主题:多资产流转中枢,FUT的区块链金融梦 导语:一个传统金融从业人士是什么机缘巧合投入到区块链创业大军中,都说区块链最先落地的领域必定是金融行业,到底它将如何颠覆传统金融,FuturesToken又有什么样的杀手锏能助自己能在一众区块链金融项目中杀出一条血路?4月8日晚七点半,FUT全球执行官James Sinclair做客Beep币扑线上社群AMA节目——Plan B和你分享FUT如何成为多资产流转中枢。以下是AMA问答精简。 Q:How do you know bitcoin/blockchain in the first place and decide to get in this business? 问:请问您最初是怎么了解到比特币/区块链,并最终决定加入这个领域的? A:I worked for the top 3 banks in Singapore over a period of 10 years specializing in finance and government relations. In 2013 I began investing in bitcoin. I was attracted by the technology and it paid off financially. Later I decided to work in this industry, because I saw a good future in it and, most importantly I found my perfect partner and team. 答:我之前是在新加坡排名前三的银行任职,在金融和政府关系方面有超过10年的工作经验。自从2013年我开始投资比特币以来,我就被这项技术本身深深吸引,并惊奇地发现它在经济上给了我回报,这就是我如何进入比特币。但是当我最终决定真正进入这个行业是因为我找到了完美的合作伙伴和团队,我觉得是时候了。 Q:What’s Futurestoken?why would you choose this direction? 问:什么是Futurestoken?你为 什么要选择这个赛道? A:Futurestoken is a global, decentralized, financial asset exchange token based on a mature public blockchain - namely, “Tokenstring.” It not only circulates within the Tokenstring ecosystem, but also gets other assets involved, with FUT tokens, expending the infinite extension of the mainchain and building a complete financial blockchain ecology. 答:Futurestoken是一种基于公链Tokenstring(拓客链)的全球去中心化金融资产结算通证。它不仅在Tokenstring自有生态系统中循环,还引入本生态以外的资产,从而构建起主链资产维度的无限延伸,构建起完整的区块链金融生态。 A:We chose to focus on blockchain finance mainly, because of my background in banking. To be honest, it’s kind of hard to transform from a banker to a bitcoiner. Furthermore, cross-border transactions take more time and it costs more to complete the transactions when using a centralized, traditional banking system. 答:我选择区块链金融这个方向还是跟我过去的从业经验有关,说实在的,从一个银行从业者,变成一个比特币信仰者还是挺难的(因为有固有思维在),但是一旦深入了解了之后,你的体会也会更加深刻。在跨境金融方面,传统金融的银行体系是中心化的,并且金融机构间的跨境结算和跨境汇款中间环节比较多,你会发现其实导致到账时间长且费用比较高。 A:In terms of asset management, assets such as stocks, funds, bonds and bills are mainly entrusted and managed by third-party intermediaries, with complex asset management processes, high transaction costs, and the risk of tampering and fraud. 资产管理方面,目前主要由第三方中介机构对股票、基金、债券、票据等资产进行委托管理,这其中就会遇到流程复杂,交易成本高,同时还有交易凭证被篡改及造假的风险。 In terms of identification, since “user data” between financial institutions cannot be shared, the user’s identity needs to be repeatedly authenticated. This not only increases the cost, but also leads to the problem of “user identity disclosure.” It also becomes more and more complex, if it concerns cross border identification. 在用户身份认证方面,由于金融机构之间的用户数据是不互通的,对于用户而言,需要在不同机构之间反复认证身份,不仅增加了成本,同时还会带来用户身份被泄露的问题。这方面的话,如果涉及跨国身份认证的话,会更加复杂。 In terms of digital assets, with the continuous development of blockchain technology, a variety of digital assets have emerged. However, different blockchain systems are not inter-operable. They are independent from each other, which limits the circulation and adoption of digital assets. That’s why we started Futurestoken. 在数字资产方面,随着区块链技术的不断发展,诞生了各种数字资产,然而不同区块链系统之间不互通、形成了各个数据孤岛,限制了数字资产的流通与落地。 这就是为什么我们要开始打造Futurestoken。 Q:3.What’s the uniques of Futurestoken and how does it work? 问:Futurestoken的特色是什么?整个设计框架是怎么样的呢? A:Futurestoken is a global, decentralized financial asset exchange token. It’s based on a mature public blockchain - namely “Tokenstring.” It not only circulates within the Tokenstring ecosystem, but also gets other assets involved with FUT tokens expending the infinite extension of the mainchain and building a complete blockchain financial ecology. 答:FUT致力于一种开放式的外生态价值流转模型,在以Tokenstring主链生态为基础上,再引入本生态以外的资产,从而构建起内外价值流通赋能的多维价值矩阵网,完成主链资产维度的无限延伸,构建起完整的区块链金融生态。 A:Our foundation is registered in Singapore. I have spent over 8 years in Singapore and 2 years in China. The Tokenstring and FUT community have a solid foundation in China, but we aim to create an environment of compliance and we can see this resulting in a global revolution! 答:我们的基金会注册在新加坡,我本人在新加坡工作了8年多,在中国工作了2年。我们希望 为项目创造一个合规和合法的环境。虽然Tokenstring和FUT社区在中国有坚实的基础,但我们希望这是一场全球革命。 As aglobal, decentralized financial asset exchange token, cross-chain is very important.We have introducedinFUT a federal, across-chain mechanism. FUT is made up of federal members ofagroup of trusted nodes, within thestructure of a Byzantine fault tolerance, which can validate transactions from the mainchain of the Tokenstringand exchange FUT with other assets. 答:FUT作为开放性金融结算通证,跨链是非常重要的一环。而其中的实现是由FUT联邦节点 成员组成一组可信任节点,见证人之间采用拜占庭容错结构,信任节点可以验证来自Tokenstring主链的交易信息,并且完成资产兑换。 Q:Why would you choose to build on Tokenstring rather than build your own public chain? 问:为什么会选择在Tokenstring上建立生态,而不是自己建一条公链呢? A:It’s better to build on something that works, rather than to make something new. We have been connected with Tokenstring’s team since 2017. Rome and I are also good friends and share same vision for both Tokenstring and Futurestoken. 答:公链不是越多越好,而是越强越好。我在2017年的时候就和Tokenstring团队建立了良好的 合作关系,我和Rome(Tokenstring创始人)也是很好的朋友,在区块链很多观念上我们都有共同的愿景。 A:Tokenstring was built in 2017and has progressed steadily. Now it has over 1 million users, as well as being adopted by social media platforms and companies, such as Paper Airplane, asset custody wallets, such as DBK wallet, as well as the decentralized exchange, computing power sharing platform TOK mining pool, and so on. We believe with the prosperity of the mainchain, Futurestoken can actually combine finance and blockchain together and go to the next level. 答:Tokenstring成立于2017年,随着稳定发展,目前生态用户已经突破100万,并且有着实际应 用落地包括:去中心化社交媒体—纸飞机,资产管理钱包--DBK钱包,去中心化交易所,云 算力挖矿平台--TOK矿池等等,我们相信成熟主链的赋能,能够让Futurestoken将区块链金融 上升到新的高度。 Q:Public chains or any other forms of appliactions, it seems really hard to take real effect. How does FUT stand out? 问:现在不管是公链也好应用也好层出不穷,但是价值貌似都很难有所突破,FUT能够怎么样出挑呢? A:The design is a key factor. We have an interesting design. All of the FUT tokens are backed by TOK. As we all know, this is already a mature ecosystem with over 1 million users. This means that the value of FUT is solid and secure. We have also introduced a ‘destroyed mechanism,’ which will maintain and also boost the value of FUT. 答:关于这部分,我们确实有一个有趣的设计。所有的FUT实际上都是由TOK矿池币作为对标和保值的。我们知道,TOK现在已经是一个拥有100多万用户的成熟生态系统。通过这种机制设计,FUT的价值是可靠和安全的。除此之外,我们还引入了一种可以维持和提高FUT价值的销毁机制。(这个后面还会再介绍) Q:How does FUT work in Tokenstring ecosystem? And is there more information about its token distribution? 问:FUT在Tokenstring生态中起到什么样的作用?它的数量和分配情况如何? A:FUT is mainly designed to satisfying two functions: To work with various asset exchange tokens and to enrich the Tokenstring ecosystem, in addition to the function of credit leverage. On the one hand, FUT can be involved in all of the Tokenstring ecology including global mining pools, games and rough stone gambling. On the other hand, the exchange of FUT and external assets also introduces new liquidity to the Tokenstring ecology itself. The total amount of FUT is 950,000,000 of which 750,000 are issued publicly and 250,000,000 are released every year. Upon completion of the release, in three years, all released FUTs can be converted into ecological currency, this is the ‘TOK’ of the Tokenstring global mining pool. The amazing part is destruction mechanism! 50% of FUTs will be destroyed when they converts TOK. The remaining 200,000,000 is mainly used for project construction, which is divided into teams accounting for 5.3% with the Futurestoken foundation accounting for 5.3%, Technology enabling 3.1%, Ecological Construction 3.1% and community 4.2%. 答:FUT存在的目的是为了满足两个主要的网络功能——多资产转换媒介和丰富Tokenstring生 态激励的可行性,此外还满足信用杠杆的业务功能。一方面Tokenstring生态内部的应用FUT都可以参与,包括全球矿池,游戏,原石竞猜,另一方面FUT和外部资产的兑换也给Tokenstring生态本身引入了新的流动性。 FUT总量9.5亿,其中公众发行7.5亿,每年释放2.5亿,三年释放完毕,所有释放的FUT均可 兑换成Tokenstring全球矿池的生态币TOK,在此我们引入销毁机制,所有FUT兑换成TOK 之后,FUT都会被销毁,总共销毁上限为50%。余下2亿主要用于项目建设,分别分为团队 占比5.3%,Futurestoken基金会占比5.3%,技术赋能3.1%,生态建设为3.1%,社区为4.2%。 Q:What’s the plan for Futurestoken in 2020? 问:Futurestoken2020年的计划可否分享一下? A:In 2020 we are devoted to first building 12 global super nodes communities, 7 for China, and one each for Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Europe separately. We will begin with Chinese market from April - August and start building our overseas market in July. 答:我们2020年的路线规划,首先我们打算建立12个全球超级节点社区,中国7个,日本/韩国/马来西亚/新加坡/欧洲各一个,中国社区我们计划在4~8月之间进行建设,海外社区在7月 开始布局,每月计划布局一个国家。 Q:Why would you guys start from China in terms of community operation? 问:为什么市场要先选择从中国开始? A:As I mentioned earlier, Tokenstring has a very solid community in China. China is a very special case, because it not only enjoys the largest population in the world, it also has the largest number of people participating in the blockchain area, and it has the best blockchain ecosystem and supply chains. 答:正如我前面提到的,我们的主链Tokenstring的中国社区特别扎实。中国是一个非常特殊的 国家,它不仅是世界上人又最多的国家,也是参与区块链地区人数最多的国家,拥有最好 的区块链生态系统和供应链。我们希望我们的额社区能够在这里启航。 问:目前已经有些取得进展的合作?用户可以怎么参与一起构建项目生态呢? A:In addition to the cooperation with Tokenstring, the Futurestoken Foundation has obtained strategic support from many famous investment institutions and reached strategic cooperation with the Asian Pacific Blockchain Foundation. This has created a solid foundation for Futurestoken to embrace the financial direction of Blockchain. At present, users can participate in a variety of forms. If you are interested, you can learn about the “super node community campaign” that we are currently carrying out to build the FUT ecology. 答:除了主链Tokenstring的合作,Futurestoken基金会已获得全球多家著名投资机构的战略支 持,并与新加坡亚太区块链基金会(Asian Pacific Blockchain Foundation)达成战略合作,为Futurestoken在区块链金融方向的探索打下坚实基础。 用户目前可参与的形式也是多种多样,如果有兴趣的有实力的可以了解一下我们目前正在 推行的超级节点计划,一起来构建FUT生态。 本文来源:Beep币博 —- 编译者/作者:Beep币博 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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