB Token): Blokchain Tokenized Advertising Alliance Project? Sports Ledger ICO (SPSL Token): Blockchain Sports Data-Driven Platform? UpStake ICO (UPS Token): Unique Token Investment Platform? GabroTech ICO (GBO Token): Blockchain Loyalty Rewards Platform? Argentas ICO (AXU Token): Financial System Blockchain Project? Amalgam ICO (AMG Token): Unhackable Supply Chain & AI Project? bitXbit ICO (BXB Token): Green Mining, ABITback & HarperMILLS Projects? Counos ICO: What Is Counos Coin, Cash, Gold & Silver Tokens? Support Chain ICO (SUP Token): Blockchain Jobs & Charity Platform? 12Ships Token ICO: Smart Mining, Contracts, Monitoring & Voting? Creatanium ICO (CMB Token): PLMP Fintech’s Blockchain Ecosystem? Ephelants360 ICO (XEP Token): Blockchain Film & TV Software Production? KuBitX ICO (KBX Token): Quality Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Papusha ICO (PRT Token): Blockchain Rocket & Space Fuel Oil Technology? FighterCoin ICO (FGC Token): Blockchain Fighter Sports Talent Platform? Matou Exchange: Legit Cryptocurrency Trading Platform? AlkebulanCoin ICO (AKB Token): Africa’s Crypto On Waves Blockchain? Buratino Papa Carlo ICO (BUR Token): Multi-Mining System (SHA-256 & SCRYPT) ScienceRoot ICO (SCIENCE Token): Blockchain Scientific Research Funding? Digital Reserve Network (DRN Token): Cryptocurrency Lending Project? Quantler ICO (QUANT Token): Automated Crypto Investment Funds? Briastorm ICO (BST Token): Blockchain Advertising & Marketing Platform? Crypto Asset Rating ICO (AND Token): Algorithm Based Valuations? CryptoSouk ICO (SOUK Token): Feature Rich Crypto Asset Exchange? Cyronium ICO (CYRO Token): Gold-Backed Capital Assistance For SME? DAN-Service ICO (DANS Token): Advertisement Exchange Network? EyeGlob ICO (EYE Token): Vision Health Care Tools & Information? iUVOCoin ICO (IUVO Token): P2P Lending With Smart Contracts? Mindexcoin (MIC Token): Cryptocurrency Online Payment Platform? Vertex ICO (VTEX Token): Initial Coin Offering Aftermarket? iRespo Token ICO: EOS Blockchain Polls & Surveys Project? Time Money ICO (TMoney Token): Pay For Services By The Minute? Payment Solutions International ICO (PSI Token): Legit Lending Financial Services? TeraWATT ICO (LED Token): Decentralized DAO LED Lighting Adoption Project? Rivetz ICO – Rivetz Decentralized Mobile CyberSecurity RvT Token Sale? Ternion ICO (TRN Token): Licensed Hybrid Crypto Trading Exchange VMC ICO (VAI Token): Decentralized Transportation Solution? Digital Developers Fund – DDF ICO Cryptocurrency Asset Investing? Royal Kingdom Coin – Dubai RKC Smart Contract Blockchain Technology? DEX ICO – Ethereum Classic ETC Commonwealth Token Fund Raiser? Gnome Invasion ICO (GIT Token): Collect Blockchain Gaming-Cards? Genuine Fashion Token: Blockchain Forged Fashion Authentication Project? Ankr Token ICO: Trusted Blockchain Cloud Computing Network? Nitroneum ICO (XTN Token): Ethereum Blockchain AI Cryptocurrency? Alphateca ICO (ATEC Token): Crypto Goods & Services Marketplace? Bloxia ICO (BLOX Token): Blockchain AI Expert Community Accelerator? NeuroSeed ICO (NSD Token): Blockchain Marketplace For AI & ML? VolAir ICO (VOL Token): Blockchain Private Jet Charter Booking Program Futurax ICO (FXC Token): Cryptocurrency Trading Exchanger Platform? Set4Earth ICO (SET Coin): Save Environment Token Cryptocurrency? BlocVehicle ICO (VCL Token): Blockchain Car Sharing For Rewards? Finnoq ICO (FNQ Token): Blockchain Crowdsourced Financial Advice Protocol FundersToken ICO: Blockchain CRM Business Toolset & Smart Token Platform? Norton Exchange (NRT): Legit Cryptocurrency Coin Trading Platform? Yudi ICO (XYD Token): Deep Learning Crypto Arbitrage Trading Platform? The Rentals Network ICO (TRT Token): Decentralized Vacation Booking Dapp? Postalgia ICO – Prints Photo Sharing Applicaton Using Blockchain? SmartContractChain ICO (SCC Token): Blockchain Crowfunding Platform? ShopperCoin ICO (SCO Token): Blockchain Loyalty & Cashback Crypto? Fondo Network: Quality Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? International Science Hub ICO (ST Token): Scientific Blockchain Coin? GSC Aviation ICO (GSCP Token): Aeronautical Supply Chain Tracking? Ludum ICO (LUD Token): Trusted Stellar Based Lottery Platform? Review Network ICO (REW Token): Trusted User Feedback Rewards? Stayge ICO (STG Token): Rewarding Fans For Social Sharing? SupPorter ICO (SP Token): Blockchain Fundraising & Donating Transparency? Cyber Capital Invest ICO (CCI Token): Crypto Fund With Traders Profit? Hoyos Risen Coin ICO (RSN Token): Unhackable Smartphone Cryptocurrency? Monetizr (MTZ Token): Blockchain Game Rewards Engine & Wallet? Asian Develop Coin (ADC Token): Blockchain Fundraising Asia Projects? Coal Coin ICO (CLC Token): Blockchain Hard Coal Investment Product? ExToke ICO (XTO Token): Fee Free Decentralized Crypto Exchange? MixRent ICO (MIX Token): Decentralized Rent & Share Vehicles Platform? Ponics.Tech ICO (POT Token): Blockchain Aeroponics Plant Cultivation? Humancoin ICO (HUMA Token): Blockchain Philanthropy Charity Platform? Chrysalis Coin ICO (CWH Token): Children’s Cryptocurrency Project? Hedger Tech ICO (HDR Token): Crypto Investor Hedging Insurance Platform? Officium ICO (OFC Token): Blockchain Trading Services Marketplace? Anti-Derivative Token ICO (ADVT Coin): OTC Derivatives Trading Collateral? AXEL Token ICO: What Is AXEL Pay & Content Marketplace App? GGRocket ICO (GGT Token): EOS Blockchain In-Game Escrow Service? Local Token Exchange ICO (LTE Token): P2P Crypto Trading Platform? MoolyaCoin ICO (MOOLYA Token): Global Blockchain Startup Communities? TradeInvest Coin ICO (TINC Token): Earn Profits From Crypto Trading? TradeRiser (XTI Token): Blockchain AI Research Crypto Trading Assistant? Kineticex Revolution ICO (KRC Token): Blockchain Payments Platform? RevenYOU ICO (YOU Token): Blockchain AI Bot Crypto Trading App? Careon Chain ICO (REO Token): Blockchain Hybrid Vehicle Platform? LipChain ICO (LIPS Token): Decentralized Surfers & Sponsors Training Project? CryptAssist ICO (CTA Coin): Useful Cryptocurrency Management Tools? EPIK Token ICO: BLMP Blockchain In-Games & In-Apps Collectibles Rewards? MeFy Token ICO: Decentralized Human Healthcare Blockchain? Glass Cube I-Chain ICO (ICHN Token): Secure Blockchain Insurance Platform? Yellow Better ICO (YBT Token): Blockchain Language Learning Education? Aethercoin ICO (ATH Token): Typhon Decentralized Crypto Exchange? OneGame ICO (OGT token): Blockchain Virtual World For Gamers? 4ARTechnologies ICO (4ART Coin): Artwork Forgery-Proof Blockchain? EcryptoStore Free Marketplace ICO (FMT Token): Crypto Marketplace? Commit GOOD Token ICO: Blockchain Fundraising Charity Project? Voco ICO (VOCT Token): Social Engagement Tool Increases Sales? Soar Skymap ICO (SKYM Token): Global Blockchain Drone Content Map? 27V ICO (27V Token): Earn Rewards By Reviewing Restaurants? AMO Foundation ICO (AMO Coins): Car Data Blockchain Market? Fruition Token ICO (FTT Coin): Agricultural Investment Opportunity? Helix3 ICO (HLX Token): Blockchain Health Rewards Platform? TCoin Network ICO (TOCN Token): Community Voted IoT Projects? Incent Loyalty ICO (INCNT Token): Decentralized Reward Program? SmartPesa Credible ICO (PESA Token): Credit Data For SMEs? Chelle Coin ICO (CHL Token): Blockchain Real Estate Cryptocurrency Launches ICO Token Ojooo ICO (OJX Token): Blockchain Project For Advertisers & Investors? BigONE ICO (ONE Token): Blockchain Crypto Trading Exchange App? InRating ICO (INT Token): e-Voting Social Network On Blockchain? eLocations ICO (LOC Token): Real Estate Blockchain Marketplace? Global Pay Net ICO (GPN Token) Review: Financial Blockchain Platform? Global Wasp ICO (GloW Token): Decentralized WiFi Internet Service? Unboxed ICO (NBOX Token): Blockchain Social Media Content Rewards? Veroneum ICO (VRN Token): Cloud Mining, Exchange & Invest Box? Smart Refinery Technologies ICO (SRT Token): Oil Blockchain Network? Monopoly ICO (MNP Token): Decentralized Blockchain Investment Platform? Diveco ICO (XDIV Token): Blockchain Tangle Logistics & ERP System? Askabl ICO (ASK Token): AI Digital Assistant For Search Queries? Simpex ICO (SPX Token): Cryptocurrency Exchange, Payments & Wallet? Trends Project ICO (TRND Token): Community For Trading Analysis? TrigID ICO (ID Token): Blockchain Digital Identity Verification Database? Agate ICO (AGT Token): Instant Payment Platform Reduces Risk? AltCashier ICO (ALTCX Token): Reliable P2P 山寨币 Exchange? Nythro ICO (NTR Coin): Utility Token For Mass Transit Services? TrustBar ICO (TSB Token): Crypto DEX Allows Cross-Chain Trading? MGL Token ICO: All-In-One Forex, Crypto & Stock Market Trading? Enumbra ICO (ENB Token): Blockchain Micropayment App System? FeedChain ICO (FEED Token): Home Restaurant Blockchain Platform? DeStream ICO (DST Token): Financial Blockchain For Streamers? Fluxorin ICO (TFT Token): Blockchain-Based Music Streaming? DNX Digital Nomad Community ICO (DNX Token): Blockchain?Remote Workforce? GreenWorld Farm ICO (GWF Token): Blockchain Organic Farming? EthMark ICO (EMTC Token): Safe Blockchain Real Estate Investment? StorePlex ICO (PLEX Token): Blockchain Goods & Services Marketplace? Crypto Open Search ICO (CRORE Token): Safe Bitcoin Trading Exchange? TipSmart ICO (TSM Token): Convert Pocket Change Into Cryptocurrency? Veio ICO (VEO Token): Blockchain Renewable Energy Cryptocurrency? CoinUs Wallet: Human-To-Blockchain Business Platform & Token ICO? DigiDex ICO (DGX Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency POS Payments? Gramaton ICO (GRAN Token): Blockchain Crypto Cloud Mining Coin? Myrillion ICO (MYL Token): Blockchain Entertainment Cryptocurrency? Rose Link ICO: Cryptocurrency To Fiat Lending Blockchain? Scopuly ICO (SKY Token): Stellar-Blockchain Crypto Wallet & Exchange? Bubblo ICO (BUBL Token): Decentralized Blockchain AI Discovery, Travel, Shop, Eat, Earn Platform? ChangeYourCoin ICO (CYC Token): Legit Blockchain Escrow Services? SamBanx ICO (SAM Token): Legit Mobile Crypto Banking Solution? EventJoin ICO (SAB Token): Professional Networking Event Blockchain? C3C Network Token ICO: Connect Creators, Consumers & Advertisers? OPetCoin (OPET Token): Blockchain AI Chatbot For Student Education? FastBet ICO (FBET Token): Mobile Blockchain Crypto Gambling Casino? EasyLife ICO (ESY Token): Earn Basic Cryptocurrency Income Network? Not For P (NFP Token): NotForPussies In-Game Blockchain DLT System? Crest DigiAd ICO (CSTT Token): Blockchain Marketing & Advertising Platform? True Biz ICO (TRB Token): Blockchain Business Crypto Payment System? Placeholders (PHL Token): Blockchain Distributed Ledger Artifact Tracking? Mafia Wars Game: Counterparty Blockchain Gaming Token Rewards? 3dP Token ICO: Blockchain 3D Printing Technology Cryptocurrency? CobitCoin ICO: CobitWallet, CobitCard & CobitXChanger & CobitRemitt? Gamestatix ICO (GSX Token): Blockchain Co-Creation Gaming Rewards? Jibbit ICO (JIB Token): Blockchain Cannabis Marketplace Network? LIFT Token ICO: Private Blockchain Transportation Driving Network App? Listern ICO (ERN Token): Blockchain Earn Audio Sharing Platform? Money By Design ICO (GTK Token): Smart Blockchain Tokenization GeoToken? ClanPlay ICO (GG Token): Blockchain Gamers Community Marketplace? Dribble ICO (DRB Token): Cryptocurrency Commerce Payments Solution? Y2 Cryptocurrency: Arab League Y2 New Energy Fuel Laboratory Coin? B?rser ICO: Crypto Backed By Shares X-Change, CrowdingFunds & Mi Wall Street AITrading ICO (AITT Token): Cryptocurrency AI Trading & Investing? DiscoveryIoT ICO (DIS Token): Blockchain IoT Network & AI Supply Chain Elix ICO (ELXIR Token): Cryptocurrency Lending, Payments & Funding? Cryptobrick?ICO (BRIK Token): Simple Blockchain Smart Contracts? ShareDrops (SHARE Token): Cryptocurrency Airdrop Channel Website? MetaMorph ICO (METM Token): Crypto Exchange & Trading Wallet? Feniks Token ICO: Blockchain Finance Cryptocurrency Platform? GetDoIt ICO (GET Token): Blockchain Relocation Moving Assistance Services? Maestro ICO (MAE Token): Blockchain Music Streaming For Artists? MB8 Token ICO: Legit MultiBuy Cryptocurrency Travel & Holiday Coin? Oober Wallet (AIG Token): Safe Blockchain Cryptocurrency Sharing App? Platonius ICO (PLAT Token): Reliable Cryptocurrency Lending Platform? Reger Diamond Coin ICO (RDC Token): Blockchain Crypto Asset Project? Viewo ICO (VEO Token): Blockchain Video Sharing Rewards Network? UniFox ICO (FOX Token): UniCash Stablecoin, Exchange, ATM & POS Terminals? Taurus0x ICO (TAUR Token): Blockchain Smart Derivatives Trading? KryptoBits ICO (KBE Token): Decentralized Banking Ecosystem? ME Token ICO (MET): Style.me Incentivized Social Commerce? TriipMiles ICO (TIIM Token) Review: Easy Travel Booking With Rebates? D-Zone Coin ICO (DZC Token): Global Dream Japan’s Dream-Pay Blockchain Cryptocurrency ValPromise ICO (VPP Token): Blockchain Value Promise Deal Protocol? PowerCorp ICO (PC Token): Cryptocurrency Power Coins Blockchain? Hiway ICO (WAY Token): Blockchain & AI Workforce Marketplace? DYNO Token ICO: DYNOSTICS Blockchain Sports Metabolic Fitness Device EasyWork ICO (WORK Token): Blockchain Freelancing Task Performers Platform? Biken ICO (BKN Token): Real Cryptocurrency Cause For Biker? MultiTKN ICO (MTKN Token): Reliable Multitoken Investing Protocol? PlayChip ICO (PLA Token): Blockchain Sports Community Gaming Project? StabiX Token ICO: Secure ECrypto Xchange & Token Platform Project? Robot Cache (IRON Token): Blockchain Video Game Distribution Platform? 108 Token ICO: Accurate Cryptocurrency Investment Tracker? Elepig ICO (EPG Token): Secure 山寨币 Cryptocurrency Trading Platform? Mobiuz ICO: Crypto Blockchain No-Fraud Ads For Ubers, Taxis & Buses Yappadappadoo ICO (FLI Token): Blockchain Progressive Web App (PWA) TriveCoin ICO (TRVC Token): TriveChain Blockchain BizContracts Launches July 1 Onasander ICO (ONA Token): Blockchain Crypto Investment Bank? Contractium ICO (CTU Token): Blockchain Smart Contract Software Network? Zeon Network ICO (ZEON Token): DAO Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Coin? SlotCoin ICO (SLC Token): Blockchain Private Online Gambling Platform? Sportco ICO (SPRT Token): Sports Fans Social Network & Exchange? XendBit ICO (XNT Token): Decentralized Exchange And Crypto Wallet? Blockchain.io ICO (BCIO Token): Paymium’s 山寨币 Crypto Exchange? CloudBric (CLB Token): Smart Blockchain Security Performance Coin? Cryptov8 ICO (CRV8 Token): UK Regulated Crypto Banking Blockchain? The Bike Coin ICO (THBK Token): Finance Healthcare Using Crypto APIs? War Field (GLDR Token): Blockchain Crypto Game Earns GOLDER Rewards? Hunimal ICO (HNI Token): Humans & Animals Smart Pet Blockchain? PixelAlpha ICO (PXA Token): Crypto Asset Derivatives Exchange Coin? SponB ICO (SPO Token): Blockchain Sports & Athletes Booster Rewards? Conterium ICO (CNM Token): Digital Cryptocurrency Marketplace? Tixguru ICO (TIX Token): Blockchain Asset Manager & Quant Analysis? Alluma ICO (LUMA Token): Asian Institutional Grade Crypto Exchange? SunX ICO (XNS Token): Crypto Exchange & Blockchain Wallet Dividends? Perlin ICO (PERL Token): DAG DLT Avalanche Consensus Network? CamOnRoad ICO (CAM Token): In-Car Video Streaming Rewards App? Tuurnt ICO (TRT Token): Attend & Host Events For Rewards? Academia Lingu ICO (LIN Token): Blockchain Language Education Classes? Goods Digital Passport ICO (GDP Token): Trusted Blockchain System? InterValue (INVE Token): Blockchain Asset Transfer & Exchange Platform? Playrs ICO (PLAYR Token): Real Time Soccer Player Evaluations? Carry Protocol ICO (CRE Token): Connecting Merchants To Consumers? GSTAR Token ICO: Automated AI Algorithmic Trading System? GNOBNT Token Changer – Gnosis & Bancor Liquidity Pool Smart Token? Bloch Exchange – Australia’s Real Estate Identity Property Investing? Accounting Blockchain ICO (AB Token): Crypto Business Fingertips Suite? COZE Coins ICO: Book Hotels With Crypto And Earn Rewards? EVERY Token ICO: Blockchain eCommerce SHOP Protocol Data Exchange? KnowMeNow ICO (KME Token): Blockchain KYC Identity Fraud Security Project? MediBit ICO (MDB Token): Blockchain Healthcare Medical Bitcoin Data Exchange? Dacxi ICO (DAC Coin): Digital Asset Community Exchange International? PayPerBlock ICO (PAYB Token): Blockchain Freelance & Expert Job Market? WatermelonBlock ICO (WMB Token): Crypto Market Trading AI Sentiment? Medipedia ICO (MEP Token): Blockchain Medical Healthcare Delivery Service? Liquid8 ICO (LQ8 Token): Decentralized Crypto Asset Trading Exchange? Snips ICO (AIR Token): Private AI Voice Assistant & Skill Store? MicroBitcoin ICO (MBC Token): Legit Crypto Payments BTC-Blockchain Fork? EQITrade ICO (EQI Token): Licensed & Regulated Off-Shore Crypto Fiat Bank MCan Coin ICO: Genetically Modified Blockchain Medical Cannabis Ecosystem? Deorum ICO (DEO Token): Crypto Exchange & Social Media Platform? Orch.Network ICO (ORC Token): Blockchain Smart Contract Platform? Ixtus ICO (IXE Token): Blockchain Little Detective Kids Education Platform? EllsCry (ELL) to Launch Decentralized Git Repository Hosting & Reward System Gaus Trade ICO (GAUS Token): Buy Vehilces Direct for a Discount? EGold ICO (EGD Token): Gold Digital Assets Backed by CME Futures? Perfect Chain ICO (PNN Token): Fast Blockchain for Businesses? ElonCity ICO (ECT Token): Decentralized MicroGrid Energy Trading? Ommer ICO (OMR Token): Crypto Exchange & Investing Analysis? Allstocks Network Global Stock Exchange Platform Launches AST Token ICO Janus – Nxt Blockchain Crowdfunding Business Token Profit Sharing? Lili ICO (LIL Token): Cryptocurrency Savings Marketplace Blockchain? PRiVCY (PRIV Token): TOR Privacy Cryptocurrency PoW/PoS Coin? Money Energy (ME Token): Legit Blockchain Financial Social Network? Fan360 ICO (FAN Token): Blockchain Sports Community Rewards? BreezeCoin ICO (BRZC Token): Breeze de Mar Real Estate Blockchain? Send ICO (STD Token): Send Consensus Network Blockchain Protocol? Cornucopia ICO (HORN Token): Private Blockchain pre-IPO?Index Fund? RecordsKeeper ICO (XRK Token): Blockchain Record-Keeping Data Storage? ShelterDAO ICO (SHEL Mosaic Token): NEM Blockchain Crypto Community? Hyperbridge ICO (HBX Token): Blockchain Project Creation Launchpad? Kayo Credits ICO (KYO Token): Blockchain Gamers Rewards System? Kaasy ICO (KAAS Token): Blockchain AI Knowledge As A Service? Organicco ICO (ORC Token): Organic Food/Waste Green Blockchain Project? Parkres ICO (PRS Token): Blockchain Parking Spot Reservation System? Diro Token ICO: Decentralized Crowdsourcing Identity Access Blockchain? Immortal Business Assets?ICO (IBA Token): Blockchain Real Estate Housing? Dona Partners ICO (DNC Token): Cryptocurrency Donation Platform? LiteBolt ICO (LBT Token): Crypto Investment Fund, ASIC Miner Development? Module ICO (MODL Token): Blockchain Data Cloud Storage Network? Bidooh ICO (DOOH Token): Blockchain Electronic Billboard Advertising? Restaurant PI Lunch Money (LMY Token): Incentivized Blockchain Rewards? Enminent ICO (EMN Token): BeepBeep Nation Cryptocurrency App? HyperQuant ICO (HQT Token): Automated Crypto Trading & Investing? PepsCoin ICO (PEPS Token): Legit Cryptocurrency Payments Network? Parq Token ICO: Parksen Blockchain Smart City Parking Development? Triffic ICO (GPS Token): Blockchain Gamified GPS Crypto Rewards App? BlocForm Global Token ICO (BFG Coin): Blockchain Payment Platform? W Green Pay ICO (WGP Token): HOOXI Blockchain Social Carbon Credits? BrunoCoin ICO (BRN Token): Decentralized Blockchain Crypto Payments? ODIN Token ICO: Legit Initial Coin Offering Crypto Information Portal? Agrolot ICO (AGLT Token): Agricultural Crop Trading Marketplace? LendsBay ICO (LBT Token): P2P Lending Based On Credit Rating? Life Cross Coin ICO (LICO Token): Blockchain Charity Platform? Digital Credit ICO (DGCT Token): PoA Blockchain Credit Database? Ravelous ICO (RAVE Token): Blockchain Ecommerce Marketplace Coin? Honey Coin ICO (HONY Token): Blockchain Crypto Exchange Market? Bet On Chart ICO (CHART Token): Blockchain In-Play Sports Betting? 2Key Token ICO: Global Blockchain Referral Tracking Network? AvaGo ICO (AVA Token): Blockchain Broadcast Network & Paid Advice App? UniTalent ICO (TAT Token): Blockcain Freelancer Payments Platform? Diamond Horse Performance (DHP Token): Performance Trading Investment? Health FX ICO (HFX Token): Blockchain AI Machine Learning Medical Care? ARES Tech Token ICO: Blockchain Social Gaming Network? Fluence (FLU Token): Decentralized Blockchain Data Storage Network? Procurean ICO (PAN Token): Decentralized Trading Blockchain Network? Global Alliance Merchants Blockchain (GAMB) & GMB Tokens By Gambio Clarity Project ICO (CLRTY Token): Smart Business Blockchain Data Manager? Bailsman ICO (BAILS Token): Blockchain Security Deposit Exchange? Hey Be Well (HEY): Blockchain Healthcare & Wellness Cryptocurrency? Ceybit Exchange (CYBT Token): Sri Lanka’s Crypto Trading & Wallet? Sendy ICO (SNDY Token): Decentralized Blockchain Email Rewards GamerToken ICO (GTX Coin): In-Game Blockchain Rewards Marketplace? ICOVO ICO (OVO Token): DAICO-Based Initial Coin Offering Platform? Fatum Project ICO (FTM Token): Blockchain Gaming Cryptocurrency? Tixeet ICO (TIXI Token): Blockchain Ticketing For Live Music Events? Vortix ICO (VTX Token): Legit Cryptocurrency Ecosystem To Consider? PeerMountain (PMTN Token): Peerchain Blockchain Self-Sovereign Identity (SSID)? Crypviser CVCoin ICO – Social & Business Blockchain Network? OZEX Token ICO: Aussie Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Cosmochain ICO (COSMO Coin): Blockchain Beauty Cosmetics Skincare? ETokenChain ICO (ETCN Token): Blockchain ECommerce Payment Software? OkeyDokey ICO (OKEY Token): Blockchain IoT Smart Lock Key System? WorkChain Centers ICO (TECH Token): We Work, Knotel Coworking Blockchain? Vantage Token ICO (XVT Coin): Blockchain Giving Contribution Tracking? Tecdonor ICO: Sustainable Economy Token (SET) Rewards? Upfinex ICO (UPX Token): Decentralized Exchange & Wallet Platform? Decentralized Payment Remittance Gateway (DPRG): Swift Money Transfer Enabler? Kibo – Ethereum Smart Contracts Cryptocurrency Lottery Gaming? Orocrypt – Ethereum Blockchain OROC Tokens For Precious Metals? Eurocoinpay ICO (ECT Token): EurocoinCash (ECH) Cryptocurrency? MakeAFolio ICO (MAF Token): Cryptocurrency Portfolio Management? Ginex ICO (GNX Token): International Gaming Internet Exchange? HADE Pay Token Powers A Crypto Payments Platform & Exchange Fund AKI Coin ICO: Blockchain Luxury Jewelry & Diamonds Token? Global Investment Services Corp (GISC Loan Coin) Credit Network RealFevr Token ICO: Blockchain Fantasy Sports Betting Coin? DatEat ICO (DTE Token): Decentralized Blockchain Dating Platform? Starbase – Blockchain Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding ICO Tokens? ArtNoy ICO (ATY Token): Blockchain Social Media Art Registration Coin? ETH Travel Token ICO: Legit Blockchain Management Coin? TongTongCoin ICO (TTCoin): Blockchain Crypto Payment & Remittance? Moonlight LUX Token: NEO Smart Employment Workforce & Talent Matching? Gigapound: Legit Cryptocurrency Banking System Network? LegalThings One: Decentralized Live Contracts LEGALChain Blockchain? MOVA Token ICO: Blockchain Smart Contract Supply Chain Project & Move Coin? OPP Open WiFi Token ICO: OnPolePosition Blockchain Hotspot Hosts? Rupie (RPI Token): Blockchain Game Development for Players, Creators? Vinestate ICO (VEC Token): Blockchain Real Estate Cryptocurrency? Blockpit ICO (TAX Token): Cryptocurrency Tax Auditing & Reporting Solution Oil Refinery and Distribution Product ICO (JES Token): MobileGas of PT Java Energy Semesta For Quality and Affordable Compressed Natural Gas Foleum ICO (FOL Token): Green Blockchain Cryptocurrency Mining? Vereum ICO (VMC Token): A Vereumjelly VMC22 Coin Blockchain? Bitcoin Core (BTCC Token): New Crypto Coin Or Fake BTC Memes? FiveStarMiningNetwork ICO (FSMN Token): Legit Cryptocurrency Coin? Exotic Coin ICO (EXC Token): CryptoStrip Entertainment Blockchain? Mazebits (MZBC Token): Legit Crypto Investment Liquidity Pool? BotChain ICO (BOTC Token): Decentralized AI Identity & Audit Ledger? Cashpayz ICO (CPC Token): Cryptocurrency Payment Processing? Alphacon ICO (ALP Token): Blockchain Healthcare Big Data Network? Safeguard Token (SGT Coin): Blockchain Workplace AI Safety Protocol? Zypcoin ICO (ZYP Token): Zypline’s Blockchain Connection Platform? Bunzola ICO (BUNZ Token): Blockchain Food & Hunger Aid Program? Golden Hash ICO (XGH Token): Blockchain Data Storage Cryptocurrency? Alt Planet ICO (APL Token): Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange Service? PROCHAIN Prabox: Blockchain Smart Contract Data Tracking System? Equaliser ICO (EQL Token): Blockchain For Land & Home Ownership? Nihilum ICO (NH Token): Profitable Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining Pool? Istrium ICO (ISM Token): Create & Deploy Own Blockchain as a Service? Abulaba ICO (AAA Token): Blockchain Masternode Mining Crypto Coin? WINiota ICO (WIT Token): Blockchain Sports Betting, Casino & Gambling? Wankcoin ICO (WKC Token): Adult Entertainment Content Blockchain? Freyrchain (FREC Token): Blockchain Collectibles Data Authenticity? CoinPennant ICO (CPNT Token): Crypto Trade & Connect Analysis Platform? ContentBox ICO (BOX Token): Decentralized Digital Content Blockchain? Kalikoe ICO (KSD Token): Blockchain Social Media Crypto Wallet App? PixelCharity ICO (PXLT Token): Blockchain Stable Coin For Donations? PlaceToRent ICO (PTRT Token): Blockchain Real Estate Rental Platform? Vectoraic ICO (VT Token): Blockchain Traffic Management Platform? Ethernet ICO (ENC Token): Global Equity Blockchain For DApps? Svandis ICO (SVN Token): Blockchain Investor Data For Crypto Trading? nCrypt Club ICO (NCS Token): Blockchain Trading, Card & Mining? XSure ICO (XSR Token): Decentralized Blockchain Insurance Platform? PREVISIONe ICO (PVS Token): Blockchain Prediction Forecasting Coin? CrowdIF ICO (CIF Token): Smart Cryptocurrency Investing Intelligence? DeFund Project ICO (XDF Token): Decentralized Cryptocurrency Fund? Advisory Network ICO (ADN Token): Blockchain Consultant Software? Crystals ICO (CRS Token): Blockchain Platform For Becoming Model? SwecCoin ICO: Swec Ecology Company’s Sorgin Plant Growth Blockchain? Dakuce Token ICO: Cryptocurrency Exchange For Performance Trading? Pearl Pay (PRLPAY Token): Virtual Money Logistics System (VMLS) Coin? CoinBundle ICO (BNDL Token): Zero-Fee Cryptocurrency Investing App? STEMchain (STEM Coin): Crypto STEM Initiative & Blockchain Donations? Wealthman (AWM Token): Blockchain Wealth Management Service DApp? AIgatha ICO (ATH Token): Blockchain Artificial Intelligence iMLOv System? LivesOne LivesToken (LVT Coin): Proof-of-Value Crypto Symbiosism? My Dollars Dream ICO (MDD Token): Crypto Coin Analysis & Blockchain Use? Satoshi Nakamoto Republic ICO (SNRC Token): Virtual Blockchain City? Dominium ICO (DOM Token): Blockchain Property Financing & Management? AEN ICO Token: Adult Entertainment Network Blockchain Coin? Horyou Token ICO: Blockchain Social Network For Good Purposes? Mammoth Blockchain ICO (MMT Token): Crypto Payment Network? ADZBuzz (ADZ Token): Earn Cryptocurrency Browsing Web Content? Staramba Token: Blockchain Virtual Reality Social Network? TokensGate: Blockchain Asset & Cryptocurrency Investing Platform? Beepnow Cryptocurrency: Blockchain Skill Sharing & Matching Services? Ubanx ICO (BANX Token): Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Financial Services? Midas Protocol ICO (MAS Token): Blockchain Asset Portfolio Manager? SONM – Fog Cloud Supercomputer Network Mining Services? Promether ICO (PYRO Token): Blockchain Surveillance & Privacy? AgentMile ICO (ESTATE Token): Blockchain Real Estate Leasing Platform? CryptoRobotics ICO (ROBO Token): Desktop Trading Terminal For Crypto Exchanges? The Elephant ICO (PEC Token): Private Company Tokenized Liquidity? Curaizon CuraToken ICO (CTKN Token): Blockchain Medical Healthcare? Payera ICO (PERA Token): Crypto Shopping Payments, Shopera & Cardera? Pink Taxi Coin ICO (PTT Token): Women-Only Taxi Drivers Blockchain? Inmusik ICO (SOUND Token): Blockchain Music Streaming & Business Platform? LeadRex ICO (LDX Token): Decentralized AI Lead Generation? Globatrix ICO (GLOB Token): Decentralized Internet Web Blockchain? CZero ICO (CZMT Token): Electric Vehicle Mobility Blockchain? ImpetusOne ICO (NUDGE Token): Pay Per Mission Blockchain Ads? Alluxe ICO (LXC Token): Buy & Rent Luxury Property Blockchain? Solarex ICO (SRX Token): Africa’s Clean Energy Blockchain Coin? MinexCoin – MNC ICO Cryptocurrency Global Payments System? LetItPlay ICO: PLAY Token Content To Audio Rewarding System? CoinDirect – Decentralized Peer To Peer Bitcoin Casino Gambling? Explorio ICO (EPL Token): Decentralized Travel Reviews Platform? Rego ICO (REG Token): Global Blockchain Real Estate Platform? Rem Loyalty ICO (REM Token): Interoperable Loyalty Reward Token? GENEXI ICO (GEN Token): Decentralized Biotech Projects Token? Namahe ICO (NMH Token): Sustainable Blockchain & AI Value Chains? AQUA Intelligence ICO (AQX Token): Blockchain Hospitality with AI? A7Core?ICO (ASVN Token): Blockchain Retail Customer Management System WONO Token ICO: Decentralized P2P Share/Rent Exchange Blockchain? Wulet ICO (WU Token): Personal Blockchain Crypto CashBack App? Eventboost EVA ICO (EVA Token): Blockchain Event Ticketing Platform? Memority ICO (MMR Token): Secure Blockchain Data Storage Platform? LaborCrypto (LBR) ICO: Decentralized Peer-To-Peer Freelance Platform? Will Token?ICO: Digitrust Decentralized Crypto Asset Settlement Service? Exolover?ICO (EXO Token): Global Adult Interaction Blockchain? LaserChain ICO (LSC Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency War Game? ZNAQ Token ICO: Tradeable Cryptocurrency Index Coin? Airstayz ICO (STAY Token): Blockchain Hotel & Travel Solution? Voot Token?ICO: Earn Coins Using Smartphone & PoS Payments? GlitzKoin ICO (GLT Token): Decentralized Diamond Industry Platform? Kryptoboy?ICO (KBC Token): Secure Crypto Lending Platform? WRIO Internet OS?ICO (WGD Token): Blockchain Web Browser? DCentral Capital ICO (JUST Token): Ethical Venture Partnership? ExtraLovers ICO (ELT Token): Blockchain Adult Advertising Platform? Ommer ICO (OMR Token): Buy & Sell Cryptocurrency Exchange? SGV-G Technology?ICO (SGV Token): Clean Energy Vacuum Generator Project? TouchTrader ICO (BM Token): Secure Interactive Crypto Trading App? WTO Foundation ICO (WTO Token): Secure Digital Asset Platform? Bitacium?ICO (XBCU Token): Blockchain Bullion Currency Exchange? Nomopoly?ICO (NOMO Token): Mobile Crypto Wallet Banking App? VoltGo?ICO (VGO Token): Automotive Superchargers Network? Double Land ICO (DC Token): Economic Blockchain Game Simulation? NYiGDE Token?ICO: Decentralized E-Com Blockchain Marketplace? Virtual Staking ICO (VST Token): Early Daily Crypto Rewards? Kingcoin?ICO (KGN Token): What We Found On This Cryptocurrency? Shefo ICO (SFX Token): Legit Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Use? Global Risk Exchange ICO (RISK Token): GRE Blockchain Marketplace? Hyperion Fund ICO (HWT Token): Blockchain Solar Energy Benefits? MarsTerminal ICO (AMT Token): Crypto Arbitrage Trading Assistant? Vezet?ICO (VZT Token): Decentralized Agricultural Blockchain? Atlas Platform ICO (ATPL Token): Blockchain Development Program? MonsterBit Blockchain Game ICO?(MB Token): Fun To Play? Tembocoin?ICO (TMB Token): What To Know About This Cryptocurrency? BitStash Marketplace ICO (STASH Token): Buy & Sell Products With Crypto? Riptide Coin ICO (RIPT Token): Medical Marijuana Cryptocurrency? Cryptocean?ICO (CRON Token): Crypto Payments & Exchange? CoTrader?ICO (COT Token): Blockchain Investment Funds Marketplace? Shanghai Cooperation Organization Coin ICO (SCO Token) Douchebag Token?ICO (DBT Token): Cryptocurrency Spoof? BizzShare?ICO (BRIX Token): Property-Backed Blockchain Lending & Investing? GlobeCas?ICO (GCT Token): Livestream Casino & Entertainment Games? StoneToken ICO (STTN Coin): Real Asset-Backed Blockchain? CyBit ICO (CBT Token): Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Platform? IceBreakerAR ICO (IBAR Token): Blockchain Augmented Reality? HashRental ICO (Luhn Coin): Rent Decentralized Hashing Power? Centareum ICO (CTM Token): Blockchain Mobile Marketing? SaTT Token ICO: What Is Smart Advertising Transaction Token? Kurecoin Hub ICO (KRC Token): Africa’s Cryptocurrency Bank Project? CICoin ICO (CIC Token): Crypto Investment Program & Tools? ROMAD Defense Token ICO (RDT Token): Blockchain Antivirus Security? EtainPower ICO (EPR Token): Renewable Energy AI Trading Blockchain? Sagittae ICO (STAE Token): Blockchain Peer To Peer Financial Protection? Digithoth ICO (DGT Token): Digital Thoth Book Payments Blockchain? iCasting ICO (TLNT Token): Blockchain Talent Cryptocurrency? SID Token ICO (SIDT Token): Share Internet Data Blockchain System? Current.us Cryptocurrency Token (CRNC) Gets You Paid To Play All Media Types SgamePro ICO (SGM Token): Play Games, Mine Crypto, Earn Money? Zkylos ICO (ZKS Token): Global Pet Data Blockchain AI Identification System? Cruisebit ICO (CRBT Token): Global Blockchain Money Transfer Coin? Enecuum ICO (ENQ Token): Decentralized Business Blockchain Platform? Depository Network ICO (DEPO Token): Blockchain Lending Collateral? Prasm Token ICO: Decentralized AI Bioinformatic Network? Distrage: Distributed Arbitrage Tools For Crypto Asset Trading? Adel – Adelphoi ICO Cryptocurrency Community Funding Platform? iCash Token ICO: Proof-of-Trust Smart Contract Crypto Coin? Litenett ICO (LNC Token): Decentralized Blockchain Payment System? Fluzcoin ICO: EUNOMIA Retail Shopping Cryptocurrency Coin? HashNET Tolar Token: Community Governed Cryptocurrency? MCV-CAP ICO (MCV Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency Bank? Imusify ICO (IMU Token): Decentralized Music Economy Blockchain? Bizavest Analytics Platform ICO (BIZC Token): Blockchain AI Data Coin? U Run It ICO (URUN Token): Blockchain Gambling Platform? RedCab ICO (REDC Token): Blockchain Community Transportation? Ravn Korrax?ICO (KRX Token): Blockchain Encrypted Messenger App? Clipper Coin Capital ICO (CCCX Token): Real Ratings Agency? Coquix Exchange: Reliable Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Miner Edge ICO (MET Token): Cryptocurrency Techno Mining? eByte Token ICO: Decentralized eSports Blockchain Cryptocurrency? CoVEX Labs Platform: A Digital Crypto Trading Exchange Blockchain BARTVault ICO (ARTZ Token): Vital Art Assets On Blockchain? VOSAI Token: Artificial General Intelligence System Blockchain Befund ICO (BFDT Token): Cryptocurrency Token Fund Service? Aquaoin ICO (AQN Token): India’s Clean Drinking Water Blockchain Project Tydo ICO (TYD Token): Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange Platform? Bravo Coin ICO (BRV Token): Crypto Sports & Entertainment Payments CryptoBike ICO (CBS Token): CBS MasterTeam Bike Sharing Blockchain Fintechnics ICO (FINTC Token): What is Elastic Core Banking System? HAI Project?ICO (HAI Token): Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Platform INCX ICO (INCX Token): What Is International Crypto Exchange? RobinReit?ICO (RREIT Token): Real Estate Property Cryptocurrency? Ulterior Jobs ICO (UTR Token): Social Job Recruiting Blockchain? Blockchain Hotels ICO (HCI Token): Legit Hospitality Cryptocurrency Coin? Bitmillex ICO (BTML Token): Secure Cryptocurrency Exchange Trading? REOS Token ICO: Decentralized Blockchain Content Validation Platform SuperFruit ICO (SFT Token): Blockchain Superfruits Production? Atayen’s Smart Advertising Transaction Token (SATT) ICO BitBose ICO (BOSE Token): Crypto Lending & Investment Platform ONe Network (OBT Token): Social Media 2.0 Secured By Blockchain? CryptoRiya ICO (CIYA Token): Exchange With Any Crypto Cash-Out? Nasdacoin ICO (NSD): Legit Crypto Or Ponzi Affiliate Program? Storj – Growing Decentralized Cloud Storage ICO Token Sale? 3DChain ICO (3xD Token): Blockchain Manufacturers, Designers, & Consumers Network MBYS ICO (MESH Token): Decentralized Professional Social Network Mysterium Network – Blockchain-Powered Decentralized VPN? Tokenizer: Legit Blockchain Token Crowdfunding Investing Platform? Wall Street Coin ICO (WSC Token): Blockchain Stock Exchange Market? VANIG Token ICO: Blockchain E-Commerce Shopping Supply Chain Coin? AutoBay ICO (ABX Token): Blockchain Car Dealership E-Commerce Platform? Water To The World ICO (W2TW Token): Smart Machine Water Solution? Vitarecord ICO (LLT Coin): Life Logging Token Cloud Recorder? Savior Investments ICO (SAVI Token): Low Risk Coin Worth Growth? HyperX ICO (HPX Token): Cryptocurrency Payment Solution? IST34 Token ICO: What We Know About This Cryptocurrency? Hedging.Network: Decentralized Financial Derivatives Trading? BlockGrain: Blockchain Agricultural Supply Chain Software Solution? EmP Fitness HAWCoin: Everyone Makes Progress Cryptocurrency Coin? Bitsoko ICO (BITS Token): Decentralized Merchant Service Provider? Reanimator ICO (RMN Token): Blockchain Cinema Coin? Orvium ICO (OVR Token): Transparent Science Data Blockchain? IDM Token ICO Review: Secure Ideal Data Memory Storage Service? AMO Token ICO: Blockchain Car Data Sharing Market Exchange? XeniaCoin ICO (XEN Token): Six38Peer2Peer Lending Coin Network? Zcnox ICO (ZNC Token): Africa Buy, Sell & Distribute Goods Blockchain? Uniworth Coin ICO (UNIX Token): Cryptocurrency Micro-Payments? Trimpo Token ICO: Online Shopping Ecom Business Blockchain Coin? SISHUB ICO (STL Token): Security Intelligent Systems STEEL Coin? Ethersocial Network ICO (ESN Token): Blockchain Forum App? Specular ICO (SPEK Token): Real Cryptocurrency Asset Coin? GoodWork ICO (OOO Token): Blockchain Remote Team Business Work Places? XCHNG Token ICO: Kochava’s Digital Advertising Blockchain? CGCX Token ICO: Singapore’s Insured Cryptocurrency Exchange? APIS Token Beechain ICO: Blockchain Honey Bee Adoption? BetCoin ICO (BETC Token): Cryptocurrency Debit Card Payments? HomeMine ICO (HMT Token): Electrical Appliance Crypto Mining in House? GDPR Cash ICO (GDPR Token): Community & Marketplace Network? Thorium ICO (THOR Token): Decentralized Social Crypto Exchange? Greenish Coin ICO (GREE Token): Fixed Allowance Crypto Game Rewards? ockStorage ICO (BLOCKS Token): Blockchain Data Cloud Storage? Sporting Chance ICO (SPCH Token): Racing, Sports Gambling Exchange? CrypTollBooth ICO (CTB Token): Trading Exchange With Wallet? BitCoin Ichip ICO (BIC Token): Blockchain Betting & Gambling? KStarCoin ICO (KSC Token): Blockchain KStarLive Concert Event Tickets? FlyCARE ICO (FCC Token): Medical, Wellness & Personal Care? Buzcoin ICO (BUZ Token): Russia’s Olga Buzova Cryptocurrency? Renaissance: Decentralized Staking Pool Cryptocurrency? Fair Ninja ICO (YSH Token): Global Blockchain Classifieds Marketplace? ApolloChain: Smart Contracts For Energy Trading Platform? Instant Assets ICO (IA Token): Real Estate Tokenization Project? Beyond Seen Screen ICO (BSSX Token): Interactive Video Content? Sparkster ICO (SPARK Token): Decentralized Cloud Smart Software? Techrod Holdings ICO: Voting Contracts On Blockchain Platform? All Time Top 10 Biggest Initial Coin Offerings (ICO Tokens) Fundraisers The Tip Token ICO (TTT Coin): Cryptocurrency For Tipping? Trybe: Decentralized Social Intelligence For Content Creators? SharesChain ICO (SCTK Token): Real Financial Assets Tokenized? Xcov ICO (XCV Token): Crypto & Forex Smart Trading Platform? Benchmark ICO (BMK Token): Crypto Fundraising Marketplace? LoanDex ICO (LDX Token): Crypto Margin Trading Exchange? Dripcoin ICO (DRP Token): Blockchain Crypto For Musicians & Artists? Talentoken ICO (TAL Token): Blockchain Religious System? Wyzerr ICO (WZR Token): Wizard.ai Survey Creation Blockchain? Lumenus ICO (XLS Token): Health, Profile & Education Blockchain? Sprinto ICO (SRT Token): Blockchain AI Wealth Management Investing? Zichain ICO (ZI Token): CryptoEye, TheIndex.Fund, Zichange & BAMP? SocialGood ICO (SG Token): Cryptocurrency To Improve Society? Scanetchain ICO (SWC Token): NEM Blockchain Augmented Reality? ImageProject ICO (IMAGE Token): IPShare & IPMarket Blockchain? Bitway ICO (BTWN Token): Cryptocurrency Mining Network? DOX.Network ICO (DOX Token): Decentralized SaaS Blockchain? Digital Currensy ICO (DCC Token): Blockchain Smart Music Marketplace? CryptoSolarTech ICO (CST Token): Blockchain Solar Energy? Find Exchange ICO (FEX Token) Review: Blockchain Money Transfers? Artis ICO (ATS Token): Sustainable Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Hoard Exchange ICO (HRD Token): Blockchain Video Gaming Ownership? nOS Token ICO: NEO Blockchain Smart Internet Cryptocurrency? KuwaitKoin ICO (KWK Token): Kuwait Blockchain Email Service? CodeMail Global Decentralized Blockchain Communication Network WhizCoin ICO (WZC Token): Legit Crypto Lending Rewards? Vinaya Token ICO: Blockchain Education Cryptocurrency Coin? Initiator ICO (INIT Token): Blockchain Startup Accelerator Fund? Gastery ICO (WTR Token): Hotels, Restaurants & Catering Blockchain? Check-Car ICO (CCR Token): Blockchain Car Diagnostics Coin? Miniera ICO (MMC Token): Crowdfunded Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs? Activity Token ICO: Blockchain Social Network Cryptocurrency? Satoshi.Team Ethereum Anonymizer ICO (ATH Token) Cryptocurrency Leverage ICO (LVP Token): Crypto Investor Portfolio Manager? Bloquid ICO (BQT Token): Blockchain Real Estate Asset Trading? Zext ICO (ZEXT Token): Blockchain Social Media Exchange? Treon ICO (TXO Token): Blockchain Utility Bill Payments Coin? Automotive ICO (AXT Token): Blockchain Automotive Exchange? Blockpass Token ICO: Blockchain Identity Internet Portal Coin? Trivver Token (TRVR Coin): Blockchain Extended Reality (BSO)? OneRoot Network (RNT): RooToken Cryptocurrency Wallet? Ekspa (EKSPERIUM Token): Cryptocurrency Coin Analysis? Boltt Coin (BOLTT Token): Blockchain Social Activity Digital Health Coin? TowerBee ICO (TBE Token): Crypto Payment Software as a Service? PO8 Token ICO: Blockchain Marine Archaeology Cryptocurrency Coin? Touch ICO (TST Token): Blockchain Social Media Rewards Coin? Holdex: Respected Initial Coin Offering Token Sale Launch Service? Callpage ICO (CallCoin Token): Blockchain Customer Support? PKG Token ICO: Pokemon GO Blockchain Virtual Reality Game? You42 ICO (U42 Token): Social Entertainment Blockchain Coin? IDMoney ICO (IDM Token): Social, Public & Global Crypto Coin? Moveco ICO (MOV Token): Earn Cryptocurrency From Mobility? DESICO ICO (DESI Token): Regulated, Compliant Crypto Security Tokens? LitraBit ICO (LTB Token): Cryptocurrency For Students & Education? DCoin ICO (DCO Token): Blockchain Crypto Analysis For Bitcoin Traders? WizeBit ICO (WIZE Token): Blockchain Personal Assistant Coin? ICST Coin ICO: Individual Content & Skill Token Cryptocurrency? TMT Blockchain Fund ICO (TMT Token): Smart Crypto Investment? Humena Club ICO (AST Token): Blockchain Human Enhancement? AIGaming Coin ICO (AIGC Token): Artificial Intelligence Gaming? HUSSY ICO (HUS Token): Blockchain Model For Adult Work? RadJav ICO (XRJ Token): Blockchain Software & dApps Development? EkkBaz ICO (EKK Token): BAZ Blockchain Protocol For FMCG Businesses? ArthaCoin ICO (ATH Token): Long Term Crypto Lending Program? BitProperty ICO (BPS Token): Blockchain Real Estate Investing? EnGameChain ICO (EGC Token): Smart Gambling & Games Blockchain? HeliosCoin ICO (HLC Token): Solar Cryptocurrency Mining Clusters? IronCoin (IRC Token): Iron Bank of Braavos Token Spoof? Gledos ICO (GLX Token): Global Education Solution Blockchain? DICEGAME ICO (DICE Token): Decentralized iGaming Blockchain? Code Of Talent ICO (CODE Token): Blockchain Micro-Learning? Positif.ly ICO (PULS Token): Insight Elicitation & Rating Coin? Carats ICO (CARAT Token): Israel Diamond Exchange Coin? Data Blockchain ICO (DBC Coin): Smart AI Big Data Asset System? Etheremon (EMONT Token): ETH Blockchain Virtual Reality Mons Game? PaidX ICO (PAD Token): Cryptocurrency Payments, Wallet & Smartcard? Crowd Share Mining ICO (CSM Token): Solar Crypto Operation? EXPORT ONLINE: The Blockchain Solution In The Making For International Trade? SupplyBloc ICO (SUPX Token): Blockchain Supply Management? SpaceMesh: What Is Blockmesh Operating System Technology? Alethena ICO (ATH Token): Swiss ICO Token & Blockchain-Asset Rating? Winstars ICO (WINS Token): Online Gambling Blockchain Coin? AdCoin Click (ACC Token) Review: Cryptocurrency Advertising Network? TLPAC Coin ICO: Decentralized Education Network Token? Vital Skin Token ICO (VTSK Coin): Medical Level Beauty & Health Products? SilkChain ICO (SILK Token): Global Trade Blockchain Project? Getline ICO (GET Token): Blockchain Credit Scoring & Lending? Vuulr ICO (VUU Token): Blockchain TV & Movie Database Rewards? Bitcoin Crown ICO (BTCC Token): Online Gaming Cryptocurrency? Smart City Enterprise ICO (CITY Token): Blockchain Sales Network? Ganja ICO (GNJ Token): Cannabis Market, Maps & Blockchain Token? The Freedom Coin ICO (TFC Token): Masternode Cryptocurrency? CryptoMillionsLotto ICO (LOTO Token): Play & Win Crypto Lottery CML Coin? LocalXpose ICO (LXP Token): Expose Localhost Using Reverse Proxy? DORAE ICO (DAE Token): Blockchain Raw Materials Supply Chain? Gana ICO (GANA Token): Green And Nature Association Blockchain? Columbery ICO (CLMB Token): Travel Leisure Market Blockchain? O2O Pay ICO (O2O Token): Smart Rewards & Payment Benefits? Masari ICO (MSR Token): Private RingCT Protocol Cryptocurrency? WeGold By WEGOGO ICO (WGD Token): Asian Travel Blockchain? Switcoin ICO (SWIT Token): Blockchain Fast Food Ad Network Project? Stylocoin ICO (STYLO Token): Online Shopping Blockchain Coin? Illuminati X ICO (IlumX Token): Decentralized Credit Union Project? Hexxcoin ICO (HEXX Token): Private, Anonymous Cryptocurrency? Phantasma ICO (SOUL Token): Decentralized Content Blockchain Protocol? HTFx Coin ICO (HFT Token): High Tech Cryptocurrency? Myriad Coin (XMY Token): Cryptocurrency For Everyone? Omelette Du ICO (ODU Token): Breakfast Cryptocurrency Coin? NextStepCrypto: Trusted Next Step Crypto Trading Accounts? Du It Bitcoin Network: Are DuItMyself Cryptocurrency Products Legit? Crosspays ICO (CPS Token): Blockchain Crypto Social Network? ServerCube Coin ICO: High Performance Crypto Server Mining? DSToken ICO (DST Coin): Decentralized Silver Mining Blockchain? Satori Books ICO (STR Token): Blockchain eBook Store Coin? Lantah ICO (GRAM Token): Blockchain Commerce Marketplace? Hupplat ICO (HUP Token): Book Authors & Readers Blockchain? Ydentity Token ICO (YDY Coin): Risk Identity Blockchain Protection? Avatara ICO (VTR Token): The AvataraCoin Cryptocurrency? Clears ICO (CLRS Token): Blockchain Identity Clearing For KYC? SupraFin ICO: Global Blockchain Vetted Token Platform? DIY Tube Coin ICO: Video Sharing Cryptocurrency Platform? Ecomi ICO (OMI Token): Private Keys, Crypto Payments & Blockchain Collectables? BitCoinage ICO (XBCN Token): Arbitrage Crypto Trading Exchange? Bettium ICO (BETT Token): Smart Betting Analytical Blockchain? Yodse Token ICO: Your Open Direct Sales Ecosystem For Goods? MoneyGram Token ICO (MNG Coin): Blockchain Money Transfer? GreenX ICO (GREENX Token): Green Energy Crypto Network? Frankl Token ICO: Open Science Blockchain Data Sharing? LockTrip ICO (LOC Token): Blockchain Hotels & Vacation Rentals Marketplace? Game Loot Network ICO (LOOT Token): Legit Crypto Coin? Carboneum ICO (C8 Token): Blockchain Social Crypto Trading? Dice Money ICO (DICET Token): Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding? chiliZ ICO (CHZ Token): Fair Gaming & Esports Tokenized Voting Blockchain? URAllowance ICO (URA Token): What Are Family Smart Contracts? TrustedCars ICO (FLEX Token): Blockchain Car Ownership Coin? Lambochain ICO: Real Investment Platform using BNB Coin? Eira Cube ICO (BRETT Token): Robo Blockchain Pop-Up Chain Stores? STRZ Token ICO: Blockchain Crypto-Collectible For Galaxy Stars? Etheraffle ICO (LOT Token): Blockchain Charitable Lottery Coin? Typerium ICO (TYPE Token): Blockchain Content Creation Coin? CyberSmart Coin ICO (CBST Token): Crypto Investor Trading Tool? Online ICO (OIO Token): Blockchain Internet Cryptocurrency? Kvantor (KVARK Token): Software Developer Blockchain Coins? NulleX (NLX Token): Zero-Trace Private Cryptocurrency Null Protocol (GPU Coin Rebrand) Invictus Hyperion Fund ICO (IHF Token): Blockchain Investing? Hexel Crypto Token: Create Ethereum-Based Community Coin? Intiva Token ICO (NTVA Token): Medical Healthcare Blockchain? AirSave Travel ICO (AST Token): Save, Earn Crypto Travel Rewards? GazeCoin Token: Get Paid Crypto To Watch Virtual, Augmented Reality? Bank Future Exchange ICO (BFEX Token): Lending, Banking, Credit Scoring? Petro Coin ICO (PTR Token): The Venezuelan Cryptocurrency? Tune Token ICO: Blockchain Music Rights & Song Royalty Coin? Orlan System ICO: Blockchain Concrete Materials Marketplace? BlocSide ICO (MVP Token): Sports Fans Blockchain Coin App? MyComedyPlay ICO (CCP Token): Crypto Comedy Podcast? Winances ICO (AWS Token): Certified Listings For ICO Coins? Slice Market: Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Cryptocurrency? Webercoin (WBC Token): WebAd Internet Advertising Cryptocurrency? LeekICO: Quality Initial Coin Offering Token Marketing Promoters? Kuende ICO (KUE Token): Blockchain Gamified Social Network? CryptoBank Master Token (CBMT Coin): Crypto Banking Payments? Able ICO: Blockchain Bank Project For Crypto Asset Management? Crypto Pixels: How CryptoPixels.net Decentralized Art Site Works? 1APayment ICO (1AP Coin): Safe Cryptocurrency Payments Token? Trilliant ICO (TRIL Token): Fractional Crypto ATM Ownership Coin? TNCoin ICO: Tokenized Real Estate Investment Fund Blockchain? Cubomania ICO (CUBO Token): Blockchain Robotics Education Platform? OneChain ICO (ONE Token): All In One Blockchain Dapp Coin? Insureum ICO (ISR Token): Zikto Blockchain Insurance Coin? 1APayment ICO (1AP Coin): Safe Cryptocurrency Payments Token? Ducatur ICO (DUCAT Token): Business Data Blockchain Coin? GrowPayment ICO (GRPM Token): Blockchain Cannabis Market? Chozun ICO (CZN Token): Blockchain Travel Loyalty Cryptocurrency? Slate ICO (SLX Token): Blockchain Video On Demand Entertainment? Neoplay ICO (NPLAY Token): Blockchain Dicing Game Platform? Xentra Token ICO: Quality Property Cryptocurrency Investment? NWP Token ICO: Decentralized Blockchain Healthcare Solution? SciCoins ICO (SciX Token): Medical Science SciCHAIN Blockchain? ForgeCDN ICO (FORGE Token): Decentralized AI CDN Blockchain? ShareLock ICO (SHX Token): Germany Bikesharing Crypto Coin? Bottos ICO (BTO Token): Blockchain AI Data Sharing Network? Stipend Coin (SPD Token): Decentralized Blockchain Jobs Marketplace? CyClean ICO (CCL Token): Electric Car, Bicycle & Motorbike Coin? CoinPayo ICO (PAYO Token): Singapore Crypto Payment Wallet? ACA Network Token ICO: Blockchain Advertising Network Coin? WeCareCoin ICO (WCC Token): Decentralized Crypto Crowdfunding? AdultCam Token ICO: Cryptocurrency Entertainment Project? Antavira ICO (ARMT Token): Blockchain Credit Risk & Lending? Crypton VC ICO (CRN Token): Blockchain Venture Capital Coin? Kambo: Blockchain Crypto Asset Loans For Instant Cash Offer? SwftCoin ICO (SWFTC Token): Blockchain Platform, Mobile App? NiceByte ICO (NBT Token): Byteball-BasedCryptocurrency Coin? OpenPoll ICO (POL Token): Decentralized Blockchain Polling Platform? Bitcoin Prime: Bitcoin & Primecoin Cryptocurrency Hard Fork? AllSporter Coin ICO: Share Sports Gear & Book Fitness Trainings? GOeureka ICO (GO Token): Blockchain Hotel Booking Online? IOV ICO (IOV Token): Blockchain Name Service (DNS) & Wallet Protocol CrossHedge ICO (XML Token): Global Investment Fund Management BmyBit ICO (BYMC Token): Legit Digital Asset Trading Exchange Coin Fanfare ICO (FAN Token): Blockchain Social Commerce Community KryptEd ICO (KED Token): Informative Crypto Education On Blockchain? BitSong ICO (BTSG Token): Decentralized Music Streaming Blockchain InstaSupply PlayBlok ICO (PBLK Token): B2B Invoicing Platform? TouchCon ICO (TOC Token): 3D QR Data Code For Ad Marketing? 4A Coin ICO (4AC Token): Fast Payment Platform Without Fees? Nilex ICO (NIX Token): Daily Profit Sharing Cryptocurrency Exchange? TakeOff ICO (TKO Token): Investment News & ICO Analysis? Bank Intellectual Network ICO (SPH Token): Sphere Coin, Blockchain Bank Creditor ICO (CDPT Token): Personal Data Marketplace On Blockchain UseChain ICO (UST Token): Mirror Identity Blockchain Coin Trustier ICO (TTT Token): What Are Trustcoins Cryptocurrency? CoinSelf?ICO (CSF Token): Blockchain Freelancing Services? GRYisPower ICO (GRY Token): Blockchain Renewable Green Energy? Hi:Health?ICO (HiH Token): Blockchain AI For Personal Medical Data? Chubex ICO (CBX Token): Decentralized Digital Asset Trading Exchange? Y2X Token: Cryptocurrency Coin Investments For Accelerating Returns? InMin ICO (MIN Token): Time-Based Cryptocurrency Rewards? EQUI Token?ICO: Blockchain Investment Capital Platform? K Systems ICO (KSYS Token): dApps & Blockchain Services? Planport?ICO (PLAN Token) Review: Blockchain Supply Chain Network? Tixico ICO (TXI Token): Blockchain Event Ticketing Protection? Abeona?ICO (ABN Token): Blockchain Travel Platform Coin? GID Coin?ICO (GID Token): Diamonds & Gold Cryptocurrency? Ultroneum ICO (XUM Token): Crypto Financial Management? Black Insure (BLCK Token): Blockchain Insurance Broker Marketplace International Digital Asset Platform (IDAP Token): Crypto Derivatives? WiseWolf ICO (WOLF Token): AI Crypto Investment Fund Strategy Platform Citizenship Coin ICO (CTZ Token): CBI & RBI Cryptocurrency? Ethersoft ICO (Industria Token): Sustainable Crypto Mining? VenusEnergy ICO (VENUS Token): Buy Ethereum Mining Power? Goldma ICO (GMA Token): Gold Mining Assets Cryptocurrency? SpringRole ICO (SPRING Token): Education, Skills & Work Coin? LusoCoin Exchange ICO (LUSO Token): Lusophonous Cryptocurrency? LetsGO International ICO (LGO Token): Blockchain Vacation Property? Squader SquadCoin ICO: Blockchain Party Organizer Token? WisePass ICO (PASS Token): Lifestyle Cryptocurrency Members Coin? Zuflo ICO (ZFL Token): Blockchain Trading & Financing Exchange? Jolt Token ICO (JLT Token): EV Charging Blockchain Network? Opu Labs ICO (OPU Coin): Blockchain AI Skincare Clinic Token? Sancoj ICO (SANC Token): Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Zingo Agent? FUTCoin ICO: FIFA 18 Cryptocurrency Token Trading Website? London Football Exchange ICO (LFE Token): Loyal Fan Market? DogRacing ICO (DGR Token): Cryptocurrency Value Betting? Veon Token ICO: Blockchain Software Audit Platform? ZenithCard ICO (ZENT Token): Cryptocurrency Backed Debit Card? Earthmedz ICO (ETD Token): Blockchain Medical Healthcare Coin? HoboNickels ICO (HBN Token): The Charity Cryptocurrency? ZAN Coin ICO: Software Development Life Cycle Crypto Token? DasCoin ICO: Trust Blockchain Cryptocurrency DasEcosystem? Poseidon ICO (OCN Token): Blockchain Carbon Footprint Tracking Platform? Recereum ICO (RCR Token): Blockchain Waste Recycling Coin? YayProto ICO (YFN Token): Blockchain Money Transfer System? Ubex Token ICO: Decentralized Blockchain AI Advertising Exchange? IadowrCoin ICO (IAD Token): Fantasy Sports Betting Blockchain? Nedscoin (NED Token): Blockchain Sportsbook & Race Betting? Asobi Coin ICO: Blockchain MMORPG Online Role-Playing Game? Delicia ICO (DFT Token): Blockchain Food Value Chain Network? Modorr ICO (MDR Token): Blockchain Gaming Rewards Coin? eMarketChain ICO (EMAC Token): Blockchain E-commerce Marketplace? World Peace Coin ICO (WPC Token): Helping Poverty Cryptocurrency? CCIntelligence ICO (CCINT Token): Smart Crypto Media Trading Data Feeds? Globex SCI ICO (GSI Token): Scientific Publishing Blockchain? Sense Protocol ICO (SENSE Token): Ethereum Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Extrabit ICO (EXB Token): Worthy Cryptocurrency Mining Coin? CookUp ICO (CHEF Token): Blockchain Food Ordering & Cooking Sharing? Projectereum ProjectCoin Cryptocurrency Token For Business Investing Ether Universe (ETU Token): EOS-Based Cryptocurrency Coin? Global REIT ICO (GRET Token): Blockchain Real Estate Investment Trust? Public Reputation Network (XPR Token): Performance Protocol? Bounty Angels ICO (BANG Token): Blockchain Bounty Hunter Rewards? Hive Power ICO (HVT Token): Eco Energy Sharing Community Marketplace? VectorSpace ICO (VEC Token): Smart Crypto Basket Trading? Vice Industry Token ICO (VIT Coin): Blockchain Video Network? Big Data Block ICO (BDB Token): Secure Blockchain Processing? InGot Coin ICO (IC Token): Blockchain Bank,Exchange,Wallet,Brokerage? Bryllite ICO (BRC Token): Game Asset Transfer Blockchain Coin? PLACTAL ICO (PLT Token): Blockchain Mobile Game Advertising? Block Broker ICO (BKBK Token): Blockchain ICO Broker Investing? Hubezoo ICO (UNAGOLD Token): Quantum Blockchain Coin? Sint ICO (SIN Token): Fast Global Cryptocurrency & Fiat Exchange? Color Platform Coin ICO (COL Token): dApps Development Blockchain? Fantom ICO (FTM Token): DAG Smart Contract Opera Chain? ProKareX ICO (PKX Token): Blockchain House Intelligent System? Peoplewave ICO (PWV Token): Wavebase Blockchain Recruitment? GeoManna ICO (GM Token): Blockchain Social Activity Cryptocurrency? Airbloc ICO (ABL Token): Blockchain Personal Data Exchange? LaneAxis ICO (AXIS Token): Blockchain Trucking & Freight Shipping Coin? ZantePay ICO (ZNX Token): Secure Multi Cryptocurrency Wallet? Kambria ICO (KAT Token): Blockchain AI & Robotics Platform? Gloren ICO (GLR Token): Cryptocurrency For Traveling Anywhere? FOOOZ Token ICO: Collateral Asset-Backed Cryptocurrency? TIHOSAY ICO (THO Token): Crypto Payments Card & Exchange? Cryde ICO (CRD Token): Truly Fair Play Blockchain Raffle Coin? OctoBit ICO (OCTO Token): Multi Cryptocurrency Online Wallet? Worldex Exchange ICO (WDX Token): Buy/Sell & Crypto Rewards? BloodChain ICO (BLOOD Token): Social Blood Bank Blockchain? BCoT Token ICO: IoT Blockchain of Things Cryptocurrency Coin? WEEDO Token ICO: Crypto Mining Heated Cannabis Plantation? Brain to Brain Token ICO (BTBT Token): Brain-Tech Blockchain? SleekPlay ICO (SKP Token): Blockchain Content Monetization? CFighters ICO (GOP Token): Blockchain Battle Video Game Coin? Age Of Dragons ICO (NGT Token): GameGene NEO Genesis Game? SIO Coin ICO: Silicon Dioxide Recycling Coal Ash Waste Blockchain? Nano Mining ICO (NANO Token): Safe Crypto Mining Service? Xsolus ICO (XSO Token): Blockchain Web & App Development? PyaPay ICO (PYP Token): Cryptocurrency Coin Analysis & Uses? DPLAY eSports (DPX Token): Blockchain Betting & Gaming? Doctor Smart ICO (DSTT Token): Healthcare Wellness Services? Sun Exchange ICO (SUNEX Token): Sun Exchange Insurance Fund (SPIF)? MarketLIST ICO (LIST Token): Private Blockchain Marketplace? MatchBX: AxPire’s Blockchain Job Marketplace For AXP Tokens? CryptoSecurities Exchange (SCX): Blockchain Currency Trading? Cryptons Game ICO (QST Token): Blockchain Collectibles Game? PayVX ICO (PVX Token): Cryptocurrency Escrow Payment Coin? WealthE Coin ICO (WRE Token): Real Estate Cryptocurrency? Krablr ICO (KrabCoin Token): Blockchain Crabs Cryptocurrency? Anubis ICO (ANB Token): Blockchain Malware Analysis Tool? BrikBit ICO: Blockchain Real Estate Digital Asset (REDA) Network? Licerio ICO (LCR Token): Blockchain Advertising Cryptocurrency? Surveychain ICO (SVC Token): Market Research Blockchain? Trust Funding Token ICO (TFC Coin): Crowdfunding Crypto? Stoxum ICO (STM Token): Decentralized Crypto Exchange System? Involve ICO (IQO Token): ICoin & IToken Blockchain Mobile Gaming App? Clear Shop Vision ICO (ORC Token): Order Coin Cryptocurrency? Fobscoin ICO (FOBS Token): Federal United Wireless Network? Walnut Ventures Token ICO: Leasing Property Blockchain? Caerus Connections ICO (CAER Token): Blockchain Job Hiring? Pixinch ICO (PIN Token): Decentralized Blockchain Art Market? WoodPellets ICO: Blockchain Wood Pellets Project & Eco Mining? Crypto iBet ICO: Social Crypto Token Trading Gaming Platform? NeuroMachine ICO (NRM Token): Blockchain Expert Analytical Manager? Rider ICO (RTN Token): Cryptocurrency Coin Research & Uses? ViValid ICO (VIV Token): Blockchain Proof Of Ownership Collectables? Advanced Miners ICO (ACH Token): 12nm ASIC Crypto Mining Chips? Pool of Stake ICO (PSK Token): Proof of Stake Blockchain Coin? Cetex Online: ICO Financial Analytics For Investment Profits? Cryptto (TTO Token): ATTO’s Cryptocurrency Trading Platform? ShowCoin ICO (SHC Token): Show Business Entertainment Crypto? Borneo ICO (BMG Coin): Island Investment Cryptocurrency? CryptFunder ICO (CFND Token): Decentralized Crypto Funding? Morgancoin ICO (MRC Token): Lend, Stake, Trade & Mine Crypto? Escrowblock ICO (ESCB Token): Ethereum Blockchain Escrow? VU Token ICO: Virtual Universe LivingVR Cryptocurrency Coin? Retail Global (RG Token): Ecommerce Cryptocurrency Blockchain? CyteCoin ICO (CTC Token): Blockchain VR & AR Advertising? Zaza Token ICO: Blockchain Social Network Business Platform? AISI Token ICO: Cryptocurrency Uses & Blockchain Coin Asset? World Crypto Lotto ICO (CLX Coin): Decentralized Lottery Token? ConcertVR ICO (CVT Token): Live Music Virtual Reality Blockchain? ClearAid ICO (CAID Token): Blockchain Charity & Donations? Playbunk ICO (BUNK Token): Blockchain Video Game Platform? Ethereum Anonymizer ICO (ATH Token): Anonymous Transactions? PreVUE Blockchain ICO (SDA Token): Digital Advertising Coin? Aimedis ICO (AIM Token): Blockchain AI Medical Health Coin? CloudFish ICO (CFH Token): Blockchain Cloud Security Coin? Exceedus Coin ICO (EXCE Token): Blockchain Grid Computing? Moocharoo ICO (MLH Token): Moolah Adventure Membership? Ouna Token ICO: Blockchain Employee Assessment & Recruitment? Trashdation ICO (TRH Token): Green Recycling Cryptocurrency? Undal Tech ICO (UPT Coin): Undal Prime Token Cryptocurrency? Ethereum Slot Machine ICO (EST Token): eSlots Blockchain Mobile Game? Zupply ICO (ZUP Token): Industrial Supply Blockchain Network? Pig World Coin ICO (PICO Token): Blockchain Online Casino? Krypton Mine ICO (KMT Token): Monthly Crypto Mining Profits? Radio ICO (RDO Token): Blockchain Broadcasting Platform? Pig World Coin ICO (PICO Token): Blockchain Online Casino? Krypton Mine ICO (KMT Token): Monthly Crypto Mining Profits? Radio ICO (RDO Token): Blockchain Broadcasting Platform? Stabilise ICO (SPC Token): Real Stable Cryptocurrency STB Coin? Banana Papa: Blockchain Cryptocurrency For Banana Chips? IP.Gold ICO (IPG Token): Profitable Internet Protocol Address? TrustLogics ICO (TLT Token): Verified & Secured Blockchain Data? Ivyn ICO: Cryptocurrency Coin Analysis & Blockchain Token Use? RAM Token ICO: ASIC Cryptocurrency Mining Farm Hardware? XGE Token ICO: What’s a Exchangeable Gram Equivalent Coin? Gamico ICO (GMC Token): eSports Gamers Cryptocurrency? GMT Coin ICO: Global Mobi Top Cryptocurrency Coin Rewards? DNAtix ICO (DNTX Coin): Blockchain Encrypted Genetics Apps? Exchain ICO (EXT Token): Blockchain Digital Advertising Coin? 100tokens ICO (OHC Token): One Hundred Coin Cryptocurrency? Buz.Ova Coin ICO (BUZ Token): Authors Cryptocurrency? Elysian ICO (ELY Token): Blockchain Ecommerce Cryptocurrency? GlowEther ICO (GTH Token): Cryptocurrency Coin Analysis? Vikky ICO (VIK Token): Blockchain Job Mining For Hiring & Earning? Aeternum ICO (ALF Token): Blockchain Intellectual Property Coin System? Ether Meta ICO (ETHM Token): Untraceable Crypto Payments? SuccessLife ICO (SLT Token): Educational Payment Blockchain? HashCard ICO (HSHC Token): Crypto to Fiat Credit/Debit Card? Kryptonium ICO (KRYP Token): Privacy Cryptocurrency Coin? Afeli Coin ICO (AEI Token): Crypto Analysis & Blockchain Uses? CargoChain Solutions ICO (TICS Token): Blockchain Transport Logistics? Bits Diamond ICO (BITSD Coin): Crypto & Blockchain Analysis? FIXY Network ICO (FXY Token): Crypto Gift Card Exchange? ZenVow ICO (ZVC Token): Blockchain Breathing, Meditation & Yoga Rewards? Wemark ICO (WMK Token): Blockchain Stock Photography Marketplace? BrainerZ ICO (BRNZ Token): Blockchain Social Games Playground? Elad ICO: Equity Ledger Assets Decentralized Network Token? Global Survey ICO (SRT Coin): SurveyToken Cryptocurrency? AbotCoin ICO (ABOT Token): Ecommerce Crypto Payments? BiNeuro ICO (BNR Token): Blockchain Google Adwords PPC Advertising? Guarium ICO (GUAR Token): Blockchain Ecommerce Sales Automation? OnePlus PeiCoin Cryptocurrency Review: Joke Token From Carl Pei? Delphi Technologies Coin ICO (DTT Token): Smart Car Wallet? Railz ICO (RLZ Token): Blockchain Machine & Robot IoT Device Protocol? HumanixR ICO (HNX Token): Blockchain Human Interaction Rewards? Crystal Reign ICO (CRS Token): ETH-Blockchain MMO Game? Yolo Exchange ICO (YLX Token) Review: MetaMorph.pro Crypto App? Burgerdock Token ICO (BDT Token): Fast Food Restaurant Coin? Playtness ICO (PT Token): Fitness Rewarding Cryptocurrency? Blockchain Traded Funds ICO (BTF Token): Investment Club? JioCoin ICO (JIO Token): Blockchain Mobile Telecom Crypto Network? Nodelancer ICO (RDI Token): Blockchain Micro-Job Freelancing? Petsource ICO (PTS Token): Blockchain Pet Registry Data Coin? Red Pill Coin ICO (RPIL Token): Legit Mobile Cryptocurrency? Global Shrimp Coin ICO (GSD Token): Blockchain Food Farming? XRT Cryptocurrency Token ICO: Blockchain Food Foundation? 22xFund ICO (22x Token): Venture Capital & Angel Investors Coin? H2SOL ICO (H2PWR Token): Hydro Solar Energy Crypto Mining? TransCrypt ICO (TSR Token): Decentralized Blockchain Payments? TwinToken ICO (XTW Coin): Blockchain AI Healthcare Crypto? Whyral ICO (WRL Token): Viral Social Influencers & Brands Coin? Aramco Coin ICO (ARM Token): Blockchain Crude Oil Trading? IQB ICO: Intelligence Quotient Benefit Chain IQB-C Crypto? PEBLIK ICO: Natural Mineral-Backed Cryptocurrency Token? TBitBot (TBT Token): T-BOT Micropayment Cryptocurrency Token? Monoreto ICO (MNR Token): Blockchain Social Network Coin? Omnitude ICO (ECOM Token) Review: eCommerce Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Inpactor ICO (CSR Token): Humanitarian Cryptocurrency Coin? Coinweb ICO (XCO Token): Multichain Crypto Token Wallet Address? Presiam ICO (PSRM Token): Blockchain Social Networking App? NTOK ICO: Blockchain Educational Learning Crypto Token? Bonkers.io ICO (BNKR Token): Safe Crypto Gambling & Casino? GlobeToken Project ICO (GLO Token): Crypto Reward Points? ZeCash ICO (ZCH Token): Next Cryptocurrency Digital Solutions? HUYUcoin ICO (HUYU Token): Blockchain Ancestry Family Tree? Nezly ICO (NEZ Token): Blockchain Cannabis Dispensary App? Punta Cana Trading ICO (PCT Token): Latin America Crypto Exchange? Workchain ICO (WCH Token): Blockchain Freelance Workforce? GHM ICO: Grun Haus Maschinen Pure Organic Agro Tech Appliances? Karmashares KarmaCoin: Worthy Cryptocurrency Token? NCrypto ICO (NCR Token): Crypto Asset Blockchain Network? New Royals ICO (NRG Token): Luxury Digital Crypto Club Coin? OTOL Token ICO: Internet of Actions & Goodomy Cryptocurrency? Uunio Token ICO: UNIFUL Coin For Social Media Marketplace? VIREO Token ICO: Smart Green Blockchain Economy Solution? CorruptionCoin ICO (CRTC Token): Most Popular Cryptocurrency? 1KCoin ICO (1KCoin Token): Private Crypto Club Crowdfunding? Equadex ICO (EDEX Token): Cryptocurrency Investor Index Fund? YouToken ICO (YTN Token): Blockchain Human Intelligence Coin? Quarteria ICO (XQT Token): NEO Blockchain Real Estate Coin? Posya Token ICO: Proof of Stake Energy Efficient Crypto Coin? CAR Project Token ICO: Luxury Cars Blockchain Marketplace? Jointly ICO (JPT Token): Blockchain Group Investment Platform? Exaking ICO (EXA Token): Crypto Exchange & Social Network? Smart Little Machine ICO (LMS Token): Adult Content Web System? Nuvus ICO (GETX Token): Cannabis Hemp Blockchain Exchange? BlockBits ICO (BBX Token): Decentralized Investment Blockchain? Drivero ICO (DRV Token): Blockchain Car Sharing Platform App? India Stocks Coin ICO (INSC Token): Equities & Stock Investing? EcoStart ICO (ECT Token): TerraEcocoin (TECO) Cryptocurrency? InsCoin ICO (INSC Token): Knox Project Cryptocurrency Coin? NutrioCoin ICO (NTRC Token): Fitness, Nutrition & Health Crypto Coin? Vendoreum Cryptocurrency ICO (VENDO Token): Store & Service Payments? Union ICO (UNI Token): Collective Crypto Lending & Savings Investment? Ryfts ICO (RFT Token): Blockchain Raffle Gambling & Betting Coin? Mandala ICO (MDX Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency Exchange? QuarkChain ICO (QKC Token): High Capacity Blockchain System? ZetoChain ICO (ZETO Token): Blockchain Food-Safety Project? Forever Has Fallen ICO: FC Coin (Forever Coin) Cryptocurrency? NuMoney Exchange ICO (NMX Token): Local Currency Trading? Onstellar ICO (ONST Token): Blockchain Social Media Rewards? CryptoGaule ICO (CGL Coin): Litecoin Fork Blockchain Token? ROSCAcoin ICO (RCA Token): Rotating & Saving Credit Associations? Lyves ICO (LYV Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency Payment App? CroByte ICO (CRO Token): Secure Mobile Cryptocurrency Wallet? MONVID ICO (MVID Token): Blockchain Proxied Video Streaming? AXenS ICO (AXS Token): Blockchain Supply Chain Finance Trading? Africunia Bank ICO (AFCASH Token): African Crowdfunded Bank? Safe.ad ICO (SAFE Token): Encrypted Email File Storage Mail Coin? Uprightly ICO (UPT Token): Decentralized Reputation Blockchain? SuperStock ICO: Blockchain Applications For Small Businesses? Valena ICO (SVC Token): Is The SVCoin Cryptocurrency Legit? DapCoin ICO: Best Decentralized Blockchain Applications Store? eUAH Token ICO: Ukraine’s Electronic Hryvnia Cryptocurrency? All Public Art ICO (APA Token): Blockchain Art Trading Market? Leonardian ICO (LEON Token): Digital Assets & Services Marketplace? NWP Solution ICO (NWP Token): Blockchain Healthcare Network? Invictus Capital Titan: Professional Invictus Capital Titan? B.Sure ICO (BST Token): Crypto Asset Insurance Protection? Productivist ICO (PROD Token): Smart Blockchain Manufacturing? All Me ICO (ME Token): Social Cryptocurrency Trading Network? CryptoGlobal ICO (CGXX Token): P2P Cryptocurrency Exchange? ethPoker ICO (EPX Token): Live P2P Blockchain Poker Games? EIP Platform ICO (EMP Token): eSports Interactive Blockchain? Asia Coin Market: Reliable Cryptocurrency Investing Platform? AntiDepress Project ICO (ANDT Token): Real Crypto Coin Use? Viva ICO (VIVA Token): Home Loan Financing Blockchain Network? Kasko2Go ICO (K2G Token): Blockchain Motor Insurance Coin? Helex ICO (HLX Token): Luxury Blockchain Token Creation? LifeTask ICO (JIBS Token): Human Potential Cryptocurrency Coin? United Crypto Mining Group ICO (UCMG Token): Legit Coin? IdomCoin ICO (IDOM Token): Trade & Exchange Cryptocurrency? Alchemint ICO (SDT Token): StableCoin Cryptocurrency System? Gmine ICO (GNM Token): Crypto Mining Hardware Hosting? WavesGo: Official Waves Blockchain Explorer For Tokens? Investa ICO (INV Token): Cryptocurrency Investing & Banking? Coupit ICO (COUP Token): NEO Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Blackfolio ICO (BLACK Token) Review: Social Crytpo Trading Blockchain? Kelta ICO (KLT Token): Crypto Mining Farm Data Center Coin? Rise Housing ICO (RSE Token): Crypto Real Estate Funding? Allvor ICO (ALV Token): XRP Ledger E-Commerce Cryptocurrency? Rate ICO (STR Token): Trusted Initial Coin Offering Rankings? Tradelize ICO (TDZ Token): Cryptocurrency Trading For Investors? Vaynix ICO (VNX Token): Quality Cryptocurrency & Wallet? Blockchain Technology Foundation (BCTF Token): Worthy ICO? UEC ICO (United Energy Coin): BlockChain Photovoltaic Assets? Emotiq ICO (EMTQ Token): Smart Contract Blcokchain Platform? BitUN ICO (BUC Token): Private Blockchain Crypto Asset Bank? DataVLT ICO (DVT Token): Blockchain Data Analytics Crypto Coin? Vernam ICO (VRN Token): Blockchain Insurance Cryptocurrency? Linda Healthcare ICO (LNDA Token): Virtual Medical Assistant? Emyron Coin ICO (EMY Token): Lend, Stake, Trade & Mine Crypto? Big Bitcoin (BBC Token): BTC Hard Forked Cryptocurrency Coin? Entry ICO: Cryptocurrency Money Token For People’s Banking? CryptoNationZ ICO (CNZ Token): Blockchain Real Estate Coin? Xsearch ICO (XSE Token): Blockchain Research Engine System? Nimses Coin ICO (NIM Token): Blockchain That Pays Crypto For Living? FolmCoin ICO: Open Source Decentralized Masternode Token? Cryptagio ICO (CPG Token): Crypto Exchange & Bitcoin Trading? Papereum ICO (PPRM Token): Blockchain CryptoCollectible Art? Suite Autonomy ICO (RICO Token): ETH Trading Escrow Platform? HUB Token ICO: Human Trust Protocol Blockchain Reputation Data? Arqute ICO (AGAS Token): Quality Blockchain Animation Studio? BlockFollow ICO (BFN Token): Social Crypto Community Service? Lightning Crypto ICO (LNC Token): Fast Crypto Spot Trading? SelfieYo Gold Token ICO (SGT Coin): Crypto Social Network? Greek Food Corridors ICO (GFC Token): Greece’s Food Auction? SpotCoin ICO: NEO Crypto Exchange, OTC Trading & Payments? Crypto Cashback Rebate ICO (CCR Token): Earn Trading Rewards? CryptoPolice ICO (OFCR Token): Blockchain Commmuity OfficerCoin? IQuiCoin ICO (IQI Token): Blockchain Cloud Storage Service? KeepSafePay ICO (KSP Token): Cryptocurrency Gambling Coin? MyBtcFx ICO: One Crypto Economy’s 4xBit Cryptocurrency Coin? NyronChain ICO (NYR Token): China’s Blockchain IoT For Cities? Raptor ICO (RTR Token): Monthly Dividends Paid In Ethereum? Autoria (AUT) Cryptocurrency Coin: What Is Autorium Token? Creator.AI ICO (CR8 Token): Content Creation Blockchain Service? Evident Proof ICO (EVP Token): Blockchain Data Verification Proof Services? Peur ICO (PURC Token): Blockchain Marketplace Cryptocurrency? Deconet ICO (DCO Token): Blockchain Software Code Marketplace? NickelCoin ICO (NKL Token): Blockchain Customer Loyalty Rewards? Superium ICO (SUM Token): Play, Win & Earn Video Game Coin? Bitimage ICO (BIM Token): Blockchain Media Marketplace App? Tiberius Coin ICO: Physical Metal-Backed Cryptocurrency Token? EHO Token ICO: Smart Textiles Company & Horse Saddle-Pads? HorseCoin ICO (HC Token): Crypto Coin & Blockchain Analysis? All Of Art ICO (AllOfArt Token): Artwork Blockchain For Artists? Coinquiztador ICO (CQR Token): Blockchain Knowledge Game? Avaqva ICO (AVQ Token): Healthy Functional Water Benefits? B2AND ICO (B2C Token): Decentralized Viral Marketing Coin? CoinOil ICO (COIL Token): Cryptocurrency Backed By Oil Reserves? Solomonstouch ICO (MIL Token): Blockchain Donation Coin? Monanex ICO (MNX Token): Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? Banano Coin ICO: Banana-Themed Cryptocurrency Meme Token? RusGas ICO (RGS Token): Russia’s Blockchain Coin For Gas & Fuel? TINK Token ICO: Blockchain Human Social Platform Network? Higher ICO (HGR Token): Blockchain Cannabis Delivery Coin? Crypto Galaxy ICO (GALA Token): Virtual Blockchain Universe Gme? Bunz BTZ Cryptocurrency Coin: ICO Token Details & Use Cases? Taylor ICO (TAY Token): Smart Cryptocurrency Trading App? BINEX.TRADE ICO (BEX Token): Cryptocurrency Coin Exchange? WeiCrowd ICO (WEIS Token): WeiX Coin Exchange Marketplace? Marcelo ICO (MRL Token): Smart Ethereum Crypto Mining? SapphireCoin ICO (SPH Token): Jackpot Game Cryptocurrency? Ardent ICO (AUN Token): Crowdfunded Blockchain Esports Coin? BitPenta ICO (PENTA Token): Smart Bitcoin Investment Plans? Nami.Trade ICO (NAC Token): Blockchain Forex Trading Coin? BiteCoin Network ICO (BITE Token): Blockchain Food Delivery? CryptoScene ICO (CTS Token): Professional Crypto Traders? Bundle Network ICO (BND Token): Multi-Crypto Trading Exchanges? Checkitsreal ICO (CIR Token): Blockchain Counterfeit Medication? CoinTour ICO (COT Token): Blockchain Tourism & Travel Coin? Luckchemy ICO (LUK Token): Fair Online Gambling Blockchain? Nuka ICO (NKT Token): Legit Cryptocurrency With Real Cause? Stargram Coin ICO (SGC Token): Secure Global Crypto Exchange? PrimeStar ICO (PRC Token): Hollywood Movie Crowd-Investing? Decibel ICO (DCBL Token): Secure Blockchain Media Exchange? Crypto Fitness Club ICO (GYM Token): Social Media Exercising? Cryptonia Poker ICO (CPC Token): Fair Online Gaming Platform? Deflationcoin ICO (DFX Token): Waves Blockchain Cryptocurrency? Noscam Token ICO (NSC Token): Trustworthy Alt Crypto Coin? Sentigraph ICO (EMOT Token): Emotional Volatility Prediction? SHOP Token ICO: Online Retail Shopping Cryptocurrency Coin? Worbli ICO (WBI Token): World Blockchain Initiative Platform? Liger ICO (LIC Coin): Blockchain Sports Betting Online Casino? Crudecoin ICO (WCC Token): Wellsite’s Oil & Gas Drilling Blockchain? INTRO ICO (ITR Token): Blockchain Apartment Real Estate Coin? Pallium ICO (PLMT Token): Crypto Coin Analysis & Outlook? Orozu ICO (ORO Token): Real Blockchain Crypto Lending Coin? Whalesburg ICO (WBT Token): Cryptocurrency Mining Platform? Citereum ICO (CTR Token): Crypto Coin Of City Staking & Lending APO ICO: Advanced Parimutuel Options Betting Derivatives? JoshuaCoin ICO (JSHCN Token): Jspace Cryptocurrency Coin? SME Banking Platform ICO (SME Token): Small & Medium Enterprise Blockchain? NewCurr ICO (Pallas-Athena Token): Promising Cryptocurrency Coin? Rocati ICO (RCT Token): Buy Real Estate Property With Crypto? SwissRealCoin ICO (SRC Token): Switzerland Real Estate Crypto? I Am A Coin (IAMA Token): Blockchain Cryptocurrency Art Project? FireToken ICO (FPWR Coin): Crypto Investing Community Votes? Tip Blockchain ICO (TIP Token): Crypto Wallet & Messaging App? AllStocks ICO (AST Token): Global Stock Exchange Network? BitFence ICO (HNY Token): Blockchain Hacker Threat Intelligence? Jimat Coin ICO (JMT Token): Ecommerce Cryptocurrency Analysis? Hazeian ICO (HZN Token): Decentralized Crypto Trading Exchange? Siglo Token ICO: Digital Blockchain Finance Cryptocurrency? BizShake ICO (BZS Token): P2P Blockchain Renting & Pawning? Epiphany ICO (EPNEX Token): Blockchain Trading Exchange Market? HashMonster ICO (HMC Token): Verifiable Bitcoin Cloud Mining? Xatra Coin ICO (XTR Token): Cryptocurrency Analysis & Blockchain Use? 8th Continent Social Marketplace ICO (ECB Crypto Token) HashBux ICO (HASH Token): Blockchain Gaming Cryptocurrency? RinggCoin ICO (RINGG Token): Another Cryptocurrency Gone? CubeBucks ICO (QBX Token): Quality Cryptocurrency Coin Uses? MarketCash ICO (MKT Token): Brazilian Payment Gateway & Exchange? Leap With Alice ICO (ALICE Token): Blockchain Education Tools? Tobigca ICO (TOC Token): Blockchain Social Casino Platform? Pointium ICO (PNT Token): Blockchain Loyalty Points Program? BSBCoin ICO (BSB Coin): Cryptocurrency Lending & Trading? Saascoin ICO (SAAS Coin): Software As A Service Payment Gateway? Shih Tzu ICO (SHT Coin): PoOP Asset Tokenization Or April Fools? Odyfund ICO (ODY Token): Blockchain Fundraising Odytokens? EtherPayToken ICO (EPT Token): Easy Ethereum Crypto Payments? Sheikh Coin ICO (SHK Token): Luxury Car Rentals In Dubai? AX1 ICO: Capital Appreciation Mining Token Cryptocurrency? eXer VIP Club Review: Earn Profits From Cryptocurrency Mining MLM? World Bit Bank ICO (WBB Token): Legal Crypto Bank & Wibcoin? Moneda ICO (MND Token): Mobile Crypto Investment App? BeLotto ICO (BEL Token): Honest Decentralized Lottery Blockchain? Drgnfly ICO (DFLY Token): Direct Cannabis To Consumers Project? Gese ICO (GSE Token): Counterfeit Alcohol Protection Blockchain? Bountie ICO (BNE Token): Get Paid Cryptocurrency To Play Games Coin? Datareum ICO (DTN Token): Blockchain Data Marketplace Coin? BitEsprit ICO (BEC Token): All-In-One Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange? CryptoPicture: Decentralized Crypto Ad Space Placement? ALLN ICO: Airline and Life Networking Token Cryptocurrency? Syntera ICO (SSC Coin): Decentralized Sharing Coin Blockchain? TokenGen: Easy To Use Smart Contract Cryptocurrency Creator? OYO Smart Coin ICO (OSC Coin): Cryptocurrency Token Analysis? Altindex ICO (ADEX Token): Automated Crypto Index Funds? NagriCoin ICO (NGR Token): Smart Organic Fertilizer Blockchain? Kinguin ICO (Krown Token): Online Blockchain Marketplace? Tonestra ICO (TNR Token): Biometric Healthcare Blockchain? Super Ethereum ICO (STH Token): Decentralized Trading Exchange? Libra Credit ICO (LBA Token): Crypto Blockchain Lending? Equitybase ICO (BASE Token): Blockchain Crypto Asset Investing? BHOM ICO (BHM Token): Blockchain Home Investment DApp? PrivacyStake ICO: PIVS Token Anonymous Staking Platform & Casino? Nexusless ICO (NXLS Token): Earn Crypto For Content Delivery? Cardium ICO (CAD Token): Cardio Activity Cryptocurrency? Eniac Network ICO: ENC Token Facial Recognition Blockchain Data? VirUS ICO (VIS Token): Aggressive Token Sale Cryptocurrency? Liberdy (LIB Token): Blockchain Data Trading Network Rewards? SpaceKim ICO: KIM Token Fake North Korean Space Program Project? ALFA ICO: Crowdfunding, Lending, & Saving Crypto Market? Potion Owl ICO: PTN Token Digital Healthcare Services Ecosystem? AnimeCoin ICO (ANIM Token): Decentralized Crypto Market? Thorentium ICO (XTRT Token): Earn Bitcoin From Cloud Mining? BitRadio (BRO Token): Web Radio Earns Crypto For Listening To Music? COTI ICO (XTC Token): Cryptocurrency Blockchain Payments? Zeex ICO (ZIX Token): No Fee Online Shopping Cryptocurrency? Coinnup Coin ICO (CU Token): FinTech Ecommerce Cryptocurrency? BidiPass ICO: BDP Token BidiKey Digital Identity Authentication? AliCoin ICO (ALI Token): AligatoCoin Ecommerce Cryptocurrency? Mobilink Coin ICO (MOBL Token): Earn Crypto From Mobile Phone? Casper API ICO (CST Token): Decentralized Blockchain Storage? AntiqMall ICO (AMT Token): Antique Blockchain Marketplace? Safcur ICO (SFR Token): Crypto Coin Analysis & Blockchain Uses? Decentralend ICO (DLD Token): Decentralized Crypto Lending? W12 Token ICO: Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Marketplace? Smart Startup Token ICO (SMRT Token): Blockchain Contract Templates? Minery ICO (MNRY Token): Turnkey Eco Russian Mining Solution? TradeFinex: Smart Blockchain Payments & Contracts Network? Ebanker ICO (EBC Token): Crypto Staking & Lending Exchange? VenVici: GToken Incentivized Affiliate Marketing Cryptocurrency?—- 原文链接:https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/__trashed-14/ 原文作者:Ben Jordan 编译者/作者:wanbizu AI 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-02-28 wanbizu AI 来源:bitcoinexchangeguide.com
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