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2020-05-17 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络





In the bitcoin pass system, when we download and use the blockchain software, we don't need to know each other's identities, and the identification and authentication layers are separate from the transaction layers, such as in the bitcoin payment process, a pays B 1BTC, a broadcasts the whole network, in the process, the identities of both parties need not be involved, what the bitcoin network does is confirm that a does control the batch of bitcoins, and after a has approved the transaction, after a party information and B associated with the address, for this 1BTC control issues, transactions, the network will automatically identify. The same payment model is very different for credit cards: Identity is the absolute central point of a credit card transaction, and both parties need to confirm each other's information, with the consequence that there is a risk of a database breach, the most basic infrastructure assets are not effectively protected, and as long as there is a transaction there is a risk of theft. When digital assets on the blockchain are traded, we can maintain a certain level of anonymity, with so much of our personal data in our hands, we can choose the environment in which we trade, or the level of privacy that we have, so that we can better manage our identity, at the moment many companies are using third party managed storage for data, but the storage of data is so critical to their operations that once lost it is almost impossible to recover, so they have to use public-key infrastructure, consumers have access to their own data.

Just as anyone can join the Internet to get IP addresses, the blockchain platform offers relatively flexible options and forms of anonymous authentication to send and receive packets freely around the world, the network itself emphasizes more non coercive authentication, where anyone in the public chain can browse the network and the user can operate anonymously if we want to know who the public key holder is, we have to triangulate a large number of accounts, but anyone can have multiple public keys, just as they can have more network access points, and the bitcoin network emphasizes more transparency in any transaction, full transparency brings new capabilities, and in the process of building trust, personal privacy or personal initiative seems to be more active. Bottom line: Satoshi Nakamoto's bitcoin pass is a breakthrough in authentication and transactions, a new kind of transaction concept, and we believe that future users will place greater value on their privacy.


